
Dependencies:   mbed USBDevice GLCD

diff -r 9ae27a35a771 -r a32ccf18194d main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu May 06 17:35:37 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu May 06 21:32:23 2021 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 #include "HzLib.c"
 #include "USBSerial.h"
 #include "TouchPanel.h"
-#include <vector>
+//#define DEBUG 
 void readtouch();
@@ -21,6 +22,8 @@
 int threshold = 32;
 USBSerial serial;
+int charPos;
 typedef enum {space,infer,del} button;
@@ -33,10 +36,13 @@
 void drawButton(button b, uint16_t color);
 void start(void);
 void drawTriangle(int posX, int posY, int lungMax);
+void readTouch(void);
 int main() {
+    TouchPanel_Calibrate();
@@ -44,9 +50,8 @@
-        readtouch();
-        serial.printf("%u %u\n", tocco.x, tocco.y);
-        wait(1);
+        readTouch();
+        wait_us(500);
@@ -236,4 +241,123 @@
+void readTouch(){
+  int i,j;
+  Coordinate p;
+  getDisplayPoint(&display, Read_Ads7846(), &matrix ) ; //resto in attesa di un punto che venga toccato
+    if(display.x <= 240 && display.x > 0){
+        if(display.y >= 52 && display.y <= 275 && display.x >=8 && display.x <= 232){//punto in zona alta (start writing)
+            if(!startGame){
+              startGame=1;
+                clearPad();
+                charPos=0;
+            }   
+            else{//game already started: handwriting input
+                if(charPos<26*8){ //topbar bound: otherwise the topbar is full
+                    #ifdef DEBUG 
+                    if(!isWritten)
+                        clearPad();//clear to delete the testing result printed on screen   before      
+                    #endif
+                    isWritten=1;
+                    p.x=display.x-8;
+                    p.y=display.y-52;
+                    for(i=-1;i<2;i++)
+                        for(j=-1;j<2;j++){
+                            if((p.x+i)>=0&&(p.y+j)>=0&&(p.x+i)<224&&(p.y+j)<224){
+                                TP_DrawPoint(display.x+i,display.y+j);
+                                drawnPoints[(p.x+i)/8][(p.y+j)/8]++; //count +1 for the macrocell containing this pixel
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else{       
+            if(display.y >= 283 && display.y <= 315 && display.x >=8 && display.x <= 87 && startGame && !isWritten && !inferenceStarted){//punto in tasto Space
+                if(charPos<26*8){ //topbar bound: otherwise the topbar is full
+                    drawButton(space,Yellow);
+                    //space operation: writing a whitespace into the topbar
+                    //--TO BE COMPLETED--//
+                    if(charPos!=0)
+                            LCD_DrawLine(15+charPos-8, 35, 15+charPos+8-8, 35, White); //delete last cursor
+                    GUI_Text(15+charPos, 20, (uint8_t *)" ", Black, White,1); //testing space on topbar
+                    LCD_DrawLine(15+charPos, 35, 15+charPos+8, 35, Black); //cursor
+                    charPos+=8;
+                    clearPad(); //useful only to see the same response time of the other buttons
+                    drawButton(space,White);
+                }
+            }
+            else{
+                if(display.y >= 283 && display.y <= 315 && display.x >=100 && display.x <= 139 && startGame && isWritten &&!inferenceStarted){//punto in tasto Infer
+                    //wait flag to able
+                    drawButton(infer,Yellow);
+                    inferenceStarted=1;
+                    //infer operation: compress the matrix and send the final 28x28 matrix to the inference step 
+                    //--TO BE COMPLETED--//
+                    for(i=0;i<28;i++) //if the counter of the macrocell is greater than threshold, set the final cell to 1, otherwise it would be a 0-cell
+                        for(j=0;j<28;j++)
+                            drawnPoints[i][j]=drawnPoints[i][j]>=threshold?1:0; 
+                    #ifdef DEBUG
+                    showCompression();
+                    if(charPos!=0)
+                        LCD_DrawLine(15+charPos-8, 35, 15+charPos+8-8, 35, White); //delete last cursor
+                    GUI_Text(15+charPos, 20, (uint8_t *)"T", Black, White,1); //testing text on topbar
+                    LCD_DrawLine(15+charPos, 35, 15+charPos+8, 35, Black); //cursor
+                    charPos+=8;
+                    #else
+                    clearPad(); //here the matix is also cleaned
+                    serial.printf("-1");
+                    for(i=0;i<28;i++)
+                        for(j=0;j<28;j++)
+                            serial.printf("%d",drawnPoints[i][j]);
+                    #endif
+                    isWritten=0;
+                    inferenceStarted=0;
+                    drawButton(infer,White);
+                }
+                else{
+                    if(display.y >= 283 && display.y <= 315 && display.x >=153 && display.x <= 232 && startGame &&!inferenceStarted){//punto in tasto Delete
+                        //wait flag to able
+                        drawButton(del,Yellow);
+                        if(isWritten){ //delete operation - handwriting on pad, before inference: clear the pad
+                            clearPad();
+                            isWritten=0;
+                        }
+                        else{ //delete operation - no handwriting on pad, after inference: delete last char printed on the topbar
+                            //--TO BE COMPLETED--//
+                            clearPad(); //useful only to see the same response time of the other cases
+                            if(charPos!=0){
+                                LCD_DrawLine(15+charPos-8, 35, 15+charPos+8-8, 35, White); //delete last cursor
+                                GUI_Text(15+charPos-8, 20, (uint8_t *)" ", Black, White,1); //testing text on topbar
+                                if(charPos!=8){ //otherwise we are going to the first character, no cursor
+                                    LCD_DrawLine(15+charPos-16, 35, 15+charPos-8, 35, Black); //cursor
+                                }
+                                charPos-=8;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        drawButton(del,White);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else{
+        //do nothing if touch returns values out of bounds
+    }
+  return;
\ No newline at end of file