A multifunctional and modular Firmware for Multitech's mDot based on ARM mBed provides a widerange of functionality for several Sensors such as MAX44009, BME280, MPU9250, SI1143 and uBlox. It allows you to quickly build a Sensornode that measures specific data with its sensors and sends it via LoRaWAN.

Dependencies:   mDot_LoRa_Sensornode_Flowmeter_impl mbed-rtos mbed

LoRa-Sensornode Firmware for Multitech mDot

A multifunctional and modular Firmware for Multitech's mDot which provides a widerange of functionality for several Sensors. It allows you to quickly build a Sensornode that measures specific data with its sensors and sends it via LoRaWAN.

/media/uploads/mitea1/logo-lora-600x370.png /media/uploads/mitea1/mt_mdot_family_642px.png

Supported Sensors


The Firmware has some predefined Application Modes running different Tasks(Measurements). Each mode can be used in a different Scenario. Application_Modes define which sensors are used, how often they aquire data and how often the data has to be sent via LoRa. Lets say you just want to measure the Light then you choose an Application_Mode (or define one) that only runs TaskLight for light measurement. As a standard all measurements are taken every second and sent via LoRa but you can change that interval depending on your usage Scenario



File content as of revision 10:4051c38bf73f:

 * @file TaskCommandHandler.h
 * @author Adrian
 * @date 11.09.2016


#include <Thread.h>
#include <Queue.h>
#include <Mutex.h>
#include "LoRa.h"
#include "MAX44009Message.h"
#include "CommandMessage.h"
#include "main.h"

 * @class TaskCommandHandler
 * @brief This TaskCommandHandler Class handles all the received Commands from LoRa
class TaskCommandHandler {

            osPriority, uint32_t, unsigned char*);
    virtual ~TaskCommandHandler();
     * @brief Starts the task by building it and connecting a callback function to
     * the mbed::Thread
     * @return
    osStatus start();

     * @brief Stops the task. Should only be used after start() was used
     * @return
    osStatus stop();

     * @brief Gets the actual state of the Task either RUNNING or SLEEPING
     * @return
    TASK_STATE getState();

     * @brief Set a serial interface thats used for debugging the datastream which
     * will be sent via LoRa and to show data handling relevant information
     * @param debugSerial the Serial interface used to show information
    void setDebugSerial(RawSerial* debugSerial);

    Thread* thread;
    RawSerial* debugSerial;
    rtos::Queue<CommandMessage,COMMAND_QUEUE_LENGHT>* queue;

    osPriority priority;
    uint32_t stack_size;
    unsigned char *stack_pointer;

    TASK_STATE state;

    osEvent commandReceiveEvent;

     * @brief A Callback function thats called by the mbed::Thread of this TaskClass
     * @param
    static void callBack(void const *);

     * @brief Attaches the idle_hook for this task
     * @param
    void attachIdleHook(void (*fptr) (void));

     * @brief A method thats handling the data which was acquired and stored into
     * Message Queues
    void handleCommands();

     * @brief Checks all queues for available data and gets it.
    void getCommandMessages();

     * @brief Processes received commands from command Queue
    void processCommands();

     * @brief Sets the message Queue of the Task where the received commands are stored
     * after the reception via LoRa
     * @param queueCommand the queue where the CommandMessage will be stored
    void setQueue(Queue<CommandMessage,COMMAND_QUEUE_LENGHT>* queueCommand);

     * @brief Sets the priority of the Task
     * @param priority priority of the Task
    void setPriority(osPriority priority);

     * @brief Sets the size of the Task
     * @param stackSize the stack size in Bytes
    void setStackSize(uint32_t stackSize);

     * @brief Sets the stack pointer of for the task stack
     * @param stackPointer
    void setStackPointer(unsigned char* stackPointer);

     * @brief Sets the actual state of the Task.
     * @param taskState either RUNNING or SLEEPING
    void setState(TASK_STATE taskState);
