Buffered Serial Port Driver for RTOS tested with a K64F

Dependents:   JRO_CR2 frdm_test JRO_DDSv2 JRO_DDSv2_rev2019

Fork of SerialDriver by BlazeX .

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SerialDriver.cpp	Wed Jan 14 16:30:14 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#include "SerialDriver.h"
+SerialDriver::SerialDriver(PinName txPin, PinName rxPin, int txBufferLength_, int rxBufferLength_, unsigned char * txBuffer_, unsigned char * rxBuffer_)
+    : SerialBase(txPin, rxPin), semTxBufferFull(0), semRxBufferEmpty(0)
+    // check buffer length
+    txBufferLength= txBufferLength_;
+    if(txBufferLength <= 1)
+        error("TX buffer length must be > 1 !");
+    rxBufferLength= rxBufferLength_;
+    if(rxBufferLength <= 1)
+        error("RX buffer length must be > 1 !");
+    // take or allocate buffer
+    txBuffer= txBuffer_;
+    if(txBuffer == NULL)
+    {
+        txBuffer= new unsigned char[txBufferLength];
+        if(txBuffer == NULL)
+            error("Cannot allocate TX buffer!");
+    }
+    rxBuffer= rxBuffer_;
+    if(rxBuffer == NULL)
+    {
+        rxBuffer= new unsigned char[rxBufferLength];
+        if(rxBuffer == NULL)
+            error("Cannot allocate RX buffer!");
+    }
+    // reset cursors
+    txIn= txOut= 0;
+    rxIn= rxOut= 0;
+    txCount= rxCount= 0;
+    // attach interrupt routines
+    attach(this, &SerialDriver::onTxIrq, TxIrq);
+    attach(this, &SerialDriver::onRxIrq, RxIrq);
+int SerialDriver::putc(int c, unsigned int timeoutMs)
+    // critical section, isr could modify cursors
+    disableTxInterrupt();
+    if(isTxBufferFull())
+    {
+        // wait for free space
+        while(semTxBufferFull.wait(0) > 0);    // clear semaphore
+        enableTxInterrupt();
+        // let isr work
+        semTxBufferFull.wait(timeoutMs);
+        disableTxInterrupt();
+        if(isTxBufferFull()) // still full? drop byte!
+        {
+            enableTxInterrupt();
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // write this byte to tx buffer
+    txBuffer[txIn]= (unsigned char)c;
+    txIn= (txIn+1) % txBufferLength;
+    txCount++;
+    // its over, isr can come
+    enableTxInterrupt();
+    // Let's write (isr will check writeability itself)
+    onTxIrq();
+    return 1;
+void SerialDriver::onTxIrq()
+    // prevent fire another TxIrq now
+    disableTxInterrupt();
+    // write as long as you can
+    bool wasFull= isTxBufferFull();
+    while(SerialBase::writeable() && !isTxBufferEmtpy())
+    {
+        // take byte from tx buffer and put it out
+        SerialBase::_base_putc(txBuffer[txOut]);
+        txOut= (txOut+1) % txBufferLength;
+        txCount--;
+    }
+    if(wasFull && !isTxBufferFull())   // more bytes can come
+        semTxBufferFull.release();
+    // ok, let's wait for next writability
+    enableTxInterrupt();
+int SerialDriver::getc(unsigned int timeoutMs)
+    // Let's read (isr will check readability itself)
+    onRxIrq();
+    // critical section, isr could modify cursors
+    disableRxInterrupt();
+    if(isRxBufferEmpty())
+    {
+        // wait for new byte
+        while(semRxBufferEmpty.wait(0) > 0);    // clear semaphore
+        enableRxInterrupt();
+        // let isr work
+        semRxBufferEmpty.wait(timeoutMs);
+        disableRxInterrupt();
+        if(isRxBufferEmpty()) // still empty? nothing received!
+        {
+            enableRxInterrupt();
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    // get byte from rx buffer
+    int c= (int)rxBuffer[rxOut];
+    rxOut= (rxOut+1) % rxBufferLength;
+    rxCount--;
+    // its over, isr can come
+    enableRxInterrupt();
+    return c;
+void SerialDriver::onRxIrq()
+    // prevent fire another RxIrq now
+    disableRxInterrupt();
+    // read as long as you can
+    bool wasEmpty= isRxBufferEmpty();
+    while(SerialBase::readable())
+    {
+        // get byte and store it to the RX buffer
+        int c= SerialBase::_base_getc();
+        if(!isRxBufferFull())
+        {
+            rxBuffer[rxIn]= (unsigned char)c;
+            rxIn= (rxIn+1) % rxBufferLength;
+            rxCount++;
+        }   // else drop byte :(
+    }
+    if(wasEmpty && !isRxBufferEmpty())   // more bytes can go
+        semRxBufferEmpty.release();
+    // ok, let's wait for next readability
+    enableRxInterrupt();
+int SerialDriver::write(const unsigned char * buffer, const unsigned int length, bool block)
+    // try to put all bytes
+    for(int i= 0; i < length; i++)
+        if(!putc(buffer[i], block ? osWaitForever : 0))
+            return i; // putc failed, but already put i bytes
+    return length;  // put all bytes
+int SerialDriver::read(unsigned char * buffer, const unsigned int length, bool block)
+    // try to get all bytes
+    int c;
+    for(int i= 0; i < length; i++)
+    {
+        c= getc(block ? osWaitForever : 0);
+        if(c < 0)
+            return i; // getc failed, but already got i bytes
+        buffer[i]= (unsigned char)c;
+    }
+    return length;  // got all bytes
+int SerialDriver::puts(const char * str, bool block)
+    // the same as write, but get length from strlen
+    const int len= strlen(str);
+    return write((const unsigned char *)str, len, block);
+int SerialDriver::printf(const char * format, ...)
+    // Parts of this are copied from mbed RawSerial ;)
+    std::va_list arg;
+    va_start(arg, format);
+    int length= vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, arg);
+    char *temp = new char[length + 1];
+    vsprintf(temp, format, arg);
+    puts(temp, true);
+    delete[] temp;
+    va_end(arg);
+    return length;
+// for XTN