Tapton School Project Sentinel - 2

Dependencies:   SMARTGPU2 mbed

Fork of Objects_SG2 by Vizic Technologies

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Apr 17 23:50:03 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jan 08 13:25:25 2018 +0000
@@ -13,86 +13,665 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "SMARTGPU2.h"
+AnalogIn hrm (p16);
+DigitalIn DigHRM (p21);
+AnalogIn gsr(p17); // alalogue input pin for the galvanic skin response sensor
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // pc's usb tx, rx
+DigitalOut led_1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led_2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led_3(LED3);
+DigitalOut led_4(LED4);
 SMARTGPU2 lcd(TXPIN,RXPIN,RESETPIN);  //create our object called "lcd"
+TIME timeRTC;
+STATE stateRTC;
 void initializeSmartGPU2(void){      //Initialize SMARTGPU2 Board
   lcd.reset();                       //physically reset SMARTGPU2
   lcd.start();                       //initialize the SMARTGPU2 processor
+float gsrValue = 0,gsrbaseline = 0,hrmValue = 0,hrmbaseline = 0;
-int main() {
+void Get_gsrBaseline(void)
+    double gsrsum = 0;
+    wait(1);
+    for(int i=0; i<500; i++) {
+        gsrValue = gsr;
+        gsrsum += gsrValue;
+        wait(0.005);
+    }
+    gsrbaseline = gsrsum/500;
+// calculate hrmbaseline to compare against
+void Get_hrmBaseline(void)
+    double hrmsum = 0;
+    wait(1);
+    for(int i=0; i<500; i++) {
+        hrmValue = hrm;
+        hrmsum += hrmValue;
+        wait(0.005);
+    }
+    hrmbaseline = hrmsum/500;
+FILERESULT fres;            //create the variable that will store all SMARTGPU2 commands responses
+int sdok;
+unsigned int row=10;
+//function that checks if the SD card operation had a problem
+void die(unsigned char response){ //if the response is different than OK, print and wait for 3 seconds
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrint;
+  pc.printf("%d\r\n",response);  //write to the USB PC if there is a problem
+  if(response!=F_OK){
+    pc.printf("Error on microSD... \r\n");
+    wait(3);
+ //   while(1);  
+    }
+    sdok=1;
+int main() { //start of main program ********
+  SMARTGPUREPLY res; // responses from GPU
   POINT point;
-  unsigned char progress=0;
-  char sliderPosition=49, scrollPosition=4;
+  int but1; // button pressed variable
+  pc.baud(9600);
   initializeSmartGPU2();             //Init communication with SmartGPU2 board
   lcd.baudChange(BAUD6);             //set a fast baud! for fast drawing
+  res = lcd.setupRTC(&stateRTC); // start the SmartGPU2 Real Time Clock RTC
-  //draw the object window
-  lcd.objWindow(0,0,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE, FONT1, SELECTEDGRAY, "objects window");
-  //draw the object slider
-  lcd.objSlider(10, 80, 309, 115, sliderPosition, 100, HORIZONTAL); //draw the slider  with 100 divisions and 49 as current position
-  //draw the object scroll bar
-  lcd.objScrollBar(10, 125, 309, 160, scrollPosition, 10, HORIZONTAL, DESELECTED); //draw the scroll bar with 10 divisions and 4 as current position
+  NUMBEROFBYTES bytes; // for use in text string call
+  float gsrValue = 0,gsrbaseline = 0,aHRMvalue = 0,dHRMvalue = 0;
+  while(1)
+  {        // set up a loop to keep endless operation and changes to user operation
+  pc.printf("Start of Main\r\n");
+   but1 = 0;  
+   gsrbaseline = gsr;
+   lcd.erase();
+   lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+   lcd.setTextSize(FONT1); 
   //draw the object button1 and button2
-  lcd.objButton(10, 170, 150, 220, DESELECTED, "button 1");
-  lcd.objButton(170, 170, 309, 220, DESELECTED, "button 2");     
-  while(1){
-    //draw the object progress bar - this is the only object that doesn't wait for a touch, it just updates automatically each delay cycle
-    lcd.objProgressBar(10, 40, 309, 70, progress++); //draw the progress bar with the "progress" variable value
-    if(progress>100) progress = 0;   
+  lcd.objButton(10, 170, 150, 220, DESELECTED, "Change?");
+  lcd.objButton(170, 170, 309, 220, DESELECTED, "Continue");     
+  res = lcd.getRTCTimeDate(&timeRTC);
+  lcd.string(70,40,300,60,"Hour Minutes Seconds", &bytes);
+  lcd.string(0,60,69,80,"Time:", &bytes);
+  lcd.string(70,100,300,120,"Day  Month  Year", &bytes); 
+  lcd.string(0,120,100,140,"Date:", &bytes);
+    lcd.printNumber(85,60, timeRTC.hour); 
+    lcd.printNumber(130,60, timeRTC.minute); 
+    lcd.printNumber(190,60, timeRTC.second);
+    lcd.printNumber(85,120, timeRTC.day);  
+    lcd.printNumber(130,120, timeRTC.month); 
+    lcd.printNumber(190,120, timeRTC.year);
+lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"Press Change? to set the time", &bytes);     
+but1=0; // prepare for catching a button press 
+led_2=0; //debug
+ while (but1 == 0) //wait for button press loop
+ {
+         //ask for a touch
+    if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID)
+      { //if a touch on screen is valid check which button        
+      if(point.y>170 && point.y<220 && point.x<160) 
+        { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+        lcd.objButton(10, 170, 150, 220, SELECTED, "Change Time?");
+        wait_ms(50);
+        lcd.objButton(10, 170, 150, 220, DESELECTED, "Change Time?");
+    pc.printf("change time button pressed\r\n"); //debug
+    timeRTC.minute = 55;
+    timeRTC.second = 0;
+    timeRTC.day = 7;
+    timeRTC.month = 1;
+    timeRTC.year = 2018;
+    res = lcd.setRTCTimeDate(&timeRTC); // send the above values to the RTC
+         wait(2);
+         res = lcd.getRTCTimeDate(&timeRTC); // get the RTC values back
+         lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+         lcd.drawRectangle(200, 0, 318, 20, BLACK, FILL); // date refresh
+         lcd.drawRectangle(85, 60, 300, 80, BLACK, FILL); //time refresh 
+         lcd.drawRectangle(85, 120, 300, 140, BLACK, FILL); //clears the area of screen with numbers so not to overwrite causing blurred numbers
+         lcd.printNumber(85,60, timeRTC.hour); 
+         lcd.printNumber(130,60, timeRTC.minute); 
+         lcd.printNumber(190,60, timeRTC.second);
+         lcd.printNumber(85,120, timeRTC.day); 
+         lcd.printNumber(130,120, timeRTC.month); 
+         lcd.printNumber(190,120, timeRTC.year);
+         lcd.drawRectangle(0, 0, 300, 20, BLACK, FILL); // date refresh
+         lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"OK new time set from storred values", &bytes); 
+         wait(3);// display for 2 seconds
+         led_2=1;  
+         but1 = 1; // button was pressed so set var to get out of this button press loop
+         } //end of Button 1 pressed IF 
+      //IF BUTTON2        
+      if(point.y>170 && point.y<220 && point.x>160)
+        { //if the touch on button2 draw the object button2 as SELECTED
+        lcd.objButton(170, 170, 309, 220, SELECTED, "Continue");
+        wait_ms(50);
+        lcd.objButton(170, 170, 309, 220, DESELECTED, "Continue");
+        but1 = 1;// button was pressed so set var to get out of thi sbutton press loop
+        pc.printf("continue button pressed\r\n");   //debug
+        }//end of Button 2 pressed IF 
+      } // end of has a valid screen touch been made IF 
+   } //end of second wait for button press while statement
+but1=0; //reset button pressed var
+int candidate=0; //set up a var to track which candidate to be monitored
+lcd.erase(); //clear the screen
-    //ask for a touch
-    if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID){ //if a touch on screen is valid
-      //IF SLIDER
-      if(point.y>80 && point.y<115){ //if the touch on the slider
-        sliderPosition = ((point.x*100)/(309-10)); //scale the value and set it to sliderPosition
-        //draw the object slider with currently obtained scaled touch value
-        lcd.objSlider(10, 80, 309, 115, sliderPosition, 100, HORIZONTAL); //draw the slider  with 100 divisions and "sliderPosition" variable value                  
-      }
-      //IF SCROLLBAR        
-      if(point.y>125 && point.y<160){ //if the touch on the scroll bar
-        if(point.x>(MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-SCROLLBUTTONSIZE)){ //if touch is on the right > button
-          scrollPosition++;          
-          if(scrollPosition>9) scrollPosition=9;              
-          //draw the object scroll bar as SELECTED
-          lcd.objScrollBar(10, 125, 309, 160, scrollPosition, 10, HORIZONTAL, SELECTED); //draw the scroll bar with 10 divisions and "scrollPosition" variable value                      
-        }else if(point.x<SCROLLBUTTONSIZE){             //if touch is on the left < button
-          scrollPosition--;  
-          if(scrollPosition<0) scrollPosition=0;
-          //draw the object scroll bar as SELECTED
-          lcd.objScrollBar(10, 125, 309, 160, scrollPosition, 10, HORIZONTAL, SELECTED); //draw the scroll bar with 10 divisions and "scrollPosition" variable value    
+//draw the object button1 through button4 for Candidate selection
+lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"Select the Candidate to be monitored", &bytes);
+lcd.objButton(10, 30, 200, 60, DESELECTED, "Candidate 1");
+lcd.objButton(10, 85, 200, 120, DESELECTED, "Candidate 2");
+lcd.objButton(10, 145, 200, 180, DESELECTED, "Candidate 3");
+lcd.objButton(10, 205, 200, 238, DESELECTED, "Candidate 4");
+while (but1 == 0) //wait for button press loop
+  {
+         //pc.printf("endless time loop\r\n");   //debug
+         led_4=!led_4; //debug   
+          if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID)
+           { //if a touch on screen is valid check which button        
+           if(point.y>30 && point.y<60 && point.x<200) 
+             { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+             lcd.objButton(10, 30, 200, 60, SELECTED, "Candidate 1");
+             wait_ms(50);
+             lcd.objButton(10, 30, 200, 60, DESELECTED, "Candidate 1");
+             pc.printf("Candidate 1\r\n"); //debug
+             but1=1;
+             candidate=1;
+             }// end of if button 1 pressed
+           if(point.y>85 && point.y<120 && point.x<200) 
+             { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+             lcd.objButton(10, 85, 200, 120, SELECTED, "Candidate 2");
+             wait_ms(50);
+             lcd.objButton(10, 85, 200, 120, DESELECTED, "Candidate 2");
+             pc.printf("Candidate 2\r\n"); //debug
+             but1=1;
+             candidate=2;
+             }// end of if button 2 pressed
+            if(point.y>145 && point.y<180 && point.x<200) 
+             { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+             lcd.objButton(10, 145, 200, 180, SELECTED, "Candidate 3");
+             wait_ms(50);
+             lcd.objButton(10, 145, 200, 180, DESELECTED, "Candidate 3");
+             pc.printf("Candidate  3\r\n"); //debug
+             but1=1;
+             candidate=3;
+             }// end of if button 3 pressed
+            if(point.y>205 && point.y<238 && point.x<200) 
+             { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+             lcd.objButton(10, 205, 200, 238, SELECTED, "Candidate 4");
+             wait_ms(50);
+             lcd.objButton(10, 205, 200, 238, DESELECTED, "Candidate 4");
+             pc.printf("Candidate 4\r\n"); //debug
+             but1=1;
+             candidate=4;
+             }// end of if button 4 pressed
+           }// end of if screen touched
+} //end of the button press while
+lcd.erase(); //clear the screen
+if (candidate==0)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"NO Candidate selected", &bytes);
+if (candidate==1)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"Candidate 1 selected", &bytes);
+if (candidate==2)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"Candidate 2 selected", &bytes);
+if (candidate==3)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"Candidate 3 selected", &bytes);
+if (candidate==4)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"Candidate 4 selected", &bytes);
+  char buffer[100]={0}; 
+  unsigned int dirs=0, files=0, i=0, sdcardavail=0;
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
+  unsigned char response;    
+  fres=lcd.SDFgetList(&dirs,&files);    //obtain dirs and files
+  die(fres);
+   if(sdok==1)
+    {//if the SD card is there and ok list the directory contents
+    pc.printf("SD card is there\r\n");
+    sdcardavail=1; // set to determine if user given choice to save session to SD card    
+    } //end of if statement to check if SD disc there and ok 
+int storetosd=0; //set up a var to track if seesion to be saved to disc if so at what intervals
+  {  //only give these options if a SD card is available and ok
+  but1=0; //reset button pressed var
+  lcd.erase(); //clear the screen
+  lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+  //draw the object button1 through button4 for save to disc option selection
+  lcd.string(0,0,315,20,"Select if session to be saved to disc, if so, select interval required", &bytes);
+  lcd.objButton(10, 30, 200, 60, DESELECTED, "Don't Save");
+  lcd.objButton(10, 85, 200, 120, DESELECTED, "Save, 1 minute");
+  lcd.objButton(10, 145, 200, 180, DESELECTED, "Save, 15 minutes");
+  lcd.objButton(10, 205, 200, 238, DESELECTED, "Save, 30 minutes");
+  while(but1 == 0) //wait for button press loop
+       {
+       //pc.printf("endless time loop\r\n");   //debug
+       led_4=!led_4; //debug   
+       if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID)
+         { //if a touch on screen is valid check which button        
+         if(point.y>30 && point.y<60 && point.x<200) 
+           { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+           lcd.objButton(10, 30, 200, 60, SELECTED, "Don't Save");
+           wait_ms(50);
+           lcd.objButton(10, 30, 200, 60, DESELECTED, "Don't Save");
+           pc.printf("Don't Save\r\n"); //debug
+           but1=1;
+           storetosd=1;
+           }// end of if button 1 pressed
+         if(point.y>85 && point.y<120 && point.x<200) 
+           { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+           lcd.objButton(10, 85, 200, 120, SELECTED, "Save, 1 minute");
+           wait_ms(50);
+           lcd.objButton(10, 85, 200, 120, DESELECTED, "Save, 1 minute");
+           pc.printf("Save 1 minute\r\n"); //debug
+           but1=1;
+           storetosd=2;
+           }// end of if button 2 pressed
+         if(point.y>145 && point.y<180 && point.x<200) 
+           { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+           lcd.objButton(10, 145, 200, 180, SELECTED, "Save, 15 minutes");
+           wait_ms(50);
+           lcd.objButton(10, 145, 200, 180, DESELECTED, "Save, 15 minutes");
+           pc.printf("Save, 15 minutes\r\n"); //debug
+           but1=1;
+           storetosd=3;
+           }// end of if button 3 pressed
+         if(point.y>205 && point.y<238 && point.x<200) 
+           { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+           lcd.objButton(10, 205, 200, 238, SELECTED, "Save, 30 minutes");
+           wait_ms(50);
+           lcd.objButton(10, 205, 200, 238, DESELECTED, "Save, 30 minutes");
+           pc.printf("Save, 30 minutes\r\n"); //debug
+           but1=1;
+           storetosd=4;
+           }// end of if button 4 pressed
+         }// end of if screen touched
+       } //end of the button press while
+   }//end of if SD card available statement
+lcd.erase(); //clear the screen
+if (storetosd==1)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"Don't Save", &bytes);
+if (storetosd==2)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"1 minute selected", &bytes);
+if (storetosd==3)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"15 minutes selected", &bytes);
+if (storetosd==4)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"30 minutes selected", &bytes);
+if (storetosd==0)lcd.string(0,0,300,20,"nothing selected", &bytes);
+ lcd.erase();  
+ lcd.setTextColour(GREEN);
+if (candidate==0)lcd.string(0,0,150,20,"NO Candidate selected", &bytes);
+if (candidate==1)lcd.string(0,0,150,20,"Candidate 1", &bytes);
+if (candidate==2)lcd.string(0,0,150,20,"Candidate 2", &bytes);
+if (candidate==3)lcd.string(0,0,150,20,"Candidate 3", &bytes);
+if (candidate==4)lcd.string(0,0,150,20,"Candidate 4", &bytes);
+ lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+ lcd.string(80,220,310,238,"   HRM     GSR",&bytes);
+ lcd.string(0,60,100,80,"GSR Baseline", &bytes);  //write a string on the screen
+ lcd.string(0,81,100,100,"GSR Analogue In", &bytes);  //write a string on the screen
+ lcd.string(0,101,100,120,"HRM Analogue In", &bytes);  //write a string on the screen
+ lcd.string(0,121,100,150,"HRM Digital In", &bytes);  //write a string on the screen
+float gsrdelta,gsrdeltaabs,hrmdeltaabs,hrmdelta,gsr1, gsr2, gsr3, hrm1, hrm2, hrm3;
+ Get_gsrBaseline();
+ Get_hrmBaseline();
+     gsr1 = (gsrbaseline+(0.05 * gsrbaseline)); //level 1 GSR Top boundry 5% 
+     gsr2 = (gsrbaseline+(0.10 * gsrbaseline)); //level 2 GSR Top boundry 10%   
+     gsr3 = (gsrbaseline+(0.15 * gsrbaseline)); //level 3 GSR Top boundry 15%  
+     hrm1 = (hrmbaseline+(0.25 * hrmbaseline)); //level 1 HRM Top boundry 25% 
+     hrm2 = (hrmbaseline+(0.50 * hrmbaseline)); //level 2 HRM Top boundry 50%   
+     hrm3 = (hrmbaseline+(0.75 * hrmbaseline)); //level 3 HRM Top boundry 75% 
+int d=0;
+ //draw the object button1 Exit
+unsigned int writtenBytes=0;   
+  if(storetosd>1 && storetosd<5)
+      {                         //open a file on the SD card called log.txt
+      pc.printf("Try to open a file on the SD card called log.txt\r\n");
+      //try to open the file
+      fres=lcd.SDFopenFile("log.txt", WRITEONLY, WORKSPACE0);  //Try to open the file in write only mode in the workspace block 0    
+      if(fres!=F_OK){                       //If the file doesn't Open is because it doesn't exist      
+        pc.printf("File doesn't exist, creating log.txt file...\r\n");    
+        fres=lcd.SDFnewFile("log.txt");  //Try to create the file 
+        die(fres);                        //If any error report it
+        fres=lcd.SDFopenFile("log.txt", WRITEONLY, WORKSPACE0);  //Try to open the created file      
+        die(fres);                        //If any error report it
-        wait_ms(50);
-        lcd.objScrollBar(10, 125, 309, 160, scrollPosition, 10, HORIZONTAL, DESELECTED); //draw the scroll bar with 10 divisions and "scrollPosition" variable value        
-      }
-      //IF BUTTON1        
-      if(point.y>170 && point.y<220 && point.x<160){ //if the touch on button1
-        //draw the object button1 as SELECTED
-        lcd.objButton(10, 170, 150, 220, SELECTED, "button 1");
-        wait_ms(50);
-        lcd.objButton(10, 170, 150, 220, DESELECTED, "button 1");
-      }
-      //IF BUTTON2        
-      if(point.y>170 && point.y<220 && point.x>160){ //if the touch on button2
-        //draw the object button2 as SELECTED
-        lcd.objButton(170, 170, 309, 220, SELECTED, "button 2");
-        wait_ms(50);
-        lcd.objButton(170, 170, 309, 220, DESELECTED, "button 2");
-      }
-    }
-    //update objects each 100 milliseconds
-    wait_ms(100);      
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+      char messagetitle[100]="Candidate, Interval , GSR Base ,  GSR  ,  HRM  ,  Day  ,  Month , Hour , Minute , Second \n"; 
+      res = lcd.getRTCTimeDate(&timeRTC); // get the RTC values back
+      lcd.SDFsetFileTimeDate(&timeRTC, "log.txt"); //Set Time and Date to the now existing log.txt file
+      pc.printf("***********saving titles to file \r\n");
+      writtenBytes=0; //, readbytes=0; //i=0; 
+      fres=lcd.SDFwriteFile(messagetitle, sizeof(messagetitle), &writtenBytes, WORKSPACE0); //write to the open file in WORKSPACE0 size of message in bytes and store the successfully written Bytes on writtenBytes variable
+      die(fres);                         //If any error report it    
+      lcd.SDFsaveFile(WORKSPACE0);          //Save changes in the file contained in WORKSPACE0
+      }      
+char textStringgsr[9],textStringgsrb[9],textStringhrm[9],textday[3],textmonth[3],texthour[3],textminute[3],textsecond[3]; //textStringhrmb[9] if baseline achieved later
+int length,k=0,j=0,l=0,z=0;
+lcd.objButton(10, 180, 50, 215, DESELECTED, "EXIT"); // draw the object button to provide exit 
+while (but1 == 0) //wait for button press loop
+  {
+    gsrValue = gsr;
+    aHRMvalue = hrm;
+    dHRMvalue = DigHRM;
+   // wait(1);
+    lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+    lcd.printNumber(110,60, gsrbaseline); 
+    lcd.printNumber(110,81, gsrValue); 
+    lcd.printNumber(110,101, aHRMvalue);
+    lcd.printNumber(110,121, dHRMvalue);
+         res = lcd.getRTCTimeDate(&timeRTC); // get the RTC values back
+         lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+         lcd.string(0,21,318,40,"Time:", &bytes);
+         lcd.printNumber(70,21, timeRTC.hour); // write them to the TFT
+         lcd.printNumber(95,21, timeRTC.minute); 
+      //   lcd.printNumber(170,21, timeRTC.second);
+         lcd.printNumber(200,0, timeRTC.day); 
+         lcd.printNumber(230,0, timeRTC.month); 
+         lcd.printNumber(260,0, timeRTC.year);        
+        gsrValue = gsr; //put actual gsr pin input into a variable
+        gsrdelta = gsrbaseline - gsrValue;
+        gsrdeltaabs = abs(gsrdelta);
+        if (gsrdeltaabs < gsrbaseline)
+           {
+            gsrdeltaabs = gsrbaseline + gsrdeltaabs; // make all negative values regarding baseline +ve
+           } 
+        if((gsrdeltaabs >= gsrbaseline) && (gsrdeltaabs <= gsr1))  // check for being upto 5% of baseline
+           {   
+           lcd.drawRectangle(100, 180, 140, 215, GREEN, FILL);
+           // x, y, width, height, colour
+           }
+        if((gsrdeltaabs > gsr1) && (gsrdeltaabs <= gsr2))  // check for being > 6% to 10% of baseline
+           {   
+             lcd.drawRectangle(100, 180, 140, 215, YELLOW, FILL);
+             //x, y, width, height, colour
+           }
+        if((gsrdeltaabs > gsr2) && (gsrdeltaabs <= gsr3))  // check for being > 11% to 15% of baseline
+           { 
+             lcd.drawRectangle(100, 180, 140, 215, CYAN, FILL);  
+             //x, y, width, height, colour
+           }
+        if(gsrdeltaabs > gsr3)  // check for being > 16% of baseline
+           { 
+             lcd.drawRectangle(100, 180, 140, 215, RED, FILL);  
+             //x, y, width, height, colour
+           }
+        hrmValue = hrm; //Heart Rate Monitor
+        //printf("hrmValue = %f\n\r",hrmValue);
+        hrmdelta = hrmbaseline - hrmValue;
+        hrmdeltaabs = abs(hrmdelta);
+       if (hrmdeltaabs < hrmbaseline)
+           {
+            hrmdeltaabs = hrmbaseline + hrmdeltaabs; // make all negative values regarding baseline +ve
+           } 
+        if((hrmdeltaabs >= hrmbaseline) && (hrmdeltaabs <= hrm1))  // check for being > 1% to 25% of baseline
+           {   
+             lcd.drawRectangle(180, 180, 220, 215, GREEN, FILL);
+             //x, y, width, height, colour
+           }
+        if((hrmdeltaabs > hrm1) && (hrmdeltaabs <= hrm2))  // check for being > 26% to 50% of baseline
+           {   
+             lcd.drawRectangle(180, 180, 220, 215, YELLOW, FILL);
+             //x, y, width, height, colour
+           }
+        if((hrmdeltaabs > hrm2) && (hrmdeltaabs <= hrm3))  // check for being > 51% to 75% of baseline
+           { 
+             lcd.drawRectangle(180, 180, 220, 215, CYAN, FILL);  
+           }
+        if(hrmdeltaabs > hrm3)  // check for being > 76% of baseline
+           { 
+             lcd.drawRectangle(180, 180, 220, 215, RED, FILL);  
+            }
+    wait(0.5);
+    lcd.setTextColour(BLACK);
+    lcd.drawRectangle(200, 0, 318, 20, BLACK, FILL); // date refresh
+    lcd.drawRectangle(70, 21, 300, 60, BLACK, FILL); //time refresh 
+    lcd.drawRectangle(101, 31, 300, 100, BLACK, FILL); //clears the area of screen with numbers so not to overwrite causing blurred numbers
+    lcd.printNumber(110,60, gsrbaseline); 
+    lcd.printNumber(110,81, gsrValue); 
+    lcd.printNumber(110,101, aHRMvalue);
+    lcd.printNumber(110,121, dHRMvalue);
+    if(storetosd>1 && storetosd<5)
+      {  //if data to be captured to sd card do the following
+       res = lcd.getRTCTimeDate(&timeRTC);
+       length=snprintf(textday,3,"%d",timeRTC.day);
+       length=snprintf(textmonth,3,"%d",timeRTC.month);
+       length=snprintf(texthour,3,"%d",timeRTC.hour);
+       length=snprintf(textminute,3,"%d",timeRTC.minute);
+       length=snprintf(textsecond,3,"%d",timeRTC.second);
+       length=snprintf(textStringgsrb,9,"%f",gsrbaseline);// convert gsr baseline float to character string to send to SD card
+       length=snprintf(textStringgsr,9,"%f",gsrValue);// convert gsr float to character string to send to SD card
+       length=snprintf(textStringhrm,9,"%f",aHRMvalue);// convert analogue hrm float to character string to send to SD card
+       // length=snprintf(textStringgsr,9,"%f",gsrValue);// convert float to character string to send to SD card
+       char messageft[60]="\0";
+       if (candidate <1 || candidate>4) {strcat(messageft,"0,");}
+       if (candidate==1) {strcat(messageft,"1,");}
+       if (candidate==2) {strcat(messageft,"2,");}
+       if (candidate==3) {strcat(messageft,"3,");}
+       if (candidate==4) {strcat(messageft,"4,");}
+       if (storetosd==2) {strcat(messageft,"1,");}
+       if (storetosd==3) {strcat(messageft,"15,");}
+       if (storetosd==4) {strcat(messageft,"30,");}
+       strcat(messageft,textStringgsrb);
+       strcat(messageft,",");
+       strcat(messageft,textStringgsr);
+       strcat(messageft,",");
+       strcat(messageft,textStringhrm);
+       strcat(messageft,",");
+       strcat(messageft,textday);// add the hour value
+       strcat(messageft,",");
+       strcat(messageft,textmonth);// add the hour value
+       strcat(messageft,",");
+       strcat(messageft,texthour);// add the hour value
+       strcat(messageft,",");
+       strcat(messageft,textminute);// add the minute value
+       strcat(messageft,",");
+       strcat(messageft,textsecond);// add the hour value
+       strcat(messageft,"\n");
+       pc.printf("%s\r\n",messageft);
+          lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);//recording notice on screen
+          lcd.string(15,220,70,238,"Rec", &bytes);
+          wait(0.1);
+      if(storetosd==2)
+        {             //if data to be captured to sd card every 1 minute do the following  
+        if(k==0)
+          {// if timer hasnt been started start it
+          k=1; // start timer once per selected period 
+          j=timeRTC.second;// store second value
+          timeRTC.second++; //move the timer forward by one to prevent chance of immediate trigger of timer trap  
+          pc.printf("***********************start 1 min timer\r\n");
+          }
+        if(timeRTC.second!=j)
+          {  //if second value is different from previous value assue 1 second has expired
+          //k=0;
+          j=timeRTC.second;// store new second value
+          l++; //increment second timer
+          pc.printf("************************** %d seconds have elapsed\r\n",l);
+          if (l==60)
+             {  // 60 seconds have elapsed so lets save data to the SD card
+             l=0; //reset 1 minute counter
+             k=0; //reset timer
+             lcd.setTextColour(RED);
+             lcd.string(15,220,70,238,"Rec", &bytes);
+             wait(1);
+             pc.printf("***********reset 1 min timer\r\n");
+             pc.printf("***********saving to file - 1 minute\r\n");
+             writtenBytes=0; //, readbytes=0; //i=0; 
+             fres=lcd.SDFwriteFile(messageft, sizeof(messageft), &writtenBytes, WORKSPACE0); //write to the open file in WORKSPACE0 size of message in bytes and store the successfully written Bytes on writtenBytes variable
+             die(fres);                         //If any error report it    
+             lcd.SDFsaveFile(WORKSPACE0);          //Save changes in the file contained in WORKSPACE0
+             }
+          } 
+        }
+      if(storetosd==3)
+        {             //if data to be captured to sd card every 15 minutes do the following  
+        if(k==0)
+          {// if timer hasnt been started start it
+          k=1; // start timer once per selected period 
+          j=timeRTC.minute;// store initial minute value
+          l=0; //clear minute counter
+          }
+        if(k==1)
+          {   //if timer started do the following
+             //z=j; // save last value for minute  
+          if(timeRTC.minute==j)
+            { //the minute value has not changed
+            z=0;
+            }
+            else
+            {   //if the minute value has changed
+            l++; // count how many minutes have passed
+            j=timeRTC.minute;// store new minute value
+            pc.printf("*************************** %d minutes have elapsed\r\n",l);
+            }  
+          if(l==15)
+            {  // 15 minutes have elapsed so lets save data to the SD card
+            l=0; //reset 15 minute counter
+            k=0; //reset timer
+            lcd.setTextColour(RED);
+            lcd.string(15,220,70,238,"Rec", &bytes);
+            wait(1);
+            pc.printf("***********reset 15 min timer\r\n");
+            pc.printf("***********saving to file - 15 minute\r\n");
+            writtenBytes=0; //, readbytes=0; //i=0; 
+            fres=lcd.SDFwriteFile(messageft, sizeof(messageft), &writtenBytes, WORKSPACE0); //write to the open file in WORKSPACE0 size of message in bytes and store the successfully written Bytes on writtenBytes variable
+            die(fres);                         //If any error report it    
+            lcd.SDFsaveFile(WORKSPACE0);          //Save changes in the file contained in WORKSPACE0
+            } //end of if 15 mins counted
+          } //end of if timer has started
+         }  // end of if 15min capture time selected
+      if(storetosd==4)
+        {             //if data to be captured to sd card every 15 minutes do the following  
+        if(k==0)
+          {// if timer hasnt been started start it
+          k=1; // start timer once per selected period 
+          j=timeRTC.minute;// store minute value
+          j++; //move the timer along by one to prevent chance of immediate trigger of timer trap  
+          pc.printf("*****************************start 30 min timer\r\n");
+          }
+        if(timeRTC.minute!=j)
+          {  //if minute value is different from previous value assue 1 minute has expired
+          //k=0;
+          j=timeRTC.minute;// store new minute value
+          l++; //increment minute timer
+          pc.printf("***************************** %d minutes have elapsed\r\n",l);
+          if (l==30)
+             {  // 30 minutes have elapsed so lets save data to the SD card
+             l=0; //reset 30 minute counter
+             k=0; //reset timer
+             lcd.setTextColour(RED);
+             lcd.string(15,220,70,238,"Rec", &bytes);
+             wait(1);
+             pc.printf("***********reset 30 min timer\r\n");
+             pc.printf("***********saving to file - 30 minute\r\n");
+             writtenBytes=0; //, readbytes=0; //i=0; 
+             fres=lcd.SDFwriteFile(messageft, sizeof(messageft), &writtenBytes, WORKSPACE0); //write to the open file in WORKSPACE0 size of message in bytes and store the successfully written Bytes on writtenBytes variable
+             die(fres);                         //If any error report it    
+             lcd.SDFsaveFile(WORKSPACE0);          //Save changes in the file contained in WORKSPACE0
+             }
+          } 
+        }
+       lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+      res = lcd.getRTCTimeDate(&timeRTC);
+      pc.printf("%d sec %d min %d \r\n",timeRTC.second, timeRTC.minute, storetosd);
+     // pc.printf("%d \r\n",timeRTC.minute);
+       } //end of storetosd if
+        if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID)
+           { //if a touch on screen is valid check which button        
+           if(point.y>180 && point.y<215 && point.x<50) 
+             { //if the touch on button1 draw the object button1 as SELECTED
+             lcd.objButton(10, 180, 50, 215, SELECTED, "EXIT");
+             wait_ms(50);
+             lcd.objButton(10, 180, 50, 215, DESELECTED, "EXIT");
+             pc.printf("EXIT\r\n"); //debug
+             but1=1;
+             }// end of if button 1 pressed
+           }// end of if screen touched
+    } //end of main loop while Exit button 
+    if(storetosd>1 && storetosd<5)
+      {  //if data to be captured to sd card close the file properly
+       lcd.SDFsaveFile(WORKSPACE0);          //Save changes in the file contained in WORKSPACE0
+       //lcd.string(10,row,319,239,"Closing File...",&charsPrinted); row+=15;    
+       lcd.SDFcloseFile(WORKSPACE0);         //Close the file --------------------
+       }
+       pc.printf("SD open file now saved and closed properly\r\n");
+       wait(3); // wait to show message before starting the program again
+       pc.printf("re-starting the program again\r\n");
+       wait(2);
+ }// end of total program while statement
+ }// end of main program
\ No newline at end of file