Firmware for Raw 1-Wire Interface

Dependencies:   mbed OneWire max32630fthr USBDevice

diff -r 000000000000 -r 06aa90721d89 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Aug 13 14:49:35 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+* Copyright (C) Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All rights Reserved.
+* This software is protected by copyright laws of the United States and
+* of foreign countries. This material may also be protected by patent laws
+* and technology transfer regulations of the United States and of foreign
+* countries. This software is furnished under a license agreement and/or a
+* nondisclosure agreement and may only be used or reproduced in accordance
+* with the terms of those agreements. Dissemination of this information to
+* any party or parties not specified in the license agreement and/or
+* nondisclosure agreement is expressly prohibited.
+* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+* Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+* Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+* Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+* The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+* of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+* trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+* property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+* ownership rights.
+/* Included Libraries */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "OneWire.h"
+#include "max32630fthr.h"
+#include "USBSerial.h"
+#include "string"
+#include "sstream"
+#include "vector"
+/* Define Constants */
+#define BUF_SIZE_BYTES   1024
+#define STRING_DATA_BEGIN   3
+#define BYTES_IN_ROM_ID     8
+#define ALARM_SEARCH_CMD    0xEC
+/* Define the Flags */
+#define USB_RECEIVED_FLAG   0x00000002
+using namespace OneWire;
+using namespace RomCommands;
+using namespace std;
+/****************** Global Variables ******************/
+float VersionNumber = 1.01;
+/* Buffer for what is read in from Serial */
+string InitComp = "INIT";
+string ReadBuffer = "";
+bool StringReceived = false;
+bool OutputRomID;
+int CmdData;
+/* Flag variable used for interrupts */
+uint32_t int_flag;
+uint32_t cmd_flag;
+/* Set up and configure lights */
+DigitalOut rLED(LED1, LED_OFF);
+DigitalOut gLED(LED2, LED_OFF);
+DigitalOut bLED(LED3, LED_OFF);
+/* Set up virtual Serial Port */
+USBSerial microUSB;
+/* One Wire Master pointer and CmdResult */
+MCU_OWM* owm_ptr;
+vector<RomId> RomIDs;
+int DeviceCount;
+int mostRecentIdx;
+SearchState search_state;
+OneWireMaster::OWLevel NextLevel;
+OneWireMaster::OWLevel CurrLevel;
+OneWireMaster::OWSpeed NextSpeed;
+OneWireMaster::OWSpeed CurrSpeed;
+/* Error Messages */
+string ROM_Error = "Not a recognized ROM command";
+string Speed_Error = "Not a recognized Speed command";
+string Pullup_Error = "Cannot configure Pullup";
+string RW_Error = "Cannot parse R/W string";
+/************** Function Definitions ***************/
+* @brief    Sets flag for main to process DataIn from USB Serial Port
+* @version  1.0
+* @post     Sets bit in int_flag
+void USB_Received();
+* @brief    Processes the data recieved through the serial port and calls the corresponding One Wire functions
+* @param[in] cmd: The string containing the data read from the serial port
+* @param[in] owm: Pointer to the OneWireMaster object that preforms the operations
+* @version  1.0
+* @notes    Requires 'string' and 'OneWire.h'
+* @pre      owm must be initialized and cmd must not be 'null'
+* @post     Depending on specific contents of cmd, could change:
+                 OutputRomID, RomIDs, search_state, NextLevel, CurrLevel, NextSpeed, CurrSpeed
+void Parse_and_Execute(string cmd, MCU_OWM* owm);
+* @brief    Converts a string to a uint8_t
+* @version  1.0
+* @param[in] _string: String containing characters '0'-'9' to be converted
+* @param[out] The equivalent value of the string
+uint8_t StringtoDecimal(string _string);
+* @brief    Initializes the owm to be used, cycles red LED if not able to initialize
+* @version  1.0
+* @param[in] owm: OneWireMaster structure to be initialized
+void OWM_Initialize(MCU_OWM owm);
+* @brief    Searches the bus for any one wire devices on the bus
+* @version  1.0
+* @param[in/out] owm: Reference to owm to conduct the search
+* @param[in/out] search_state: SearchState structure to use to conduct the search
+* @param[out] Returns the result of the command
+* @post     Populates the RomIDs vector with the RomID of every device on the bus
+* @notes    Requires 'OneWire.h'
+OneWireMaster::CmdResult FindAllRomIDs(MCU_OWM & owm, SearchState &search_state);
+* @brief    Conducts an AlarmSearch on the devices on the bus
+* @version  1.0
+* @param[in/out] owm: Reference to owm to conduct the search
+* @param[in/out] search_state: SearchState structure to use to conduct the search
+* @param[out] Returns the result of the command
+* @notes    Requires  'OneWire.h'
+OneWireMaster::CmdResult AlarmSearchBus(MCU_OWM &owm, SearchState &search_state);
+int main()
+    /* Initialize the Board */
+    MAX32630FTHR feather;
+    feather.init(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+    /* Initialize OWM and other OWM related variables */
+    MCU_OWM owm(false, true);
+    OWM_Initialize(owm);
+    NextLevel = OneWireMaster::NormalLevel;
+    NextSpeed = OneWireMaster::StandardSpeed;
+    owm.OWSetLevel(NextLevel);
+    owm.OWSetSpeed(NextSpeed);
+    CurrLevel = NextLevel;
+    CurrSpeed = NextSpeed;
+    search_state.reset();
+    DeviceCount = 0;
+    bool InitReceived = false;
+    /* Initialize Serial Interface */
+    microUSB.attach(&USB_Received);
+    /* Temporary Variable Storage */
+    volatile char BufIn;
+    while(1) {
+        if(!int_flag) {
+            // Go to sleep
+        }
+        /* Get from USB into Buffer */
+        if(int_flag & USB_RECEIVED_FLAG) {            
+            int_flag &= !(USB_RECEIVED_FLAG);
+            while(microUSB.readable()) {
+                BufIn = microUSB.getc();
+                if(BufIn == '\r' || BufIn == '\0' || BufIn == '\n') {
+                    StringReceived = true;
+                    gLED = !gLED;
+                    /* Detects the GUI initialization, resets the Firmware to keep it in sync */
+                    if(ReadBuffer == InitComp){
+                        microUSB.printf("Version %f\r\n", VersionNumber);
+                        InitReceived = true;
+                        owm.OWSetLevel(OneWireMaster::NormalLevel);
+                        owm.OWSetSpeed(OneWireMaster::StandardSpeed);
+                        search_state.reset();
+                        RomIDs.clear();
+                        gLED = LED_ON;
+                        rLED = LED_OFF;
+                        bLED = LED_OFF;
+                    }
+                }
+                if(!StringReceived) {
+                    ReadBuffer += BufIn;
+                }
+            }
+            /* String is now in Buffer */
+            StringReceived = false;
+            if(!InitReceived){
+                Parse_and_Execute(ReadBuffer, &owm);
+            }
+            ReadBuffer ="";
+            bLED = !bLED;
+            InitReceived = false;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+/***************** Functions ********************/
+void USB_Received()
+    int_flag |= USB_RECEIVED_FLAG;
+void Parse_and_Execute(string cmd, MCU_OWM* _owm)
+    /* Variable Declarations */
+    string::iterator i;
+    string temp = "";
+    string c;
+    char ch;
+    string RomIDstr;
+    string CmdResponse;
+    uint8_t num;
+    uint32_t word;
+    char* strend;
+    long int hex_val;
+    int j;
+    int k;
+    bool Read_Ret = false;
+    bool RomID_Ret = false;
+    uint8_t Scratchpad_Data [SCRATCHPAD_WRITE_BYTES];
+    uint8_t ReadBytes[BUF_SIZE_BYTES];
+    uint8_t ReadCount = 0;
+    RomId romId;
+    bool AddROM = false;
+    bool AlarmSearch = false;
+    size_t strpos = 0;
+    vector<bool> RomIDMatches(RomIDs.size(), true);
+    MCU_OWM* owm = _owm;
+    OneWireMaster::CmdResult result;
+    /* Initialize result to Fail */
+    result = OneWireMaster::OperationFailure;
+    i=cmd.begin();
+/* Decode the commands based on 'Family Code' and parse the data */
+    switch(*i) 
+    {
+        /* ROM commands */
+        case 'R':
+            //microUSB.printf("1: ROM command \r\n");
+            i++;
+            switch(*i) 
+            {
+                case 'M':
+//                    microUSB.printf("2: Match ROM command \r\n");
+                    i++;
+                    if( *i == 'T') 
+                    {
+                        RomIDstr = cmd.substr(3);       // Obtains the string after the 3 CMD characters (The ROM ID we are looking for)
+                        if(RomIDstr == ""){
+                            microUSB.printf("Please select a Rom ID from the Devices on the Bus\r\n");
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        for(j=0; j<BYTES_IN_ROM_ID; j++){
+                            strpos = 2*j;
+                            temp = RomIDstr.substr(strpos, 2);
+                            num = strtol(temp.c_str(), &strend, 16);
+                            for(k=0; k<RomIDs.size(); k++){
+                                // First, check to make sure that the RomID we are checking still matches
+                                if(!RomIDMatches[k]){
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                                // If the byte in num does not match the byte in the RomID, set the corresponding index in 'matches' to false
+                                if(num != RomIDs[k].buffer[(BYTES_IN_ROM_ID - 1) - j]){
+                                    RomIDMatches[k] = false;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        j=0;    // Reset the loop variables
+                        k=0;
+                        // Now, there should only be 1 or 0 'true' values in RomIDMatches, so use that index for the MatchROM
+                        while(!RomIDMatches[j] && j<RomIDs.size()){
+                            j++;
+                        }
+                        // Now we have determined that the jth index of the RomIDs vector contains the RomID given by the user, 
+                        romId = RomIDs[j];
+                        result = OWMatchRom(*owm, romId);
+                        CmdResponse = "Match ROM";
+                        RomID_Ret = true;
+                        ReadCount = BYTES_IN_ROM_ID;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'O':
+                    //its an OVERDRIVE command
+                    i++;
+                    switch(*i) 
+                    {
+                        case 'M':
+                             RomIDstr = cmd.substr(3);       // Obtains the string after the 3 CMD characters (The ROM ID we are looking for)
+                            if(RomIDstr == ""){
+                                microUSB.printf("Please select a Rom ID from the Devices on the Bus\r\n");
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            for(j=0; j<BYTES_IN_ROM_ID; j++){
+                                strpos = 2*j;
+                                temp = RomIDstr.substr(strpos, 2);
+                                num = strtol(temp.c_str(), &strend, 16);
+                                for(k=0; k<RomIDs.size(); k++){
+                                    // First, check to make sure that the RomID we are checking still matches
+                                    if(!RomIDMatches[k]){
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                    // If the byte in num does not match the byte in the RomID, set the corresponding index in 'matches' to false
+                                    if(num != RomIDs[k].buffer[(BYTES_IN_ROM_ID - 1) - j]){
+                                        RomIDMatches[k] = false;
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            j=0;    // Reset the loop variables
+                            k=0;
+                            // Now, there should only be 1 or 0 'true' values in RomIDMatches, so use that index for the MatchROM
+                            while(!RomIDMatches[j] && j<RomIDs.size()){
+                                j++;
+                            }
+                            // Now we have determined that the jth index of the RomIDs vector contains the RomID given by the user, 
+                            romId = RomIDs[j];
+                            result = OWOverdriveMatchRom(*owm, romId);
+                            CmdResponse = "Overdrive Match ROM";
+                            RomID_Ret = true;
+                            ReadCount = BYTES_IN_ROM_ID;
+                            break;
+                        case 'S':
+//                            microUSB.printf("3: Its an OD Skip ROM\r\n");
+                            result = OWOverdriveSkipRom(*owm);
+                            CmdResponse = "Overdrive Skip ROM";
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            microUSB.printf("%s \r\n", ROM_Error.c_str());
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'R':
+                    // It's a Resume OR ReadROM
+//                    microUSB.printf("2: Res or Read ROM command \r\n");
+                    i++;
+                    switch(*i) {
+                        case 'D':
+//                            microUSB.printf("3: Its a Read ROM\r\n");
+                            result = OWReadRom(*owm, romId);
+                            RomID_Ret = true;
+                            ReadCount = 8;
+                            CmdResponse = "Read ROM";
+                            break;
+                        case 'S':
+//                            microUSB.printf("3: Its a Resume\r\n");
+                            result = OWResume(*owm);
+                            CmdResponse = "Resume";
+                            break;
+                        case 'I':
+                        /* Preforms a search finidng all devices on the bus */
+                            result = FindAllRomIDs(*owm, search_state);
+                            CmdResponse = "Standard Search";
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            microUSB.printf("%s \r\n", ROM_Error.c_str());
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'S':
+                    // It's a Search rom (f or n) OR a SkipROM
+//                    microUSB.printf("2: Search or skip ROM command \r\n");
+                    i++;
+                    switch(*i) {
+                        case 'K':
+//                            microUSB.printf("3: Skip-ROM issued\r\n");
+                            result = OWSkipRom(*owm);
+                            CmdResponse = "Skip ROM";
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            microUSB.printf("%s \r\n", ROM_Error.c_str());
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'A':
+                    // It's an alarm search
+                    i++;
+                    if(*i == 'S'){
+                        result = AlarmSearchBus(*owm, search_state);
+                        CmdResponse = "Alarm Search";
+                    }
+                    else{
+                        microUSB.printf(" %s \r\n", ROM_Error.c_str());
+                    }
+                break;
+                default:
+                microUSB.printf("%s \r\n", ROM_Error.c_str());
+                break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'S':
+//            microUSB.printf("1: Speed command \r\n");
+            // it is a speed command
+            i++;
+            switch(*i) {
+                case 'N':
+                    NextSpeed = OneWireMaster::StandardSpeed;
+//                    microUSB.printf("2: Standard Speed command issued\r\n");
+                    if(CurrSpeed == NextSpeed) {
+                        microUSB.printf("Already in Standard Speed Mode \r\n");
+                        result = OneWireMaster::Success;
+                    } else {
+                        result = owm->OWSetSpeed(NextSpeed);
+                        CurrSpeed = NextSpeed;
+                        CmdResponse = "Normal Speed";
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'O':
+                    NextSpeed = OneWireMaster::OverdriveSpeed;
+//                    microUSB.printf("2: Overdrive speed command issued\r\n");
+                    if(CurrSpeed == NextSpeed) {
+                        microUSB.printf("Already in Overdrive Speed Mode\r\n");
+                        result = OneWireMaster::Success;
+                    } else {
+                        result = owm->OWSetSpeed(NextSpeed);
+                        CurrSpeed = NextSpeed;
+                        CmdResponse = "Overdrive Speed";
+                      }
+                      break;
+                default:
+                    microUSB.printf("%s \r\n", Speed_Error.c_str());
+                    break;
+                }
+            break;
+        case 'W':
+            // it is a R/W cmd
+            i++;
+            switch(*i) {
+                case 'R':
+                    // Its a read cmd
+                    i++;
+                    switch(*i) {
+                        case 'I':
+                            // Read single bit command
+                            result = owm->OWTouchBitSetLevel(*ReadBytes, CurrLevel);
+                            Read_Ret = true;
+                            ReadCount = 1;
+                            CmdResponse = "Read Bit";
+                            break;
+                        case 'Y':
+                            // Read X Bytes
+//                            microUSB.printf("3: Read byte command \r\n");
+                            /* Extract the data from the CMD string */
+                            temp = cmd.substr(3);
+                            /* Convert the string to the corresponding int */
+                            ReadCount = StringtoDecimal(temp);
+                            result = owm->OWReadBlock(ReadBytes, (size_t)ReadCount);
+                            Read_Ret = true;
+                            CmdResponse = "Read " + temp + " Bytes";
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            microUSB.printf("%s \r\n", RW_Error.c_str());
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'W':
+                    // Its a write command
+//                    microUSB.printf("2: Write Command\r\n");
+                    i++;
+                    switch(*i) {
+                        case 'I':
+//                            microUSB.printf("3:Write bit command \r\n");
+                            //Write a single bit
+                            i++;
+                            c = *i;  // Get the 1/0 needed as a string
+                            //microUSB.printf("The string obtained is: '%s' and it has 0x%02X characters\r\n", c, c.length());
+                            num = StringtoDecimal(c); //convert to decimal
+//                            microUSB.printf("Issuing a Write %d command\r\n", num);
+                            result = owm->OWTouchBitSetLevel(num, CurrLevel);
+                            CmdResponse = "Write Bit";
+                            break;
+                        case 'Y':
+                            // Write multiple bytes
+//                            microUSB.printf("3:Write Byte command \r\n");
+                            temp = cmd.substr(3);
+                            if((temp.length()%2) != 0){
+                                microUSB.printf("Please enter a Byte Alligned Value\r\n");
+                                return;
+                            }
+                            /* Throws an error and returns if input is not formatted correctly */
+                            for(j=0; j<temp.length(); j++){   
+                                ch= temp[j];
+                                if((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && (ch < 'A' || ch > 'F')){
+                                    microUSB.printf("Please ensure that you enter hex values\r\n");
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                            } 
+                            for(j=0; j<(temp.length()+1)/2; j++){
+                                strpos = 2*j;
+                                c = temp.substr(strpos, 2);
+                                hex_val = strtol(c.c_str(), &strend, 16);
+                                num = (uint8_t) hex_val;
+                                Scratchpad_Data[j] = num;
+                            }
+                            microUSB.printf("Wrote '0x%s'\r\n", temp);
+                            result = owm->OWWriteBlock(Scratchpad_Data, (temp.length()+1)/2);
+                            CmdResponse = "Write";
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            microUSB.printf("Unrecognized Command\r\n");
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'P':
+//            microUSB.printf("1: Power command \r\n");
+            i++;
+            switch(*i) {
+                case 'N':
+//                    microUSB.printf("2: Normal PWR command \r\n");
+                    i++;
+                    if(*i == 'O') {
+//                        microUSB.printf("3: Further Normal PWR command \r\n");
+                        NextLevel = OneWireMaster::NormalLevel;
+                        if(NextLevel == CurrLevel) {
+                            microUSB.printf("Normal Power\r\n");
+                        } else {
+                            microUSB.printf("Normal Power\r\n");
+                            result = owm->OWSetLevel(NextLevel);
+                            CurrLevel = NextLevel;
+                            CmdResponse = "Normal Power";
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else microUSB.printf("Unrecognizable\r\n");
+                    break;
+                case 'W':
+                    // Strong pullup after writing...
+//                    microUSB.printf("2: Power Write command \r\n");
+                    i++;
+                    if(NextLevel == OneWireMaster::StrongLevel) {
+                        microUSB.printf("Already in Strong Pull-Up Mode\r\n");
+                        result = OneWireMaster::Success;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    NextLevel = OneWireMaster::StrongLevel;
+                    switch(*i) {
+                        case 'I':
+//                            microUSB.printf("3: Power Write bit command \r\n");
+                            temp = cmd.substr(3);
+                            num = atoi(temp.c_str());
+                            if(temp == "1" || temp == "0") {
+                                //microUSB.printf("Issuing strong Pullup after writing %d \r\n", num);
+                                result = owm->OWWriteBitPower(num);
+                                microUSB.printf("Switching to Strong Pull-Up Mode\r\n");
+                                CurrLevel = NextLevel;
+                                CmdResponse = "Strong Pullup After Writing Bit";
+                                microUSB.printf("Wrote '0x%s'\r\n", temp);    
+                            } 
+                            else {
+                                microUSB.printf("Incorrect formatting error. Decoded data as 0x%02X, expecting 1 or 0 \r\n", num);
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case 'Y':
+//                            microUSB.printf("3: Issuing Strong Pullup after writing Byte\r\n");
+                            temp = cmd.substr(3);
+                            hex_val = strtol(temp.c_str(), &strend, 16);
+                            result = owm->OWWriteByteSetLevel(hex_val, NextLevel);
+                            microUSB.printf("Switching to Strong Power Mode\r\n");
+                            CurrLevel = NextLevel;
+                            CmdResponse = "Strong Pullup After Writing Byte";
+                            microUSB.printf("Wrote '%s'\r\n", temp);
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            microUSB.printf("Could not identify that command\r\n");
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    microUSB.printf("%s\r\n", Pullup_Error.c_str());
+                }
+                break;
+        case 'Z':
+            result = owm->OWReset();
+            CmdResponse = "Reset";
+            break;
+        default:
+            microUSB.printf("Cannot Parse Command\r\n");
+            break; 
+        } // End of switch
+        /* For loop to print out the 8 byte Rom ID and add it to the 'RomIDs' vector*/
+        if(RomID_Ret && result == OneWireMaster::Success) {
+          /* Flag to add to vector or not */
+          AddROM = true;
+          /* Printing */
+          microUSB.printf("RomID: ");
+          for(j=ReadCount-1; j>=0; j--) {
+              microUSB.printf("%02X ",romId.buffer[j]);
+          }
+          microUSB.printf("\r\n");
+          /* Add the Rom ID to the vector if not in there already, and update the most recent RomID index used */
+          for(j=0; j<RomIDs.size(); j++){
+              if(RomIDs[j] == romId){
+                  AddROM = false;
+                  mostRecentIdx = j;
+                  break;
+              }
+          }
+          if(AddROM){
+             /* If we need to add the RomID to the vector, that means it was the most recent one that was used/found, so update the mostRecentIdx */ 
+             RomIDs.push_back(romId);
+             mostRecentIdx = RomIDs.size() - 1;
+             microUSB.printf("Added RomID to array\r\n");
+          }
+          if(search_state.last_device_flag && AddROM && !AlarmSearch){
+                microUSB.printf("Obtained RomID's for all devices on the bus\r\n");
+          }
+      }
+        /*Return bytes that were read from the device */
+      if(Read_Ret && result == OneWireMaster::Success) {
+          microUSB.printf("Result: ");
+          for(j=0; j<ReadCount; j++) {
+              microUSB.printf("%02X ",ReadBytes[j]);
+          }
+          microUSB.printf("\r\n");
+      } 
+      if(result == OneWireMaster::Success) {
+          microUSB.printf("The %s was successful\r\n", CmdResponse);
+      } else if (result == OneWireMaster::CommunicationWriteError){
+          microUSB.printf("Command not issued, Communication Write Error\r\n");
+      } else if (result == OneWireMaster::CommunicationReadError){
+          microUSB.printf("Command not issued, Communication Read Error\r\n");
+      } else if (result == OneWireMaster::TimeoutError) {
+          microUSB.printf("The device timed out before the command could be issued\r\n");
+      } else {
+          microUSB.printf("Operation Failed\r\n");
+      } 
+uint8_t StringtoDecimal(string _string) {
+    uint8_t number;
+    number = atoi(_string.c_str());
+    return number;
+void OWM_Initialize(MCU_OWM owm) {
+    rLED = LED_ON;
+    OneWireMaster::CmdResult result = owm.OWInitMaster();
+    while(result != OneWireMaster::Success) {
+        microUSB.printf("Failed to init OWM...\r\n\r\n");
+        result = owm.OWInitMaster();
+        wait(0.5);
+        rLED = !rLED;
+    }
+    rLED = LED_OFF;
+OneWireMaster::CmdResult AlarmSearchBus(MCU_OWM & owm, SearchState & search_state){
+    int numAlarms = 0;
+    RomId RetRom;
+    OneWireMaster::CmdResult res;
+    search_state.reset();
+    while(!search_state.last_device_flag){
+        res = OWAlarmSearch(owm, search_state);
+        if(res == OneWireMaster::Success){
+            numAlarms++;
+            RetRom = search_state.romId;
+            microUSB.printf("Active Alarms: ");
+            for(int j=BYTES_IN_ROM_ID-1; j>=0; j--) {
+              microUSB.printf("%02X ",RetRom.buffer[j]);
+            }
+            microUSB.printf("\r\n");
+        }
+    }
+    return res;
+OneWireMaster::CmdResult FindAllRomIDs(MCU_OWM & owm, SearchState &search_state){
+    int numDevices = 0;
+    RomId romId;
+    OneWireMaster::CmdResult res;
+    RomIDs.clear();
+    search_state.reset();
+    /* Identify next Device on the bus, and print out its ROM ID so GUI can parse it, and add it to the FW array */
+    while(!search_state.last_device_flag){
+        res = OWSearch(owm, search_state);
+        if(res == OneWireMaster::Success){
+            numDevices++;
+            romId = search_state.romId;
+            microUSB.printf("RomID: ");
+            for(int j=BYTES_IN_ROM_ID-1; j>=0; j--) {
+              microUSB.printf("%02X ",romId.buffer[j]);
+            }
+            microUSB.printf("\r\n");
+            RomIDs.push_back(romId);
+        }
+    }
+    return res;