
Fork of Eurobot_2012_Secondary by Shuto Naruse

diff -r fbfafa6bf5f9 -r cc2a9eb0bd55 Kalman/Sonar/RF12B/RF12B.cpp
--- a/Kalman/Sonar/RF12B/RF12B.cpp	Fri Apr 20 21:32:24 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-#include "RF12B.h"
-#include "RF_defs.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-//#include "globals.h"
-//DigitalOut DBG2(LED2);
-//DigitalOut DBG3(LED3);
-//DigitalOut DBG4(LED4);
-RF12B::RF12B(PinName _SDI,
-             PinName _SDO,
-             PinName _SCK,
-             PinName _NCS,
-             PinName _NIRQ):spi(_SDI, _SDO, _SCK),
-        NCS(_NCS), NIRQ(_NIRQ), NIRQ_in(_NIRQ){// rfled(LED3) {
-    /* SPI frequency, word lenght, polarity and phase */
-    spi.format(16,0);
-    spi.frequency(2000000);
-    /* Set ~CS high */
-    NCS = 1;
-    /* Initialise RF Module */
-    init();
-    /* Setup interrupt to happen on falling edge of NIRQ */
-    NIRQ.fall(this, &RF12B::rxISR);
-/* Returns the packet length if data is available in the receive buffer, 0 otherwise*/
-unsigned int RF12B::available() {
-    return fifo.size();
-/* Reads a packet of data, with length "size" Returns false if read failed. TODO: make a metafifo to isolate packets*/
-bool RF12B::read(unsigned char* data, unsigned int size) {
-    if (fifo.size() == 0) {
-        return false;
-    } else {
-        unsigned int i = 0;
-        while (fifo.size() > 0 && i < size) {
-            data[i++] = fifo.front();
-            fifo.pop();
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-/* Reads a byte of data from the receive buffer */
-unsigned char RF12B::read() {
-    if (available()) {
-        unsigned char data = fifo.front();
-        fifo.pop();
-        return data;
-    } else {
-        return 0xFF; // Error val although could also be data...
-    }
-/* Sends a packet of data to the RF module for transmission TODO: Make asych*/
-void RF12B::write(unsigned char *data, unsigned char length) {
-    unsigned char crc = 0;
-    /* Transmitter mode */
-    changeMode(TX);
-    writeCmd(0x0000);
-    send(0xAA); // PREAMBLE
-    send(0xAA);
-    send(0xAA);
-    send(0x2D); // SYNC
-    send(0xD4);
-    /* Packet Length */
-    send(length);
-    crc = crc8(crc, length);
-    send(crc);
-    crc = crc8(crc, crc);
-    /* Packet Data */
-    for (unsigned char i=0; i<length; i++) {
-        send(data[i]);
-        crc = crc8(crc, data[i]);
-    }
-    send(crc);
-    send(0xAA); // DUMMY BYTES
-    send(0xAA);
-    send(0xAA);
-    /* Back to receiver mode */
-    changeMode(RX);
-    status();
-/* Transmit a 1-byte data packet */
-void RF12B::write(unsigned char data) {
-    write(&data, 1);
-void RF12B::write(queue<char> &data, int length) {
-    char crc = 0;
-    char length_byte = 0;
-    /* -1 means try to transmit everything in the queue */
-    if(length == -1) {
-        length = data.size();
-    }
-    /* max length of packet is 255 */
-    length_byte = min(length, 255);
-    /* Transmitter mode */
-    changeMode(TX);
-    writeCmd(0x0000);
-    send(0xAA); // PREAMBLE
-    send(0xAA);
-    send(0xAA);
-    send(0x2D); // SYNC
-    send(0xD4);
-    /* Packet Length */
-    send(length_byte);
-    crc = crc8(crc, length_byte);
-    send(crc);
-    crc = crc8(crc, crc);
-    /* Packet Data */
-    for (char i=0; i<length_byte; i++) {
-        send(data.front());
-        crc = crc8(crc, data.front());
-        data.pop();
-    }
-    send(crc);
-    send(0xAA); // DUMMY BYTES
-    send(0xAA);
-    send(0xAA);
-    /* Back to receiver mode */
-    changeMode(RX);
-    status();
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Initialises the RF12B module */
-void RF12B::init() {
-    /* writeCmd(0x80E7); //EL,EF,868band,12.0pF
-     changeMode(RX);
-     writeCmd(0xA640); //frequency select
-     writeCmd(0xC647); //4.8kbps
-     writeCmd(0x94A0); //VDI,FAST,134kHz,0dBm,-103dBm
-     writeCmd(0xC2AC); //AL,!ml,DIG,DQD4
-     writeCmd(0xCA81); //FIFO8,SYNC,!ff,DR
-     writeCmd(0xCED4); //SYNC=2DD4
-     writeCmd(0xC483); //@PWR,NO RSTRIC,!st,!fi,OE,EN
-     writeCmd(0x9850); //!mp,90kHz,MAX OUT
-     writeCmd(0xCC17); //OB1, COB0, LPX, Iddy, CDDIT&#65533;CBW0
-     writeCmd(0xE000); //NOT USED
-     writeCmd(0xC800); //NOT USED
-     writeCmd(0xC040); //1.66MHz,2.2V */
-    writeCmd(
-        RFM_CONFIG_EL           |
-        RFM_CONFIG_EF           |
-        RFM_CONFIG_BAND_433     //|
-        //RFM_CONFIG_X_11_0pf // meh, using default
-    );
-    // 2. Power Management Command
-    // leave everything switched off for now
-    /*
-    writeCmd(
-        RFM_POWER_MANAGEMENT     // switch all off
-    );
-    */
-    // 3. Frequency Setting Command
-    writeCmd(
-        RFM_FREQUENCY            |
-        RFM_FREQ_433Band(435.7)  //I totally made this value up... if someone knows where the sweetspots are in this band, tell me!
-    );
-    // 4. Data Rate Command
-    writeCmd(RFM_DATA_RATE_9600);
-    // 5. Receiver Control Command
-    writeCmd(
-        RFM_RX_CONTROL_P20_VDI  |
-        RFM_RX_CONTROL_BW_134   |     // CHANGE THIS TO 67 TO IMPROVE RANGE! (though the bitrate must then be below 8kbaud, and fsk modulation changed)
-        RFM_RX_CONTROL_GAIN_0   |
-        RFM_RX_CONTROL_RSSI_103      // Might need adjustment. Datasheet says around 10^-5 bit error rate at this level and baudrate.
-    );
-    // 6. Data Filter Command
-    writeCmd(
-        RFM_DATA_FILTER_AL      |
-        RFM_DATA_FILTER_ML      |
-        RFM_DATA_FILTER_DIG     //|
-        //RFM_DATA_FILTER_DQD(4)
-    );
-    // 7. FIFO and Reset Mode Command
-    writeCmd(
-        RFM_FIFO_IT(8) |
-        RFM_FIFO_DR    |
-        0x8 //turn on 16bit sync word
-    );
-    // 8. FIFO Syncword
-    // Leave as default: 0xD4
-    // 9. Receiver FIFO Read
-    // when the interupt goes high, (and if we can assume that it was a fifo fill interrupt) we can read a byte using:
-    // result = RFM_READ_FIFO();
-    // 10. AFC Command
-    writeCmd(
-        //RFM_AFC_AUTO_VDI        |  //Note this might be changed to improve range. Refer to datasheet.
-        RFM_AFC_RANGE_LIMIT_7_8     |
-        RFM_AFC_EN                  |
-        RFM_AFC_OE                  |
-        RFM_AFC_FI
-    );
-    // 11. TX Configuration Control Command
-    writeCmd(
-        RFM_TX_CONTROL_MOD_60 |
-    );
-    // 12. PLL Setting Command
-    writeCmd(
-        0xCC77 & ~0x01 // Setting the PLL bandwith, less noise, but max bitrate capped at 86.2
-        // I think this will slow down the pll's reaction time. Not sure, check with someone!
-    );
-    changeMode(RX);
-    resetRX();
-    status();
-/* Write a command to the RF Module */
-unsigned int RF12B::writeCmd(unsigned int cmd) {
-    NCS = 0;
-    unsigned int recv = spi.write(cmd);
-    NCS = 1;
-    return recv;
-/* Sends a byte of data across RF */
-void RF12B::send(unsigned char data) {
-    while (NIRQ);
-    writeCmd(0xB800 + data);
-/* Change the mode of the RF module to Transmitting or Receiving */
-void RF12B::changeMode(rfmode_t _mode) {
-    mode = _mode;
-    if (_mode == TX) {
-        writeCmd(0x8239); //!er,!ebb,ET,ES,EX,!eb,!ew,DC
-    } else { /* mode == RX */
-        writeCmd(0x8299); //er,!ebb,ET,ES,EX,!eb,!ew,DC
-    }
-/* Interrupt routine for data reception */
-void RF12B::rxISR() {
-    //static int cnt = 0;
-    //printf("%d hits\r\n", cnt);
-    //cnt++;
-    //DBG2 = !(cnt%3);
-    //DBG3 = !((cnt+1)%3);
-    //DBG4 = !((cnt+2)%3);
-    unsigned int data = 0;
-    static int i = -2;
-    static unsigned char packet_length = 0;
-    static unsigned char crc = 0;
-    //Loop while interrupt is asserted
-    while (!NIRQ_in && mode == RX) {
-        // Grab the packet's length byte
-        if (i == -2) {
-            data = writeCmd(0x0000);
-            if ( (data&0x8000) ) {
-                data = writeCmd(0xB000);
-                packet_length = (data&0x00FF);
-                crc = crc8(crc, packet_length);
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        //If we exhaust the interrupt, exit
-        if (NIRQ_in)
-            break;
-        // Check that packet length was correct
-        if (i == -1) {
-            data = writeCmd(0x0000);
-            if ( (data&0x8000) ) {
-                data = writeCmd(0xB000);
-                unsigned char crcofsize = (data&0x00FF);
-                if (crcofsize != crc) {
-                    //It was wrong, start over
-                    i = -2;
-                    packet_length = 0;
-                    crc = 0;
-                    //temp = queue<unsigned char>();
-                    resetRX();
-                } else {
-                    crc = crc8(crc, crcofsize);
-                    i++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //If we exhaust the interrupt, exit
-        if (NIRQ_in)
-            break;
-        // Grab the packet's data 
-        if (i >= 0 && i < packet_length) {
-            data = writeCmd(0x0000);
-            if ( (data&0x8000) ) {
-                data = writeCmd(0xB000);
-                //temp.push(data&0x00FF);
-                crc = crc8(crc, (unsigned char)(data&0x00FF));
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        //If we exhaust the interrupt, exit
-        if (NIRQ_in)
-            break;
-        if (i >= packet_length) {
-            data = writeCmd(0x0000);
-            if ( (data&0x8000) ) {
-                data = writeCmd(0xB000);
-                if ((unsigned char)(data & 0x00FF) == crc) {
-                    //If the checksum is correct, add our data to the end of the output buffer
-                    //while (!temp.empty()) {
-                    //    fifo.push(temp.front());
-                    //    temp.pop();
-                    //}
-                }
-                // Tell RF Module we are finished, and clean up
-                i = -2;
-                packet_length = 0;
-                crc = 0;
-                //temp = queue<unsigned char>();
-                resetRX();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-unsigned int RF12B::status() {
-    return writeCmd(0x0000);
-/* Tell the RF Module this packet is received and wait for the next */
-void RF12B::resetRX() {
-    writeCmd(0xCA81);
-    writeCmd(0xCA83);
-/* Calculate CRC8 */
-unsigned char RF12B::crc8(unsigned char crc, unsigned char data) {
-    crc = crc ^ data;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-        if (crc & 0x01) {
-            crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0x8C;
-        } else {
-            crc >>= 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return crc;
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