A library with drivers for different peripherals on the LPC4088 QuickStart Board or related add-on boards.

Dependencies:   FATFileSystem

Fork of EALib by EmbeddedArtists AB

diff -r 405c6e5a4eaf -r e431d9d47db6 XBee.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/XBee.h	Mon Nov 11 09:39:58 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#ifndef XBEE_H
+#define XBEE_H
+#define RX_BUF_SIZE (512)
+#define XBEE_BUF_SZ (200)
+#define XBEE_ADDRHI_BROADCAST (0x00000000)
+ * Interface to Digi International's XBee module. The XBee S1 module has
+ * been used during testing of this interface.
+ */
+class XBee {
+    /** Error codes returned from public methods */
+    enum XBeeError {
+        Ok = 0,
+        ReadError = -1,
+        CmdError = -2,
+        BufTooSmallError = -3,
+        TimeOutError = -4,
+        NotInitializedError = -5,
+        ArgumentError = -6
+    };
+    /** Callback function/method types. See registerCallback() */
+    enum CallbackType {
+        /** Device is up and ready */
+        CbDeviceUp = 0,
+        /** Device is down (disconnected) */
+        CbDeviceDown,
+        /** A node has been found */
+        CbNodeFound,
+        /** Transmit status */
+        CbTxStat,
+        /** Data is available */
+        CbDataAvailable,
+        CbNum // must be last
+    };
+    /** Xbee types */
+    enum XBeeType {
+        EndDevice = 0,
+        Coordinator
+    };
+    /** Transmit status */
+    enum XBeeTxStatus {
+        TxStatusOk = 0,
+        TxStatusNoAck,
+        TxStatusCCA,
+        TxStatusPurged
+    };
+    /**
+     * Create an interface to an XBee module.
+     *
+     * @param tx UART TX line
+     * @param tx UART rx line
+     * @param reset reset pin
+     * @param sleep sleep request pin
+     */
+    XBee(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName reset, PinName sleep);
+    /**
+     * Initialize the XBee module and configure it to be of a
+     * specific type.
+     *
+     * Note: This implementation will always configure the XBee module to
+     * work in API mode.
+     *
+     * @param type the type of this XBee node
+     * @param panId the PAN ID to use for the XBee network. This  argument
+     * must contain 4 characters representing hexadecimal values
+     * (e.g. "A1E0" means the hexadecimal value 0xA1E0);
+     */
+    XBeeError init(XBeeType type, const char* panId);
+    /**
+     * Register a callback function
+     *
+     * @param fptr Callback function to register
+     * @param type The type of event that will trigger a call to the function.
+     */
+    void registerCallback(void (*fptr)(void), CallbackType type) {
+        if (fptr) {
+            _callbacks[type].attach(fptr);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Register a callback method
+     *
+     * @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
+     * @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
+     * @param type The type of event that will trigger a call to the method.
+     */
+    template<typename T>
+    void registerCallback(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void), CallbackType type) {
+        if((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
+            _callbacks[type].attach(tptr, mptr);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Call this method repeatedly to process incoming data.
+     */
+    void process();
+    /**
+     * Get address of remote node. This method will only return valid data
+     * when called in the context of the CbDataAvailable and CbNodeFound
+     * callbacks
+     *
+     * @param addrHi Top 32 bits of address will be written to this argument
+     * @param addrLo Bottom 32 bits of address will be written to this argument
+     */
+    XBeeError getRemoteAddress(uint32_t* addrHi, uint32_t* addrLo);
+    /**
+     * Get signal strength indicator value (RSSI). This method will only
+     * return valid data when called in the context of the
+     * CbDataAvailable and CbNodeFound callbacks
+     *
+     * @param rssi RSSI value will be written to this argument
+     */
+    XBeeError getRssi(uint8_t* rssi );
+    /**
+     * Get the transmit status. This method will only return valid data when
+     * called in the context of the CbTxStat callback.
+     *
+     * @param frameId the frame ID will be written to this argument
+     * @param status the status will be written to this argument
+     */
+    XBeeError getTxStatus(uint8_t* frameId, XBeeTxStatus* status);
+    /**
+     * Get received data. This method will only return valid data when called
+     * in the context of the CbDataAvailable callback
+     *
+     * @param data will point to a buffer with received data
+     * @param len will contain the length of the received data
+     */
+    XBeeError getData(char** data, uint8_t* len);
+    /**
+     * Send data to a node with specified address. It is also possible to
+     * broadcast a message using broadcast address (XBEE_ADDRHI_BROADCAST,
+     *
+     * @param addrHi Top 32 bits of address
+     * @param addrLo Bottom 32 bits of address
+     * @param data buffer containing data to send
+     * @param len number of bytes to send
+     * @param frameId the ID of the frame will be written to this argument.
+     * The ID can then be used to match this request with the status returned
+     * in the CbTxStat callback.
+     */
+    XBeeError send(uint32_t addrHi, uint32_t addrLo, char* data,
+        uint8_t len, uint8_t* frameId);
+    /**
+     * Send a Node Discover request. All modules on the operating channel and
+     * PAN ID should respond. The responses will be reported in the CbNodeFound
+     * callback.
+     */
+    XBeeError discoverNodes();
+    /**
+     * Request the module to enter sleep mode.
+     */
+    XBeeError enterSleep();
+    /**
+     * Request the module to exit sleep mode.
+     */
+    XBeeError exitSleep();
+    enum RfState {
+        RfStateFrame = 0,
+        RfStateLength,
+        RfStateData
+    };
+    bool _initialized;
+    Serial _serial;
+    XBeeType _type;
+    DigitalOut _reset;
+    DigitalOut _sleep;
+    uint8_t rxqIn;
+    uint8_t rxqOut;
+    uint8_t rxq[RX_BUF_SIZE];
+    uint32_t _rfFrameTimeout;
+    Timer _rfFrameTimer;
+    RfState _rfState;
+    uint32_t _rfPos;
+    uint32_t _rfFrameLen;
+    char _rfBuf[XBEE_BUF_SZ];
+    uint8_t _rfFrameId;
+    uint32_t _addrHi;
+    uint32_t _addrLo;
+    uint8_t _rssi;
+    uint8_t _frameId;
+    XBeeTxStatus _txStatus;
+    char* _recvData;
+    uint8_t _recvLen;
+    FunctionPointer _callbacks[CbNum];
+    void uartRxIrq();
+    void uartRxQPut(uint8_t data);
+    uint8_t uartRxQGet();
+    bool uartRxQIsEmpty();
+    uint32_t uartReceive(char *buf, uint32_t buflen);
+    int32_t uartReadLine(char* buf, uint32_t bufLen, uint32_t timeout);
+    void resetModule();
+    XBeeError commandMode();
+    XBeeError atGet(const char* atCmd, char* resp, uint32_t respLen);
+    XBeeError atSet(const char* atCmd);
+    void processByte(char data);
+    void processFrame(char* buf, uint32_t len);
+    void handleAtResponse(uint8_t frameId, char* atBuf, uint8_t status,
+        char* valueBuf, uint32_t valueLen);
+    void handleDiscovery(uint8_t status, char* buf, uint32_t len);
+    void handleTxStatus(uint8_t frameId, uint8_t status);
+    void processData(uint32_t addrHi, uint32_t addrLo, uint8_t rssi,
+        uint8_t opt, char* buf, uint32_t len);
+    void handleModemStatus(uint8_t status);
+    char checksum(char* buf, uint32_t len);
+    uint32_t bufTo32bitInt(const char* buf);
+    void int32bitToBuf(uint32_t v, char* buf);
+    XBeeError apiTx64(uint32_t addrHi, uint32_t addrLo, char* data,
+        uint32_t len, uint8_t* frameId);
+    XBeeError apiAtCmd(const char* atCmd, uint32_t param, bool useParameter);
+    uint8_t getFrameId();