Lightweight proportional text library for C12832 LCD. Easy to modify, fast, robust and compact. Nice font, good for text driven menus, messages, etc. Fell free to use and modify in any projects.

Dependents:   app-board-lcd128

Documentation will be here later.

Usage sample:

Import programapp-board-lcd128

Sample usage of lightweight C12832 LCD library

diff -r ff31feb7d966 -r 5cd32671a837 lcd128lib.h
--- a/lcd128lib.h	Wed May 28 10:09:01 2014 +0000
+++ b/lcd128lib.h	Tue Oct 07 20:50:41 2014 +0000
@@ -46,9 +46,32 @@
 #define LCD_RADIO_OFF       128
 #define LCD_RADIO_ON        129
-#define LCD_CHECKBOX_OFF    130
-#define LCD_CHECKBOX_ON     131
-#define LCD_SELECTOR        132
+#define LCD_CHECK_OFF       130
+#define LCD_CHECK_ON        131
+#define LCD_SHORT_SPACE     132
+#define LCD_PLAY            133
+#define LCD_PAUSE           134
+#define LCD_FORWARD         135
+#define LCD_REVERSE         136
+#define LCD_BEGIN           137
+#define LCD_END             138
+#define LCD_PLAY_PAUSE      139
+#define LCD_CLOCK0          140
+#define LCD_CLOCK1          141
+#define LCD_CLOCK2          142
+#define LCD_CLOCK3          143
+#define LCD_CLOCK4          144
+#define LCD_CLOCK5          145
+#define LCD_CLOCK6          146
+#define LCD_CLOCK7          147
+// Row text align
+#define LCD_ALIGN_LEFT      0
+#define LCD_ALIGN_CENTER    1
+#define LCD_ALIGN_RIGHT     2
 // lcd128 class
@@ -80,7 +103,7 @@
     // Supply LCD connected pin's here for your design   
-    lcd128(PinName mosi= p5, PinName sclk = p7, PinName a0 = p8, PinName cs = p11, PinName rst = p6);
+    lcd128(PinName mosi = p5, PinName sclk = p7, PinName a0 = p8, PinName cs = p11, PinName rst = p6);
     // LCD control
     void Reset();                           // Reset LCD, configure defaults
@@ -89,7 +112,10 @@
     // Buffer -> LCD
     void Update();                          // Update LCD from buffer, actually shows drawed
+    // All buffer operations
     void Clear(int row = -1);               // Clear all buffer or one concrete row
+    void InverseRow(int row = -1, unsigned char mask = 255);    // Inverse all buffer or one concrete row 
     // Write mode
     void Invert(bool invert = true);        // Switch inverting of chars
@@ -114,8 +140,9 @@
     void String(char* str);                 // Draw string proportionally
     int StringWidth(char* str);             // Calculate string width in px 
-    // Higher level drawers
-    void Row(int Y, char* str = "");        // Clear one text row and draw string on it (left aligned)
-    void RowCenter(int Y, char* str = "");  // Clear one text row and draw string on it (center aligned)
+    // Row drawer
+    void Row(int Y, char* str = "", bool inverse = false, int align = 0); // Clear one text row and draw string on it
+    // Progress bar
     void Bar(int width, float fill = 0.0);  // Progress bar - one row, width pixels, fill - 0.0..1.0 