STM32F103c8t6 LoRaWAN lmic

Dependents:   LoRaWAN-lmic-app_copy

Fork of LMiC by Semtech

--- a/lmic.h	Tue Mar 31 13:36:56 2015 +0000
+++ b/lmic.h	Wed Nov 25 02:49:45 2015 +0000
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
 #define _lmic_h_
 // MBED compiler options
-#define CFG_eu868                                   1
-//#define CFG_us915                                   0
+//#define CFG_eu868                                   1
+#define CFG_us915                                   1
+#define CHNL_HYBRID     0       /* US915: 0-7 to select block of 8 channels used */
 #define USE_SMTC_RADIO_DRIVER                       1
@@ -30,16 +31,16 @@
 // LMIC version
-#define LMIC_VERSION_BUILD 1426605786
+#define LMIC_VERSION_BUILD 1431528305
 enum { MAX_FRAME_LEN      =  64 };   //!< Library cap on max frame length
 enum { TXCONF_ATTEMPTS    =   8 };   //!< Transmit attempts for confirmed frames
 enum { MAX_MISSED_BCNS    =  20 };   // threshold for triggering rejoin requests
 enum { MAX_RXSYMS         = 100 };   // stop tracking beacon beyond this
-enum { LINK_CHECK_CONT    =   6 ,    // continue with this after reported dead link
-       LINK_CHECK_DEAD    =  12 ,    // after this UP frames and no response from NWK assume link is dead
+enum { LINK_CHECK_CONT    =  12 ,    // continue with this after reported dead link
+       LINK_CHECK_DEAD    =  24 ,    // after this UP frames and no response from NWK assume link is dead
        LINK_CHECK_INIT    = -12 ,    // UP frame count until we inc datarate
        LINK_CHECK_OFF     =-128 };   // link check disabled
@@ -157,6 +158,7 @@
     u1_t        rxsyms;
     u1_t        dndr;
     s1_t        txpow;     // dBm
+    s1_t        txpow_limit;    // dBm maximum permitted
     osjob_t     osjob;
@@ -183,6 +185,8 @@
     u1_t        datarate;     // current data rate
     u1_t        errcr;        // error coding rate (used for TX only)
     u1_t        rejoinCnt;    // adjustment for rejoin datarate
+    u1_t        joinBlock;    // during join attempt: current channel block
+    u1_t        joinBlockChnl;    // during join attempt: current 125KHz channel    
     s2_t        drift;        // last measured drift
     s2_t        lastDriftDiff;
     s2_t        maxDriftDiff;
@@ -268,6 +272,7 @@
 void LMIC_setSession (u4_t netid, devaddr_t devaddr, xref2u1_t nwkKey, xref2u1_t artKey);
 void LMIC_setLinkCheckMode (bit_t enabled);
+void LMIC_reverse_memcpy(u1_t *dst, const u1_t *src, size_t len);
 // Special APIs - for development or testing
 // !!!See implementation for caveats!!!