Sends out data over serial in such a format that it can be collected in packets by an esp8266.

Dependencies:   MCP32082Two mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jul 25 14:49:45 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "mcp3208.h"
+//Packet Strategy One for UDP
+//Send out data at 1ms as normal
+//after specified numReads send out data with
+//terminated character
+//On UDP/ESP8266 side read until you see the termination character
+int readCounter = 1; 
+int numReads = 45; //This value is numDataSetsInPacket in matlab and arduino code
+int counterNum = 0;
+MCP3208 input1(dp2, dp1, dp6, dp9);
+Serial pc(dp16,dp15);
+Ticker datalog; //Create the timer object
+char datastr0[5];
+char datastr1[5];
+char datastr2[5];
+char datastr3[5];
+char datastr4[5];
+char datastr5[5];
+// Credit: Erik Olieman
+void intToString(char *buffer, int value)
+    int temp;
+    temp = value / 1000;
+    buffer[0] = temp + '0';
+    value = value - temp * 1000;
+    temp = value / 100;
+    buffer[1] = temp + '0';
+    value = value - temp * 100;
+    temp = value / 10;
+    buffer[2] = temp + '0';
+    value = value - temp * 10;
+    temp = value / 1;
+    buffer[3] = temp + '0';
+    value = value - temp * 1;
+    buffer[4] = '\0';
+bool tickerActivated = false;
+void log_data(){
+    tickerActivated = true;
+int main(){
+    pc.baud(921600); //Set baud rate
+    pc.printf("Working!!\n\r");
+    datalog.attach_us(&log_data,1000); // 1000us = 1ms
+    while(1) {
+        intToString(datastr0,input1.binary(0));
+        intToString(datastr1,input1.binary(1));
+        intToString(datastr2,input1.binary(2));
+        intToString(datastr3,input1.binary(3));
+        intToString(datastr4,input1.binary(4));
+        intToString(datastr5,input1.binary(5));
+        if(tickerActivated == true) { //This is true every 1ms
+            tickerActivated = false;
+            if(readCounter == numReads){
+                readCounter = 1;
+                counterNum = counterNum + 1;
+                if(counterNum >= 9999) counterNum = 0;
+                pc.printf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n\r",datastr0,datastr1,datastr2,datastr3,datastr4,datastr5);
+            }
+            else{
+                readCounter++;
+                counterNum = counterNum + 1;
+                if(counterNum >= 9999) counterNum = 0;
+                pc.printf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,",datastr0,datastr1,datastr2,datastr3,datastr4,datastr5);  
+            }
+        }
+    }