Setup Serial Debug Enviroment on Mac OS X(EI Caption 10.11)

If your OS X version is 10.11, I suggest you use PL2303.

1. download driver from its website :

2. just install the pkg follow its guide.pdf

3. remember to reboot after installed.

4. use ls to test it's installed right or not

ls /dev/tty.usbserial

tip: you can also checkout your driver at System Information and find usb item. It will show something just like below if you are succeed:


5. use screen or CoolTerm to connect it. and use a wire to conncet RX and TX, test the loop is fine or not.


If your OS X version is older than 10.11, maybe CPS2102 is just fine too.

How do I know that? I buy both of them.XD


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