Modification of Mbed-dev library for LQFP48 package microcontrollers: STM32F103C8 (STM32F103C8T6) and STM32F103CB (STM32F103CBT6) (Bluepill boards, Maple mini etc. )

Fork of mbed-dev by mbed official


This library is unable to work due to huge changes in the mbed toolchain. Do not use with mbed online!

New wersion:

Import librarymbed-STM32F103C8

Modification of Mbed-dev library for LQFP48 package microcontrollers: STM32F103C8 (STM32F103C8T6) and STM32F103CB (STM32F103CBT6) (Bluepill boards, Maple mini etc. )

Library for STM32F103C8 (Bluepill boards etc.).
Use this instead of mbed library.
This library allows the size of the code in the FLASH up to 128kB. Therefore, code also runs on microcontrollers STM32F103CB (eg. Maple mini).
But in the case of STM32F103C8, check the size of the resulting code would not exceed 64kB.

To compile a program with this library, use NUCLEO-F103RB as the target name. !


  • Corrected initialization of the HSE clock (mbed bug), allowing the use of on-board xtal (8MHz).(1)
  • Additionally, it also set USB clock (48Mhz).(2)
  • Definitions of pins and peripherals adjusted to LQFP48 case.
  • Board led LED1 is now PC_13 (3)
  • USER_BUTTON is now PC_14 (4)

(1) - In case 8MHz xtal on board, CPU frequency is 72MHz. Without xtal is 64MHz.
(2) - Using the USB interface is only possible if STM32 is clocking by on-board 8MHz xtal or external clock signal 8MHz on the OSC_IN pin.
(3) - On Bluepill board led operation is reversed, i.e. 0 - led on, 1 - led off.
(4) - Bluepill board has no real user button

Download repository: zip gz

Files at revision 145:54b3c5994df6

Name Size Actions
AnalogIn.h 2589 Revisions Annotate
AnalogOut.h 3221 Revisions Annotate
BusIn.h 2830 Revisions Annotate
BusInOut.h 3287 Revisions Annotate
BusOut.h 2957 Revisions Annotate
CAN.h 6882 Revisions Annotate
CThunk.h 7231 Revisions Annotate
CallChain.h 4779 Revisions Annotate
CircularBuffer.h 2464 Revisions Annotate
DigitalIn.h 2590 Revisions Annotate
DigitalInOut.h 3267 Revisions Annotate
DigitalOut.h 2846 Revisions Annotate
DirHandle.h 2968 Revisions Annotate
Ethernet.h 4674 Revisions Annotate
FileBase.h 1866 Revisions Annotate
FileHandle.h 3508 Revisions Annotate
FileLike.h 1223 Revisions Annotate
FilePath.h 1158 Revisions Annotate
FileSystemLike.h 3211 Revisions Annotate
FunctionPointer.h 6683 Revisions Annotate
I2C.h 4785 Revisions Annotate
I2CSlave.h 4141 Revisions Annotate
InterruptIn.h 3629 Revisions Annotate
InterruptManager.h 4350 Revisions Annotate
LocalFileSystem.h 3194 Revisions Annotate
LowPowerTicker.h 1060 Revisions Annotate
LowPowerTimeout.h 1026 Revisions Annotate
LowPowerTimer.h 1012 Revisions Annotate
PortIn.h 2183 Revisions Annotate
PortInOut.h 2517 Revisions Annotate
PortOut.h 2457 Revisions Annotate
PwmOut.h 4339 Revisions Annotate
RawSerial.h 2267 Revisions Annotate
SPI.h 8108 Revisions Annotate
SPISlave.h 3153 Revisions Annotate
Serial.h 1801 Revisions Annotate
SerialBase.h 7669 Revisions Annotate
Stream.h 1950 Revisions Annotate
Ticker.h 3559 Revisions Annotate
Timeout.h 1352 Revisions Annotate
Timer.h 2062 Revisions Annotate
TimerEvent.h 1476 Revisions Annotate
Transaction.h 1974 Revisions Annotate
can_helper.h 1463 Revisions Annotate
mbed.h 1725 Revisions Annotate
mbed_assert.h 1672 Revisions Annotate
mbed_debug.h 1854 Revisions Annotate
mbed_error.h 1933 Revisions Annotate
mbed_interface.h 3714 Revisions Annotate
platform.h 896 Revisions Annotate
rtc_time.h 2684 Revisions Annotate
semihost_api.h 2669 Revisions Annotate
toolchain.h 1013 Revisions Annotate
wait_api.h 1573 Revisions Annotate