mbed-scli test program

Dependencies:   Scheduler

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Sun Feb 26 20:26:24 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Super light weight command line compile script using mbed-sdk sources.
+# v0.4
+# 2017/02 made by dinau
+# Usage
+# First, download the dependency libraries from web.
+#	$ make lib
+# Simple build with default settings.
+#	$ make
+# It can be changed to other target or toolchain on command line if necessary.
+# 	$ make TARGET=NUCLEO_F411RE
+# 	$ make TC=uARM
+# Write *.bin file to target board.
+# 	$ make f
+# Clean all object files and rebuild target.
+# 	$ make c
+# Example, it can be used any combination on command line.
+# 	$ make c f TARGET=NUCLEO_L152RE TC=uARM
+# Defalut setting.
+# These are must be changed according to your environment.
+# GCC_ARM or uARM or ARM
+TC			?= GCC_ARM
+# Specify mbed flash drive
+# Specify mbed root folder: [ "absolute path" or "relative path" ]
+MBED_ROOT	= /d/mbed-os
+# Specify [ "default" or "debug" or "small" ]
+PROFILE		= --profile default
+# Verbose display
+ifeq (${v},1)
+	VERBOSE		= -v
+# Fixed setting.
+# Specify "id". This is a fixed constant, don't change it.
+#RTOS		= -rtos
+#CFLAGS		= "--cflags NDEBUG=1"
+BUILD_DIR	= .build/${TARGET}/${TC}
+COMFLAG		= --color -m ${TARGET} -t ${TC} ${VERBOSE} ${PROFILE}
+# Make target
+	python ${MBED_ROOT}/tools/build.py -j4 ${COMFLAG} ${RTOS}
+	python ${MBED_ROOT}/tools/make.py  ${COMFLAG} ${PROG_NAME} --build ${BUILD_DIR} --source .
+.PHONY: c f lib
+# clean and make
+	rm -fr ${BUILD_DIR}
+	python ${MBED_ROOT}/tools/build.py -j4 ${COMFLAG} ${RTOS} -c
+	python ${MBED_ROOT}/tools/make.py  ${COMFLAG} ${PROG_NAME} --build ${BUILD_DIR} --source . -c
+# copy to mbed drive
+f: all
+	cp ${BUILD_DIR}/${notdir ${CURDIR}}.bin ${MBED_DRIVE}
+# get dependency libraries from web site.
+	@python makelib.py