This program plays QuickTime movies on GR-Peach
Dependencies: AsciiFont GR-PEACH_video GraphicsFramework LCD_shield_config R_BSP TLV320_RBSP mbed-rtos mbed
- GR-Peach
- GR-Peach Audio Camera Shield or I²S compatible audio DAC
- GR-Peach LCD Shield
- USB memory stick
How to play movie files
- Encode movie files
encode movies with ffmpeg
$ ffmpeg -i <input -ar 44100 -acodec pcm_s16le -s 480x270 -vcodec mjpeg -q:v 3 -movflags faststart -threads 4 -vf fps=30 <output>.mov
- Copy movies to the root directory of USB memory
- Build and upload this program
- Run it