Program the control the fischertechnik robo interface or intelligent interface via tcp socket or via a java gui.
- Committer:
- networker
- Date:
- 2010-12-31
- Revision:
- 0:7f26f0680202
- Child:
- 1:2c9d412ad471
File content as of revision 0:7f26f0680202:
#include "mbed.h" #include "EthernetNetIf.h" #include "HTTPServer.h" #include "myconfig.h" #define MBED #include "ft.h" #include "ftlib.h" #include "ftserver.h" #include "debug.h" #include "msgSerial.h" /**************************************************** * pin configuration for ft test board * * 5 mosi for external SD card pin3 pin2=3.3V pin1=GND * 6 miso for external SD card pin4 * 7 sck for external SD card pin5 * 11 cs for external SD card pin6 * * 8 dir for RS485 * 9 TX for RS485/TTL/RS232(D) (COM1) * 10 RX for RS485/TTL/RS232(D) * * 13 TX for RS232/MIDI (COM2) * 14 RX for RS232/MIDI * * 12 spare6 * 15 spare5 * 16 spare4 * 17 spare3 * 18 spare2 (spare1 is GND) * * 19 analog1 (analog3 is +3.3V) * 20 analog2 (analog4 is GND) * * 21 motor en3-4 * 22 motor 3 * 23 motor 4 * 24 motor 2 * 25 motor 1 * 26 motor en1-2 * * 27 SCL * 28 SDA * * 29 yellow LED on MAGJACK * 30 green LED on MAGJACK *****************************************************/ //#define FIO1PIN (*(unsigned long*)0x2009C034UL) #define FIO1PIN (LPC_GPIO1->FIOPIN) #define HWID 1 #define SUBID 100 EthernetNetIf eth; ftServer *server; myConfig config; LocalFileSystem local("local"); extern void http_server(); DigitalOut Green(p30), Yellow(p29); //DigitalOut link(LED1), speed(LED2); extern DigitalOut *leds[4]; Serial viaUsb(USBTX, USBRX); msgSerial *serialport=0; FT_TRANSFER_AREA *ta = 0; FT_HANDLE h = 0; int trigger_interface = 0; char *names[] = {"NO_FT_DEVICE","FT_AUTO_TYPE","FT_INTELLIGENT_IF","FT_INTELLIGENT_IF_SLAVE","FT_ROBO_IF_IIM", "FT_ROBO_IF_USB","FT_ROBO_IF_COM","FT_ROBO_IF_OVER_RF","FT_ROBO_IO_EXTENSION","FT_ROBO_RF_DATA_LINK" }; int types[] = {NO_FT_DEVICE,FT_AUTO_TYPE,FT_INTELLIGENT_IF,FT_INTELLIGENT_IF_SLAVE,FT_ROBO_IF_IIM, FT_ROBO_IF_USB,FT_ROBO_IF_COM,FT_ROBO_IF_OVER_RF,FT_ROBO_IO_EXTENSION,FT_ROBO_RF_DATA_LINK,NO_FT_DEVICE//this last one is the default }; char *modes[] = {"cable","ftlib","serial"}; int type = NO_FT_DEVICE; int mode = 0; unsigned short encode(char*); void callback(void*ctx); void *context = 0; void messageCB(SMESSAGE*); NOTIFICATION_EVENTS ne = {callback, context, 0, 0, 0, messageCB}; unsigned short msgID = encode("set"); unsigned short encode(char* s) { //convert 3 character command to 16bit value unsigned short r = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3 && *s != '\0'; i++) { r *= 40; if (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') { r += s[i]; r -= '0' - 27; } else if (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'Z') { r += s[i]; r -= 'A' - 1; } else if (s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z') { r += s[i]; r -= 'a' - 1; } else switch (s[i]) { case '+': r += 37; break; case '-': r += 38; break; case '!': r += 39; break; } } return r; } void handleMessage(char m[7]) { //called when a valid tcpip message is received SMESSAGE *msg = (SMESSAGE*)(m+1); switch (mode) { case 0://cable if (msg->ucHwId == HWID && msg->ucSubId == SUBID && msg->uiMsgId == msgID && ta != 0) { //check message values ta->M_Main = msg->ucB2; //long cable semantics, copy the message value to the motor outputs (16 bit only!) ta->M_Sub1 = msg->ucB3; } break; case 1://ftlib, not (yet) implemented if (h) SendFtMessage(h, msg->ucHwId, msg->ucSubId, msg->dw, 0, MSG_SEND_NORMAL); //use the ftlib function to forward the message to the interface break; case 2://serial if (serialport) serialport->write(m); break; } } void OnSerMsg(char *m) { if (server && mode==2)//serial server->writeStream((SMESSAGE*)(m+1)); } void callback(void*ctx) { //new data from interface has arrived if (mode==0 && ta->ChangeEg) {//cable SMESSAGE m = { {HWID, SUBID} }; m.uiMsgId = msgID; m.ucB2 = ta->E_Main; m.ucB3 = ta->E_Sub1; if (server) server->writeStream(&m); // printf("%02X\n", ta->E_Main); } } void messageCB(SMESSAGE *msg) {// not (yet) implemented if (server && mode==1)//ftlib server->writeStream(msg); } void init_ft_interface() { char comport[5]= "COM1"; InitFtLib(); unsigned ver = GetLibVersion(); printf("libver = %08X\n", ver); if (!"/local/ft.ini")) DBG("reading of configfile failed!\n"); mode = config.getLookup("mode", modes, 3); switch (mode) { case 0://cable (requires ftlib too) case 1://ftlib type = types[config.getLookup("FtInterface", names, sizeof(names)/sizeof(char*))]; if (type==FT_INTELLIGENT_IF || type==FT_INTELLIGENT_IF_SLAVE || type==FT_ROBO_IF_IIM || type==FT_ROBO_IF_COM) {//serial device if (!config.getValue("FtCommPort", comport, sizeof(comport))) printf("FtCommPort not found, using default\n"); printf("opening port %s by Ftlib\n", comport); h = OpenFtCommDevice(comport, type, 5); if (h) { printf("OpenFtCommDevice on %s succeeded\n", comport); //long v = GetFtFirmware(h); //printf("FW: %08lX\n", v); ta = GetFtTransferAreaAddress(h);//always get before starting otherwise not imm avail in callback int err = StartFtTransferAreaWithCommunication(h, &ne); if (err==0) { printf("transfer started\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ta->MPWM_Main[i] = 7; ta->MPWM_Sub1[i] = 7; } } else printf("Error %08X: %s\n", err, GetFtLibErrorString(err,1)); } } else { printf("devicetype %d is not supported\n", type); } break; case 2://serial if (!config.getValue("FtCommPort", comport, sizeof(comport))) printf("FtCommPort not found, using default\n"); printf("opening port %s for messaging\n", comport); switch (comport[3]) { case '1': serialport = new msgSerial(p9, p10, OnSerMsg); break; case '2': serialport = new msgSerial(p13, p14, OnSerMsg); break; case '3': serialport = new msgSerial(p28, p27, OnSerMsg); break; default: // serialport = &viaUsb; printf("USB testoutput not supported for messages\n"); break; } break; default: printf("Mode %d is not supported or unknown\n",mode); } } int main() { init_ft_interface(); viaUsb.printf("Setting up ethernet...\n"); EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup(); if (ethErr) { viaUsb.printf("Error %d in ethernet setup.\n", ethErr); return -1; } viaUsb.printf("Setup of ethernet OK\n"); DBG("starting http server\n"); http_server(); DBG("creating ft socket server\n") server = new ftServer(IpAddr(),config.getInt("port",5000)); DBG("starting ft socket server\n") if (server->startServer()) { for (;;) {//main loop Net::poll(); // server->pollServer(); if (trigger_interface) { if (h->guardedFtThreadBegin()) trigger_interface = 0; } Green = !(FIO1PIN&(1<<25));//link Yellow= !(FIO1PIN&(1<<26));//speed } } else printf("server could not be started\n"); if (server) delete server; if (serialport) delete serialport; if (h) { StopFtTransferArea(h); CloseFtDevice(h); } CloseFtLib(); DBG("end of program"); return 0; }