



File content as of revision 23:eaab8e812a5d:

/* Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include "mbed.h"
#include "mbed_toolchain.h" // for MBED_DEPRECATED
#include "ATCmdParser.h"
#include "FileHandle.h"


/** UbloxCellularBase class.
 *  This class provides all the base support for generic u-blox modems
 *  on C030 and C027 boards: module identification, power-up, network
 *  registration, etc.
class UbloxCellularBase {

    /** Circuit Switched network registration status (CREG Usage).
     * UBX-13001820 - AT Commands Example Application Note (Section 7.10.3).
    typedef enum {
        CSD_REGISTERED = 1,
        CSD_SMS_ONLY = 6,
    } NetworkRegistrationStatusCsd;

    /** Packet Switched network registration status (CGREG Usage).
     * UBX-13001820 - AT Commands Example Application Note (Section 18.27.3).
    typedef enum {
        PSD_REGISTERED = 1,
    } NetworkRegistrationStatusPsd;

    /** EPS network registration status (CEREG Usage).
     * UBX-13001820 - AT Commands Example Application Note (Section 18.36.3).
    typedef enum {
        EPS_REGISTERED = 1,
    } NetworkRegistrationStatusEps;

    /** modem PSM states.
    typedef enum {
        AWAKE = 0,
        ASLEEP = 1
    } ModemPSMState;

    /** Initialise the modem, ready for use.
     *  @param pin     PIN for the SIM card.
     *  @return        true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool init(const char *pin = 0);

    /** Perform registration with the network.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool nwk_registration();

    /** True if the modem is registered for circuit
     * switched data, otherwise false.
    bool is_registered_csd();

    /** True if the modem is registered for packet
     * switched data, otherwise false.
    bool is_registered_psd();

    /** True if the modem is registered for enhanced
     * packet switched data (i.e. LTE and beyond),
     * otherwise false.
    bool is_registered_eps();

    /** Perform deregistration from the network.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool nwk_deregistration();

    /** Put the modem into its lowest power state.
    void deinit();

    /** Set the PIN code for the SIM card.
     *  @param pin PIN for the SIM card.
    void set_pin(const char *pin);

    /** Enable or disable SIM pin checking.
     * @param enableNotDisable true if SIM PIN checking is to be enabled,
     *                         otherwise false.
     * @return                 true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool sim_pin_check_enable(bool enableNotDisable);

    /** Change the SIM pin.
     * @param new_pin the new PIN to use.
     * @return        true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool change_sim_pin(const char *new_pin);

	/** Get the IMEI.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    MBED_DEPRECATED("This method is now replaced by const char * imei(), please use that instead")
	bool get_imei(char *imei_to_send, int size);

    /** Get the IMEI of the module.
     * @return a pointer to the IMEI as a null-terminated string.
    const char *imei();

    /** Get the Mobile Equipment ID (which may be the same as the IMEI).
     * @return a pointer to the Mobile Equipment ID as a null-terminated string.
    const char *meid();

    /** Get the IMSI of the SIM.
     * @return a pointer to the IMSI as a null-terminated string.
    const char *imsi();

    /** Get the ICCID of the SIM.
     * @return a pointer to the ICCID as a null-terminated string.
    const char *iccid();

    /** Get the RSSI.
     * @return the RSSI in dBm. If it is not possible to obtain an
     *         RSSI reading at the time (e.g. because the modem is in
     *         data mode rather than AT command mode) then 0 is returned.
    int rssi();

    /** RAT values for +URAT command
     * R412M only supports value 7 (CatM1), 8 (NB1), and 9 (GPRS)
    typedef enum {
        GSM_GPRS_EGPRS = 0,
        GSM_UMTS = 1,
        UMTS = 2,
        URAT_LTE = 3,
        GSM_UMTS_LTE = 4,
        GSM_LTE = 5,
        UMTS_LTE = 6,
        LTE_CATM1 = 7,
        LTE_CATNB1 = 8,
        GPRS_EGPRS = 9,
        NOT_USED = -1
    } RAT;

#ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_R41XM
    /** Supported MNO profiles for SARA-R4.
    typedef enum {
        SW_DEFAULT = 0,
        SIM_ICCID = 1,
        ATT = 2,
        VERIZON = 3,
        TELSTRA = 4,
        TMO = 5,
        CT = 6,
        VODAFONE = 19,
        TELUS = 21,
        DT = 31,
        STANDARD_EU = 100
    } MNOProfile;


    /** Reads the current MNO profile from modem and sets it to user specified profile.
     * User can also specify profile in mbed_lib.json file and call set_mno_profile without any arguments.
     * Note: MNO profile should only be set in detached state and a reboot is required for settings to take effect
     * @param profile MNO profile to use
     * @return    true if operation was successful, false if there was an error
    bool set_mno_profile(MNOProfile profile = DEFAULT_MNO_PROFILE);

    /** Get current MNO profile.
     * @param profile pointer to variable that can hold the value for returned profile
     * @return    true if operation was successful, false if there was an error
    bool get_mno_profile(int *profile);

    /** Set Radio Access Technology on modem.
     * Note: RAT should only be set in detached state and a reboot is required for settings to take effect
     * @param selected_rat Radio Access Technology to use
     * @param preferred_rat Radio Access Technology to use if selected_rat is not available
     * @param second_preferred_rat Radio Access Technology to use if selected_rat and preferred_rat are not available
     * @return        true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool set_modem_rat(RAT selected_rat, RAT preferred_rat = NOT_USED, RAT second_preferred_rat = NOT_USED);

    /** Get last saved values for RAT using +URAT read command. Note: The current selected RAT is indicated by DeviceInfo.rat
     * @param selected_rat pointer to variable that can hold the value for selected_rat
     * @param preferred_rat pointer to variable that can hold the value for preferred_rat
     * @param second_preferred_rat pointer to variable that can hold the value for second_preferred_rat
     * Note: NOT_USED will be returned in the variables if dual or tri modes are not enabled.
     * @return        true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool get_modem_rat(int *selected_rat, int *preferred_rat, int *second_preferred_rat);

    /** reboot the modem using AT+CFUN=15. Application should call init() or connect() before making any other API calls.
     * @return        true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool reboot_modem();

#ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_R412M
    /** Important: Callback function is executed in context of AT parser so a user should not issue any AT commands from inside the callback.
     * It is recommended to set a flag/event/signal in callback and application can use that to wake up the modem and re-initialize it
     * application callback for modem going in to PSM sleep
     * @param func     callback function to be executed when modem is going in to PSM sleep
     * @param param    parameter to be passed to callback function.
    void attach_cb_psm_going_in(Callback<void(void*)> func, void *param)
        _func_psm_going_in = func;
        _cb_param_psm_going_in = param;

    /** Important: Callback function is executed in context of AT parser so a user should not issue any AT commands from inside the callback.
     * It is recommended to set a flag/event/signal in callback and application can use that to wake up the modem and re-initialize it
     * application callback for modem coming out of PSM sleep
     * @param func     callback function to be executed when modem is coming out of PSM sleep.
     * @param param    parameter to be passed to callback function.
    void attach_cb_psm_coming_out(Callback<void(void*)> func, void *param)
        _func_psm_coming_out = func;
        _cb_param_psm_coming_out = param;

    /** de-register the application callback for modem going in to PSM sleep
    void detach_cb_psm_going_in()
        _func_psm_going_in = NULL;
        _cb_param_psm_going_in = NULL;

    /** de-register application callback for modem coming out of PSM sleep
    void detach_cb_psm_coming_out()
        _func_psm_coming_out = NULL;
        _cb_param_psm_coming_out = NULL;

    /** Enable or disable the 3GPP PSM.
     *  Note: Application should reboot the module after enabling PSM in order to enter PSM state. (reboot_modem())
     *  Note: Modem can be woken up by toggling the power-on signal. (wakeup_modem())
     *  Note: When device enters PSM, all connections(PPP, sockets) and settings that are not saved in NV memory(ATE0, CREG etc) are lost.
     *        host application should be prepared to re-initialize the modem and re-establish the connections.
     *  Note: PSM is disabled if both periodic_time and active_time are 0.
     *  Note: Not all variants/firmware versions support PSM URCs and in that case function will return false.
     *  PSM string encoding code is borrowed from AT_CellularPower.cpp
     * @param periodic_time    requested periodic TAU in seconds.
     * @param active_time      requested active time in seconds.
     * @param func             callback function to execute when modem goes to sleep
     * @param ptr              parameter to callback function
     * @return         True if successful, otherwise false.
    bool set_power_saving_mode(int periodic_tau, int active_time);

    /** Reads the 3GPP PSM status (enabled or disabled) and returns assigned periodic tau and active time values.
     * @param status           0: PSM disabled, 1: PSM enabled
     * @param periodic_tau     assigned periodic TAU in seconds.
     * @param active_time      assigned active time in seconds
     * @return         True if command successful, otherwise false.
    bool get_power_saving_mode(int *status, int *periodic_tau, int *active_time);

    /** Wake up the modem from PSM. Ref to comment on set_power_saving_mode, application should call init() or connect()
     * before making any other API calls.
    void wakeup_modem();

    /** True if the modem is not in PSM sleep
     * otherwise false.
    bool is_modem_awake();


    #define OUTPUT_ENTER_KEY  "\r"

    #define AT_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE   256

    #define AT_PARSER_TIMEOUT       8*1000 // Milliseconds

    /** A string that would not normally be sent by the modem on the AT interface.
    #define UNNATURAL_STRING "\x01"

    /** Supported u-blox modem variants.
    typedef enum {
        DEV_TYPE_NONE = 0,
    } DeviceType;

    /** Network registration status.
     * UBX-13001820 - AT Commands Example Application Note (Section
    typedef enum {
       GSM = 0,
       COMPACT_GSM = 1,
       UTRAN = 2,
       EDGE = 3,
       HSDPA = 4,
       HSUPA = 5,
       HSDPA_HSUPA = 6,
       LTE = 7,
       EC_GSM_IoT = 8,
       E_UTRAN_NB_S1 = 9
    } RadioAccessNetworkType;

    /** Info about the modem.
    typedef struct {
        DeviceType dev;
        char iccid[20 + 1];   //!< Integrated Circuit Card ID.
        char imsi[15 + 1];    //!< International Mobile Station Identity.
        char imei[15 + 1];    //!< International Mobile Equipment Identity.
        char meid[18 + 1];    //!< Mobile Equipment IDentifier.
        volatile RadioAccessNetworkType rat;  //!< Type of network (e.g. 2G, 3G, LTE).
        volatile NetworkRegistrationStatusCsd reg_status_csd; //!< Circuit switched attach status.
        volatile NetworkRegistrationStatusPsd reg_status_psd; //!< Packet switched attach status.
        volatile NetworkRegistrationStatusEps reg_status_eps; //!< Evolved Packet Switched (e.g. LTE) attach status.
#ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_R412M
        volatile ModemPSMState modem_psm_state; //!< last known modem PSM state
    } DeviceInfo;

    /* IMPORTANT: the variables below are available to
     * classes that inherit this in order to keep things
     * simple. However, ONLY this class should free
     * any of the pointers, or there will be havoc.

    /** Point to the instance of the AT parser in use.
    ATCmdParser *_at;

    /** The current AT parser timeout value.
    int _at_timeout;

    /** File handle used by the AT parser.
    FileHandle *_fh;

    /** The mutex resource.
    Mutex _mtx;

    /** General info about the modem as a device.
    DeviceInfo _dev_info;

    /** The SIM PIN to use.
    const char *_pin;

    /** Set to true to spit out debug traces.
    bool _debug_trace_on;
    /** The baud rate to the modem.
    int _baud;

    /** True if the modem is ready register to the network,
     * otherwise false.
    bool _modem_initialised;

    /** True it the SIM requires a PIN, otherwise false.
    bool _sim_pin_check_enabled;

    /** Sets the modem up for powering on
     *  modem_init() is equivalent to plugging in the device, e.g., attaching power and serial port.
     *  Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.
    virtual void modem_init();

    /** Sets the modem in unplugged state
     *  modem_deinit() will be equivalent to pulling the plug off of the device, i.e., detaching power
     *  and serial port. This puts the modem in lowest power state.
     *  Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.
    virtual void modem_deinit();

    /** Powers up the modem
     *  modem_power_up() is equivalent to pressing the soft power button.
     *  The driver may repeat this if the modem is not responsive to AT commands.
     *  Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.
    virtual void modem_power_up();

    /** Powers down the modem
     *  modem_power_down() is equivalent to turning off the modem by button press.
     *  Uses onboard_modem_api.h where the implementation of onboard_modem_api is provided by the target.
    virtual void modem_power_down();

    /* Note: constructor and destructor protected so that this
    * class can only ever be inherited, never used directly.

    /** Initialise this class.
     * @param tx       the UART TX data pin to which the modem is attached.
     * @param rx       the UART RX data pin to which the modem is attached.
     * @param baud     the UART baud rate.
     * @param debug_on true to switch AT interface debug on, otherwise false.
     * Note: it would be more natural to do this in the constructor
     * however, to avoid the diamond of death, this class is only
     * every inherited virtually.  Classes that are inherited virtually
     * do not get passed parameters in their constructor and hence
     * classInit() must be called separately by the first one to wake
     * the beast.
    void baseClassInit(PinName tx = MDMTXD,
                       PinName rx = MDMRXD,
                       int baud = MBED_CONF_UBLOX_CELL_BAUD_RATE,
                       bool debug_on = false);

    /** Set the AT parser timeout.
    void at_set_timeout(int timeout);

    /** Read up to size characters from buf
     * or until the character "end" is reached, overwriting
     * the newline with 0 and ensuring a terminator
     * in all cases.
     * @param buf  the buffer to write to.
     * @param size the size of the buffer.
     * @param end  the character to stop at.
     * @return     the number of characters read,
     *             not including the terminator.
    int read_at_to_char(char * buf, int size, char end);

    /** Powers up the modem.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool power_up();

    /** Power down the modem.
    void power_down();

    /** Lock a mutex when accessing the modem.
    void lock(void)     { _mtx.lock(); }

    /** Helper to make sure that lock unlock pair is always balanced
    #define LOCK()         { lock()

    /** Unlock the modem when done accessing it.
    void unlock(void)   { _mtx.unlock(); }

    /** Helper to make sure that lock unlock pair is always balanced
    #define UNLOCK()       } unlock()

    /** Set the device identity in _dev_info
     * based on the ATI string returned by
     * the module.
     * @return true if dev is a known value,
     *         otherwise false.
    bool set_device_identity(DeviceType *dev);

    /** Perform any modem initialisation that is
     * specialised by device type.
     * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
    bool device_init(DeviceType dev);

    /** Set up the SIM.
     * @return true if successful, otherwiss false.
    bool initialise_sim_card();

#ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_R412M
    /** Converts the given uint to binary string. Fills the given str starting from [0] with the number of bits defined by bit_cnt
     *  For example uint_to_binary_string(9, str, 10) would fill str "0000001001"
     *  For example uint_to_binary_string(9, str, 3) would fill str "001"
     *  @param num       uint to converts to binary string
     *  @param str       buffer for converted binary string
     *  @param str_size  size of the str buffer
     *  @param bit_cnt   defines how many bits are filled to buffer started from lsb
    void uint_to_binary_str(uint32_t num, char* str, int str_size, int bit_cnt);


    void set_nwk_reg_status_csd(int status);
    void set_nwk_reg_status_psd(int status);
    void set_nwk_reg_status_eps(int status);
    void set_rat(int AcTStatus);
    bool get_iccid();
    bool get_imsi();
    bool get_imei();
    bool get_meid();
    bool set_sms();
    void parser_abort_cb();
    void CMX_ERROR_URC();
    void CREG_URC();
    void CGREG_URC();
    void CEREG_URC();
    void UMWI_URC();
#ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_R412M
    void UUPSMR_URC();
    bool _psm_status;
    void *_cb_param_psm_going_in;
    Callback<void(void*)>    _func_psm_going_in;  /**< Callback. */
    void *_cb_param_psm_coming_out;
    Callback<void(void*)>    _func_psm_coming_out;  /**< Callback. */
    void set_modem_psm_state(int state);