Thanks Erik Olieman for his beta library, that saved me a huge amount of time when getting Raw data from MPU6050 module! I was able to update this library by adding additional functions, which would allow a fast angle calculation by using complementary filter. I will probably be updating this library more soon to add additional functionality or make some changes that would look sensible.

Dependents:   QuadcopterProgram 3DTracking ControlYokutan2017 Gyro ... more

Fork of MPU6050 by Erik -

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Feb 20 00:13:01 2015 +0000
Commit message:
I modified some small things in the library and additionally added some functions for calculating actual angle values from the one read by the sensor.

Changed in this revision

MPU6050.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MPU6050.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MPU6050.cpp	Thu Feb 19 23:56:16 2015 +0000
+++ b/MPU6050.cpp	Fri Feb 20 00:13:01 2015 +0000
@@ -235,8 +235,9 @@
     return retval;
-//Additional function added by Montvydas Klumbys, which will allow easy offset, angle calculation and much more.
-//function for getting angles in degrees from accelerometer
+/**Additional function added by Montvydas Klumbys, which will allow easy offset, angle calculation and much more.
+ function for getting angles in degrees from accelerometer
 void MPU6050::getAcceleroAngle( float *data ) {
     float temp[3];
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@
 //    data[X_AXIS] = atan2 (-1*temp[X_AXIS], temp[Z_AXIS]) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;    //but it takes longer and system gets unstable when angles ~90 degrees
-//function for getting offset values for the gyro & accelerometer
+///function for getting offset values for the gyro & accelerometer
 void MPU6050::getOffset(float *accOffset, float *gyroOffset, int sampleSize){
     float gyro[3];      
     float accAngle[3];
@@ -271,8 +272,8 @@
-//function for computing angles for roll, pitch anf yaw
-void MPU6050::computeAngle (float *angle, float *accOffset, float *gyroOffset, float *currTime, float *prevTime){
+///function for computing angles for roll, pitch anf yaw
+void MPU6050::computeAngle (float *angle, float *accOffset, float *gyroOffset, float interval){
     float gyro[3];
     float accAngle[3];
@@ -285,19 +286,19 @@
     //apply filters on pitch and roll to get accurate angle values
-    angle[X_AXIS] = alpha * (angle[X_AXIS] + GYRO_SCALE*gyro[X_AXIS]*(*currTime-*prevTime)) + (1-alpha)*accAngle[X_AXIS]; 
-    angle[Y_AXIS] = alpha * (angle[Y_AXIS] + GYRO_SCALE*gyro[Y_AXIS]*(*currTime-*prevTime)) + (1-alpha)*accAngle[Y_AXIS];
+    angle[X_AXIS] = alpha * (angle[X_AXIS] + GYRO_SCALE*gyro[X_AXIS]*interval) + (1-alpha)*accAngle[X_AXIS]; 
+    angle[Y_AXIS] = alpha * (angle[Y_AXIS] + GYRO_SCALE*gyro[Y_AXIS]*interval) + (1-alpha)*accAngle[Y_AXIS];
     //calculate Yaw using just the gyroscope values - inaccurate
-    angle[Z_AXIS] = angle[Z_AXIS] + GYRO_SCALE*gyro[Z_AXIS]*(*currTime-*prevTime);     
+    angle[Z_AXIS] = angle[Z_AXIS] + GYRO_SCALE*gyro[Z_AXIS]*interval;     
-//function for setting a different Alpha value, which is used in complemetary filter calculations
+///function for setting a different Alpha value, which is used in complemetary filter calculations
 void MPU6050::setAlpha(float val){
     alpha = val;   
-//function for enabling interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin, when the data is ready to take
+///function for enabling interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin, when the data is ready to take
 void MPU6050::enableInt( void ){
     char temp;
     temp = this->read(MPU6050_RA_INT_ENABLE);
@@ -305,7 +306,7 @@
     this->write(MPU6050_RA_INT_ENABLE, temp);
-//function for disbling interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin, when the data is ready to take
+///function for disbling interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin, when the data is ready to take
 void MPU6050::disableInt ( void ){
     char temp;
     temp = this->read(MPU6050_RA_INT_ENABLE);
--- a/MPU6050.h	Thu Feb 19 23:56:16 2015 +0000
+++ b/MPU6050.h	Fri Feb 20 00:13:01 2015 +0000
@@ -269,31 +269,54 @@
      void read( char adress, char *data, int length);
-    //function for calculating the angle from the accelerometer.
-    //it takes 3 values which correspond acceleration in X, Y and Z direction and calculates angles in degrees
-    //for pitch, roll and one more direction.. (NOT YAW!)
-     void getAcceleroAngle( float *data );
+    /**
+    * function for calculating the angle from the accelerometer.
+    * it takes 3 values which correspond acceleration in X, Y and Z direction and calculates angles in degrees
+    * for pitch, roll and one more direction.. (NOT YAW!)
+    *
+    * @param data - angle calculated using only accelerometer
+    *
+    */ 
+    void getAcceleroAngle( float *data );
-     //function which allows to produce the offset values for gyro and accelerometer.
-     //offset for gyro is simply a value, which needs to be substracted from original gyro rad/sec speed
-     //but offset for accelerometer is calculated in angles... later on might change that
-     //function simply takes the number of samples to be taken and calculated the average
+     /**function which allows to produce the offset values for gyro and accelerometer.
+     * offset for gyro is simply a value, which needs to be substracted from original gyro rad/sec speed
+     * but offset for accelerometer is calculated in angles... later on might change that
+     * function simply takes the number of samples to be taken and calculated the average
+     * 
+     * @param accOffset - accelerometer offset in angle
+     * @param gyroOffset - gyroscope offset in rad/s
+     * @param sampleSize - number of samples to be taken for calculating offsets
+     *
+     */
      void getOffset(float *accOffset, float *gyroOffset, int sampleSize);
-     //function for computing the angle, when accelerometer angle offset and gyro offset are both known.
-     //we also need to know how much time passed from previous calculation to now
-     //it produces the angle in degrees. However angles are produced from -90.0 to 90.0 degrees
-     //if anyone need smth different, they can update this library...
-     void computeAngle (float *angle, float *accOffset, float *gyroOffset, float *currTime, float *prevTime);
+     /**
+     * function for computing the angle, when accelerometer angle offset and gyro offset are both known.
+     * we also need to know how much time passed from previous calculation to now
+     * it produces the angle in degrees. However angles are produced from -90.0 to 90.0 degrees
+     * if anyone need smth different, they can update this library...
+     *
+     * @param angle - calculated accurate angle from complemetary filter
+     * @param accOffset - offset in angle for the accelerometer
+     * @param gyroOffset - offset in rad/s for the gyroscope
+     * @param interval - time before previous angle calculation and now
+     *
+     */
+     void computeAngle (float *angle, float *accOffset, float *gyroOffset, float interval);
-     //function, which enables interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin
+     ///function, which enables interrupts on MPU6050 INT pin
      void enableInt( void );
-     //disables interrupts
+     ///disables interrupts
      void disableInt( void );
-     //function which sets the alpha value - constant for the complementary filter. default alpha = 0.97
+     /**function which sets the alpha value - constant for the complementary filter. default alpha = 0.97
+     *
+     * @param val - value the alpha (complementary filter constant) should be set to
+     *
+     */
      void setAlpha(float val);