Tobi's ubw test branch

Dependencies:   mavlink_bridge mbed

Fork of AIT_UWB_Range by Benjamin Hepp

Thu Mar 05 12:18:37 2015 +0000
Two way distance ranging with several anchors works now (calibration and onboard trilateration still ahead)

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
manumaet 24:6f25ba679490 1 // by Matthias Grob & Manuel Stalder - ETH Zürich - 2015
manumaet 0:f50e671ffff7 2 #include "mbed.h"
manumaet 26:a65c6f26c458 3 #include "PC.h" // Serial Port via USB for debugging with Terminal
manumaet 27:71178fdb78e1 4 #include "DW1000.h" // our DW1000 device driver
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 5 #include "MM2WayRanging.h" // our self developed ranging application
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 6
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 7 #define myprintf pc.printf // to make the code adaptable to other outputs that support printf
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 8
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 9 PC pc(USBTX, USBRX, 921600); // USB UART Terminal
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 10 DW1000 dw(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5, PB_6, PB_9); // Device driver instanceSPI pins: (MOSI, MISO, SCLK, CS, IRQ)
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 11 MM2WayRanging node(dw); // Instance of the two way ranging algorithm
manumaet 0:f50e671ffff7 12
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 13 void rangeAndDisplayAll(){
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 14 node.requestRangingAll(); // Request ranging to all anchors
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 15 for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { // Output Results
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 16 myprintf("D: %f, ", node.distances[i]);
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 17 myprintf("T:%f", node.roundtriptimes[i]);
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 18 myprintf("\r\n");
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 19 }
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 20 myprintf("\r\n\n");
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 21 }
manumaet 6:d5864a1b9e17 22
manumaet 0:f50e671ffff7 23 int main() {
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 24 pc.printf("\r\nDecaWave 1.0 up and running!\r\n"); // Splashscreen
manumaet 30:4ecc69d3cf8d 25 dw.setEUI(0xFAEDCD01FAEDCD01); // basic methods called to check if we have a working SPI connection
manumaet 28:a830131560e8 26 pc.printf("DEVICE_ID register: 0x%X\r\n", dw.getDeviceID());
manumaet 28:a830131560e8 27 pc.printf("EUI register: %016llX\r\n", dw.getEUI());
manumaet 38:8ef3b8d8b908 28 pc.printf("Voltage: %fV\r\n", dw.getVoltage());
manumaet 34:f56962030c5c 29
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 30 node.isAnchor = true; // declare as anchor or beacon
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 31 if (node.isAnchor) {
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 32 node.address = 1;
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 33 myprintf("This node is Anchor node %d \r\n", node.address);
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 34 } else {
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 35 node.address = 0;
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 36 myprintf("This node is a Beacon. ");
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 37 }
manumaet 32:041dd02e0e3b 38
manumaet 0:f50e671ffff7 39 while(1) {
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 40 if (!node.isAnchor)
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 41 rangeAndDisplayAll();
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 42 else
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 43 myprintf(".\r");
manumaet 44:2e0045042a59 44 wait(0.3);
manumaet 0:f50e671ffff7 45 }
manumaet 0:f50e671ffff7 46 }