Part of a program that estimates the direction of arrival of a signal

Dependencies:   mbed dsp

--- a/AoA_Est.h	Wed Apr 27 17:11:16 2016 +0000
+++ b/AoA_Est.h	Wed Apr 27 20:12:55 2016 +0000
@@ -2,38 +2,64 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include <cmath>
-const int MAX_SENSORS = 10;
-const int ITERATIONS = 3;
-/** A
-*      }
+/** AoA_Est.h
+*   Computes the angle of arrival of an audio signal
+    @code
+    //Find the angle of arrival of a 900Hz audio signal using 3 MBEDS equipped with microphones. 
+    //Requires an array of phases, found using Phase_Finder and communication between MBEDs. 
+    //This code begins after phases have been found and communicated to master MBED
+    //Sensors are located at (0,0), (150,0), and (150,90). Maximum sensors is 10 including master. Can be changed with parameter MAX_SENSORS
+    float angle = 0;
+    int x[2] = {150, 150); //Distances from master MBED microphone in milimeters. All distances must be for microphones, not MBED units
+    int y[2] = {0, 90);  //Do not include master MBED, its microphone is assumed to be 0,0.
+    AoA_Est AoA(3, x, y, 900);
+    angle = AoA.estimate(phases, phases);
 * }
 * @endcode
+const int MAX_SENSORS = 10; //Maxmimum number of sensors
 class AoA_Est {
-    /** Create a
-    *
-    * @param _pin mbed AnalogIn pin where the analog output of sensor is connected
-    *
-    * @note Supported types of sensors:
+    /** Create an Angle of Arrival Estimator Object
+         *
+         * @param numOfSensors Number of sensors including the master
+         * @param xPassed[] X coordinates of every sensor EXCEPT the master. Master is assumed (0,0). 
+         * @param yPassed[] Y coordinates of every sensor EXCEPT the master
+         * @param freq frequency of interest in Hz
+         * @note Maximum number of supported sensors is 10
+         */
+    AoA_Est(int numOfSensors, int xPassed[], int yPassed[], float freq);
+    /** Estimate the angle to the sound source
+         *
+         * @param phases[] Array of phases, first phase is the master. Must correspond to order of X and Y coordinates. 
+         * @param amp[] Amplitudes. Not currently used. Repeat the phase array here to prevent errors.
+         * @param yPassed[] Y coordinates of every sensor EXCEPT the master
+         * @return angle relative to X axis
+         */
+    float estimate(float phases[], float amp[]);
+    /** Not Used
-    AoA_Est(int numOfSensors, int xPassed[], int yPassed[], float freq);
-    float estimate(float phases[], float amp[]);
     bool calibrate();
+    /** Confidence level of the output
+    *
+    * @return number corresponding to the number of angle determinations used in the average
+    */
     int confidence;
-    float estimate_Theoretical(float phases[], float amp[]);
-    float estimate_Calibrated(float phases[], float amp[]);
-    void comparative_Phases(float phas[]);
+    float estimate_Theoretical(float phases[], float amp[]); 
+    float estimate_Calibrated(float phases[], float amp[]); //Unused
+    void comparative_Phases(float phas[]); //Returns the phases relative to the master
     float angle_Resolver();
     float distanceFinder(float phase);
     int sensors;
+    int ITERATIONS;
     int x[MAX_SENSORS];
     int y[MAX_SENSORS];
     float phases[MAX_SENSORS - 1];
@@ -47,6 +73,11 @@
 AoA_Est::AoA_Est(int numOfSensors, int xPassed[], int yPassed[], float freq) : sensors(numOfSensors)
+    int j = sensors - 1;
+    while (j > 0){
+        ITERATIONS += j;
+        j--;        
+    }
     wavelength = (338.4 / freq)*1000;
     for (short i = 0; i < sensors-1; i++) {
         x[i] = xPassed[i];
@@ -82,7 +113,7 @@
     float phas_diff = 0;
     float relative_angle = 0;
     float relative_dist = 0;
-    /*for (int i = 1; i < sensors - 1; i++) {
+    /*for (int i = 1; i < sensors - 1; i++) {   //for(int i = 1; i<ITERATIONS - sensors+1; i++)
         while (i < sensors - 1) {
             phas_diff = phases[i - 1] - phases[i];
             if (abs(phas_diff) > 180) {