LoRa on Multitech with Semtech mote
Dependencies: LoRaWAN-lib SX1272Lib lib_gps lib_mma8451q lib_mpl3115a2 mbed
Fork of LoRaWAN-NAMote72-Application-Demo_Multitech by
- Committer:
- ubhat
- Date:
- 2016-05-17
- Revision:
- 0:69f2e28d12c1
File content as of revision 0:69f2e28d12c1:
/* / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| (C)2015 Semtech Description: VT100 serial display management License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian */ #include "SerialDisplay.h" VT100 vt( USBTX, USBRX ); void SerialDisplayJoinUpdate( void ) { printf( "###### ===== JOINING ==== ######\r\n" ); DisplayNetworkParam( ); printf( "\r\n" ); } void SerialDisplayTxUpdate(void) { printf( "###### ===== UPLINK FRAME %d ==== ######\r\n", LoRaMacUplinkStatus.UplinkCounter ); DisplayNetworkParam( ); printf( "TX PORT: %d\r\n", LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Port ); if( LoRaMacUplinkStatus.BufferSize != 0 ) { printf( "TX DATA: " ); if( LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Type == MCPS_CONFIRMED ) { printf( "CONFIRMED\r\n" ); } else { printf( "UNCONFIRMED\r\n" ); } SerialDisplayHex( LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Buffer, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.BufferSize ); } printf( "DATA RATE: DR%d\r\n", LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Datarate ); printf( "TX POWER: %d dBm\r\n", 30 - ( LoRaMacUplinkStatus.TxPower << 1 ) ); printf( "BATTERY: %2.2fV\r\n", BoardGetBatteryVoltage( ) ); printf( "\r\n"); } void SerialDisplayRxUpdate( void ) { printf( "###### ===== DOWNLINK FRAME %d ==== ######\r\n", LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.DownlinkCounter ); printf( "RX WINDOW: %d\r\n", LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.RxSlot + 1 ); printf( "RX PORT: %d\r\n", LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Port ); if( LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.BufferSize != 0 ) { printf( "RX DATA: \r\n" ); SerialDisplayHex( LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Buffer, LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.BufferSize ); } printf( "RX RSSI: %d\r\n", LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Rssi ); printf( "RX SNR: %d\r\n", LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Snr ); printf( "\r\n" ); } void SerialDisplayHex( uint8_t *pData, uint8_t len ) { int i; bool newline = 0; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if( newline != 0 ) { printf( "\r\n" ); newline = 0; } printf( "%02X ", pData[i] ); if( ( ( i + 1 ) % 16 ) == 0 ) { newline = 1; } } printf( "\r\n" ); } void SerialAcclMetrDisplay( uint8_t statusReg ) { printf( "===== DEVICE ORIENTATION ====\r\n" ); if( ( statusReg & 0x40 ) != 0 ) { printf( "HORIZONTAL + " ); if( ( statusReg & 0x01 ) != 0 ) { printf( "FACE DOWN" ); } else { printf( "FACE UP" ); } } else { printf( "VERTICAL" ); } printf( "\r\n\r\n" ); } void DisplayNetworkParam( void ) { #if( OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION != 0 ) printf( "DEVEUI: " ); SerialDisplayHex( DevEui, 8 ); printf( "APPEUI: " ); SerialDisplayHex( AppEui, 8 ); printf( "APPKEY: " ); SerialDisplayHex( AppKey, 16 ); #else printf( "DEVADDR: " ); uint8_t *pData = ( uint8_t* )&DevAddr; for( int32_t i = 3; i >= 0; i-- ) { printf( "%02X ", pData[i] ); } printf( "\r\n" ); printf( "NWKSKEY: " ); SerialDisplayHex( NwkSKey, 16 ); printf( "APPSKEY: " ); SerialDisplayHex( AppSKey, 16 ); #endif }