Implementation of 1-Wire with added Alarm Search Functionality

Dependents:   Max32630_One_Wire_Interface

--- a/Slaves/Authenticators/DS28E15_22_25/DS28E25.h	Fri Dec 02 19:21:55 2016 +0000
+++ b/Slaves/Authenticators/DS28E15_22_25/DS28E25.h	Tue Dec 13 13:31:30 2016 -0800
@@ -36,15 +36,75 @@
 #include "DS28E15_22_25.h"
 namespace OneWire
     /// Interface to the DS28E25 and DS28EL25 (low power) authenticators.
     class DS28E25 : public DS28E15_22_25
-    public:    
+    public:        
+        // DS28E15_22_25 traits
+        static const unsigned int memoryPages = 16;
+        static const unsigned int protectionBlocks = 8;
         /// @param owMaster 1-Wire Master to use for communication with DS28E15.
         /// @param lowVoltage Enable low voltage timing.
         DS28E25(RandomAccessRomIterator & selector, bool lowVoltage = false)
-            : DS28E15_22_25(selector, lowVoltage, DS28E25_Family) { }
+            : DS28E15_22_25(selector, lowVoltage) { }
+        /// Perform Write Scratchpad operation on the device.
+        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
+        /// @param[in] data Data to write to the scratchpad.
+        CmdResult writeScratchpad(const Scratchpad & data) const;
+        /// Perform a Read Scratchpad operation on the device.
+        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
+        /// @param[out] data Buffer to read data from the scratchpad into.
+        CmdResult readScratchpad(Scratchpad & data) const;
+        /// Read the status of a memory protection block using the Read Status command.
+        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
+        /// @param blockNum Block number to to read status of.
+        /// @param[out] protection Receives protection status read from device.
+        CmdResult readBlockProtection(unsigned int blockNum, BlockProtection & protection) const;
+        /// Read the personality bytes using the Read Status command.
+        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
+        /// @param[out] personality Receives personality read from device.
+        CmdResult readPersonality(Personality & personality) const;
+        /// Write memory segment with authentication using the Authenticated Write Memory command.
+        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
+        /// @param MacCoproc Coprocessor to use for Write MAC computation.
+        /// @param pageNum Page number for write operation.
+        /// @param segmentNum Segment number within page for write operation.
+        /// @param[in] newData New data to write to the segment.
+        /// @param[in] oldData Existing data contained in the segment.
+        /// @param continuing True to continue writing with the next sequential segment.
+        ///                   False to begin a new command.
+        CmdResult writeAuthSegment(const ISha256MacCoproc & MacCoproc,
+                                   unsigned int pageNum,
+                                   unsigned int segmentNum,
+                                   const Segment & newData,
+                                   const Segment & oldData,
+                                   bool continuing = false);
+        /// Write memory segment with authentication using the Authenticated Write Memory command.
+        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
+        /// @param pageNum Page number for write operation.
+        /// @param segmentNum Segment number within page for write operation.
+        /// @param[in] newData New data to write to the segment.
+        /// @param[in] mac Write MAC computed for this operation.
+        /// @param continuing True to continue writing with the next sequential segment.
+        ///                   False to begin a new command.
+        CmdResult writeAuthSegmentMac(unsigned int pageNum,
+                                      unsigned int segmentNum,
+                                      const Segment & newData,
+                                      const Mac & mac,
+                                      bool continuing = false);
+        /// Read the status of all memory protection blocks using the Read Status command.
+        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
+        /// @param[out] protection Receives protection statuses read from device.    
+        CmdResult readAllBlockProtection(array<BlockProtection, protectionBlocks> & protection) const;