Lightweight proportional text library for C12832 LCD. Easy to modify, fast, robust and compact. Nice font, good for text driven menus, messages, etc. Fell free to use and modify in any projects.

Dependents:   app-board-lcd128

Documentation will be here later.

Usage sample:

Import programapp-board-lcd128

Sample usage of lightweight C12832 LCD library

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lcd128lib.cpp	Sat Feb 01 13:13:37 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// MBED Application Board
+// Lightweight C12832 LCD library
+// 2014, Alexander Medvedev, @medvdv
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "lcd128lib.h"
+#include "lcd128font8.h"
+// lcd128 class implementation
+// SPI writer with command / data switch
+void lcd128::write(char data, bool cmd)
+    a0  =  cmd ? 0:1;
+    cs  = 0;
+    spi.write(data);
+    cs  = 1;
+// Constructor  
+lcd128::lcd128(PinName mosi, PinName sclk, PinName p_a0, PinName p_cs, PinName p_rst):
+spi(mosi, NC, sclk), rst(p_rst), cs(p_cs), a0(p_a0)
+    // Setup SPI 
+    spi.format(8, 3);
+    spi.frequency(20000000);
+    // Setup default font
+    font.first_code = 32;
+    font.glyphs_total = 128 - 32;
+    font.widths = lcd_font8p_widths;
+    font.glyphs = lcd_font8p;
+    invert = false;
+    bold = false;   
+ // Start inverting chars
+void lcd128::Invert(bool invert)
+    this -> invert = invert;
+// Start bold mode (repeat twice wide)
+void lcd128::Bold(bool bold)
+    this -> bold = bold;
+// Reset LCD, configure defaults and contrast
+void lcd128::Reset()
+    a0  = 0;
+    cs  = 1;
+    rst = 0;
+    wait_us(50); 
+    rst = 1;
+    wait_ms(5);
+    write(0xae, true); 
+    write(0xa2, true); 
+    write(0xa0, true); 
+    write(0xc8, true); 
+    write(0x22, true); 
+    write(0x2f, true); 
+    write(0x40, true); 
+    write(0xaf, true); 
+    write(0x81, true); 
+    write(0x17, true); 
+    write(0xa6, true); 
+    wait_ms(5);
+    XY();
+    Clear();
+    Update();
+// LCD power off
+void lcd128::Power(bool power)
+    // TBD
+void lcd128::InverseMode(bool invert)
+    // TBD
+// Update buffer to LCD
+void lcd128::Update()
+    char* p = buffer;
+    for(int j=0; j<LCD_Y; j++) {
+        write(0x00, true);
+        write(0x10, true);
+        write(0xb0+j, true);
+        for(int i=0; i<LCD_X; i++) write(*p++, false);
+    }
+// Clear all buffer or just one row
+void lcd128::Clear(int row)
+    if(row == -1) 
+        memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
+    else {
+        if(row<0) row=0;
+        if(row>LCD_Y) row=0;
+        memset(buffer+row*LCD_X, 0, LCD_X);
+    }
+    Update();
+// Change current output position
+// X in pixels [0..LCD_X-1]
+// Y in rows   [0..LCD_Y-1]
+void lcd128::XY(int x, int y)
+    if (x<0)  x=0;
+    if (x>(LCD_X-1)) x=LCD_X-1;
+    if (y<0)  y=0;
+    if (y>(LCD_Y-1)) y=LCD_Y-1;
+    X = x;
+    Y = y;
+// Write one 8bit row 
+// with inversion and XY update
+void lcd128::Write(char byte)
+    buffer[X+Y*LCD_X] = invert?(~byte):byte;
+    if (++X > (LCD_X-1)) {
+        X=0;
+        if (++Y > (LCD_Y-1)) Y=0;
+    }
+// Write array of 8bit rows
+void lcd128::Write(char* data, int size)
+    for(int i=0; i<size; i++) Write(data[i]);
+// Write array of 8bit rows, twice each
+void lcd128::Write2(char* data, int size)
+    for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
+        Write(data[i]);
+        Write(data[i]);
+    }
+// Write 8bit row 'count' times
+void lcd128::Write(char byte, int count)
+    for(int i=0; i<count; i++) Write(byte);
+// Draw one proportional font character
+// Jump to next line if empty space is not enought
+void lcd128::Character(char chr)
+    if( chr < font.first_code ) return;
+    if( chr > font.first_code + font.glyphs_total - 1 ) return;
+    chr -= font.first_code;
+    int width = font.widths[chr];
+    if (bold) width*=2;
+    if ((X + width) > (LCD_X-1)) {
+        if (++Y > (LCD_Y-1)) Y = 0;
+        XY(0,Y);
+    }
+    if (bold) {
+        Write2( (char*) font.glyphs[chr], (int) font.widths[chr] );
+        if (X != 0) {
+            Write(0);
+            Write(0);
+        }
+    } else {
+        Write( (char*) font.glyphs[chr], (int) font.widths[chr] );
+        if (X != 0) Write(0);
+    }
+// Calculate width of concrete character 
+// takes into account bold setting 
+int lcd128::CharacterWidth(char chr)
+    if( chr < font.first_code ) return 0;
+    if( chr > font.first_code + font.glyphs_total - 1 ) return 0;
+    chr -= font.first_code;
+    if (bold)
+        return 2 * (font.widths[chr] + 1);
+    else
+        return font.widths[chr] + 1;
+// Write string
+void lcd128::String(char* str)
+    while(*str) Character(*str++);
+// Predict string width
+int lcd128::StringWidth(char* str)
+    int width = 0;
+    while(*str) width += CharacterWidth(*str++);
+    return width;
+// Clear one line, 
+// then write string from it's begin 
+void lcd128::Row(int Y, char* str)
+    Clear(Y);
+    XY(0, Y);
+    String(str);