AX12+ Testing

So I have started a new project that will hopefull culmenate in a 4-legged walking robot! Cool, but at the minute that seems a long was off...

to start with I have got myself some AX12+ servos. From cookbook page (found at AX12-Servo) they look perfect for the end application. I wanted something that had plenty of torque and that didin't require too much processor time to operate. By using the AX12+ I can basically tell the sevro to go to a set point and a set speed and then just check that it got there OK - perfect.

So the first step as usual is the 'Hello World' program. This seems easy enough - so I'll compile and run it on the mbed...


So that went OK. The next thing I wanted to do was add even more functionallity to the AX-12+ library, mainly torque control and more velocity control. Time to hack the library...



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