our little library for controlling a robot with two wheels and an LCD

Dependencies:   TextLCD

Dependents:   robots

Sun Oct 27 09:16:19 2013 +0000
our main robot library

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 1 #ifndef __ROBO_H
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 2 #define __ROBO_H
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 3
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 4 #include "Motor.h"
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 5 #include "mbed.h"
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 6 #include "TextLCD.h"
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 7
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 8 // intial lives each robot has
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 9 const int max_lives = 5;
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 10
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 11 /* for storing the motors' state, e.g. the robot is moving forward
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 12 * and it receives a request to go left. After it has turned left
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 13 * it must keep moving forward. So we use this structure to backup and restore
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 14 * motors' state.
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 15 */
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 16 struct rState {
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 17 mState lm; // pin states of the left motor
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 18 mState rm; // pin states of the right motor
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 19 };
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 20
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 21 /* main Robo Class definition
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 22 */
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 23 class Robo {
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 24 int lives;
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 25 Motor lmotor;
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 26 Motor rmotor;
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 27 TextLCD lcd;
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 28 public :
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 29 Robo(PinName l_en, PinName l_fwd, PinName l_rev, // left motor's enable, forward, and reverse
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 30 PinName r_en, PinName r_fwd, PinName r_rev, // right motor's enable, forward and reverse
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 31 PinName rs, PinName en, PinName d4, PinName d5, // pins for LCD rs, en , d4-d7
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 32 PinName d6, PinName d7);
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 33 void init(); // for initialization of the robot
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 34 void printlcd(char *); // print a message on the robot's lcd
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 35 void updateLivesLCD(); // update the lives count
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 36 void goLeft();
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 37 void moveRight();
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 38 void stop();
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 39 void goAhead();
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 40 void moveBack();
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 41 int getLives(); // get the number of lives left
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 42 void decLives(); // decrease the number of lives
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 43 rState getState(); // get the state of the robot
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 44 void setState(rState); // set the state of the robot
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 45
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 46 };
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 47
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 48
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 49
narendraj9 0:bb5c5d6800a3 50 #endif