Based on SX1276Lib. Simplified and targeted for Modtronix inAir modules. All pins can now be specified to use interrupts or general purpose I/O pins.

--- a/inair_default_config.h	Tue Oct 20 17:47:24 2015 +1100
+++ b/inair_default_config.h	Wed Oct 21 14:51:37 2015 +1100
@@ -21,18 +21,10 @@
-//This file is used to configure the "modtronix_inAir" library. The recommended way to change the defines
-//in this file is to create a copy of this file in your main project folder. Name it "inair_config.h".
-//To use the defines from this new file, comment the following line. This makes it easier when
-//upgrading to newer version of this library, seeing that this file with modifications will be
-//overwritten. After upgrade, all that has to be done is to uncomment following line again.
-#define USE_CUSTOM_INAIR_CONFIG    //Uncomment this line after creating "inair_config.h" in project
-#include "inair_config.h"
-//To use custom config, uncomment "USE_CUSTOM_INAIR_CONFIG" define above, and create "inair_config.h" file
-//#warning "Using default configuration for 'modtronix_inAir' library!"
+//This file requires a file called "modtronix_config.h" to exist in the project!
+//Use this file to override any of the default defines below. Do NOT edit this file!
+#if !defined(NO_MODTRONIX_CONFIG)
+    #include "modtronix_config.h"
 // Copy from here to custom inair_defines.h file //////////////////////////////