Siemens Dual Lane Feeder

Dependencies:   mbed USBDevice

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IAP_LPC11U.cpp	Sat Feb 04 01:27:29 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#if defined(TARGET_LPC11UXX) | defined(TARGET_LPC11U6X)
+#include "IAP_LPC11U.h"
+//This data must be global so it is not read from the stack
+unsigned int m_Command[5], m_Result[5];
+typedef void (*IAP)(unsigned int [], unsigned int []);
+const IAP IAP_Entry = (IAP)0x1FFF1FF1;
+static inline void _iap_CriticalEntry()
+    //Disable interrupts
+    __disable_irq();
+    //Safely perform IAP entry
+    IAP_Entry(m_Command, m_Result);
+    //Enable interrupts
+    __enable_irq();
+IapReturnCode IAP_PrepareSectors(unsigned int sector_start, unsigned int sector_end)
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 50;
+    m_Command[1] = sector_start;             //The start of the sector to be prepared
+    m_Command[2] = sector_end;               //The end of the sector to be prepared
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the result code
+    IapReturnCode ret = (IapReturnCode)m_Result[0];
+    //Return the result code
+    return ret;
+IapReturnCode IAP_CopyRAMToFlash(void* ram_address, void* flash_address, unsigned int length)
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 51;
+    m_Command[1] = (unsigned int)flash_address;     //Flash address where the contents are to be copied (it should be within 256bytes boundary)
+    m_Command[2] = (unsigned int)ram_address;       //RAM address to be copied (it should be in word boundary)
+    m_Command[3] = length;                          //Number of data to be copied in bytes: 256, 512, 1024, or 4096
+    m_Command[4] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the result code
+    IapReturnCode ret = (IapReturnCode)m_Result[0];
+    //Return the result code
+    return ret;
+IapReturnCode IAP_EraseSectors(unsigned int sector_start, unsigned int sector_end)
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 52;
+    m_Command[1] = sector_start;             //The start of the sector to be erased
+    m_Command[2] = sector_end;               //The end of the sector to be erased
+    m_Command[3] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;   //System Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the result code
+    IapReturnCode ret = (IapReturnCode)m_Result[0];
+    //Return the result code
+    return ret;
+IapReturnCode IAP_BlankCheckSectors(unsigned int sector_start, unsigned int sector_end)
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 53;
+    m_Command[1] = sector_start;                 //The start of the sector to be checked
+    m_Command[2] = sector_end;                   //The end of the sector to be checked
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the result code
+    IapReturnCode ret = (IapReturnCode)m_Result[0];
+    //Return the result code
+    return ret;
+unsigned int IAP_ReadPartID()
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 54;
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the part ID
+    unsigned int ret = m_Result[1];
+    //Return the part ID
+    return ret;
+unsigned short IAP_ReadBootCodeVersion()
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 55;
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the boot code version
+    unsigned int ret = (unsigned short)m_Result[1];
+    //Return the boot code version
+    return ret;
+IapReturnCode IAP_Compare(void* address1, void* address2, unsigned int bytes)
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 56;
+    m_Command[1] = (unsigned int)address1;   //Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
+    m_Command[2] = (unsigned int)address2;   //Starting flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared. This address should be a word boundary.
+    m_Command[3] = bytes;                    //Number of bytes to be compared; should be a multiple of 4.
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the result code
+    IapReturnCode ret = (IapReturnCode)m_Result[0];
+    //Return the result code
+    return ret;
+/* This function resets some microcontroller peripherals to reset
+ * hardware configuration to ensure that the USB In-System Programming module
+ * will work properly. It is normally called from reset and assumes some reset
+ * configuration settings for the MCU.
+ * Some of the peripheral configurations may be redundant in your specific
+ * project.
+ */
+void IAP_ReinvokeISP()
+    //Make sure USB clock is turned on before calling ISP
+    //LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= 0x04000;
+    //Make sure 32-bit Timer 1 is turned on before calling ISP
+    //LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= 0x00400;
+    //Make sure GPIO clock is turned on before calling ISP
+    //Make sure IO configuration clock is turned on before calling ISP
+    //LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= 0x10000;
+#if defined(TARGET_LPC11U6X)
+    //Set the vector table offset to address 0
+    SCB->VTOR = 0;
+    //Make sure AHB clock divider is 1:1
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 57;
+    //Initialize the storage state machine
+    //*((unsigned int*)(0x10000054)) = 0x0;
+    //Set stack pointer to ROM value (reset default)
+    //This must be the last piece of code executed before calling ISP,
+    //because most C expressions and function returns will fail after the stack pointer is changed.
+    //__set_MSP(*((unsigned int*)0x00000000));
+    //Invoke IAP call...
+    IAP_Entry(m_Command, m_Result);
+    //Shouldn't return
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 58;
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the UID
+    UID ret = {
+        m_Result[1],
+        m_Result[2],
+        m_Result[3],
+        m_Result[4]
+    };
+    //Return the UID
+    return ret;
+IapReturnCode IAP_ErasePage(unsigned int page_start, unsigned int page_end)
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 59;
+    m_Command[1] = page_start;               //The start of the page to be erased
+    m_Command[2] = page_end;                 //The end of the page to be erased
+    m_Command[3] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;   //System Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the result code
+    IapReturnCode ret = (IapReturnCode)m_Result[0];
+    //Return the result code
+    return ret;
+IapReturnCode IAP_WriteEEPROM(unsigned int ee_address, char* buffer, unsigned int length)
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 61;
+    m_Command[1] = ee_address;               //EEPROM address (byte, half-word or word aligned)
+    m_Command[2] = (unsigned int)buffer;     //RAM address (byte, half-word or word aligned)
+    m_Command[3] = length;                   //Number of bytes to be written (byte, half-word writes are ok)
+    m_Command[4] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;   //System Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the result code
+    IapReturnCode ret = (IapReturnCode)m_Result[0];
+    //Return the result code
+    return ret;
+IapReturnCode IAP_ReadEEPROM(unsigned int ee_address, char* buffer, unsigned int length)
+    //Prepare the command array
+    m_Command[0] = 62;
+    m_Command[1] = ee_address;               //EEPROM address (byte, half-word or word aligned)
+    m_Command[2] = (unsigned int)buffer;     //RAM address (byte, half-word or word aligned)
+    m_Command[3] = length;                   //Number of bytes to be read (byte, half-word reads are ok)
+    m_Command[4] = SystemCoreClock / 1000;   //System Clock Frequency (CCLK) in kHz
+    //Invoke critical IAP call...
+    _iap_CriticalEntry();
+    //Extract the result code
+    IapReturnCode ret = (IapReturnCode)m_Result[0];
+    //Return the result code
+    return ret;
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