Program the control the fischertechnik robo interface or intelligent interface via tcp socket or via a java gui.

Dependencies:   mbed ConfigFile

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ROBO_TX_PRG.h	Fri Dec 31 14:01:14 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Description  |  Header file with definition of the software interface
+//              |  to the ROBO TX Controller program.
+//              |  Can be used for building C-programs which can run
+//              |  under control of the ROBO TX Controller firmware in
+//              |  download (local) mode.
+//              |
+// Copyright    |  � 2009 MSC Vertriebs GmbH, Germany.
+//              |
+//              |  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//              |  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#ifndef __ROBO_TX_PRG_H__
+#define __ROBO_TX_PRG_H__
+#define CALL_CYCLE_MS    1  // firmware calls program each millisecond
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a <= b) ? a : b)
+#define MAX(a, b) ((a >= b) ? a : b)
+#define TA_VERSION          0x08010101  // Transfer Area version. Is used by firmware to check if format of the
+                                        // Transfer Area used in program is the same as the one used in firmware.
+#define PRG_MEM_START       0x30700000  // start address of the program memory
+#define PRG_MEM_SIZE        0x000D0000  // size of the program memory
+#define PRG_MAGIC           0x336699AA
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+    #define NULL            0L
+    #define NULL            ((void *)0)
+#undef  TRUE
+#define TRUE                (1 == 1)
+#undef  FALSE
+#define FALSE               (!TRUE)
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+typedef enum
+    false = FALSE,
+    true  = TRUE
+} bool;
+#endif // __cplusplus
+typedef signed char         CHAR8;
+typedef unsigned char       UCHAR8;
+typedef unsigned char       BOOL8;      //  boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE)
+typedef unsigned short      BOOL16;     //  boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE)
+typedef unsigned int        BOOL32;     //  boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE)
+typedef signed char         INT8;
+typedef signed short        INT16;
+typedef signed int          INT32;
+typedef unsigned char       UINT8;
+typedef unsigned short      UINT16;
+typedef unsigned int        UINT32;
+#include "ROBO_TX_FW.h"
+// At the beginning of the program code should be this structure
+struct prg_code_intro_s
+    unsigned long           magic;      // PRG_MAGIC
+    FT_VER                  ta_version; // TA_VERSION
+    unsigned long           entry;      // entry point of the program, usually address of
+                                        // the program dispatcher (PrgDisp) function
+// This function is called only once by the program dispatcher (PrgDisp) at the very first call
+// of the program dispatcher by the firmware
+void PrgInit
+    TA * p_ta,  // pointer to the array of transfer area parts
+    int n_ta    // number of transfer area parts in array (equal to TA_COUNT)
+// This function is called periodically by the program dispatcher (PrgDisp) with the period
+int PrgTic
+    TA * p_ta,  // pointer to the array of transfer area parts
+    int n_ta    // number of transfer area parts in array (equal to TA_COUNT)
+#endif // __ROBO_TX_PRG_H__