Tobi's ubw test branch

Dependencies:   mavlink_bridge mbed

Fork of AIT_UWB_Range by Benjamin Hepp

--- a/MM2WayRanging/MM2WayRanging.h	Thu Mar 19 12:54:28 2015 +0000
+++ b/MM2WayRanging/MM2WayRanging.h	Tue Nov 24 16:41:23 2015 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-// by Matthias Grob & Manuel Stalder - ETH Zürich - 2015
+// Adapted from Matthias Grob & Manuel Stalder - ETH Zürich - 2015
+#pragma once
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "DW1000.h"
@@ -10,6 +9,7 @@
 #define US_TO_TIMEUNITS       (128*499.2)                   // conversion between microseconds to the decawave timeunits (ca 15.65ps).
 #define MMRANGING_2POWER40          1099511627776               // decimal value of 2^40 to correct timeroverflow between timestamps
 //Predefined delay for the critical answers in the ranging algorithm
@@ -22,18 +22,27 @@
     MM2WayRanging(DW1000& DW);
-    void requestRanging(uint8_t destination);
-    void requestRangingAll();
+    void requestRanging(uint8_t remote_address);
     //TODO: Better capsulation on those?
     bool isAnchor;
-    uint8_t address; // Identifies the nodes as source and destination in rangingframes
+    uint8_t address; // Identifies the nodes as address and remote_address in rangingframes
     //TODO: Make those PRIVATE!
-    float roundtriptimes[10]; // Array containing the round trip times to the anchors or the timeout which occured
-    float distances[10]; // Array containing the finally calculated Distances to the anchors
+    float roundtriptimes[NUM_OF_UWB_ADDRESSES]; // Array containing the round trip times to the anchors or the timeout which occured
+    float distances[NUM_OF_UWB_ADDRESSES]; // Array containing the finally calculated Distances to the anchors
+    struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ReceptionStats {
+        uint16_t std_noise;
+        uint16_t preamble_acc_count;
+        uint16_t first_path_index;
+        uint16_t first_path_amp_1;
+        uint16_t first_path_amp_2;
+        uint16_t first_path_amp_3;
+        uint16_t channel_impulse_response_power;
+        uint8_t prf;
+    };
+    ReceptionStats reception_stats[NUM_OF_UWB_ADDRESSES][3];
     bool overflow;              // TRUE if counter overflows while ranging
@@ -45,23 +54,23 @@
     void callbackRX();
     void callbackTX();
-    void sendPingFrame(uint8_t destination);
-    void sendDelayedAnswer(uint8_t destination, uint8_t type, uint64_t rxTimestamp);
-    void sendTransferFrame(uint8_t destination, int timestamp);
+    void sendPingFrame(uint8_t remote_address);
+    void sendDelayedAnswer(uint8_t remote_address, uint8_t type, uint64_t rxTimestamp);
+    void sendTransferFrame(uint8_t remote_address, int timestamp);
-    inline float calibratedDistance(uint8_t destination);
+    inline float calibratedDistance(uint8_t remote_address);
      * These two functions correct the timestamps if the counter had an overflow between measurements
-    void correctReceiverTimestamps(uint8_t source);
-    void correctSenderTimestamps(uint8_t source);
+    void correctReceiverTimestamps(uint8_t address);
+    void correctSenderTimestamps(uint8_t address);
     int timediffRec;
     int timediffSend;
     enum FrameType{
-        PING=1,
+        PING = 1,
@@ -71,25 +80,26 @@
     //the packed attribute makes sure the types only use their respective size in memory (8 bit for uint8_t), otherwise they would always use 32 bit
     struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) RangingFrame {
-        uint8_t source;
-        uint8_t destination;
+        uint8_t address;
+        uint8_t remote_address;
         uint8_t type;
     struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) ExtendedRangingFrame : RangingFrame{
         int signedTime;
+        ReceptionStats stats1;
+        ReceptionStats stats2;
     RangingFrame rangingFrame;                  // buffer in class for sending a frame (not made locally because then we can recall in the interrupt what was sent)
     ExtendedRangingFrame transferFrame;
     ExtendedRangingFrame receivedFrame;
     uint64_t rxTimestamp;
-    uint64_t senderTimestamps[10][3];
-    uint64_t receiverTimestamps[10][3];
-    bool acknowledgement[10];                   // flag to indicate if ranging has succeeded
-    uint32_t tofs[10];                          // Array containing time of flights for each node (index is address of node)
+    uint64_t senderTimestamps[NUM_OF_UWB_ADDRESSES][3];
+    uint64_t receiverTimestamps[NUM_OF_UWB_ADDRESSES][3];
+    bool acknowledgement[NUM_OF_UWB_ADDRESSES];                   // flag to indicate if ranging has succeeded
+    uint32_t tofs[NUM_OF_UWB_ADDRESSES];                          // Array containing time of flights for each node (index is address of node)