GroupU - 05012018 1543

Fork of 352 by Elec351 MMB

Tue Jan 09 14:53:07 2018 +0000
Final Version - Group U

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mslade 1:84581acd1333 1 script:
mslade 1:84581acd1333 2 # Check that examples compile
mslade 1:84581acd1333 3 - sed -n '/``` cpp/,${/```$/q;/```/d;p}' > main.cpp &&
mslade 1:84581acd1333 4 PYTHONPATH=mbed-os python mbed-os/tools/ -t GCC_ARM -m K64F
mslade 1:84581acd1333 5 --source=. --build=BUILD/K64F/GCC_ARM -j0 &&
mslade 1:84581acd1333 6 rm main.cpp
mslade 1:84581acd1333 7
mslade 1:84581acd1333 8 # Check that tests compile
mslade 1:84581acd1333 9 - rm -rf BUILD && PYTHONPATH=mbed-os python mbed-os/tools/
mslade 1:84581acd1333 10 -t GCC_ARM -m K64F --source=. --build=BUILD/TESTS/K64F/GCC_ARM -j0
mslade 1:84581acd1333 11 -n tests*
mslade 1:84581acd1333 12
mslade 1:84581acd1333 13 python:
mslade 1:84581acd1333 14 - "2.7"
mslade 1:84581acd1333 15
mslade 1:84581acd1333 16 install:
mslade 1:84581acd1333 17 # Get arm-none-eabi-gcc
mslade 1:84581acd1333 18 - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded
mslade 1:84581acd1333 19 - sudo apt-get update -qq
mslade 1:84581acd1333 20 - sudo apt-get install -qq gcc-arm-none-eabi --force-yes
mslade 1:84581acd1333 21 # Get dependencies
mslade 1:84581acd1333 22 - git clone
mslade 1:84581acd1333 23 # Install python dependencies
mslade 1:84581acd1333 24 - pip install --user -r mbed-os/requirements.txt