attempt to save recently used BT devices with their link keys in the BT dongle link key storage

Dependents:   ftusbClass

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/neighbourhood.h	Sun Jun 19 12:51:41 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#include <list>
+#include "hci.h"
+//#define STRICT_MRU
+call 'read' as part of the startup
+on HCI_READ-STORED-LINK-KEY -COMPLETED event,  call 'set_cap'
+on RETURN_LINK_KEYS_EVENT call 'add' for each key with init=true
+on LINK_KEY_NOTIFICATION_EVENT call 'add' with init=false (default)
+on LINK_KEY_REQUEST_EVENT call 'get' and send the proper reply
+call 'write' as part of shutdown
+a simpler approach could be to check for a link if it exists (single read) and try to add it.
+when it fails just delete all.
+void printf(const BD_ADDR* addr);
+class neighbourhood {
+    static const int lksize = 16;
+    struct item {
+        BD_ADDR a;
+        unsigned char lk[lksize];
+        bool used;
+        item (BD_ADDR *ad, const unsigned char *k, bool d) {
+            memcpy(&a, ad, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
+            memcpy(lk, k, lksize);
+            used=d;
+        }
+    };
+    int cap, initsize, used;
+    list<item> keys;
+    bool dirty;
+    HCI *hci;
+    void delete_link_key(BD_ADDR *a) {
+        unsigned char param[sizeof(BD_ADDR)+1];
+        memcpy(param, a, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
+        param[sizeof(BD_ADDR)] = 0;
+        hci->SendCmd(HCI_DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEY, param, sizeof(param));
+    }
+    void write_link_keys(unsigned char param[]) {
+        hci->SendCmd(HCI_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY, param, param[0]*(sizeof(BD_ADDR)+lksize)+1);
+    }
+    neighbourhood(HCI *h): hci(h) {
+        dirty = false;
+        used = 0;
+        cap=0;
+        initsize=0;
+    }
+    void read() {
+        unsigned char param[sizeof(BD_ADDR)+1];
+        memset(param, 0, sizeof(BD_ADDR));
+        param[sizeof(BD_ADDR)] = 1;
+        hci->SendCmd(HCI_READ_STORED_LINK_KEY, param, sizeof(param));
+    }
+    void write();
+    void set_cap(int c, int s) {
+        cap = c;
+        initsize = s;
+        printf("Neighbourhood: capacity=%d, used=%d\n", c, s);
+    }
+    int get(BD_ADDR *a, unsigned char *key);
+    int add(BD_ADDR *a, const unsigned char *key, bool init=false);
+extern neighbourhood *neighbors;
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