Part 1 of our ECE 4180 Final Project

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE EthernetInterface MODSERIAL NTPClient mbed-rtos mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri May 01 18:07:34 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#include <string>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "alarm.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include "weather.h"
+#include "NTPClient.h"
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+MODSERIAL device(p13,p14);
+NTPClient ntp;
+time_t ctTime;
+EthernetInterface eth;
+AnalogIn tempSensor(p15);
+uLCD_4DGL screen1(p28, p27, p11);
+uLCD_4DGL screen2(p9, p10, p11);
+Mutex mutex1;
+Mutex mutex2;
+float prevTempC;
+float prevTempF;
+float tempC;
+float tempF;
+float getTempC()
+    return ((tempSensor*3.3)-0.600)*100.0;
+float getTempF()
+    return (9.0*getTempC()/5.0) + 32.0;
+string getTime()
+    char buffer[80];
+    ctTime = time(NULL);
+    struct tm * timeinfo;
+    timeinfo = localtime(&ctTime);
+    timeinfo->tm_hour = (timeinfo->tm_hour - 4)%24;
+    strftime(buffer,80,"%I:%M\n",timeinfo);
+    return string(buffer);
+string getDate()
+    char buffer[80];
+    ctTime = time(NULL);
+    struct tm * timeinfo;
+    timeinfo = localtime(&ctTime);
+    strftime(buffer,80,"%A, %B %d\n",timeinfo);
+    return string(buffer);
+weatherInfo prevWeather;
+void tempThread(void const *args)
+    mutex1.lock();
+    screen1.cls();
+    screen1.color(GREEN);
+    screen1.printf("The indoor\ntemperature is:\n");
+    mutex1.unlock();
+    while (1) {
+        tempC = getTempC();
+        tempF = getTempF();
+        mutex1.lock();
+        screen1.locate(0, 2);
+        screen1.color(BLACK);
+        screen1.printf("%.0fC/%.0fF", prevTempC, prevTempF);
+        screen1.locate(0, 2);
+        screen1.color(GREEN);
+        screen1.printf("%.0fC/%.0fF", tempC, tempF);
+        screen1.locate(0,6);
+        screen1.color(BLACK);
+        screen1.printf("Weather in %s\n", prevWeather.zipcode);
+        screen1.printf("%.0fC/%.0fF\n", prevWeather.tempC, prevWeather.tempF);
+        screen1.printf("%s\n", prevWeather.condition);
+        screen1.printf("%.2fkmh/%.2fmih\n", prevWeather.windSpeedKm, prevWeather.windSpeedMi);
+        prevWeather = getWeatherInfo();
+        screen1.locate(0,6);
+        screen1.color(GREEN);
+        screen1.printf("Weather in %s\n", prevWeather.zipcode);
+        screen1.printf("%.0fC/%.0fF\n", prevWeather.tempC, prevWeather.tempF);
+        screen1.printf("%s\n", prevWeather.condition);
+        screen1.printf("%.2fkph/%.2fmph\n", prevWeather.windSpeedKm, prevWeather.windSpeedMi);
+        mutex1.unlock();
+        prevTempC = tempC;
+        prevTempF = tempF;
+        Thread::wait(6*1000);
+    }
+string prevTime;
+void displayTime(void const* args)
+    mutex1.lock();
+    screen2.cls();
+    screen2.locate(0,3);
+    screen2.color(WHITE);
+    screen2.printf("%s", getDate());
+    prevTime = getTime();
+    mutex1.unlock();
+    while (1) {
+        mutex1.lock();
+        screen2.locate(0,0);
+        screen2.color(BLACK);
+        screen2.text_width(3);
+        screen2.text_height(3);
+        screen2.printf("%s", prevTime);
+        screen2.locate(0,0);
+        screen2.color(WHITE);
+        screen2.printf("%s", getTime());
+        prevTime = getTime();
+        mutex1.unlock();
+        Thread::wait(5000);
+    }
+void displayRedditFeed(void const* args)
+    while (1) {
+        TCPSocketConnection sock;
+        sock.connect("", 80);
+        //sock.connect("", 80);
+        char http_cmd[] = "GET /reddit/index.php HTTP/1.0\n\n";
+        sock.send_all(http_cmd, sizeof(http_cmd)-1);
+        char buffer[1000];
+        int ret;
+        while (true) {
+            ret = sock.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                break;
+            buffer[ret] = '\0';
+        }
+        sock.close();
+        string all(buffer);
+        all = all.substr(all.find("\r\n\r\n")+4);
+        mutex1.lock();
+        screen2.cls();
+        screen2.printf("%s\n", all);
+        mutex1.unlock();
+        Thread::wait(5*1000);
+    }
+void setupScreens()
+    screen1.baudrate(3000000);
+    screen1.cls();
+    screen2.baudrate(3000000);
+    screen2.cls();
+void setupEthernet()
+    eth.init(); //Use DHCP
+    eth.connect();
+    //printf("Mac Address: %s\n", eth.getMACAddress());
+    //printf("IP Address is %s\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+void setupTime()
+    if (ntp.setTime("") == 0) {
+        printf("Set time successfully\r\n");
+        ctTime = time(NULL);
+        printf("Time is set to (UTC): %s\r\n", ctime(&ctTime));
+    } else {
+        printf("Error in getting time\r\n");
+    }
+void setupWeather()
+    prevWeather = getWeatherInfo();
+int main()
+    mutex1.lock();
+    setupScreens();
+    screen1.color(RED);
+    screen1.printf("Setting Up LCDs\nPlease wait...");
+    screen2.color(RED);
+    screen2.printf("Setting Up LAN\nPlease wait...");
+    mutex1.unlock();
+    setupEthernet();
+    setupTime();
+    setupWeather();
+    mutex1.lock();
+    screen1.cls();
+    screen2.cls();
+    mutex1.unlock();
+    //Thread threadTime(displayTime);
+    Thread threadTemp(tempThread);
+    //Thread threadSerial(sendSerial);
+    Thread redditThread(displayRedditFeed);
+    while(1) {
+        mutex1.lock();
+        if(device.readable()) {
+            char buffer[80];
+            device.scanf("%s", buffer);
+            if (buffer[0] == 'd') {
+                device.printf("%s", getDate());
+            }
+            if (buffer[0] == 't') {
+                device.printf("%s", getTime());
+            }
+            if (buffer[0] == 'a') {
+                mutex1.lock();
+                device.printf("%s\n", isItAlarmTime(&ctTime));
+                mutex1.unlock();
+            }
+        }
+        mutex1.unlock();
+        wait_ms(1000);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file