This is an example program that actually allows the car to race using the FRDM-TFC library!

Dependencies:   FRDM-TFC

Fork of TFC-RACING-DEMO by Daniel Hadad

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Spices/Spices.cpp	Sun Apr 20 03:33:03 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1270 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Spices.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "TFC.h"
+// camera params
+#define NUM_LINE_SCAN 128
+#define MIN_LINE_WIDTH  0
+#define MAX_LINE_WIDTH  15
+#define FILTER_ENDS 0                              // # of pixels at end of camera data to ignore; set to 0 for now, later make 15
+#define RANGE (NUM_LINE_SCAN - (2 * FILTER_ENDS))  // range of camera pixels to consider
+#define ERR_RATIO 0.85                             // ratio of max possible error to pixels (have to measure!)
+#define DER_RATIO 0.5                              // ratio for der threshold level (was 0.5 initially, may put back)
+// steer/servo params
+#define MAX_STEER_LEFT -0.51                       // value determined by demo mode 1 measure (have to be adjusted with every servo horn attach)
+#define MAX_STEER_RIGHT 0.39                       // value determined by demo mode 1 measure
+#define DT 0.02                                    // # MS of time between intervals (doesn't really matter)
+// logging parameters
+#define NUM_LOG_FRAMES 700                         // # of frames to log (when logging active) ~14 sec worth!
+// ******  for debug tuning   ******
+#define TUNE_SPEED 0.7
+#define TUNE_KP 0.008
+#define TUNE_KI 0
+#define TUNE_KD 0
+#define MIN_POWER 60                               // percent min power (estimating for a 2-ft turn => 24" / (24" + 6" car) = 4/5; speed of inner wheel is 20% lower worst case
+#define SPEED_ADJUST 4
+#define ABS_ERROR_THRESH 10                        // number of pixels line position offset before changing KP value
+#define CONTROL_METHOD 2                           // which control method to use
+// Drive/motor params
+// 0.4 way too slow!!  need to charge battery
+#define SUB_LIGHT_SPEED 0.5                        // moderate speed (value 0 to 1 sent to motors)
+#define LIGHT_SPEED 0.6                            // fast...
+#define RIDICULOUS_SPEED 0.7                       // faster...
+#define LUDICROUS_SPEED 0.9                        // faster still!
+#define MAX_POWER 100                              // percent max power (for speed adjustments)
+// algo params
+#define UNKNOWN_COUNT_MAX  50                      // max value to allow for unknown track conditions before killing engine
+#define STARTGATEFOUNDMAX  0                       // max value to allow for finding starting gate before killing engine
+#define STARTGATEDELAY     50                      // Delay before searching for starting gate to kill engine
+#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)              // address for accelerometer?
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+  1 - ON: Run MCP below; OFF: Run Demo program (see main.cpp)
+  2 - ON: Log frame data to array
+  3 - ON: Risky race option; OFF: Conservative race option
+  4 - ON: Start Gate Kill Switch Active
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+  0 - controls nothing at the moment
+  1 - controls nothing at the moment
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+  A -  START car race!
+  B -  END CAR RACE / (while holding down when 'log frame data' active will also output terminal data)
+// LEARNING CAR CLUB 9/10/13: 
+// IP need to test-- get around U turns -- more aggressive proportional control?  Or derivative?  Have camera look farther ahead but not too far ahead
+// IP need to test -- fix lighting for tunnels (if good algo doesn't need lighting!!)
+// -- increase power up to get up hills, brake down hills (accel:
+// -- add speed control? (hall effect sensor)
+// DONE -- make sure steering won't go past limits!!
+// 9/12/13 - adjust camera exposure time based on maximum light intensity!!
+// 9/14/13 - DONE -- make derivative threshold related to maximum light intensity!
+// 9/16/13 - crash at car club blew out resistor R8, replaced it and getty twitching when powering servo from USB only.  Ok when powering from battery.
+// 9/17/13 - experiments show that derivative control just doesn't work very well-- the tinest error delta causes huge drastic changes, need to use non-linear proportional
+//           control instead... parabolic??
+//           DONE -- Also need to slow down on curves
+//           speed up hills and slow down on downhill...
+//           measure speed?
+// 9/18/13 - Test track work: doesn't appear to be sampling camera fast enough--  not able to handle the wiggly track and sometimes not able to handle the curves!
+//           TODO: Need to increase rate at which camera sampled and decisions are made!!  Look to codewarrior code
+//           Need to cut off left/right ends of camera data-- seems to not read line properly in well lit rooms
+//           DONE Speed adjust as you go round; Need to have it slow down "into" curve, speed up again "out of curve"
+// 9/23/13 - Definitely not processing camera fast enough-- seems to not react well when speed up the car.  Goes slow just fine all the way 'round.
+//           TODO: Need to see how often TFC_LineScanImageReady gets updated. If update camera sample freq how will that impact exposure? Light adjustment algos should
+//           be able to handle it. Need to be able to measure the 'processing time' required.  Also wondering if 20mS is fast enough for updating the servo?? Need
+//           to calculate how fast servo needs to really go based on track curves and speed.
+//           TODO: Need a way to measure speed I think as well.
+//           TODO: Need to control speed differentially across the different motors!! See Eli video!!
+//           TODO: Use this to get excel feedback quicker:  (Doesn't work too well-- prefer my own excel method)
+//           TODO: Use PID control for steering!
+//           TODO: Use Speed control (PID?) --- add speed sensor!
+// 10/8/13   Reduced speed control to 90% (was 85%)-- seems to go off track and lose line at high speed-- mainly on the U turns
+//           Need to figure out why derivative control in steering doesn't work well.  Add integral control.
+//           Latest track times (no hill, no bumps, no tunnel, only squiggles) = 11.8sec at high speed with speed control
+//           Losing time on the curves-- need to optimize!!
+//           Worry about hill later-- need to get track times down around 8sec first.
+//        *****************************
+//        ** Implement some method to acount for U-TURNS on track-- and to help even go beyond what camera can see as far as estimating line position
+//        ** (U-TURNS take the longest time out of track)
+//        ** Method to help find the line even when not really visible
+//        *****************************
+// 10/17/13
+// 10/20/13  Added logging capability and 'algo time' detect
+//           It is not finding the line on the edges when on a curve-- likely because my line detect algo requires both edges
+//           TODO-- need method that can use only one edge!
+// - Speed Control via Sensor WAITING ON SENSOR
+// - Differential drive around curves DONE -- still trying to figure out what %age to drop on turns
+// - Full PID steering control IN PROGRESS
+// - Starting gate kill engine debug IN PROGRESS -- need to add delay
+// - Off track kill engine debug -- IN PROGRESS-- seems to kill car prematurely
+// image processing vars
+uint16_t   GrabLineScanImage0[NUM_LINE_SCAN];      // snapshot of camera data for this 'frame'
+float      DerivLineScanImage0[NUM_LINE_SCAN];     // derivative of line scan data
+float      NegEdges[NUM_LINE_SCAN];                // array-- set of where in line scan data negative edges found
+float      PosEdges[NUM_LINE_SCAN];                // array-- set of where in line scan data positive edges found
+uint16_t   numNegEdges = 0, numPosEdges = 0;       // max value of valid neg and positive indices (also serves as a count of # edges found)
+uint16_t   MaxLightIntensity = 0;                  // max measured light intensity -- to account for lighting differences
+uint16_t   MinLightIntensity = (1 << 12);          // min measured light intensity -- to account for lighting differences
+float      maxDerVal = 0;                          // max deriv value
+float      minDerVal = (float) (1 << 12);          // min deriv value
+float      aveDerVal = 0;                          // average deriv value
+float      DerivThreshold = (1 << 9);              // Derivative Threshold (default)
+float      PosDerivThreshold = (1 << 9);           // Pos Edge Derivative Threshold (default)
+float      NegDerivThreshold = (1 << 9);           // Neg Edge Derivative Threshold (default)
+// Steering control variables
+float      CurrentLinePosition;                    // Current position of track line (in pixels -- 0 to 127)
+float      LastLinePosition;                       // Last position of track line (in pixels -- 0 to 127)
+float      CurrentLinePosError = 0;                // Current line position error (used for derivative calc)
+float      AbsError;
+float      LastLinePosError = 0;                   // Last line position error (used for derivative calc)
+float      SumLinePosError = 0;                    // Sum of line position error (used for integral calc)
+float      DerivError = 0;                         // Derivative of error
+float      CurrentSteerSetting = (MAX_STEER_RIGHT + MAX_STEER_LEFT) / 2;  // drive straight at first
+float      CurrentLeftDriveSetting = 0;            // Drive setting (left wheel)
+float      CurrentRightDriveSetting = 0;           // Drive setting (right wheel)
+// Speed control vars
+float      MaxSpeed;                                    // maximum speed allowed
+uint16_t   startRaceTicker;                        // ticker at start of race1
+// Custom Data Types
+typedef enum TrackStatusType {Unknown,
+                              LineFound,
+                              StartGateFound,
+                              LineJustLeft} TrackStatusType;
+TrackStatusType CurrentTrackStatus;                // current track status
+TrackStatusType LastTrackStatus;                   // last track status                       
+/* typedef enum TrackType {NotSure,
+                        Straight,
+                        Curve,
+                        Wiggle,
+                        Bumps,
+                        StartGate,
+                        UpHill,
+                        DownHill} TrackType;
+TrackType CurrentTrack; */
+struct LogData {
+  float linepos;
+  float steersetting;
+  float leftdrivesetting;
+  float rightdrivesetting;
+LogData    frameLogs[NUM_LOG_FRAMES];              // array of log data to store  
+int        logDataIndex;                           // index for log data
+int        StartGateFoundCount = 0;                // how many times start gate has been found
+int        UnknownCount = 0;                       // how many times nothing has been found (to help with kill switch implementation)
+bool       go = false;                             // Car can go!  Should be set to false to start.
+bool debugFakeMode = false;         // if true, ignores real camera and uses fake camera input instead; used for data processing debug
+int terminalOutput = 0;             // set debug level for terminal output
+                                    //    0 : no terminal output, race!
+                                    //    1 : output just to measure frame rate
+                                    //    2 : output for measuring time of operations
+                                    //    3 : output with delay
+bool doLogData = false;             // whether to capture log data to output later on
+bool killSwitch = false;             // whether to enable Kill Switch (allow engine to stop after not finding track)
+bool startGateStop = false;         // whether to stop or not depending on starting gate reading
+bool doRisky = false;               // race style-- whether conservative or risky
+// timer stuff
+Timer timer;
+int after_time, before_time, start_time, last_start_time;
+bool run_once = false;
+void MasterControlProgram()
+  // put here all things want to run only once after reset
+  if (!run_once){
+    if ((terminalOutput == 1) || (terminalOutput == 2)){
+      timer.start();
+    }
+    run_once = true;
+  }
+  // read DIP switches and Pots for data
+  readSwitches();
+  // Every 4s (or Terminal Output is off, i.e. race mode!)
+  //    AND line scan image ready (or fake mode where image is always ready)
+  //   (ticker updates every 2ms) (Line scan image ready very 20mS?)
+  if((TFC_Ticker[0]>2000 || (terminalOutput != 3)) && (TFC_LineScanImageReady>0 || debugFakeMode))
+   {
+     // stuff that needs to be reset with each image frame
+     if (terminalOutput == 1) {
+       last_start_time = start_time;
+       start_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:Between frames:%d:uSec\r\n", start_time - last_start_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     }
+     TFC_Ticker[0] = 0;
+     TFC_LineScanImageReady=0; // must reset to 0 after detecting non-zero
+     MaxLightIntensity = 0;                  // reset
+     MinLightIntensity = (1 << 12);          // reset
+     // grab camera frame
+     grabCameraFrame();
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER grabCameraFrame:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     }
+     // calcalate derivative of linescandata, filter starttime data
+     derivativeLineScan(&GrabLineScanImage0[0], &DerivLineScanImage0[0]);
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER derivativeLineScan:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     }
+     // adjust deriv threshold based on max lighting value
+     // has to be called before find edges
+     adjustLights();
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER adjustLights:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     } 
+     //find edges from derivative data
+     findEdges_v2(&DerivLineScanImage0[0]);
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER findEdges_v2:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     } 
+     // turn on terminal output if line not found -- FOR DEBUG
+     //if (CurrentTrackStatus == Unknown)
+     //  terminalOutput = 1;
+     //review edge data and set position or starting flag appropriately
+     reviewEdges();
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER reviewEdges:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     }      
+     if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+       // print data to Terminal for camera 0
+       printLineScanData(&GrabLineScanImage0[0]);
+     // print deriviative of linescandata, filter starttime data
+       printDerivLineScanData(&DerivLineScanImage0[0]);
+       printAdjustLightsData();
+       printEdgesFound();
+     }
+     // ** Track Status available at this point **  
+     // test out accelerometer
+    // accelTest();
+     // Update things based on latest track status
+     // e.g. change steering setting, stop car, ...
+     ActOnTrackStatus();
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER ActOnTrackStatus:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     }      
+     //give LED feedback as to track status
+     feedbackLights();
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER feedbackLights:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();       
+     }  
+     // control max power (speed)
+     SpeedControl();
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER SpeedControl:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     }       
+     // Drive!!     
+     Drive();
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME:TO AFTER Drive:%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - before_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     }         
+     // wait_ms(1);
+     // Capture Log data while driving
+     if (go && doLogData) {
+       captureData();
+     }
+     // Dump Log data to Terminal while stopped and holding B button
+     if (!go && doLogData && TFC_PUSH_BUTTON_1_PRESSED) {
+       dumpData();
+     }
+     if (terminalOutput == 2) {
+       after_time = timer.read_us();
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("TIME: ENTIRE FRAME (include prints):%d:uSec\r\n", after_time - start_time);
+       before_time = timer.read_us();
+     }
+     if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+       TERMINAL_PRINTF("\r\n**************************END********************************\r\n");
+     }
+   } 
+void dumpData()
+       for(logDataIndex=0;logDataIndex<NUM_LOG_FRAMES;logDataIndex++) {
+         TERMINAL_PRINTF("%d,%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f\r\n",logDataIndex,frameLogs[logDataIndex].linepos,frameLogs[logDataIndex].steersetting,frameLogs[logDataIndex].leftdrivesetting,frameLogs[logDataIndex].rightdrivesetting);
+       }
+void captureData()
+  frameLogs[logDataIndex].linepos = CurrentLinePosition;
+  frameLogs[logDataIndex].steersetting = CurrentSteerSetting;
+  frameLogs[logDataIndex].leftdrivesetting = CurrentLeftDriveSetting;
+  frameLogs[logDataIndex].rightdrivesetting = CurrentRightDriveSetting;
+  // increment index                
+  logDataIndex++;
+  if (logDataIndex > NUM_LOG_FRAMES) 
+    logDataIndex = 0;
+void readSwitches()
+  // ********* GATHER DIP SWITCH INPUTS *********
+  if(TFC_GetDIP_Switch()&0x02)     // SWITCH 2 
+    doLogData = true;              // Log data to array
+  else
+    doLogData = false;             // normal operation
+  if(TFC_GetDIP_Switch()&0x04)     // SWITCH 3
+    doRisky = true;     
+  else
+    doRisky = false;          
+  if(TFC_GetDIP_Switch()&0x08)     // SWITCH 4 control start stop gate
+    startGateStop = true;
+  else
+    startGateStop = false;
+void grabCameraFrame()
+  uint32_t i = 0;
+  uint8_t fake_type = 4;                   // type of fake data if used
+  for(i=0;i<NUM_LINE_SCAN;i++) // print one line worth of data (128) from Camera 0
+  { 
+    if (debugFakeMode) {                   // use fake camera data
+      switch (fake_type) {
+      case 0:                              // ideal track -- line in center
+         if (i<57 || i > 70)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 0xFFF;  // no line
+         else
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 0x4B0;  // line
+         break;
+      case 1:                              // ideal track -- line to the left
+         if (i<27 || i > 40)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 0xFFF;  // no line
+         else
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 0x4B0;  // line
+         break;
+      case 2:                              // ideal track -- line to the right
+         if (i<87 || i > 100)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 0xFFF;  // no line
+         else
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 0x4B0;  // line
+         break; 
+      case 3:                              // ideal track -- starting gate!
+         // TBD
+         break;              
+      case 4:                              // less than ideal track -- debug multi-edge issue!
+         if (i<54)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 4000;   // no line
+         if (i == 54)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 3370;   // neg edge
+         if (i == 55)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 3309;   // neg edge
+         if (i == 56)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 2016;   // neg edge
+         if (i == 57)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 711;    // neg edge
+         if (i == 58)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 696;    // neg edge
+         if ((i>58) && (i<69))
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 500;    // line
+         if (i == 69)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 1800;   // pos edge
+         if (i > 69)
+           GrabLineScanImage0[i] = 4000;   // no line
+      default:
+         break;
+      }
+    } else {                               // use real camera data
+      GrabLineScanImage0[i] = TFC_LineScanImage0[i];
+    }
+  }
+void printLineScanData(uint16_t* LineScanData)
+  uint32_t i = 0;
+  float Val;
+  for(i=0;i<NUM_LINE_SCAN;i++) // print one line worth of data (128) from Camera 0
+  { 
+    if (1 == 1) { // use float to print
+      Val = (float) LineScanData[i];
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("%9.3f",Val);
+      if(i==MAX_LINE_SCAN)  // when last data reached put in line return
+        TERMINAL_PRINTF("\r\n");
+      else
+        TERMINAL_PRINTF(",");
+    } else {         
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("0x%X",LineScanData[i]);
+      if(i==MAX_LINE_SCAN)  // when last data reached put in line return
+        TERMINAL_PRINTF("\r\n",LineScanData[i]);
+      else
+        TERMINAL_PRINTF(",",LineScanData[i]);
+      }
+  }
+void printDerivLineScanData(float* derivLineScanData)
+  uint32_t i, minCnt = 0, maxCnt = 0;
+  minCnt = FILTER_ENDS;
+  for(i=minCnt;i<maxCnt;i++) // print one line worth of data (128) from Camera 0
+  {          
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("%9.3f",derivLineScanData[i]);
+    if(i==maxCnt-1)          // when last data reached put in line return
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("\r\n",derivLineScanData[i]);
+    else
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF(", ",derivLineScanData[i]);
+  }
+void derivativeLineScan(uint16_t* LineScanDataIn, float* DerivLineScanDataOut)
+  uint32_t i, minCnt = 0, maxCnt = 0;
+  float DerVal, upperDerVal, lowerDerVal = 0;
+  maxDerVal = 0;
+  minDerVal = (float) (1 << 12);
+  aveDerVal = 0;
+  minCnt = FILTER_ENDS;
+  // TERMINAL_PRINTF("i, upperDerVal, lowerDerVal, DerVal\r\n");
+  for(i=minCnt;i<maxCnt;i++) // print one line worth of data from Camera 0
+  {  
+     // store max light intensity value
+     if (LineScanDataIn[i] > MaxLightIntensity)
+       MaxLightIntensity = LineScanDataIn[i];
+     // store min light intensity value
+     if (LineScanDataIn[i] < MinLightIntensity)
+       MinLightIntensity = LineScanDataIn[i];
+     // Central Derivative
+     if (i==minCnt) {                       // start point
+       upperDerVal = (float)(LineScanDataIn[i+1]);
+       lowerDerVal = (float)(LineScanDataIn[i]);  // make same as start point
+     } else if (i==maxCnt - 1){             // end point
+       upperDerVal = (float)(LineScanDataIn[i]);   // make same as end point
+       lowerDerVal = (float)(LineScanDataIn[i-1]);
+     } else {                               // any other point
+       upperDerVal = (float)(LineScanDataIn[i+1]);
+       lowerDerVal = (float)(LineScanDataIn[i-1]);
+     }
+     DerVal = (upperDerVal - lowerDerVal) / 2;
+   //  TERMINAL_PRINTF("%d,%9.3f,%9.3f,%9.3f\r\n", i, upperDerVal, lowerDerVal, DerVal);
+     if (DerVal > maxDerVal) {
+       maxDerVal = DerVal;
+     } 
+     if (DerVal < minDerVal) {
+       minDerVal = DerVal;
+     }
+     aveDerVal = aveDerVal + DerVal;           //get sum
+     DerivLineScanDataOut[i] = DerVal;    
+  }
+  aveDerVal = (float) aveDerVal / (maxCnt - minCnt);
+//Not reliable for finding edges!
+void findEdges(float* derivLineScanData)
+  // search for edges in deriviative data using a threshold
+  // need to store in a hash if that's possible...
+  // combine edges that are a pixel apart
+  int i, minCnt = 0, maxCnt = 0;
+  int multiNegEdgeCnt = 1, multiNegEdgeSum = 0;
+  int multiPosEdgeCnt = 1, multiPosEdgeSum = 0;
+  minCnt = FILTER_ENDS;
+  numNegEdges = 0;
+  numPosEdges = 0;
+  for(i=minCnt;i<maxCnt;i++) // print one line worth of data from Camera 0
+  {  
+     if (derivLineScanData[i] <= NegDerivThreshold)     // NEGATIVE EDGE FOUND!
+     {
+       if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+         TERMINAL_PRINTF("NEG EDGE FOUND AT INDEX %d WITH VALUE %9.3f\r\n", i, derivLineScanData[i]);
+       }
+       if ((numNegEdges > 0) && (NegEdges[numNegEdges - 1] + 1 == i )) // if no multi edges
+       {  // edge actually across multiple pixels
+         multiNegEdgeCnt++;
+         multiNegEdgeSum = multiNegEdgeSum + i;
+         if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+           TERMINAL_PRINTF("MULTIEDGE FOUND! MultiNegEdgeCnt: %d; MultiNegEdgeSum: %d\r\n", multiNegEdgeCnt, multiNegEdgeSum);
+         }
+       } else {  // not a multi-pixel edge known at this time, store negative edge index value
+         numNegEdges++;
+         if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+           TERMINAL_PRINTF("NEG EDGE STORED WITH INDEX %d.  NUM NEG EDGES = %d\r\n", i, numNegEdges);
+         }
+         NegEdges[numNegEdges - 1] = (float) i;
+         multiNegEdgeSum = i;
+       }
+     } else if (derivLineScanData[i] > PosDerivThreshold) {    // POSITIVE EDGE FOUND!
+       if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+         TERMINAL_PRINTF("POS EDGE FOUND AT INDEX %d WITH VALUE %9.3f\r\n", i, derivLineScanData[i]);
+       }
+       if ((numPosEdges > 0) && (PosEdges[numPosEdges - 1] + 1 == i ))
+       {  // edge actually across multiple pixels
+         multiPosEdgeCnt++;
+         multiPosEdgeSum = multiPosEdgeSum + i;
+         if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+           TERMINAL_PRINTF("MULTIEDGE FOUND! MultiPosEdgeCnt: %d; MultiPosEdgeSum: %d\r\n", multiPosEdgeCnt, multiPosEdgeSum);
+         }
+       } else {  // not a multi-pixel edge known at this time, store Posative edge index value
+         if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+           TERMINAL_PRINTF("POS EDGE STORED WITH INDEX %d.  NUM POS EDGES = %d\r\n", i, numPosEdges);
+         }
+         numPosEdges++;
+         PosEdges[numPosEdges - 1] = (float) i;
+         multiPosEdgeSum = i;
+       }      
+     }  else {  // NO EDGE FOUND
+       // combine multi-edges if there are any
+       if (multiNegEdgeCnt > 1)
+       { 
+          NegEdges[numNegEdges - 1] = (float) multiNegEdgeSum / multiNegEdgeCnt;
+          multiNegEdgeCnt = 1; multiNegEdgeSum = 0;
+       }
+       if (multiPosEdgeCnt > 1)
+       { 
+          PosEdges[numPosEdges - 1] = (float) multiPosEdgeSum / multiPosEdgeCnt;
+          multiPosEdgeCnt = 1; multiPosEdgeSum = 0;
+       }       
+     }
+  }
+void findEdges_v2(float* derivLineScanData)
+  // search for edges in deriviative data using a threshold
+  // need to store in a hash if that's possible...
+  // combine edges that are a pixel apart
+  int i;
+  int NegEdgeBufCnt = 0, NegEdgeBufSum = 0;     // serves as buffer to store neg edges found next to each other
+  int PosEdgeBufCnt = 0, PosEdgeBufSum = 0;     // serves as buffer to store pos edges found next to each other
+  int minCnt = FILTER_ENDS;
+  int maxCnt = NUM_LINE_SCAN - FILTER_ENDS;
+  numNegEdges = 0;                              // count of neg edges found thus far
+  numPosEdges = 0;                              // count of pos edges found thus far
+  for(i=minCnt;i<maxCnt;i++) // print one line worth of data from Camera 0
+  {  
+     if (derivLineScanData[i] <= NegDerivThreshold)          // NEGATIVE EDGE FOUND!
+     {
+       if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+         TERMINAL_PRINTF("NEG EDGE FOUND AT INDEX %d WITH VALUE %9.3f\r\n", i, derivLineScanData[i]);
+       }
+       NegEdgeBufCnt++;                                      // add value to neg edge buffer
+       NegEdgeBufSum = NegEdgeBufSum + i;
+     } else if (derivLineScanData[i] > PosDerivThreshold) {  // POSITIVE EDGE FOUND!
+       if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+         TERMINAL_PRINTF("POS EDGE FOUND AT INDEX %d WITH VALUE %9.3f\r\n", i, derivLineScanData[i]);
+       }
+       PosEdgeBufCnt++;                                      // add value to pos edge buffer
+       PosEdgeBufSum = PosEdgeBufSum + i;
+     }  else {                                               // NO EDGE FOUND
+       if (NegEdgeBufCnt > 0) {
+         // store edge value
+         numNegEdges++;
+         NegEdges[numNegEdges - 1] = (float) NegEdgeBufSum / NegEdgeBufCnt;
+         // clear edge buffer      
+         NegEdgeBufSum = 0; NegEdgeBufCnt = 0;
+       }
+       if (PosEdgeBufCnt > 0) {
+         // store edge value
+         numPosEdges++;
+         PosEdges[numPosEdges - 1] = (float) PosEdgeBufSum / PosEdgeBufCnt;
+         // clear edge buffer
+         PosEdgeBufSum = 0; PosEdgeBufCnt = 0;
+       }        
+     }
+  }
+void printEdgesFound()
+  int i;
+    // Check that neg edges captured ok
+    for(i=0;i<=numNegEdges-1;i++)
+    {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("%9.3f",NegEdges[i]);
+      if(i==numNegEdges-1)              // when last data reached put in line return
+        TERMINAL_PRINTF("\r\n");
+      else
+        TERMINAL_PRINTF(", ");
+    }
+    // Check that pos edges captured ok
+    for(i=0;i<=numPosEdges-1;i++)
+    {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("%9.3f",PosEdges[i]);
+      if(i==numPosEdges-1)              // when last data reached put in line return
+        TERMINAL_PRINTF("\r\n");
+      else
+        TERMINAL_PRINTF(", ");
+    }
+void reviewEdges()
+  LastTrackStatus = CurrentTrackStatus;
+  if ((numPosEdges == 1) && (numNegEdges == 1))  // only one negative and positive edge found (LINE)
+  {
+    if (((PosEdges[0] - NegEdges[0]) >= MIN_LINE_WIDTH) && ((PosEdges[0] - NegEdges[0]) <= MAX_LINE_WIDTH)) // has proper expected width
+    {
+       CurrentTrackStatus = LineFound;                                   // report line found!
+       UnknownCount = 0;                                          // reset unknown status count
+       LastLinePosition = CurrentLinePosition;
+       CurrentLinePosition = (PosEdges[0]+NegEdges[0]) / 2;       // update line position
+    }
+  } else if ((numPosEdges == 1) && (numNegEdges == 0))  {     // 1 pos edge found (POSSIBLE LINE)
+    if ((PosEdges[0] <= MAX_LINE_WIDTH) && (LastLinePosError < 0))       // pos edge is within line width of edge of camera (LEFT)
+    {
+       CurrentTrackStatus = LineFound;                                   // report line found!
+       UnknownCount = 0;                                                 // reset unknown status count
+       LastLinePosition = CurrentLinePosition;
+       CurrentLinePosition = PosEdges[0] - ( MAX_LINE_WIDTH / 2);        // update line position
+     //  TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** SINGLE POSEDGE LINE FOUND AT POSITION %9.3f *** \r\n", CurrentLinePosition);
+    }
+  } else if ((numNegEdges == 1) && (numPosEdges == 0))  {     // 1 neg edge found (POSSIBLE LINE)
+    if ((NegEdges[0] >= (MAX_LINE_SCAN - MAX_LINE_WIDTH)) && (LastLinePosError > 0))    // neg edge is within line width of edge of camera (RIGHT)
+    {
+       CurrentTrackStatus = LineFound;                                   // report line found!
+       UnknownCount = 0;                                                 // reset unknown status count
+       LastLinePosition = CurrentLinePosition;
+       CurrentLinePosition = NegEdges[0] + ( MAX_LINE_WIDTH / 2);        // update line position
+    //   TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** SINGLE NEGEDGE LINE FOUND AT POSITION %9.3f *** \r\n", CurrentLinePosition);
+    } 
+  } else if ((numPosEdges == 2) && (numNegEdges == 2))  {     // 2 negative and 2 positive edges found (STARTING/FINISH GATE)
+    if ((((NegEdges[0] - PosEdges[0]) >= MIN_LINE_WIDTH) && ((NegEdges[0] - PosEdges[0]) <= MAX_LINE_WIDTH)) &&    // white left 'line'
+        (((NegEdges[1] - PosEdges[1]) >= MIN_LINE_WIDTH) && ((NegEdges[1] - PosEdges[1]) <= MAX_LINE_WIDTH)) &&    // white right 'line'
+        (((PosEdges[1] - NegEdges[0]) >= MIN_LINE_WIDTH) && ((PosEdges[1] - NegEdges[0]) <= MAX_LINE_WIDTH))       // actual track line
+        )
+    if (startRaceTicker > STARTGATEDELAY) {                      // only start counting for starting gate until after delay
+      StartGateFoundCount++;
+    }
+    CurrentTrackStatus = StartGateFound;
+    UnknownCount = 0;                                            // reset unknown status count
+  } else if ((numPosEdges > 1) && (numNegEdges > 1)) {   // more than 1 negative edge and positive edge found (but not 2 for both) (STARTING / FINISH GATE)
+   // remove edges that aren't close to center TBD DDHH
+      if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+         TERMINAL_PRINTF("***************************************** \r\n");
+         TERMINAL_PRINTF("********** NOT SURE FOUND ********** \r\n");
+         TERMINAL_PRINTF("***************************************** \r\n");
+       } 
+    CurrentTrackStatus = Unknown; 
+  } else {  // no track or starting gate found
+    if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("***************************************** \r\n");
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** !!!!!!!!!! LINE NOT FOUND !!!!!!! *** \r\n", CurrentLinePosition);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("***************************************** \r\n");
+    }
+    CurrentTrackStatus = Unknown;
+    UnknownCount++;
+  }
+void ActOnTrackStatus()
+  // Decide what to do next based on current track status
+  if (CurrentTrackStatus == LineFound)   {             // LINE FOUND!
+    if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("***************************************** \r\n");
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** LINE FOUND AT POSITION %9.3f *** \r\n", CurrentLinePosition);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("***************************************** \r\n");
+    }
+    // Update steering position 
+    SteeringControl();
+    // Apply to servo    
+    Steer();
+  } else if (CurrentTrackStatus == StartGateFound) {   // STARTING GATE FOUND
+    if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("***************************************** \r\n");
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("********** STARTING GATE FOUND ********** \r\n");
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("**********     count = %d      ********** \r\n", StartGateFoundCount);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("***************************************** \r\n");
+    }
+    // END RACE!
+    if (startGateStop) {
+      if (StartGateFoundCount > STARTGATEFOUNDMAX)
+      {
+       go = false;   // STOP!!
+      } 
+    }
+  }
+void SteeringControl()
+  float targetPosition = (float)( (NUM_LINE_SCAN / 2) - 0.5);  // target to achieve for line position
+  float KP;                                                    // proportional control factor
+  float KI;                                                    // integral control factor
+  float KD;                                                    // derivative control factor
+  float Pout, Iout, Dout;                                      // PID terms
+  // Calculate error
+  // make error to the right positive
+  // i.e. if LINE to the right-- then CurrentLinePosError > 0
+  //      if LINE to the left -- then CurrentLinePosError < 0
+  CurrentLinePosError = CurrentLinePosition - targetPosition;
+  // Get absolute error
+  if (CurrentLinePosError >= 0) 
+    AbsError = CurrentLinePosError;
+  else
+    AbsError = -1 * CurrentLinePosError;
+  switch (CONTROL_METHOD) {
+    case 0:
+      // Pure proportional control based on range of steering values vs. range of error values
+      KD = 0;
+      KI = 0;
+      break;
+   case 1:
+      // Proportional control with 50% bit more oomph --- a bit more aggressive around the bends
+      KP = KP * 1.5;
+      KD = 0;
+      KI = 0;
+      break;
+    case 2:  // MANUAL TUNING CASE 1 (use pot to help determine tuning parameters)
+      KP = TUNE_KP;
+      KI = TUNE_KI;
+      KD = TUNE_KD;
+    case 3:
+      if (AbsError < ABS_ERROR_THRESH) {
+        KP = 0.003;  // when relatively straight, keep KP gain low
+      } else {
+        KP = 0.010;  // when curve begins or off track, increase KP gain
+      }
+      KI = 0;
+      KD = 0;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  /* Pseudocode
+   previous_error = 0
+   integral = 0 
+   start:
+     error = setpoint - measured_value
+     integral = integral + error*dt
+     derivative = (error - previous_error)/dt
+     output = Kp*error + Ki*integral + Kd*derivative
+     previous_error = error
+     wait(dt)
+     goto start 
+  */
+  if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("KP = %6.4f\r\n", KP);
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("TARGET %6.3f\r\n", targetPosition);
+  }
+    // Update integral of error
+    // i.e. if LINE stays to the right, then SumLinePosError increases
+    // i.e. if LINE stays to the left, then SumLinePosError decreases
+    SumLinePosError = SumLinePosError + ( CurrentLinePosError * DT );
+    DerivError = (CurrentLinePosError - LastLinePosError) / DT;
+    if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("CURRENT LINE POSITION %9.3f\r\n", CurrentLinePosition);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("CURRENT LINE POSITION ERROR %9.3f\r\n", CurrentLinePosError);
+    }
+    // SECOND- calculate new servo position
+    // proportional control term
+    Pout = KP * CurrentLinePosError;
+    // integral control term
+    Iout = KI * SumLinePosError;
+    // Derivative control term
+    Dout = KD * DerivError;
+    if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("KP = %6.4f\r\n", KP);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("KI = %6.4f\r\n", KI);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("KD = %6.4f\r\n", KD);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("Pout = %6.4f\r\n", Pout);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("Iout = %6.4f\r\n", Iout);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("Dout = %6.4f\r\n", Dout);
+    }
+    // Finally add offset to steering to account for non-centered servo mounting
+    // CurrentSteerSetting = Pout + Iout + Dout + ( (float) (MAX_STEER_LEFT + MAX_STEER_RIGHT) / 2 );
+    CurrentSteerSetting = Pout + ( (float) (MAX_STEER_LEFT + MAX_STEER_RIGHT) / 2 );
+    // store for next cycle deriv calculation
+    LastLinePosError = CurrentLinePosError;
+    // for tuning control algo only
+    if (1 == 0) {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** ******************************** \r\n");
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** LINE FOUND AT POSITION %9.3f *** \r\n", CurrentLinePosition);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** ERROR %9.3f *** \r\n", CurrentLinePosError);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** INTEGRAL ERROR %9.3f *** \r\n", SumLinePosError);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** DERIVATIVE ERROR %9.3f *** \r\n", DerivError);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** P STEER SETTING %9.3f *** \r\n", CurrentSteerSetting);
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** PI STEER SETTING  %9.3f *** \r\n", (CurrentSteerSetting + Iout));
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("*** ******************************** \r\n");
+      wait_ms(1000);
+    }
+void Steer()
+    // make sure doesn't go beyond steering limits
+    if (CurrentSteerSetting > MAX_STEER_RIGHT)
+    { 
+       CurrentSteerSetting = MAX_STEER_RIGHT;
+    } else if (CurrentSteerSetting < MAX_STEER_LEFT)
+    {
+       CurrentSteerSetting = MAX_STEER_LEFT;
+    }
+    if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+      TERMINAL_PRINTF("APPLYING SERVO SETTING %5.3f\r\n", CurrentSteerSetting);
+    }
+    TFC_SetServo(0,CurrentSteerSetting);  
+void SpeedControl()
+  // Get max speed setting from reading pot0
+  // then adjust
+  float ErrLimit;
+  float LeftDriveRatio, RightDriveRatio;
+  // set maximum speed allowed
+  switch (1)
+    {
+      case 0:
+        // read value off pot0
+        MaxSpeed = TFC_ReadPot(0);
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        if (doRisky)
+          MaxSpeed = TUNE_SPEED + 0.1;
+        else 
+          MaxSpeed = TUNE_SPEED;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        MaxSpeed = SUB_LIGHT_SPEED;
+        break;
+      case 3:
+        MaxSpeed = LIGHT_SPEED;
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        MaxSpeed = RIDICULOUS_SPEED;      
+        break;
+      case 5:
+        MaxSpeed = LUDICROUS_SPEED;      
+        break;        
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  switch (SPEED_ADJUST)
+   {
+     case 0:
+       // no speed adjust
+       LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+       RightDriveRatio = LeftDriveRatio;
+     case 1:
+       // High speed when error is low, low speed when error is high
+       // lower speed when more than third outside of center
+       ErrLimit = ((float) RANGE ) * 0.5 * ERR_RATIO * 0.33;
+       if (AbsError > ErrLimit) {
+         LeftDriveRatio = MIN_POWER;
+       } else {
+         LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+       }
+       RightDriveRatio = LeftDriveRatio;
+       break;
+     case 2:
+       // Have max/min speed adjust proportional to absolute value of line error
+       ErrLimit = ((float) RANGE )  * 0.5 * ERR_RATIO; 
+       LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER - ((MAX_POWER - MIN_POWER) * (AbsError / ErrLimit));
+       RightDriveRatio = LeftDriveRatio;
+       break;
+     case 3:
+       // have wheel relative speed proportional to absolute value of line error
+       ErrLimit = ((float) RANGE )  * 0.5 * ERR_RATIO;
+       if (CurrentLinePosError > 0) {           // heading right
+         LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+         RightDriveRatio = (MIN_POWER - MAX_POWER) * (CurrentLinePosError * 2 / ( (float) RANGE ) ) + MAX_POWER;
+       } else if (CurrentLinePosError < 0) {    // heading left
+         RightDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+         LeftDriveRatio = (MAX_POWER - MIN_POWER) * (CurrentLinePosError * 2 / ( (float) RANGE ) ) + MAX_POWER;
+       } else {
+         LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+         RightDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+       }
+       break;
+     case 4:
+       // have wheel relative speed proportional to absolute value of line error
+       // only when above a certain error
+       ErrLimit = ((float) RANGE )  * 0.5 * ERR_RATIO * 0.1;
+       if (CurrentLinePosError > ErrLimit) {           // heading right
+         LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER - (MAX_POWER - MIN_POWER) * (CurrentLinePosError * 2 / ( (float) RANGE ) );
+         RightDriveRatio = MIN_POWER;
+       } else if (CurrentLinePosError < (-1 * ErrLimit)) {    // heading left
+         RightDriveRatio = MAX_POWER - (MAX_POWER - MIN_POWER) * (CurrentLinePosError * 2 / ( (float) RANGE ) );
+         LeftDriveRatio = MIN_POWER;
+       } else {
+         LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+         RightDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+       }
+       break; 
+     case 5:
+       // High speed when error is low, low speed when error is high
+       // lower speed when more than third outside of center
+       ErrLimit = ((float) RANGE ) * 0.5 * ERR_RATIO * 0.2;
+       if (AbsError > ErrLimit) {
+         LeftDriveRatio = MIN_POWER;
+       } else {
+         LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+       }
+       RightDriveRatio = LeftDriveRatio;
+       break;   
+     case 6:
+       // High speed when error is low, low speed when error is high
+       // lower speed when more than third outside of center
+       if (AbsError > ABS_ERROR_THRESH) {
+         LeftDriveRatio = MIN_POWER;
+       } else {
+         LeftDriveRatio = MAX_POWER;
+       }
+       RightDriveRatio = LeftDriveRatio;
+       break;                 
+     default:
+       break;
+  }
+  // TBD-- add speed adjust based on Xaccel sensor!
+  // currently no control mechanism as don't have speed sensor  
+  CurrentLeftDriveSetting = (float) (LeftDriveRatio / 100) * MaxSpeed;
+  CurrentRightDriveSetting = (float) (RightDriveRatio / 100) * MaxSpeed;
+  if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("Abs Error: %4.2f\r\n", AbsError);
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("Error Limit: %4.2f\r\n", ErrLimit);
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("MAX SPEED = %5.2f\n", MaxSpeed);
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("Current Left Drive Setting: %5.2f\r\n", CurrentLeftDriveSetting);
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("Current Right Drive Setting: %5.2f\r\n", CurrentRightDriveSetting);
+  }
+  if (1 == 0) {
+   TERMINAL_PRINTF("Current Left Drive Setting: %5.2f\r\n", CurrentLeftDriveSetting);
+   TERMINAL_PRINTF("Current Right Drive Setting: %5.2f\r\n", CurrentRightDriveSetting);
+  }
+void Drive()
+  // START!
+  // if not going, go when button A is pressed
+  if (!go) {
+      go = true;
+      UnknownCount = 0;
+      StartGateFoundCount = 0;
+      startRaceTicker = TFC_Ticker[0];  // keep track of start of race
+      logDataIndex = 0;                 // reset log data index
+    }
+  }
+  // STOP!
+  // if going, stop when button A is pressed
+  if (go) {              
+      go = false;
+      StartGateFoundCount = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  // 'kill switch' to prevent crashes off-track
+  if (killSwitch) {
+    if (UnknownCount > UNKNOWN_COUNT_MAX) {  // if track not found after certain time
+      go = false;                            // kill engine
+      StartGateFoundCount = 0;
+    }
+  }
+// ****************
+  if (!go) { // stop!
+    TFC_SetMotorPWM(0,0); //Make sure motors are off 
+  }
+  if (go) {  // go!
+    // motor A = right, motor B = left based on way it is mounted
+    TFC_SetMotorPWM(CurrentRightDriveSetting,CurrentLeftDriveSetting);
+  }
+void adjustLights()
+  // threshold is 1/5 of light intensity 'range'
+  if (1 == 0) {
+    DerivThreshold = (float) (MaxLightIntensity - MinLightIntensity) / 5;
+    NegDerivThreshold = (float) -1 * (DerivThreshold);
+    PosDerivThreshold = (float) (DerivThreshold);
+  } else {
+  // pos edge threshold is half range of max deriv above aver derive
+  // neg edge threshold is half range of min deriv above aver derive
+    NegDerivThreshold = (float) (minDerVal - aveDerVal) * DER_RATIO;
+    PosDerivThreshold = (float) (maxDerVal - aveDerVal) * DER_RATIO;
+  }
+  printAdjustLightsData();
+void printAdjustLightsData()
+  if (terminalOutput == 3) {
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("Max Light Intensity: %4d\r\n", MaxLightIntensity);
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("Min Light Intensity: %4d\r\n", MinLightIntensity);
+    TERMINAL_PRINTF("Deriv Threshold: %9.3f\r\n", DerivThreshold);
+  }
+void feedbackLights()
+   switch (CurrentTrackStatus)
+   {
+     case LineFound:
+       TFC_BAT_LED0_OFF;
+       TFC_BAT_LED1_ON;     
+       TFC_BAT_LED2_ON;
+       TFC_BAT_LED3_OFF;
+       break;
+     case StartGateFound:
+       TFC_BAT_LED0_ON;
+       TFC_BAT_LED1_OFF;     
+       TFC_BAT_LED2_OFF;
+       TFC_BAT_LED3_ON;   
+       break;
+     default:
+       TFC_BAT_LED0_OFF;
+       TFC_BAT_LED1_OFF;     
+       TFC_BAT_LED2_OFF;
+       TFC_BAT_LED3_OFF;
+   }