A compilation of some hardware sensors and their shared programming interfaces.



File content as of revision 1:15396cab58d1:

/* MAX17043.h
 * Tested with mbed board: FRDM-KL46Z
 * Author: Mark Gottscho
 * mgottscho@ucla.edu
#ifndef MAX17043_H
#define MAX17043_H

#include "mbed.h"
#include "I2CSensor.h"
#include "PeriodicSensor.h"
* This class allows for easy control over a MAX17043 LiPo fuel gauge IC.
class MAX17043 : public I2CSensor, public PeriodicSensor {
         * @param sda the pin identifier for SDA I2C signal
         * @param scl the pin identifier for SCL I2C signal
         * @param i2c_addr the 8-bit I2C address for this device. Note that LSB is a don't care.
        MAX17043(PinName sda, PinName scl, int i2c_addr);
         * Initializes the device to some preferred state.
        void selfInit();
         * Performs a software reset of the device.
        void reset();
         * @returns the IC version code
        uint16_t getVersion();
         * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
         * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
         * @returns the battery voltage raw ADC value
        uint16_t getVCell(bool sampleNow);
         * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
         * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
         * @returns the battery voltage as floating point
        float getFloatVCell(bool sampleNow);
         * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
         * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
         * @returns the battery state of charge as computed by the ModelGauge algorithm. High byte: units of %. Low byte: units of 1/256%.
        uint16_t getSOC(bool sampleNow);
         * @param sampleNow if true, queries the device for the sample and returns it. if false, gets the last queried value.
         * The latter is preferred if this object is set up to sample using interrupts.
         * @returns the battery state of charge in %, as a floating point #
        float getFloatSOC(bool sampleNow); 
         * Interrupt service routine for fetching SOC and VCell data from the device.
        virtual void __sample_data_ISR();
        uint16_t __soc;
        uint16_t __vcell;
        ///////////////// CONSTANTS /////////////////////
        //Device register addresses
        static const uint8_t VCELL_MSB =            0x02; //Read only
        static const uint8_t VCELL_LSB =            0x03; //Read only
        static const uint8_t SOC_MSB =              0x04; //Read only
        static const uint8_t SOC_LSB =              0x05; //Read only
        static const uint8_t MODE_MSB =             0x06; //Write only
        static const uint8_t MODE_LSB =             0x07; //Write only
        static const uint8_t VERSION_MSB =          0x08; //Read only
        static const uint8_t VERSION_LSB =          0x09; //Read only
        static const uint8_t CONFIG_MSB =           0x0C; //Read/write
        static const uint8_t CONFIG_LSB =           0x0D; //Read/write
        static const uint8_t COMMAND_MSB =          0xFE; //Write only
        static const uint8_t COMMAND_LSB =          0xFF; //Write only
        static const uint16_t RST_CODE =            0x5400; //reset code for COMMAND 16-bit register
        static const float DIV_VCELL =              1.25e-3; //1.25 mV/level
        static const float DIV_SOC =                0.00390625; //1/256% / level
