This program enables the use of the Semtech "SX1276 Starter Kit A" application to be used with the FRDM-KL25Z board. At the time of writing this, this app was available on Semtech's SX1276 page, in the "Docs & Resources"* tab, via the link "PC GUI (1.0.0Beta5)". This program was tested with the FRDM-KL25Z board, with a Modtronix inAir9 SX1276 board mounted in a Modtronix SHD3I shield. The inAir9 module is mounted in iMod port 3 of the SHD3I module. The SHD3I shield is mounted on the FRDM-KL25Z board.

Dependencies:   SX127x_modtronix USBDevice_Semtech_GUI mbed

Fork of hid_test by wayne roberts

diff -r 000000000000 -r f8bc33804548 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Apr 14 22:01:41 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "USBHID.h"
+#include "sx127x.h"
+//  pin:      3     8     1      7    10    12     5   20    18
+//           mosi, miso, sclk,   cs,  rst,  dio0, dio1, fctx, fcps 
+SX127x radio(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1, PTD0, PTD5, PTA13, PTD4, PTC9, PTC8);
+//We declare a USBHID device. By default input and output reports are 64 bytes long.
+USBHID hid(64, 64, 0x47a, 0x0b);
+//USBHID (uint8_t output_report_length=64, uint8_t input_report_length=64, uint16_t vendor_id=0x1234, uint16_t product_id=0x0006, uint16_t product_release=0x0001, bool connect=true) 
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+//This report will contain data to be sent
+HID_REPORT send_report;
+HID_REPORT recv_report;
+DigitalOut l1(LED1);
+#define FW_VERSION                                  "3.1.0"
+#define SK_NAME                                     "mbed"
+#define HID_SK_RESET                                0x00
+#define HID_SK_GET_VERSION                          0x01
+#define HID_SK_GET_NAME                             0x02
+#define HID_SK_GET_PIN                              0x10
+#define HID_SK_SET_PIN                              0x11
+#define HID_SK_GET_PINS                             0x14
+#define HID_DEVICE_READ                             0x80
+#define HID_DEVICE_WRITE                            0x81
+#define HID_DEVICE_INIT                             0x88
+#define HID_DEVICE_RESET                            0x89
+#define HID_SK_CMD_NONE                             0xFF
+typedef struct sHidCommand
+    uint8_t Cmd;
+    uint8_t CmdOpt;
+    uint8_t CmdDataSize;
+    uint8_t *CmdData;
+} tHidCommand;
+typedef enum
+    SX_OK,
+    SX_ERROR,
+    SX_BUSY,
+    SX_EMPTY,
+    SX_DONE,
+    SX_WAIT,
+    SX_CLOSE,
+    SX_YES,
+    SX_NO,          
+} tReturnCodes;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+char verbose = 0;
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+void HidDecodeCommand( uint8_t *hidReport, tHidCommand *cmd )
+    cmd->Cmd = hidReport[0];
+    cmd->CmdOpt = hidReport[1];
+    cmd->CmdDataSize = hidReport[2];
+    cmd->CmdData = hidReport + 3;
+void HidEncodeCommandAns( uint8_t cmd, uint8_t stat, uint8_t dataSize, uint8_t *data )
+[0] =  cmd;
+[1] =  stat;
+    // TimeStamp
+    memset( + 2, 0, 8 );
+[10] =  dataSize;
+    memcpy( + 11, ( const void* )data, dataSize );
+    //send_report.length = 11 + dataSize;
+    send_report.length = 64;
+    hid.send(&send_report);
+void HidCmdProcess(void)
+    uint8_t stat = SX_OK;
+    uint8_t size = 0;
+    uint8_t dataBuffer[64];
+    tHidCommand cmd = { HID_SK_CMD_NONE, 0, 0, NULL };
+    #ifdef _DEBUG_
+    int i;
+    #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+    HidDecodeCommand(, &cmd);
+    switch (cmd.Cmd) {
+        case HID_DEVICE_RESET:
+            radio.hw_reset();
+            break;
+        case HID_SK_RESET:
+        case HID_DEVICE_INIT:
+            radio.hw_reset();
+            #ifdef _DEBUG_
+            if (verbose)
+                printf("reset-init\r\n");
+            #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+            radio.init();   //SX1272Init( );
+            // Set FSK modem ON
+            radio.SetLoRaOn( false ); //SX1272SetLoRaOn( false ); // Default radio setting
+            // Default answer settings
+            break;
+        case HID_SK_GET_VERSION:
+            strcpy( ( char* )dataBuffer, FW_VERSION );
+            size = strlen( FW_VERSION );
+            break;
+        case HID_DEVICE_READ:
+            // cmd.CmdData[0] = size
+            // cmd.CmdData[1] = address
+            size = cmd.CmdData[0];
+            radio.ReadBuffer( cmd.CmdData[1], dataBuffer, size );
+            #ifdef _DEBUG_
+            if (verbose) {
+                pc.printf("read %d bytes from %02x: ", size, cmd.CmdData[1]);
+                for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+                    pc.printf("%02x ", dataBuffer[i]);
+                pc.printf("\r\n");
+            }
+            #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+            stat = SX_OK;
+            break;
+        case HID_SK_GET_PINS:
+            dataBuffer[0] = 0;
+            if (radio.dio0)
+                dataBuffer[0] |= 0x01;
+            if (radio.dio1)
+                dataBuffer[0] |= 0x02;
+            #ifdef _DEBUG_
+            if (verbose && dataBuffer[0] != 0)
+                printf("HID_SK_GET_PINS:%02x\r\n", dataBuffer[0]);
+            #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+            /*dataBuffer[0] |= DIO1 << 1;
+            dataBuffer[0] |= DIO2 << 2;
+            dataBuffer[0] |= DIO3 << 3;
+            dataBuffer[0] |= DIO4 << 4;
+            dataBuffer[0] |= DIO5 << 5;*/
+            size = 1;
+            break;
+        case HID_SK_GET_PIN:
+            // cmd.CmdData[0] = Pin id
+            switch( cmd.CmdData[0] ) {
+                case 11:    // FEM_CPS_PIN
+                    dataBuffer[0] = radio.femcps;
+                    #ifdef _DEBUG_
+                    if (verbose)
+                        printf("HID_SK_GET_PIN femcps:%02x\r\n", dataBuffer[0]);
+                    #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+                    break;
+                case 12:    // FEM_CTX_PIN
+                    dataBuffer[0] = radio.femctx;
+                    #ifdef _DEBUG_
+                    if (verbose)
+                        printf("HID_SK_GET_PIN femctx:%02x\r\n", dataBuffer[0]);
+                    #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    dataBuffer[0] = 0xFF; // Signal ID error
+                    #ifdef _DEBUG_
+                    printf("HID_SK_GET_PIN %d\r\n", cmd.CmdData[0]);
+                    #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+                    break;
+            } // ...switch( cmd.CmdData[0] )
+            break;
+        case HID_SK_SET_PIN:
+            // cmd.CmdData[0] = Pin id
+            // cmd.CmdData[1] = Pin state
+            switch( cmd.CmdData[0] ) {
+                case 6:
+                case 7:
+                case 8:
+                    // ignore LEDs
+                    break;
+                case 11:    // FEM_CPS_PIN
+                    radio.femcps = cmd.CmdData[1];
+                    #ifdef _DEBUG_
+                    if (verbose)
+                        printf("HID_SK_SET_PIN femcps:%d\r\n", (int)radio.femcps);
+                    #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+                    break;                    
+                case 12:    // FEM_CTX_PIN
+                    radio.femctx = cmd.CmdData[1];
+                    #ifdef _DEBUG_
+                    if (verbose)
+                        printf("HID_SK_SET_PIN femctx:%d\r\n", (int)radio.femctx); 
+                    #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    stat = SX_UNSUPPORTED;
+                    #ifdef _DEBUG_
+                    pc.printf("HID_SK_SET_PIN %d %d\r\n", cmd.CmdData[0], cmd.CmdData[1]);
+                    #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+                    break;
+            } // ...switch( cmd.CmdData[0] )
+            break;
+        case HID_DEVICE_WRITE:
+            // cmd.CmdData[0] = size
+            // cmd.CmdData[1] = address
+            // cmd.CmdData[2] = Buffer first byte
+            // cmd.CmdData[2+(size-1)] = Buffer last byte
+            radio.WriteBuffer( cmd.CmdData[1], cmd.CmdData + 2, cmd.CmdData[0] );
+            #ifdef _DEBUG_
+            if (verbose) {
+                pc.printf("write %d bytes to %02x: ", cmd.CmdData[0], cmd.CmdData[1]);
+                for (i = 0; i < cmd.CmdData[0]; i++)
+                    pc.printf("%02x ", cmd.CmdData[2+i]);
+                pc.printf("\r\n");
+            }
+            #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+            stat = SX_OK;
+            break;
+        case HID_SK_GET_NAME:
+            strcpy( ( char* )dataBuffer, SK_NAME );
+            size = strlen( SK_NAME );
+            break;            
+        default:
+            pc.printf("%d: ", recv_report.length);
+            for(int i = 0; i < recv_report.length; i++) {
+                pc.printf("%02x ",[i]);
+            }
+            pc.printf("\r\n");
+            stat = SX_UNSUPPORTED;
+        break;
+    } // ...switch (cmd.Cmd)
+    HidEncodeCommandAns( cmd.Cmd, stat, size, dataBuffer);
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void printOpMode()
+    radio.RegOpMode.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_OPMODE);
+    switch (radio.RegOpMode.bits.Mode) {
+        case RF_OPMODE_SLEEP: printf("sleep"); break;
+        case RF_OPMODE_STANDBY: printf("stby"); break;
+        case RF_OPMODE_SYNTHESIZER_TX: printf("fstx"); break;
+        case RF_OPMODE_TRANSMITTER: printf("tx"); break;
+        case RF_OPMODE_SYNTHESIZER_RX: printf("fsrx"); break;
+        case RF_OPMODE_RECEIVER: printf("rx"); break;
+        case 6:
+            if (radio.RegOpMode.bits.LongRangeMode)
+                printf("rxs");
+            else
+                printf("-6-");
+            break;  // todo: different lora/fsk
+        case 7:
+            if (radio.RegOpMode.bits.LongRangeMode)
+                printf("cad");
+            else
+                printf("-7-");
+            break;  // todo: different lora/fsk
+    }
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+    radio.RegPaConfig.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_PACONFIG);
+    if (radio.RegPaConfig.bits.PaSelect) {
+        float output_dBm = 17 - (15-radio.RegPaConfig.bits.OutputPower);
+        printf(" PABOOST OutputPower=%.1fdBm", output_dBm);
+    } else {
+        float pmax = (0.6*radio.RegPaConfig.bits.MaxPower) + 10.8;
+        float output_dBm = pmax - (15-radio.RegPaConfig.bits.OutputPower);
+        printf(" RFO pmax=%.1fdBm OutputPower=%.1fdBm", pmax, output_dBm);
+    }
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void /* things always present, whether lora or fsk */
+    printf("version:0x%02x %.3fMHz ", radio.read_reg(REG_VERSION), radio.get_frf_MHz());
+    printOpMode();
+    printPa();
+    radio.RegOcp.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_OCP);
+    if (radio.RegOcp.bits.OcpOn) {
+        int imax = 0;
+        if (radio.RegOcp.bits.OcpTrim < 16)
+            imax = 45 + (5 * radio.RegOcp.bits.OcpTrim);
+        else if (radio.RegOcp.bits.OcpTrim < 28)
+            imax = -30 + (10 * radio.RegOcp.bits.OcpTrim);
+        else
+            imax = 240;
+        printf(" OcpOn %dmA ", imax);
+    } else
+        printf(" OcpOFF ");
+    printf("\r\n");
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void lora_print_dio()
+   radio.RegDioMapping2.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_DIOMAPPING2);
+    printf("DIO5:");
+    switch (radio.RegDioMapping2.bits.Dio5Mapping) {
+        case 0: printf("ModeReady"); break;
+        case 1: printf("ClkOut"); break;
+        case 2: printf("ClkOut"); break;
+    }
+    printf(" DIO4:");
+    switch (radio.RegDioMapping2.bits.Dio4Mapping) {
+        case 0: printf("CadDetected"); break;
+        case 1: printf("PllLock"); break;
+        case 2: printf("PllLock"); break;
+    }    
+    radio.RegDioMapping1.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_DIOMAPPING1);
+    printf(" DIO3:");
+    switch (radio.RegDioMapping1.bits.Dio3Mapping) {
+        case 0: printf("CadDone"); break;
+        case 1: printf("ValidHeader"); break;
+        case 2: printf("PayloadCrcError"); break;
+    }    
+    printf(" DIO2:");
+    switch (radio.RegDioMapping1.bits.Dio2Mapping) {
+        case 0:
+        case 1:
+        case 2:
+            printf("FhssChangeChannel");
+            break;
+    }    
+    printf(" DIO1:");
+    switch (radio.RegDioMapping1.bits.Dio1Mapping) {
+        case 0: printf("RxTimeout"); break;
+        case 1: printf("FhssChangeChannel"); break;
+        case 2: printf("CadDetected"); break;
+    }    
+    printf(" DIO0:");
+    switch (radio.RegDioMapping1.bits.Dio0Mapping) {
+        case 0: printf("RxDone"); break;
+        case 1: printf("TxDone"); break;
+        case 2: printf("CadDone"); break;
+    }    
+    printf("\r\n"); 
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+printCodingRate(bool from_rx)
+    uint8_t d = radio.getCodingRate(from_rx);
+    printf("CodingRate:");
+    switch (d) {
+        case 1: printf("4/5 "); break;
+        case 2: printf("4/6 "); break;
+        case 3: printf("4/7 "); break;
+        case 4: printf("4/8 "); break;
+        default:
+            printf("%d ", d);
+            break;
+    }
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void printHeaderMode()
+    if (radio.getHeaderMode())
+        printf("implicit ");
+    else
+        printf("explicit ");
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void printBw()
+    uint8_t bw = radio.getBw();
+    printf("Bw:");
+    if (radio.type == SX1276) {
+        switch (radio.RegModemConfig.sx1276bits.Bw) {
+            case 0: printf("7.8KHz "); break;
+            case 1: printf("10.4KHz "); break;
+            case 2: printf("15.6KHz "); break;
+            case 3: printf("20.8KHz "); break;
+            case 4: printf("31.25KHz "); break;
+            case 5: printf("41.7KHz "); break;
+            case 6: printf("62.5KHz "); break;
+            case 7: printf("125KHz "); break;
+            case 8: printf("250KHz "); break;
+            case 9: printf("500KHz "); break;
+            default: printf("%x ", radio.RegModemConfig.sx1276bits.Bw); break;
+        }
+    } else if (radio.type == SX1272) {
+        switch (radio.RegModemConfig.sx1272bits.Bw) {
+            case 0: printf("125KHz "); break;
+            case 1: printf("250KHz "); break;
+            case 2: printf("500KHz "); break;
+            case 3: printf("11b "); break;
+        }
+    }
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void printSf()
+    // spreading factor same between sx127[26]
+    printf("sf:%d ", radio.getSf());
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void printTxContinuousMode()
+    printf("TxContinuousMode:%d ", radio.RegModemConfig2.sx1276bits.TxContinuousMode);    // same for sx1272 and sx1276
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void printAgcAutoOn()
+    printf("AgcAutoOn:%d", radio.getAgcAutoOn());
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void printRxPayloadCrcOn()
+    bool on = radio.getRxPayloadCrcOn();
+    //printf("RxPayloadCrcOn:%s ", on ? "on" : "off");
+    if (on)
+        printf("RxPayloadCrcOn:1 = Tx CRC Enabled\r\n");
+    else
+        printf("RxPayloadCrcOn:1 = no Tx CRC\r\n");
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void printLoraIrqs_(bool clear)
+    //in radio class -- RegIrqFlags_t RegIrqFlags;
+    //already read RegIrqFlags.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_IRQFLAGS);
+    printf("\r\nIrqFlags:");
+    if (radio.RegIrqFlags.bits.CadDetected)
+        printf("CadDetected ");
+    if (radio.RegIrqFlags.bits.FhssChangeChannel) {
+        //radio.RegHopChannel.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_HOPCHANNEL);
+        printf("FhssChangeChannel:%d ", radio.RegHopChannel.bits.FhssPresentChannel);
+    }
+    if (radio.RegIrqFlags.bits.CadDone)
+        printf("CadDone ");
+    if (radio.RegIrqFlags.bits.TxDone)
+        printf("TxDone ");
+    if (radio.RegIrqFlags.bits.ValidHeader)
+        printf("ValidHeader ");
+    if (radio.RegIrqFlags.bits.PayloadCrcError)
+        printf("PayloadCrcError ");
+    if (radio.RegIrqFlags.bits.RxDone)
+        printf("RxDone ");  
+    if (radio.RegIrqFlags.bits.RxTimeout)
+        printf("RxTimeout ");
+    printf("\r\n");
+    if (clear)
+        radio.write_reg(REG_LR_IRQFLAGS, radio.RegIrqFlags.octet);
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+void lora_print_status()
+    uint8_t d;
+    if (radio.type == SX1276)
+        printf("\r\nSX1276 ");
+    else if (radio.type == SX1272)
+        printf("\r\nSX1272 ");
+    radio.RegOpMode.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_OPMODE);
+    if (!radio.RegOpMode.bits.LongRangeMode) {
+        printf("FSK\r\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    lora_print_dio();
+    printf("LoRa ");
+    // printing LoRa registers at 0x0d -> 0x3f
+    radio.RegModemConfig.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_MODEMCONFIG);
+    radio.RegModemConfig2.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_MODEMCONFIG2);
+    printCodingRate(false); // false: transmitted coding rate
+    printHeaderMode();
+    printBw();
+    printSf();
+    printRxPayloadCrcOn();
+    // RegModemStat
+    printf("ModemStat:0x%02x\r\n", radio.read_reg(REG_LR_MODEMSTAT));
+    // fifo ptrs:
+    radio.RegPayloadLength = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_PAYLOADLENGTH);
+    radio.RegRxMaxPayloadLength = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_RX_MAX_PAYLOADLENGTH);
+    printf("fifoptr=0x%02x txbase=0x%02x rxbase=0x%02x payloadLength=0x%02x maxlen=0x%02x",
+        radio.read_reg(REG_LR_FIFOADDRPTR),
+        radio.read_reg(REG_LR_FIFOTXBASEADDR),
+        radio.read_reg(REG_LR_FIFORXBASEADDR),
+        radio.RegPayloadLength,
+        radio.RegRxMaxPayloadLength
+    );
+    radio.RegIrqFlags.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_IRQFLAGS);
+    printLoraIrqs_(false);
+    radio.RegHopPeriod = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_HOPPERIOD);
+    if (radio.RegHopPeriod != 0) {
+        printf("\r\nHopPeriod:0x%02x\r\n", radio.RegHopPeriod);
+    }
+    printf("SymbTimeout:0x%03x ", radio.read_u16(REG_LR_MODEMCONFIG2) & 0x3ff);
+    radio.RegPreamble = radio.read_u16(REG_LR_PREAMBLEMSB);
+    printf("PreambleLength:0x%03x ", radio.RegPreamble);
+    if (radio.RegOpMode.bits.Mode == RF_OPMODE_RECEIVER || radio.RegOpMode.bits.Mode == RF_OPMODE_RECEIVER_SINGLE) {
+        d = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_RSSIVALUE);
+        printf("rssi:%ddBm ", d-120);
+    }
+    printTxContinuousMode();
+    printf("\r\n");
+    printAgcAutoOn();
+    if (radio.type == SX1272) {
+        printf(" LowDataRateOptimize:%d\r\n", radio.RegModemConfig.sx1272bits.LowDataRateOptimize);
+    }
+    printf("\r\nHeaderCount:%d PacketCount:%d, ",
+        radio.read_u16(REG_LR_RXHEADERCNTVALUE_MSB), radio.read_u16(REG_LR_RXPACKETCNTVALUE_MSB));
+    printf("Lora detection threshold:%02x\r\n", radio.read_reg(REG_LR_DETECTION_THRESHOLD));
+    radio.RegTest31.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_TEST31);
+    printf("detect_trig_same_peaks_nb:%d\r\n", radio.RegTest31.bits.detect_trig_same_peaks_nb);
+    if (radio.type == SX1272) {
+        radio.RegModemConfig.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_MODEMCONFIG);
+        printf("LowDataRateOptimize:%d\r\n", radio.RegModemConfig.sx1272bits.LowDataRateOptimize);
+    } else if (radio.type == SX1276) {
+        radio.RegModemConfig3.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_LR_MODEMCONFIG3);
+        printf("LowDataRateOptimize:%d\r\n", radio.RegModemConfig3.sx1276bits.LowDataRateOptimize);        
+    }
+    printf("\r\n");
+    //printf("A %02x\r\n", radio.RegModemConfig2.octet);
+#endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+    service_action_e act = radio.service();
+    switch (act) {
+        case SERVICE_READ_FIFO:
+            printf("SERVICE_READ_FIFO\r\n");
+            // clear Irq flags
+            radio.write_reg(REG_LR_IRQFLAGS, radio.RegIrqFlags.octet);        
+            break;
+        case SERVICE_TX_DONE:
+            printf("SERVICE_TX_DONE\r\n");
+            break;
+        case SERVICE_ERROR:
+            printf("error\r\n");
+            break;
+    } // ...switch (act)
+    #ifdef _DEBUG_ 
+    pc.baud(57600);
+    pc.printf("\r\nstart\r\n");
+    #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+    while (1) { 
+        //try to read a msg
+        if (hid.readNB(&recv_report)) {
+            HidCmdProcess();
+        }
+        #ifdef _DEBUG_   
+        if (pc.readable()) {
+            char c = pc.getc();
+            if (c == 'v') {
+                pc.printf("verbose ");
+                if (verbose) {
+                    verbose = 0;
+                    pc.printf("off");
+                } else {
+                    verbose = 1;
+                    pc.printf("on");
+                }
+                pc.printf("\r\n");
+            } else if (c == '.') {
+                common_print_status();
+                if (radio.RegOpMode.bits.LongRangeMode)
+                    lora_print_status();
+                else
+                    printf("FSK\r\n");
+            } else if (c == 't') {
+                int i;
+                printf("tx\r\n");
+                radio.set_opmode(RF_OPMODE_TRANSMITTER);
+                for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
+                    radio.RegOpMode.octet = radio.read_reg(REG_OPMODE);
+                    printf("opmode:%02x\r\n", radio.RegOpMode.octet);
+                }
+            } else if (c == 'T') {
+                printf("start_tx\r\n");
+                radio.RegPayloadLength = 8;
+                radio.write_reg(REG_LR_PAYLOADLENGTH, radio.RegPayloadLength);
+                radio.lora_start_tx(8);
+            } else if (c == 'e') {
+                printf("service_radio\r\n");
+                service_radio();
+            } else if (c == 's') {
+                radio.set_opmode(RF_OPMODE_STANDBY);
+                printf("standby\r\n");
+            } else if (c == 'h') {
+                printf("hwreset\r\n");
+                radio.hw_reset();
+                radio.init();   //SX1272Init( );
+            } else if (c == 'l') {
+                radio.SetLoRaOn(!radio.RegOpMode.bits.LongRangeMode);
+                printf("LongRangeMode:%d\r\n", radio.RegOpMode.bits.LongRangeMode);
+            } else if (c == '?') {
+                printf("s   standby\r\n");
+                printf("T   lora_start_tx(8)\r\n");
+                printf(".   print status\r\n");
+                printf("v   toggle verbose\r\n");
+                printf("t   tx mode test\r\n");
+                printf("e   manualy service radio once\r\n");
+                printf("h   hwreset, init\r\n");
+                printf("l   toggle lora mode\r\n");
+            }
+        } // ...if (pc.readable())
+        #endif /* _DEBUG_ */
+    } // ...while (1)