mbed OS V5 BLE UARTService to USB/UART PassThru Example

Moxon Design : mbed OS V5 BLE UartService to USBUART passthru example

This example will advertise on BLE as "BLART" and allow BLE serial echo to the USB Serial port. Open a Bluetooth terminal application, like Nordic "nRF UART" and connect to "BLART", open a terminal emulator program, like "TeraTERM", and connect to the USB COM Port (like JLink CDC UART Port), and echo characters back and forth. Set UART_LoopBack = 1 for local loopback (e.g. BLE to BLE, USB-UART to USB-UART)


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
2:3e203cc2a88f 2017-04-29 moxondesign mbed OS V5 working version default tip
1:5b50f5283781 2017-04-29 moxondesign working version;
0:2d1d68397ff7 2017-04-28 moxondesign Local Loopback Tested Good.