
Dependencies:   mbed Eurobot_2012_Primary


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
26:0995f61cb7b8 2012-10-17 narshu Eurobot 2012 Primary; default tip
25:143b19c1fb05 2012-10-17 narshu Commit before publishing;
24:7a3906c2f5d5 2012-05-04 narshu 1st working version with accurate target acquisition.
23:1901cb6d0d95 2012-05-04 narshu working commit, on red
22:7ba09c0af0d0 2012-05-03 narshu added 90sec timer and tigger
21:15da49f18c63 2012-05-01 narshu Added support for both starting locs (except AI target mirroring)
20:0c3f320e477a 2012-04-30 narshu Using latest lib
19:06610e1c0895 2012-04-30 narshu Changed move speed and AI targets
18:6583ea604eb4 2012-04-29 narshu Using shared lib
17:bafcef1c3579 2012-04-29 narshu uptodate kalman lib; edit this one only!
16:b3dd4e0b3100 2012-04-28 narshu functioning code with interchangedable shared kalman lib;
15:acae5c0e9ca8 2012-04-28 narshu functioning motion control code
14:24f994dc2770 2012-04-28 narshu added speed limiter
13:57ea4e520dbd 2012-04-28 narshu PID tuned. Modified ai signalling logic at target location.
12:2981367c63a0 2012-04-28 narshu Working after moving motion to own file
11:ea2112ae3c4a 2012-04-28 narshu half done chagnes n stuff
10:294b9adbc9d3 2012-04-28 narshu Moved motion stuff to own file, and created class
9:377560539b74 2012-04-28 narshu Restructured project to have a single shared lib; Also raised the RF baud rate
8:ffc7d8af2d5a 2012-04-27 narshu UI is working
7:f9c59a3e4155 2012-04-27 narshu Serial problem fixed, working on UI
6:324946320c6d 2012-04-27 narshu changed ui protocol (removed numpackets)
5:7ac07bf30707 2012-04-26 narshu Fixed Sonar and most of the kalman filter except for the IR serial;
4:7b7334441da9 2012-04-26 narshu Fixed retared bugs!
3:429829612cf9 2012-04-26 narshu not working still!
2:cffa347bb943 2012-04-26 narshu not working
1:bbabbd997d21 2012-04-20 narshu copied everything from secondary;
0:f3bf6c7e2283 2012-04-20 narshu inverted sonar echo input at pin14 and pin15