Embedded software Assessment 2

Dependencies:   MCP23017 SDFileSystem USBDevice WattBob_TextLCD mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Mar 04 17:08:22 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Mar 04 18:42:38 2014 +0000
@@ -1,42 +1,69 @@
 /*                                        Cyclic Executive
 This software is built to test (Cyclic Executive). Five main functions are used in and every one of them
-has its own time of repetition. To execute this, a Ticker was used to call a function every 100 mSec.
-In other words, when 100 mSec is passed, the Cycle function is called and so on every 100 mSec. In this
-software a benefit is a token place for the difference between a float division with integer one. For example
-float(Counter/4.0)-Counter/4 if the Counter is a real repetition of 4 so the result of this will be 0. As a 
-result every 4 cycle (400 mSec) the condition be true and calling the function. Also, after 8 cycles (800 mSec)
-the condition is true for two factions, but the processor will implement on the priority that it was put in 
-the program.
+has its own time of repetition. To execute this, a Ticker was used to call a function every 12.5 mSec.
+In this software a benefit is a token from two counter, one is counting a pulses and it reset every 8 cycles.
+That mean it reset every 100 mSec. Then other counter (AllTimeCounter) increased by one. Every slot in the 8 slots
+has a defined function, for example the slot number 1 is to reading the two digital input. however this slote is
+for this function it is not excuted every slot 1. It excute just when the timer calculat 400 mSec. That is 4X8 
+cycles. Also, after 8X8 cycles (800 mSec) the condition is true for two factions, but the processor will 
+implement one in slot 1 and next cycle implement the other. 
+        The full program ducimentation is on
+        http://mbed.org/users/muaiyd/code/ass2/
 #include "Function.h"
+#include "Display.h"
+#include "FreqMesure.h"
+#include "ReadInput.h"
-uint16_t Counter=0;
+uint16_t Counter = 0;
+uint16_t AllTimeCounter = 1; //It start from 1 to avoid excute all function at begining
 void CycleFunction(); 
 int main(){
-    //Call the CycleFunction every 100 msec can see that on pin30
-    Cycle.attach(&CycleFunction,0.1);      
+    Cycle.attach(&CycleFunction,0.0125);      
 void CycleFunction(){
-    TickerPin = !(TickerPin);
-    //Can see the period of execute every function below on the pin that
-    //writen infront of it
-    //The least common multiple for all the above is 1800 cycles
-    // so every 180 Sec all the functions are repeated
-    Counter++;
-    if(Counter == 1800) Counter = 0;
-    if( Counter % 4 == 0) ReadDigitalin();  //Pin 21
-    if( Counter % 8 ==0) ReadAnalogin();   //Pin 22
-    if( Counter % 10 == 0) FreqMsur();     //Pin 23
-    if( Counter % 15 == 0) BinaryCounter();//Pin 24
-    if( Counter % 18 == 0) InputCheck();   //Pin 25
-    if( Counter % 20 == 0 ) Display();      //Pin 26
-    if( Counter % 50 == 0 ) LogFile();      //Pin 27
+    We can see the period of execute time for  every function below on the pin that
+    assigned for each and writen infront of it.    The least common multiple for all the above
+     repeat time function is 180 Sec so every 180 Sec all the cycle is repeated. That mean 14400
+     cycles.
+    Counter ++ ;
+    switch(Counter){
+        case 1:
+            if( AllTimeCounter % 4 == 0) ReadDigitalin();  //Pin 21      
+        break;
+        case 2:
+            if( AllTimeCounter % 8 ==0) ReadAnalogin();   //Pin 22
+        break;
+        case 3:
+            if( AllTimeCounter % 10 == 0) FreqMsur();     //Pin 23
+        break;
+        case 4:
+            if( AllTimeCounter % 15 == 0) BinaryCounter();//Pin 24
+        break;
+        case 5:
+            if( AllTimeCounter % 18 == 0) InputCheck();   //Pin 25
+        break;
+        case 6:
+            if( AllTimeCounter % 20 == 0 ) Display();      //Pin 26
+        break;
+        case 7:
+            if( AllTimeCounter % 50 == 0 ) LogFile();      //Pin 27
+        break;
+        case 8:
+            Counter = 0;
+            AllTimeCounter ++ ;
+            TickerPin = !(TickerPin);
+        break;
+    }
+    if ( AllTimeCounter == 14400 ) AllTimeCounter = 0; 
\ No newline at end of file