Simple "hello world" style program for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 MEMS Inertial

Dependencies:   BLE_API X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 mbed

Fork of HelloWorld_IKS01A1 by ST

Sun Nov 15 09:00:40 2015 +0000
test with led

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 1 #include "mbed.h"
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 2 #include "x_nucleo_iks01a1.h"
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 3 #include "mbed.h"
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 4 #include "ble/BLE.h"
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 5 #include "ble/services/HeartRateService.h"
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 6 #include "ble/services/BatteryService.h"
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 7 #include "ble/services/DeviceInformationService.h"
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 8 //#include "stm32f4xx_conf.h"
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 9 //#include "stm32f4xx.h"
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 10 #include "led_RGB.h"
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 11 #include "main.h"
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 12
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 13 BLE ble;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 14 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 15
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 16 const static char DEVICE_NAME[] = "HRM1";
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 17 static const uint16_t uuid16_list[] = {GattService::UUID_HEART_RATE_SERVICE,
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 18 GattService::UUID_DEVICE_INFORMATION_SERVICE};
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 19 static volatile bool triggerSensorPolling = false;
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 20
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 21 uint8_t clock_source;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 22
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 23 void disconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *params)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 24 {
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 25; // restart advertising
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 26 }
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 27
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 28 void periodicCallback(void)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 29 {
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 30 led1 = !led1;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 31 triggerSensorPolling = true;
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 32 }
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 33
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 34
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 35 static X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 *mems_expansion_board = X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1::Instance(D14, D15);
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 36 static MagneticSensor *magnetometer = mems_expansion_board->magnetometer;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 37
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 38
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 39
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 40 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 41 /* Simple main function */
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 42 int main() {
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 43 uint8_t id;
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 44 int32_t axes[3];
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 45 pc.baud(115200);
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 46 printf("\r\n--- Starting new run ---\r\n");
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 47
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 48 RCC_DeInit();
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 49 RCC_HSICmd(ENABLE);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 50 while(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY) == RESET);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 51 RCC_PLLConfig(RCC_PLLSource_HSI, 8, 336, 4, 7);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 52 RCC_PLLCmd(ENABLE);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 53 while(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_PLLRDY)==RESET);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 54 RCC_HCLKConfig(RCC_SYSCLK_Div1);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 55 RCC_PCLK2Config(RCC_HCLK_Div2); //APB2 84MHz/2 = 42MHz
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 56 RCC_PCLK1Config(RCC_HCLK_Div2);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 57 clock_source = RCC_GetSYSCLKSource();
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 58 if (clock_source !=0)
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 59 RCC_SYSCLKConfig(RCC_SYSCLKSource_PLLCLK);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 60 RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA |
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 61 RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB,
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 62 ENABLE);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 63 RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd( RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3 |
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 64 RCC_APB1Periph_TIM4 |
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 65 RCC_APB1Periph_TIM2,
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 66 ENABLE);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 67 RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd( RCC_APB2Periph_USART1,
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 68 ENABLE);
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 69
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 70 Blue_Red_Setup();
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 71 Green_Setup();
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 72
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 73
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 74
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 75 magnetometer->ReadID(&id);
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 76 printf("LIS3MDL magnetometer = 0x%X\r\n", id);
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 77
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 78 led1 = 1;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 79 Ticker ticker;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 80 ticker.attach(periodicCallback, 1); // blink LED every second
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 81
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 82 ble.init();
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 83;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 84
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 85 /* Setup primary service. */
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 86 uint8_t hrmCounter = 0; // init HRM to 100bps
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 87 HeartRateService hrService(ble, hrmCounter, HeartRateService::LOCATION_FINGER);
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 88
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 89 /* Setup auxiliary service. */
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 90 DeviceInformationService deviceInfo(ble, "ARM", "Model1", "SN1", "hw-rev1", "fw-rev1", "soft-rev1");
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 91
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 92 /* Setup advertising. */
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 93 | GapAdvertisingData::LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE);
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 94, (uint8_t *)uuid16_list, sizeof(uuid16_list));
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 95;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 96, (uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(DEVICE_NAME));
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 97;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 98; /* 1000ms */
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 99
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 100;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 101
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 102
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 103 uint8_t note = 0;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 104 while(1) {
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 105 if (triggerSensorPolling && ble.getGapState().connected) {
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 106 triggerSensorPolling = false;
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 107
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 108 magnetometer->Get_M_Axes(axes);
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 109 //printf("%6ld,\t %6ld,\t %6ld\r\n", axes[0], axes[1], axes[2]);
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 110
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 111 note = 0;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 112 if (axes[0]>-81-40 && axes[0]<23+40 && axes[1]>-259-40 && axes[1]<-167+40 && axes[2]>827-40 && axes[2]<981+40)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 113 note = 1;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 114 else if (axes[0]>163-40 && axes[0]<289+40 && axes[1]>-397-40 && axes[1]<-316+40 && axes[2]>311-40 && axes[2]<357+40)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 115 note = 2;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 116 else if (axes[0]>-73-40 && axes[0]<43+40 && axes[1]>-441-40 && axes[1]<-313+40 && axes[2]>335-40 && axes[2]<420+40)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 117 note = 3;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 118 else if (axes[0]>-45-40 && axes[0]<25+40 && axes[1]>-612-40 && axes[1]<-561+40 && axes[2]>632-40 && axes[2]<761+40)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 119 note = 4;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 120 else if (axes[0]>-64-40 && axes[0]<-6+40 && axes[1]>-7-40 && axes[1]<35+40 && axes[2]>524-40 && axes[2]<677+40)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 121 note = 5;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 122 else if (axes[0]>-210-40 && axes[0]<-137+40 && axes[1]>-431-40 && axes[1]<-294+40 && axes[2]>455-40 && axes[2]<615+40)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 123 note = 6;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 124 else if (axes[0]>429-40 && axes[0]<471+40 && axes[1]>-145-40 && axes[1]<-91+40 && axes[2]>480-40 && axes[2]<580+40)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 125 note = 7;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 126 else if (axes[0]>164-40 && axes[0]<264+40 && axes[1]>-650-40 && axes[1]<-604+40 && axes[2]>560-40 && axes[2]<700+40)
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 127 note = 8;
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 128
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 129 printf("%d\n", note);
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 130
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 131 hrService.updateHeartRate(note);
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 132 wait(0.3);
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 133 } else {
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 134 ble.waitForEvent(); // low power wait for event
n0tform3 7:4985455162fc 135 }
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 136 switch (note){
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 137 case DO: TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 255); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 138 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 0); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 139 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 0); //BLU
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 140 break;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 141 case RE: TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 255); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 142 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 153); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 143 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 0); //BLU
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 144 break;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 145 case MI: TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 255); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 146 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 255); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 147 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 0); //BLU
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 148 break;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 149 case FA: TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 0); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 150 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 255); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 151 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 0); //BLU
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 152 break;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 153 case SOL: TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 0); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 154 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 0); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 155 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 255); //BLU
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 156 break;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 157 case LA: TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 51); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 158 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 0); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 159 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 153); //BLU
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 160 break;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 161 case SI: TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 255); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 162 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 0); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 163 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 255); //BLU
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 164 break;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 165 case DO1: TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 255); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 166 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 255); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 167 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 255); //BLU
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 168 break;
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 169 case default:
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 170 TIM_SetCompare4(TIM3, 0); //RED
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 171 TIM_SetCompare1(TIM4, 0); //GREEN
n0tform3 8:1c6281289d67 172 TIM_SetCompare3(TIM3, 0); //BLU
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 173 }
Wolfgang Betz 0:c71c9af137dd 174 }