Simple HTTP Server with one page index.html stored inside MBED as char vector and javascript to update a table content

Fork of HTTP_SERVER by Akifumi Takahashi

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu May 10 20:24:03 2018 +0000
Commit message:
Simple server GET and POST for one index.html page and javascript

Changed in this revision

HTTP_SERVER.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HTTP_SERVER.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
handlers/FileHandler.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
handlers/Filehandler.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
handlers/ResponseMessenger.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
handlers/ResponseMessenger.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/HTTP_SERVER.cpp	Fri Mar 16 21:55:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/HTTP_SERVER.cpp	Thu May 10 20:24:03 2018 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,82 @@
 #include "HTTP_SERVER.h"
-#include "string"
 #ifndef DEBUG
 //#define DEBUG
+//HTML file - with Javascript
+const char *index_html = "<html><head><title>DCM Heaters Driver</title><link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" href=\"\" />\n\
+<script src=\"\"></script></head>\n\
+<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n\
+function loop(){\n\
+$.post(\"read_data\", function(data){\n\
+if(data.length >0)\n\
+var str = data;\n\
+var res = str.split(\" \");\n\
+if(res.length == 97){\n\
+var table = '<div id=\"data_table\">'+\n\
+'<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#E3EBFB\">'+\n\
+'<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">'+\n\
+'<td width=\"50\" height=\"40\"><strong>Channel</font></strong></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"40\"><strong>Voltage (V)</font></strong></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"40\"><strong>Current (A)</font></strong></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"40\"><strong>Control (%)</font></strong></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"40\"><strong>Current Limit (A)</font></strong></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"40\"><strong>Failure</font></strong></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"40\"><strong>Overload</font></strong></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"40\"><strong>No Load</font></strong></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"40\"><strong>Enable</font></strong></td></tr>';\n\
+for(var i=0;i<8;i++){\n\
+table = table + '<tr align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">'+\n\
+'<td width=\"50\" height=\"31\"bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+(i+1)+'</span></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"28\"bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+res[i*12]+'</span></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"28\"bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+res[i*12+1]+'</span></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"28\"bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+res[i*12+2]+'</span></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"28\"bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+res[i*12+3]+'</span></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"28\"bgcolor=\"'+res[i*12+4]+'\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+res[i*12+5]+'</span></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"28\"bgcolor=\"'+res[i*12+6]+'\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+res[i*12+7]+'</span></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"28\"bgcolor=\"'+res[i*12+8]+'\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+res[i*12+9]+'</span></td>'+\n\
+'<td width=\"96\" height=\"28\"bgcolor=\"'+res[i*12+10]+'\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">'+res[i*12+11]+'</span></td>'+\n\
+table = table + '</table></div>';\n\
+document.getElementById(\"data_table\").innerHTML = table;\n\
+setTimeout(function(){ loop() }, 2000);\n\
+<body onLoad=\"loop()\">\n\
+<table width=\"100%\"border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"font-weight:normal;\">\n\
+<td width=\"25%\" height=\"142\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"border-bottom: #000000 solid 1px;\">\n\
+<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"LNLS\" width=\"305\" height=\"142\" /></a></td>\n\
+<td colspan=\"5\" height=\"142\" align=\"center\" scope=\"col\" style=\"border-bottom: #000000 solid 1px;\"><p><span class=\"style7\">DCM HEATERS DRIVER<br /><br/>\n\
+<p><span class=\"style7\"><strong><em> <a href=\"\">LNLS</a></em></strong></span></p></td>\n\
+<td width=\"25%\" height=\"142\" align=\"center\" style=\"border-bottom: #000000 solid 1px;\">\n\
+<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"GAE\" width=\"305\" height=\"99\" /></a></td>\n\
+</table>\n<div id=\"data_table\"></div></body></html>\0";
+//table colors vector
+const char *color[] = {"#C8FFC8\0","#FF0000\0"};
+int index_html_len; //index with html length
+char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];   //receive and transmit buffer
+char tmp_buffer[200];           //aux buffer
+int status_code;                //http status code
+char reason_phrase[30];         //http reason phrase
+char httpmethod[20];            //http method
+char filepath[20];              //file requested
+char http_ver[20];              //http version
+int idx_buffer;                 //index buffer
+//Debug functions
 namespace HTTP_SERVER
 void DEBUG_PRINT_LINE(const char* arg_line)
@@ -37,181 +110,124 @@
-    keep_alive = (false);
-    listening_flag = (false);
-    req_buf[0] = '\0';
+    buffer[0] = '\0';   //constructor
 bool HttpServer::init()
-//  Ethernet Initialization
-    if(eth.init()) {
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) Error!@EthernetInterface::init()\r\n");
-        return false;
-    }
-    //  Ethernet Connecting setup
-    if(eth.connect()) {
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) Error!@EthernetInterface::connect()\r\n");
-        return false;
-    } else {
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
-    }
     //  TCP Socket setup
     //  To open Server-side PORT
     if(tcpsvr.bind(TCP_PORT)< 0) {
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) Error!@TCPSocketServer::bind()\r\n");
         return false;
-    } else {
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) TCP Server has bounden!\r\n");
-    }
+    } 
+    tcpsvr.set_blocking(true,1500); //set blocking socket
     //  Server start listening Request from a web browser.
-    if(tcpsvr.listen(1) < 0) {
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) tcp server listen failed.\r\n");
+    if(tcpsvr.listen(5) < 0) {
         return false;
-    } else {
-        listening_flag = true;
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) tcp server is listening...\r\n");
+    index_html_len = strlen(index_html);    //calculate string length
     return true;
-bool HttpServer::run()
-    DigitalOut led1(LED1);
-    DigitalOut led2(LED1);
-    while (listening_flag) {
-        led1 = true;
-        //  blocking mode (never timeout)
-        //  waiting client connection
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) waiting connection\r\n");
-        if(tcpsvr.accept(tcpcon) < 0) {
-            printf("(HTTP_SERVER) failed to accept connection.\r\n");
-            return -1;
-        } else {
-            printf("(HTTP_SERVER) connection success!\r\nIP: %s\r\n",tcpcon.get_address());
-            led2 = true;
+bool HttpServer::run(channel *CH)
+    if(tcpsvr.accept(tcpcon) < 0) {
+        //printf("(HTTP_SERVER) failed to accept connection.\r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    //  When conected
+    while(tcpcon.is_connected()) 
+    {
+        tcpcon.set_blocking(false,100);
+        //
+        //  Request Analysis
+        //
+        switch(tcpcon.receive(buffer, 1023)) {
+            case 0:
+                //DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("received buffer is empty.");
+                status_code = 400;
+                sprintf(reason_phrase,"No Request\0");
+                httpmethod[0]    = '\0';
+                filepath[0]      = '\0';
+                http_ver[0]      = '\0';
+                break;  
+            case -1:
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("failed to read data from client.");
+                status_code = 500;
+                sprintf(reason_phrase,"Internal Server Error\0");
+                httpmethod[0]    = '\0';
+                filepath[0]      = '\0';
+                http_ver[0]      = '\0';
+                break;
+            default:
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("Received Data: %d",strlen(buffer));
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("-->\r\n");
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("%.*s[End of Request]",strlen(buffer),buffer);
+                //  get HTTP method, File path, HTTP version
+                sprintf(httpmethod,strtok(buffer," "));
+                filepath[0]      = '\0';
+                sprintf(http_ver,"HTTP/1.1\0");
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("httpmethod: %s", httpmethod);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("file path:  %s", filepath);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("http ver :  %s", http_ver);
+                break;
-        //  When conected
-        while(tcpcon.is_connected()) {
-            printf("(HTTP_SERVER) connected\r\n");
-            char buffer[1024]   = {0};
-            char* httpmethod    = NULL;
-            char* filepath      = NULL;
-            char* http_ver      = NULL;
-            char* header_field_name = NULL;
-            char* header_field_val  = NULL;
-            //
-            //  Request Analysis
-            //
-            switch(tcpcon.receive(buffer, 1023)) {
-                case 0:
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("recieved buffer is empty.");
-                    msger.setStatusLine(400, "No Request");
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Connection", "Close"))DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                    httpmethod    = NULL;
-                    filepath      = NULL;
-                    http_ver      = NULL;
-                    break;
-                case -1:
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("failed to read data from client.");
-                    msger.setStatusLine(500, "Internal Server Error");
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Connection", "Close"))DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                    httpmethod    = NULL;
-                    filepath      = NULL;
-                    http_ver      = NULL;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("Recieved Data: %d",strlen(buffer));
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("-->\r\n");
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("%.*s[End of Request]",strlen(buffer),buffer);
-                    //  get HTTP method, File path, HTTP version
-                    httpmethod = strtok(buffer," ");
-                    filepath = strtok(NULL, " ");
-                    http_ver = strtok(NULL, "\r\n");
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("httpmethod: %s", httpmethod);
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("file path:  %s", filepath);
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("http ver :  %s", http_ver);
-                    break;
-            }
+        if (httpmethod[0] == '\0') {
+            buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+            sprintf(buffer,"%s %d %s\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n\0", http_ver, status_code, reason_phrase);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("echo back done.");
+            break;
+        }
+        //  Response
+        if (strcmp(httpmethod,"GET") == 0 ) //GET request - always index.html stoed in index_html
+        {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("GET request incomming.");
+            buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE-1] = '\0';
+            status_code = 200;
+            sprintf(reason_phrase,"OK\0");
-            //
-            //  Response
-            //
-            if (strcmp(httpmethod,"GET") == 0 ) {
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("GET request incomming.");
+            sprintf(buffer,"%s %d %s\r\nConnection: Close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=15\r\n\r\n\0", http_ver, status_code, reason_phrase);
+            tcpcon.send_all(buffer,strlen(buffer));
+            tcpcon.send_all((char*)index_html,index_html_len);
+            break;
+        } 
+        if (strcmp(httpmethod,"POST") == 0 ) //POST request - javascript request
+        {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("POST request incomming.");
+            status_code = 200;
+            sprintf(reason_phrase,"OK\0");
+            sprintf(buffer,"%s %d %s\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n\0", http_ver, status_code, reason_phrase);
-                //  file calibration
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("file opening");
-      ,"rb");
-                if(fhandl.arrival()) {
-                    msger.setStatusLine(200, "OK");
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Content-Length", fhandl.getFileSize()))    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Connection", "keep-alive"))                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                } else {
-                    if(msger.setStatusLine(404, "NOT FOUND"))                           DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Connection", "Close"))                     DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("NOT FOUND");
-                }
-                if(         !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "htm" ) ||
-                            !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "HTM" ) ||
-                            !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "html") ||
-                            !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "HTML")){
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Content-Type", "text/html"))               DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                } else if(  !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "js"  )){
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Content-Type", "text/javascript"))         DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                } else if ( !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "ico" )){
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Content-Type", "image/png"))               DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                } else if ( !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "png" ) ||
-                            !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "PNG" )){
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Content-Type", "image/png"))               DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                } else if ( !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "jpg" ) ||
-                            !strcmp(fhandl.getSuffix(), "JPG" )){
-                    if(msger.setHeaderField("Content-Type", "image/jpg"))               DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                } else {
-                    msger.setStatusLine(406, "not acceptable");
-                }
+            for(idx_buffer=0;idx_buffer<=7;idx_buffer++)
+            {
+                sprintf(tmp_buffer,"%4.2f %3.2f %d %3.2f %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %d \0",CH[idx_buffer].voltage,CH[idx_buffer].current,CH[idx_buffer].control,CH[idx_buffer].limit,\
+                    color[CH[idx_buffer].failure>0],CH[idx_buffer].failure,\
+                    color[CH[idx_buffer].overload>ERROR_REP],CH[idx_buffer].overload>ERROR_REP,\
+                    color[CH[idx_buffer].noload>ERROR_REP],CH[idx_buffer].noload>ERROR_REP,\
+                    color[CH[idx_buffer].enable==0],CH[idx_buffer].enable);
+                strcat(buffer,tmp_buffer);
-                //  Connection timeout field
-                if(msger.setHeaderField("Keep-Alive", "timeouit=15"))                   DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("buffer over flow @ ResponseMessenger");
-                //  send response
-                msger.sendHTTPResponse(tcpcon, fhandl);
+            }
+            tcpcon.send_all(buffer,strlen(buffer));
+            break;
-                //file close
-                if( fhandl.close()== 0)
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("file has closed");
-                else if(EOF)
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("failed to close the file");
-                msger.resetHeader();
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("echo back done.");
-            }
-            if (httpmethod == NULL) {
-                msger.sendHTTPResponse(tcpcon);
-                msger.resetHeader();
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LINE("echo back done.");
-            }
-            printf("(HTTP_SERVER) Response to Request has done\r\n");
-            //
-            //
-            //
-        }
-        printf("(HTTP_SERVER) close connection.\r\ntcp server is listening...\r\n");
-        tcpcon.close();
-        led2 = false;
+        }      
-    tcpsvr.close();
-    listening_flag = false;
-    led1 = false;
+    tcpcon.close(); //always close the connection
     return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/HTTP_SERVER.h	Fri Mar 16 21:55:50 2018 +0000
+++ b/HTTP_SERVER.h	Thu May 10 20:24:03 2018 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 #ifndef HTTP_SERVER_H
 #define HTTP_SERVER_H
-#include "mbed.h"
 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
-#include "ResponseMessenger.h"
-#include "FileHandler.h"
+#include "definitions.h"
 #include "string.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
+#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
 using namespace std;
 enum PortNum {
@@ -35,19 +36,11 @@
      *  @retval TRUE at error end.
      *  @retval FALSE at normal end.
-    bool run();
+    bool run(channel *CH);
     //  Handlers
-    EthernetInterface   eth;    //  Eternet
     TCPSocketServer     tcpsvr; //  TCP server
     TCPSocketConnection tcpcon; //  TCP server connection clerk
-    ResponseMessenger   msger;  //  Messenger for a client
-    FileHandler         fhandl; //
-    //  Param
-    bool keep_alive;
-    bool listening_flag;
-    char req_buf[1024];
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/handlers/FileHandler.h	Fri Mar 16 21:55:50 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-using namespace std;
-class FileHandler
-    FileHandler();
-    ~FileHandler();
-    FILE* open(const char*, const char*);
-    int  close();
-    virtual int getc();
-    bool arrival();
-    bool atEOF();
-    bool hasError();
-    char *getFullpath();
-    char *getFilename();
-    char *getSuffix();
-    int  getFileSize();
-    FILE *fp;
-    char *fullpath;
-    char *filename;
-    char *suffix;
-    char content_buffer[1024];
-    int  file_size;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/handlers/Filehandler.cpp	Fri Mar 16 21:55:50 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#include "FileHandler.h"
-#ifndef DEBUG
-//#define DEBUG
-LocalFileSystem local("local");
-    fullpath = NULL;
-    filename = NULL;
-    suffix = NULL;
-    fp = NULL;
-    file_size = 0;
-    if (fullpath != NULL) free(fullpath);
-    if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
-FILE* FileHandler::open
-(   const char* arg_filepath,
-    const char* arg_mode
-    FILE *tmp;
-    //////printf("\r\n"
-    //       "fp: %d@FileHandler::open\r\n", fp);
-    if (fullpath != NULL) free(fullpath);
-    fullpath = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen("/local/") + strlen(arg_filepath) + strlen("index.htm") + 1));
-    //////printf("fp: %d@FileHandler::open\r\n", fp);
-    //  Path formatting
-    if (arg_filepath[0] == '/') {
-        sprintf(fullpath, "/local/%s", arg_filepath + 1);
-    } else {
-        sprintf(fullpath, "/local/%s", arg_filepath);
-    }
-    //  if the argument has no file name but directory, defalt settiing.
-    if (fullpath[strlen(fullpath) - 1] == '/')
-        strcat(fullpath, "index.htm");
-    //  store the file name part to a pointer
-    filename = strrchr(fullpath, '/');
-    if(filename != NULL)    filename++; //  remove '/' and just get only the file name.
-    //  store the suffix part to a pointer
-    suffix = strchr(filename, '.');
-    if(suffix   != NULL)    suffix++;   //  remove '.' and just get only the suffix.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    //////printf("full path: %s\r\nfilename: %s\r\nsuffix: %s\r\n", getFullpath(), getFilename(), getSuffix());
-    fp = fopen(fullpath, arg_mode);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    //////////printf("file opened@FileHandler::open\r\n");
-    //  mesure file size
-    file_size = 0;
-    tmp = fp;
-    if(tmp != NULL ) {
-        ////printf("\r\nfile content\r\n");
-        int ctmp;
-        while(1) {
-            ctmp = fgetc(tmp);
-            if(ctmp != EOF) {
-                //////printf("%c", ctmp);
-                file_size++;
-            } else {
-                //////printf("[EOF]\r\n");
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        ////printf("file size: %d\r\n", file_size);
-        if(fseek(tmp, 0L, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
-            //////printf("fseek failed\r\n");
-        }
-    } else {
-        file_size = 0;
-    }
-    return fp;
-int FileHandler::close()
-    int tmp;
-    if(fp != NULL) {
-        tmp = fclose(fp);
-        fp = NULL;
-        return tmp;
-    } else {
-        return 1;
-    }
-int FileHandler::getc()
-    int tmp = fgetc(fp);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if(0x20 < tmp && tmp < 0x7e)
-        printf("%c", tmp);
-    else if (tmp == '\r')
-        printf("\r");
-    else if (tmp == '\n')
-        printf("\n");
-    else
-        printf("@");
-    return tmp;
-bool FileHandler::arrival()
-    return (bool)fp;
-bool FileHandler::atEOF()
-    return (bool)feof(fp);
-bool FileHandler::hasError()
-    return (bool)ferror(fp);
-char *FileHandler::getFullpath()
-    return fullpath;
-char *FileHandler::getFilename()
-    return filename;
-char *FileHandler::getSuffix()
-    return suffix;
-int FileHandler::getFileSize()
-    return file_size;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/handlers/ResponseMessenger.cpp	Fri Mar 16 21:55:50 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-#include "ResponseMessenger.h"
-const char ResponseMessenger::http_ver[9] = "HTTP/1.1";
-    //  Status-Line
-    status_code         = 0;
-    reason_phrase[0]    = '\0';
-    header_field_buffer[0]='\0';
-    //  Response Header
-int ResponseMessenger::resetHeader()
-    //  Status-Line
-    status_code         = 0;
-    reason_phrase[0]    = '\0';
-    //  Response Header
-    header_field_buffer[0]='\0';
-    return 0;
-int ResponseMessenger::setStatusLine(
-    int arg_status_code,
-    const char* arg_reason_phrase
-    status_code = arg_status_code;
-    strcpy(reason_phrase, arg_reason_phrase);
-    //  To be safe on the sage side
-    reason_phrase[REASON_PHRASE_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
-    //  Send 0 if arg str size is too big, else -1.
-    if (strlen(arg_reason_phrase) < REASON_PHRASE_SIZE)
-        return 0;
-    else
-        return -1;
-int ResponseMessenger::setHeaderField(
-    const char* arg_field_name, const char* arg_field_val)
-    const int nField = 7;
-    char registered_field_name[nField][32]= {
-        "Connection",
-        "Location",
-        "Keep-Alive",
-        "Content-Type",
-        "Upgrade",
-        "Sec-WebSocket-Accept",
-        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
-    };
-    bool flag = false;
-    char header_field_line_buffer[128];
-    int  buffer_size = strlen(header_field_buffer);
-    for (int i = 0; i < nField; i++) {
-        if(strcmp(arg_field_name, registered_field_name[i]) == 0)
-            flag = true;
-    }
-    if(flag) {
-        sprintf(header_field_line_buffer, "%s: %s\r\n", arg_field_name, arg_field_val);
-        strcat(header_field_buffer, header_field_line_buffer);
-        //printf("(RM) header field: \r\n%s\r\n", header_field_buffer);
-    }
-    //  To be safe on the sage side
-    header_field_buffer[HEADER_FIELDS_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
-    //  Send 0 if arg str size is too big, else -1.
-    if (buffer_size + strlen(arg_field_name) + strlen(arg_field_val) < HEADER_FIELDS_SIZE + 1)
-        return 0;
-    else
-        return -1;
-int ResponseMessenger::setHeaderField(
-    const char* arg_field_name, int arg_field_val)
-    const int nField = 1;
-    char registered_field_name[nField][32]= {
-        "Content-Length"
-    };
-    bool flag = false;
-    char header_field_line_buffer[128];
-    int  buffer_size = strlen(header_field_buffer);
-    for (int i = 0; i < nField; i++) {
-        if(strcmp(arg_field_name, registered_field_name[i]) == 0)
-            flag = true;
-    }
-    if(flag) {
-        sprintf(header_field_line_buffer, "%s: %d\r\n", arg_field_name, arg_field_val);
-        strcat(header_field_buffer, header_field_line_buffer);
-        //printf("(RM) header field: \r\n%s\r\n", header_field_buffer);
-    }
-    //  To be safe on the sage side
-    header_field_buffer[HEADER_FIELDS_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
-    //  Send 0 if arg str size is too big, else -1.
-    if (buffer_size + strlen(arg_field_name) + 10 < HEADER_FIELDS_SIZE + 1)
-        return 0;
-    else
-        return -1;
-int ResponseMessenger::rmHeaderField(
-    const char* arg_field_name)
-    char* removedLineHead;
-    char* removedLineEnd;
-    int  buffer_size;
-    //  Look for the head of the line to want to remove
-    removedLineHead = strstr(header_field_buffer, arg_field_name);
-    if(removedLineHead == NULL) return -1;
-    //  Look for the first "\r\n" which is the end of the line
-    removedLineEnd = strstr(removedLineHead, "\r\n");
-    removedLineEnd += 3; //pointing next line head or '\0' if the line of the last one.
-    buffer_size = strlen(removedLineEnd);
-    for(int i = 0; i < buffer_size + 1; i++)
-        removedLineHead[i] = removedLineEnd[i];
-    return 0;
-int  ResponseMessenger::getStatusCode()
-    return status_code;
-char ResponseMessenger::sendHTTPResponse(
-    TCPSocketConnection &arg_connection)
-    int err_log  = 0;
-    int err_code = 0;
-    enum {
-        MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024
-    };
-    char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE] = "\0";
-    //
-    //  Header
-    //
-    printf("(RM) [send]Header\r\n");
-    //  Status Line
-    sprintf(buffer, "%s %d %s\r\n", http_ver, status_code, reason_phrase);
-    buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
-    err_log = arg_connection.send_all(buffer, strlen(buffer));
-    if(err_log < 0) err_code = ((err_code << 1) | 1);
-    //  Response Header
-    err_log = arg_connection.send_all(header_field_buffer, strlen(header_field_buffer));
-    if(err_log < 0) err_code = ((err_code << 1) | 1);
-    //  Blank line
-    err_log = arg_connection.send_all("\r\n", strlen("\r\n"));
-    if(err_log < 0) err_code = ((err_code << 1) | 1);
-    printf("(RM) [Header has sent]\r\n");
-    //return error code
-    return err_code << 2;
-char ResponseMessenger::sendHTTPResponse(
-    TCPSocketConnection &arg_connection,
-    FileHandler &arg_file)
-    int err_log  = 0;
-    int err_code = 0;
-    enum {
-        MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024
-    };
-    signed char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
-    //
-    //  Header
-    //
-    err_code = sendHTTPResponse(arg_connection);
-    //
-    //  Body
-    //
-    if (arg_file.arrival() && status_code == 200) {
-        printf("(RM) [send]Body\r\n");
-        do {
-            int i = 0;
-            do {
-                buffer[i++] = arg_file.getc();//return a byte from file ponter, or -1 if EOF or ERROR
-            } while ((i < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) && (buffer[i - 1] != EOF));
-            if(buffer[i - 1] == EOF)buffer[i - 1] = '\0';
-            buffer[i] = '\0';
-            if (!arg_file.hasError()) {
-                err_log = arg_connection.send_all((char*)buffer, i);
-                //printf("(RM) buffer log: %s",  buffer);
-            }
-            if (arg_file.hasError()) printf("(RM)---[ERR]---\r\n");
-            if (arg_file.atEOF())    printf("(RM)---[EOF]---\r\n");
-        } while (!arg_file.atEOF() && !arg_file.hasError());
-        printf("(RM) [Body has sent]\r\n");
-        if (err_log < 0) err_code = ((err_code) | 2);
-        if (!arg_file.hasError())err_code = ((err_code) | 1);
-    } else {
-        printf("(RM) [No Body]\r\n");
-    }
-    return (char)err_code;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/handlers/ResponseMessenger.h	Fri Mar 16 21:55:50 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/*  ResponseMessenger.h */
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "EthernetInterface.h"
-#include "FileHandler.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-using namespace std;
-class ResponseMessenger
-    enum {
-        REASON_PHRASE_SIZE = 32,
-        HEADER_FIELDS_SIZE = 2048
-    };
-    ResponseMessenger();
-    ~ResponseMessenger();
-    int resetHeader();
-    int setStatusLine(int,const char*);
-    int setHeaderField(const char*, const char*);
-    int setHeaderField(const char*, int);
-    int rmHeaderField(const char*);
-    int getStatusCode();
-    /**
-     *  Function to send response messages.
-     *  just header only
-     *  @return char
-     *  @retval error code
-     */
-    char sendHTTPResponse(TCPSocketConnection&);
-    /**
-     *  Function to send response messages.
-     *  @return char
-     *  @retval error code
-     */
-    char sendHTTPResponse(TCPSocketConnection&, FileHandler&);
-    //  Status-Line
-    static const char http_ver[9];
-    int  status_code;
-    char reason_phrase[REASON_PHRASE_SIZE];
-    //  Header Field buffer
-    //  - General Header
-    //  - Response Header
-    //  - Entity Header
-    char header_field_buffer[HEADER_FIELDS_SIZE];
\ No newline at end of file