mbed Datalogger for KOHZU SC-410 4Axis Controller and Micrometer which has RS232C output p30 TRG IN: TRG OUT(Linked to pulse motor Axis CW/CCW PULSE) of SC-410 *needs change opendrain mode, and pull up to +3.3 or +5V* p13 TRG OUT: 50Hz output of TRIGGER to Micrometer p10 Serial RX:Micrometer RS232C output, *CMOS LEVEL,Converter needed* mbed HDK Serial :Coupling Pulse count and RS232C data output
mbed Datalogger Helper for KOHZU SC-410 4Axis Controller and Micrometer which has RS232C output.
Pin Assignment
- p30 TRG IN: TRG OUT(Linked to pulse motor Axis CW/CCW PULSE) of SC-410 *needs change opendrain mode, and pull up to +3.3 or +5V*
- p13 TRG OUT: 50Hz output of TRIGGER to Micrometer
- p10 Serial RX:Micrometer RS232C output, *CMOS LEVEL,Converter needed*
- mbed HDK Serial :Coupling Pulse count and RS232C data output
[SC-410 side] +---vvvv------- VU (mbed +5V) | ----|>o---------SC410TRG------+-------------- p13 | ----------------SC410GND------+-------------- GND (mbed GND) [Micrometer Side] OC Driver(or PhotoCoupler) p30 ----- |>o----- TRGIN (Micrometer) GND -------------- GND (if needed) p10 ------o<|----- RS232C TX LEVEL CONV(232C->CMOS)
publish version;
2014-02-11, by mio [Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:35:01 +0000] rev 2
publish version;
Rev2: By-Pass and Clear Position of ZW-Sensor
2014-02-10, by mio [Mon, 10 Feb 2014 07:51:06 +0000] rev 1
Rev2: By-Pass and Clear Position of ZW-Sensor
2014-02-10, by mio [Mon, 10 Feb 2014 07:47:19 +0000] rev 0