Implementation of 1-Wire with added Alarm Search Functionality

Dependents:   Max32630_One_Wire_Interface

diff -r 6892702709ee -r 2cecc1372acc Masters/DS2465/DS2465.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Masters/DS2465/DS2465.h	Thu May 12 14:38:16 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#ifndef OneWire_Masters_DS2465
+#define OneWire_Masters_DS2465
+#include "Masters/OneWireMaster.h"
+#include "Authenticators/ISha256MacCoproc.h"
+namespace mbed { class I2C; }
+namespace OneWire
+  namespace Masters
+  {
+    /// Interface to the DS2465 1-Wire master and SHA-256 coprocessor.
+    class DS2465 : public OneWireMaster, public Authenticators::ISha256MacCoproc
+    {
+    public:
+      /// Delay required after writing an EEPROM segment.
+      static const unsigned int eepromSegmentWriteDelayMs = 10;
+      /// Delay required after writing an EEPROM page such as the secret memory.
+      static const unsigned int eepromPageWriteDelayMs = 8 * eepromSegmentWriteDelayMs;
+      /// Delay required for a SHA computation to complete.
+      static const unsigned int shaComputationDelayMs = 2;
+      /// Page region to use for swapping.
+      enum PageRegion
+      {
+        REGION_FULL_PAGE = 0x03,
+        REGION_FIRST_HALF = 0x01,
+        REGION_SECOND_HALF = 0x02
+      };
+      /// Starting memory addresses.
+      enum MemoryAddr
+      {
+        ADDR_SPAD = 0x00,
+        ADDR_CMD_REG = 0x60,
+        ADDR_STATUS_REG = 0x61,
+        ADDR_DATA_REG = 0x62,
+        ADDR_MAC_READ = 0x63,
+        ADDR_SHA_SELECT_REG = 0x66,
+        ADDR_WCFG_REG = 0x67,
+        ADDR_TRSTL_REG = 0x68,
+        ADDR_TMSP_REG = 0x69,
+        ADDR_TW0L_REG = 0x6A,
+        ADDR_TREC0_REG = 0x6B,
+        ADDR_RWPU_REG = 0x6C,
+        ADDR_TW1L_REG = 0x6D,
+        ADDR_USER_MEM_PAGE_0 = 0x80,
+        ADDR_USER_MEM_PAGE_1 = 0xA0
+      };
+      /// Represents a DS2465 configuration.
+      class Config
+      {
+      public:
+        /// @{
+        /// 1-Wire Speed
+        bool get1WS() const { return m_1WS; }
+        void set1WS(bool new1WS) { m_1WS = new1WS; }
+        /// @}
+        /// @{
+        /// Strong Pullup
+        bool getSPU() const { return m_SPU; }
+        void setSPU(bool newSPU) { m_SPU = newSPU; }
+        /// @}
+        /// @{
+        /// 1-Wire Power Down
+        bool getPDN() const { return m_PDN; }
+        void setPDN(bool newPDN) { m_PDN = newPDN; }
+        /// @}
+        /// @{
+        /// Active Pullup
+        bool getAPU() const { return m_APU; }
+        void setAPU(bool newAPU) { m_APU = newAPU; }
+        /// @}
+        /// Byte representation that is read from the DS2465.
+        uint8_t readByte() const;
+        /// Byte respresentation that is written to the DS2465.
+        uint8_t writeByte() const;
+        /// Reset to the power-on default config.
+        void reset();
+        Config() { reset(); }
+      private:
+        bool m_1WS, m_SPU, m_PDN, m_APU;
+      };
+      /// @param I2C_interface Configured I2C communication interface for DS2465.
+      /// @param I2C_address I2C bus address of the DS2465 in mbed format.
+      DS2465(mbed::I2C & I2C_interface, uint8_t I2C_address);
+      // Const member functions should not change the settings of the DS2465 or affect the state of the 1-Wire bus.
+      // Read pointer, scratchpad, MAC output register, and command register on the DS2465 are considered mutable.
+      /// Performs a soft reset on the DS2465. This is NOT a 1-Wire Reset.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult reset(void);
+      /// Write a new configuration to the DS2465.
+      /// @param[in] config New configuration to write.
+      /// @param verify Verify that the configuration was written successfully.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult writeConfig(const Config & config, bool verify);
+      /// Read the current DS2465 configuration.
+      /// @returns The cached current configuration.
+      Config currentConfig() const { return m_curConfig; }
+      // DS2465 Memory Commands
+      /// Read memory from the DS2465
+      /// @param addr Address to begin reading from.
+      /// @param[out] buf Buffer to hold read data.
+      /// @param bufLen Length of buffer, buf, and number of bytes to read.
+      /// @param skipSetPointer Assume that the read pointer is already set to the correct address.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult readMemory(uint8_t addr, uint8_t * buf, size_t bufLen, bool skipSetPointer = false) const;
+      /// Write to SRAM memory on the DS2465
+      /// @param addr Address to begin writing to.
+      /// @param[in] buf Buffer containing the data to write.
+      /// @param bufLen Length of buffer, buf, and number of bytes to write.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult writeMemory(uint8_t addr, const uint8_t * buf, size_t bufLen) { return cWriteMemory(addr, buf, bufLen); }
+      /// Write data to the scratchpad area of the DS2465
+      /// @param[in] buf Buffer containing the data to write.
+      /// @param bufLen Length of buffer, buf, and the number of bytes to write.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult writeScratchpad(const uint8_t * buf, size_t bufLen) const { return cWriteMemory(ADDR_SPAD, buf, bufLen); }
+      /// Copy the scratchpad contents to an EEPROM memory page.
+      /// @param pageNum Page number to copy to.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult copyScratchpadToPage(unsigned int pageNum) { return copyScratchpad(false, pageNum, false, 0); }
+      /// Copy the scratchpad contents to an EEPROM memory segment.
+      /// @param pageNum Page number to copy to.
+      /// @param segmentNum Segment number to copy to.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult copyScratchpadToSegment(unsigned int pageNum, unsigned int segmentNum) { return copyScratchpad(false, pageNum, true, segmentNum); }
+      /// Copy the scratchpad contents to the secret EEPROM memory page.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult copyScratchpadToSecret() { return copyScratchpad(true, 0, false, 0); }
+      // 1-Wire Master Commands
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWInitMaster(void);
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWReset(void);
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWTouchBitSetLevel(uint8_t & sendrecvbit, OWLevel after_level);
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWReadByteSetLevel(uint8_t & recvbyte, OWLevel after_level);
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWWriteByteSetLevel(uint8_t sendbyte, OWLevel after_level);
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWReadBlock(uint8_t *rx_buf, uint8_t rx_len);
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWWriteBlock(const uint8_t *tran_buf, uint8_t tran_len);
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWSetSpeed(OWSpeed new_speed);
+      /// @note The DS2465 only supports enabling strong pullup following a 1-Wire read or write operation.
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWSetLevel(OWLevel new_level);
+      virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWTriplet(SearchDirection & search_direction, uint8_t & sbr, uint8_t & tsb);
+      /// Write the last computed MAC to the 1-Wire bus
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWWriteBlockMac();
+      // DS2465 Coprocessor Commands
+      /// Compute Next Master Secret with scratchpad data.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeNextMasterSecret() { return computeNextMasterSecret(false, 0, REGION_FULL_PAGE); }
+      /// Compute Next Master Secret with page swapping.
+      /// @param pageNum Page number to swap in.
+      /// @param region Region of the page to swap in.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeNextMasterSecretSwap(unsigned int pageNum, PageRegion region) { return computeNextMasterSecret(true, pageNum, region); }
+      /// Compute Write MAC with scratchpad data.
+      /// @param regwrite True if writing to a register or false if regular memory.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeWriteMac(bool regwrite) const { return computeWriteMac(regwrite, false, 0, 0); }
+      /// Compute Write MAC with page swapping.
+      /// @param regwrite True if writing to a register or false if regular memory.
+      /// @param pageNum Page number to swap in.
+      /// @param segmentNum Segment number to swap in.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeWriteMacSwap(bool regwrite, unsigned int pageNum, unsigned int segmentNum) const { return computeWriteMac(regwrite, true, pageNum, segmentNum); }
+      /// Compute Slave Secret (S-Secret) with scratchpad data.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeSlaveSecret() { return computeSlaveSecret(false, 0, REGION_FULL_PAGE); }
+      /// Compute Slave Secret (S-Secret) with page swapping.
+      /// @param pageNum Page number to swap in.
+      /// @param region Region of the page to swap in.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeSlaveSecretSwap(unsigned int pageNum, PageRegion region) { return computeSlaveSecret(true, pageNum, region); }
+      /// Compute Authentication MAC with scratchpad data.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeAuthMac() const { return computeAuthMac(false, 0, REGION_FULL_PAGE); }
+      /// Compute Authentication MAC with page swapping.
+      /// @param pageNum Page number to swap in.
+      /// @param region Region of the page to swap in.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeAuthMacSwap(unsigned int pageNum, PageRegion region) const { return computeAuthMac(true, pageNum, region); }
+      // ISha256MacCoproc Commands
+      virtual ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult setMasterSecret(const Secret & masterSecret);
+      virtual ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult computeSlaveSecret(const DevicePage & devicePage, const DeviceScratchpad & deviceScratchpad, const SlaveSecretData & slaveSecretData);
+      virtual ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult computeWriteMac(const WriteMacData & writeMacData, Mac & mac) const;
+      virtual ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult computeAuthMac(const DevicePage & devicePage, const DeviceScratchpad & challenge, const AuthMacData & authMacData, Mac & mac) const;
+    private:  
+      mbed::I2C & m_I2C_interface;
+      uint8_t m_I2C_address;
+      Config m_curConfig;
+      /// Polls the DS2465 status waiting for the 1-Wire Busy bit (1WB) to be cleared.
+      /// @param[out] pStatus Optionally retrive the status byte when 1WB cleared.
+      /// @returns Success or TimeoutError if poll limit reached.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult pollBusy(uint8_t * pStatus = NULL);
+      /// Ensure that the desired 1-Wire level is set in the configuration.
+      /// @param level Desired 1-Wire level.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult configureLevel(OWLevel level);
+      /// Const version of writeMemory() for internal use.
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult cWriteMemory(uint8_t addr, const uint8_t * buf, size_t bufLen) const;
+      // Legacy implementations
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult OWWriteBlock(bool tx_mac, const uint8_t *tran_buf, uint8_t tran_len);
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult copyScratchpad(bool destSecret, unsigned int pageNum, bool notFull, unsigned int segmentNum);
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeNextMasterSecret(bool swap, unsigned int pageNum, PageRegion region);
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeWriteMac(bool regwrite, bool swap, unsigned int pageNum, unsigned int segmentNum) const;
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeSlaveSecret(bool swap, unsigned int pageNum, PageRegion region);
+      OneWireMaster::CmdResult computeAuthMac(bool swap, unsigned int pageNum, PageRegion region) const;
+    };
+  }