Updated ref

Dependencies:   FXOS8700Q-driver MODSERIAL

Fork of AAT_LWM2M_K64F by Vinay Shrivastav

diff -r c8acc7c16cbd -r 8c8679a77b7c resources.h
--- a/resources.h	Mon Jan 23 06:52:03 2017 +0000
+++ b/resources.h	Mon Jan 23 07:13:35 2017 +0000
@@ -432,10 +432,10 @@
         // Global Positioning System Fix Data
         if(strncmp(cmd,"$GPGGA", 6) == 0)
-            sscanf(cmd, "$GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d,%*f,%f", &timefix, &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew, &fq, &nst, &altitude);
-            output.printf("GPGGA Fix taken at: %f, Latitude: %f %c, Longitude: %f %c, Fix quality: %d, Number of sat: %d, Altitude: %f M\n", timefix, latitude, ns, longitude, ew, fq, nst, altitude);
-            gnss_scan.latitude  = latitude;
-            gnss_scan.longitude = longitude;
+            sscanf(cmd, "$GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d,%*f,%f", &timefix, &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew, &fq, &nst, &altitude);            
+            output.printf("GPGGA Fix taken at: %f, Latitude: %f %c, Longitude: %f %c, Fix quality: %d, Number of sat: %d, Altitude: %f M\n", timefix, latitude/100, ns, longitude/100, ew, fq, nst, altitude);
+            gnss_scan.latitude  = latitude/100;
+            gnss_scan.longitude = longitude/100;
             //gnss_scan.date = date; 
             // gnss_scan.time = timefix;
             gnss_scan.altitude = altitude;
@@ -541,170 +541,6 @@
     int size;   
-const uint8_t STATIC_VALUE[] = "Cellular Antenna Alignment";
- * The GNSS custom object
- */
- * The GNSS custom object
- */
-class GnssCustomResource {
-    GnssCustomResource() {
-        // create ObjectID with metadata custom tag
-        gnss_object = M2MInterfaceFactory::create_object("CustomGNSScompass");    
-        M2MObjectInstance* gnss_inst = gnss_object->create_object_instance();
-        M2MResource* lat_res = gnss_inst->create_dynamic_resource("E",
-                                                         "CustomLatitude",
-                                                         M2MResourceInstance::FLOAT,
-                                                         true);
-        // we can read this value
-        lat_res->set_operation(M2MBase::GET_ALLOWED);
-        // set initial value (all values in mbed Client are buffers)
-        // to be able to read this data easily in the Connector console, we'll use a string
-        lat_res->set_value(0.0);
-        M2MResource* app_res = gnss_inst->create_static_resource("N",
-                                                 "CustomAppType",
-                                                 M2MResourceInstance::STRING,
-                                                 STATIC_VALUE,
-                                                 sizeof(STATIC_VALUE)-1);
-        // we can read this value
-        app_res->set_operation(M2MBase::GET_ALLOWED);
-        // set initial value (all values in mbed Client are buffers)
-        // to be able to read this data easily in the Connector console, we'll use a string
-        size = sprintf(buffer,"%s","AntennaAlignment");
-        app_res->set_value((const uint8_t*)buffer, size);       
-    }
-    ~GnssCustomResource() {
-    }
-    M2MObject* get_object() {
-        return gnss_object;
-    }
-    /*
-     * When you press the button, we read the current value of the click azimuth
-     * from mbed Device Connector, then up the value with one.
-     */
-    void gps_scan(void) 
-    {
-        char c;
-        PSTI32 = false; GPGGA = false;
-        Timer timeout;      
-        timeout.start();
-        while((!PSTI32 || !GPGGA) && (timeout.read() < 10))
-        {           
-            if(gps.readable())
-            { 
-                if(gps.getc() == '$');           // wait for a $
-                {
-                    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(cDataBuffer); i++)
-                    {
-                        c = gps.getc();
-                        if( c == '\r' )
-                        {
-                            //pc.printf("%s\n", cDataBuffer);
-                            parse(cDataBuffer, i);
-                            i = sizeof(cDataBuffer);
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            cDataBuffer[i] = c;
-                        }                 
-                    }
-                }
-             }
-             else break;     
-        }       
-        timeout.stop();
-    }
-    void parse(char *cmd, int n)
-    {
-        char ns, ew, tf, status, mode;
-        int fq, nst, fix, date, timefix, pstino;   // fix quality, Number of satellites being tracked, 3D fix
-        double latitude, longitude, speed, altitude, eastprj, northprj, upprj, blength, bcourse;
-        // Global Positioning System Fix Data
-        if(strncmp(cmd,"$GPGGA", 6) == 0) 
-        {
-            sscanf(cmd, "$GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d,%*f,%f", &timefix, &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew, &fq, &nst, &altitude);
-            //output.printf("GPGGA Fix taken at: %d, Latitude: %f %c, Longitude: %f %c, Fix quality: %d, Number of sat: %d, Altitude: %f M\n", timefix, latitude, ns, longitude, ew, fq, nst, altitude);
-            gnss_scan.latitude  = latitude;
-            gnss_scan.longitude = longitude;
-            //gnss_scan.date = date; 
-            gnss_scan.time = timefix;
-            gnss_scan.altitude = altitude;
-            gnss_scan.fix_quality = fq;
-            gnss_scan.numsat = nst;
-            GPGGA = true;
-        }
-        // Baseline length, Azimuth
-        if(strncmp(cmd,"$PSTI", 5) == 0)
-        {
-            sscanf(cmd, "$PSTI,%d,%d,%d,%c,%c,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", &pstino, &timefix, &date, &status, &mode, &eastprj, &northprj, &upprj, &blength, &bcourse);
-            if(32 == pstino)
-            {
-                //output.printf("PSTI32 Fix taken at: %d, Date: %d, Status: %c, Mode: %c, Baseline length: %f m, Azimuth: %f degrees\n", timefix, date, status, mode, blength, bcourse);
-                gnss_scan.heading = bcourse; gnss_scan.date = date; gnss_scan.time = timefix; 
-                gnss_scan.baselineLen = blength; //BaseLine Length
-                PSTI32 = true;
-            }
-        }
-#if 0
-        // Satellite status
-        if(strncmp(cmd,"$GPGSA", 6) == 0) 
-        {
-            sscanf(cmd, "$GPGSA,%c,%d,%d", &tf, &fix, &nst);
-            pc.printf("GPGSA Type fix: %c, 3D fix: %d, number of sat: %d\r\n", tf, fix, nst);
-        }
-        // Geographic position, Latitude and Longitude
-        if(strncmp(cmd,"$GPGLL", 6) == 0) 
-        {
-            sscanf(cmd, "$GPGLL,%f,%c,%f,%c,%f", &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew, &timefix);
-            pc.printf("GPGLL Latitude: %f %c, Longitude: %f %c, Fix taken at: %f\n", latitude, ns, longitude, ew, timefix);
-        }
-        // Geographic position, Latitude and Longitude
-        if(strncmp(cmd,"$GPRMC", 6) == 0) 
-        {
-            sscanf(cmd, "$GPRMC,%f,%c,%f,%c,%f,%c,%f,,%d", &timefix, &status, &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew, &speed, &date);
-            pc.printf("GPRMC Fix taken at: %f, Status: %c, Latitude: %f %c, Longitude: %f %c, Speed: %f, Date: %d\n", timefix, status, latitude, ns, longitude, ew, speed, date);
-        }
-    }
-    void handle_gnss_update() {
-        M2MObjectInstance* inst = gnss_object->object_instance();
-        M2MResource* latituderes = inst->resource("E");
-        M2MResource* appres = inst->resource("N");
-        gps_scan();
-        size = sprintf(buffer,"%f",gnss_scan.latitude);
-        latituderes->set_value((const uint8_t*)buffer, size);
-        output.printf("GNSS data updated\n");   
-    }
-    M2MObject* gnss_object;
-    uint16_t azimuth;
-    bool PSTI32;
-    bool GPGGA;
-    gnss_params gnss_scan;
-    char buffer[20];
-    int size;   
 class AccelResource {