3-Axis Accelerometer



File content as of revision 3:d8cf2591cab6:

 * @brief       MC3635.h
 * @details     3-Axis Accelerometer.
 *              Header file.
 * @return      N/A
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        30/May/2018
 * @version     30/May/2018    The ORIGIN
 * @pre         N/A.
 * @warning     N/A
 * @pre         This code belongs to Nimbus Centre ( http://www.nimbus.cit.ie ).
#ifndef MC3635_H
#define MC3635_H

#include "mbed.h"

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MC3635.h"

MC3635 myMC3635   ( I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL, MC3635::MC3635_ADDRESS_LOW, 100000 );
Serial pc         ( USBTX, USBRX );

DigitalOut  myled       ( LED1 );
Ticker      newReading;

MC3635::MC3635_status_t  aux;
MC3635::MC3635_data_t    myMC3635_data;
uint32_t                 myState = 0;

void changeDATA ( void )
    myState = 1;

int main()
    pc.baud ( 115200 );

    myled   =   1;
    myled   =   0;

    // MC3635 Software Reset    
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_SetSoftwareReset ();

    //  MC3635 in Standby mode  
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_SetStandbyMode ();

    //  MC3635 initialization sequence  
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_InitializationSequence ();

    // MC3635 Get the offset for all the axis   
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_GetOffset ( MC3635::X_AXIS,  &myMC3635_data );
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_GetOffset ( MC3635::Y_AXIS,  &myMC3635_data );
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_GetOffset ( MC3635::Z_AXIS,  &myMC3635_data );
    pc.printf( "XOFFSET: %d | YOFFSET: %d | ZOFFSET: %d\r\n", myMC3635_data.XOffset, myMC3635_data.YOffset, myMC3635_data.ZOffset );
    // MC3635 Get the gain for all the axis   
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_GetGain ( MC3635::X_AXIS,  &myMC3635_data );
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_GetGain ( MC3635::Y_AXIS,  &myMC3635_data );
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_GetGain ( MC3635::Z_AXIS,  &myMC3635_data );
    pc.printf( "XGAIN: %d | YGAIN: %d | ZGAIN: %d\r\n", myMC3635_data.XGAIN, myMC3635_data.YGAIN, myMC3635_data.ZGAIN );
    // MC3635 Check Scratch register    
    myMC3635_data.scratch    =   0x23;
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_WriteScratchpadRegister ( myMC3635_data );

    myMC3635_data.scratch    =   0;
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_ReadScratchpadRegister ( &myMC3635_data );
    pc.printf( "Scratchpad Register: %x ( 0x23 )\r\n", myMC3635_data.scratch );

    // MC3635 FIFO disabled   
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_EnableFIFO ( MC3635::FIFO_C_FIFO_EN_DISABLED );

    // MC3635 All interrupts DISABLED  
                                        MC3635::INTR_C_INT_FIFO_FULL_DISABLED, MC3635::INTR_C_INT_FIFO_THRESH_DISABLED, MC3635::INTR_C_INT_SWAKE_DISABLED );

    // MC3635 14-bits resolution ( FIFO not in use)   
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_SetResolution ( MC3635::RANGE_C_RES_14_BITS );

    // MC3635 16g range    
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_SetRange ( MC3635::RANGE_C_RANGE_16G );

    // MC3635 X/Y/Z axis enabled    
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_EnableAxis ( MC3635::MODE_C_X_AXIS_PD_ENABLED, MC3635::MODE_C_Y_AXIS_PD_ENABLED, MC3635::MODE_C_Z_AXIS_PD_ENABLED );

    // MC3635 CWAKE mode in Low Power enabled and ODR is 54Hz    
    aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_SetMode ( MC3635::MODE_C_MCTRL_CWAKE, MC3635::LOW_POWER_MODE, MC3635::ODR_7 );

    newReading.attach( &changeDATA, 1 );                                        // the address of the function to be attached ( changeDATA ) and the interval ( 1s )

    // Let the callbacks take care of everything
    while(1) {

        myled = 1;

        if ( myState == 1 ) {
            //  Wait until a new data is available 
                // MC3635 Read register Status1    
                aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_ReadStatusRegister1 ( &myMC3635_data );
            }while( ( myMC3635_data.status_1 & MC3635::STATUS_1_NEW_DATA_MASK ) == MC3635::STATUS_1_NEW_DATA_FALSE );   // [TODO] Dangerous!!! The uC may get stuck here if something goes wrong!
                                                                                                                        // [WORKAROUND] Insert a counter.

            // MC3635 Read the data    
            aux  =   myMC3635.MC3635_ReadRawData ( &myMC3635_data );

            // Send data through the UART   
            pc.printf( "X: %d | Y: %d | Z: %d\r\n", myMC3635_data.XAxis_mg, myMC3635_data.YAxis_mg, myMC3635_data.ZAxis_mg );
            myState  =   0;                                                                                             // Reset the variable

        myled = 0;


 Library for the MC3635 3-Axis Accelerometer.
class MC3635
    * @brief   DEFAULT ADDRESSES
    typedef enum {
        MC3635_ADDRESS_LOW     =   ( 0x4C << 1 ),    /*!<  DOUT_A1 = GND                                   */
        MC3635_ADDRESS_HIGH    =   ( 0x6C << 1 )     /*!<  DOUT_A1 = VDD                                   */
    } MC3635_address_t;

      * @brief   REGISTER SUMMARY
    typedef enum {
        EXT_STAT_1      =   0x00,           /*!<  Extended Status 1                                 */
        EXT_STAT_2      =   0x01,           /*!<  Extended Status 2                                 */
        XOUT_LSB        =   0x02,           /*!<  XOUT_LSB                                          */
        XOUT_MSB        =   0x03,           /*!<  XOUT_MSB                                          */
        YOUT_LSB        =   0x04,           /*!<  YOUT_LSB                                          */
        YOUT_MSB        =   0x05,           /*!<  YOUT_MSB                                          */
        ZOUT_LSB        =   0x06,           /*!<  ZOUT_LSB                                          */
        ZOUT_MSB        =   0x07,           /*!<  ZOUT_MSB                                          */
        STATUS_1        =   0x08,           /*!<  Status 1                                          */
        STATUS_2        =   0x09,           /*!<  Status 2                                          */

        FREG_1          =   0x0D,           /*!<  Feature 1                                         */
        FREG_2          =   0x0E,           /*!<  Feature 2                                         */
        INIT_1          =   0x0F,           /*!<  Initialization Register 1                         */
        MODE_C          =   0x10,           /*!<  Mode Control                                      */
        RATE_1          =   0x11,           /*!<  Rate 1                                            */
        SNIFF_C         =   0x12,           /*!<  Sniff Control                                     */
        SNIFFTH_C       =   0x13,           /*!<  Sniff Threshold Control                           */
        SNIFFCF_C       =   0x14,           /*!<  Sniff Configuration                               */
        RANGE_C         =   0x15,           /*!<  Range Resolution Control                          */
        FIFO_C          =   0x16,           /*!<  FIFO Control                                      */
        INTR_C          =   0x17,           /*!<  Interrupt Control                                 */

        INIT_3          =   0x1A,           /*!<  Initialization Register 3                         */
        SCRATCH         =   0x1B,           /*!<  Scratchpad                                        */
        PMCR            =   0x1C,           /*!<  Power Mode Control                                */

        DMX             =   0x20,           /*!<  Drive Motion X                                    */
        DMY             =   0x21,           /*!<  Drive Motion Y                                    */
        DMZ             =   0x22,           /*!<  Drive Motion Z                                    */

        RESET           =   0x24,           /*!<  Reset                                             */

        INIT_2          =   0x28,           /*!<  Initialization Register 2                         */
        TRIGC           =   0x29,           /*!<  Trigger Count                                     */
        XOFFL           =   0x2A,           /*!<  X-Offset LSB                                      */
        XOFFH           =   0x2B,           /*!<  X-Offset MSB                                      */
        YOFFL           =   0x2C,           /*!<  Y-Offset LSB                                      */
        YOFFH           =   0x2D,           /*!<  Y-Offset MSB                                      */
        ZOFFL           =   0x2E,           /*!<  Z-Offset LSB                                      */
        ZOFFH           =   0x2F,           /*!<  Z-Offset MSB                                      */
        XGAIN           =   0x30,           /*!<  X Gain                                            */
        YGAIN           =   0x31,           /*!<  Y Gain                                            */
        ZGAIN           =   0x32            /*!<  Z Gain                                            */
    } MC3635_register_summary_t;

    /* Commands Registers */
    /* Bit 3 : This register contains status for the I2C address of the device.  */
    typedef enum {
        EXT_STAT_1_I2C_AD0_BIT_MASK =   ( 1 << 3 ),         /*!<  I2C_AD0_BIT Mask                                  */
        EXT_STAT_1_I2C_AD0_BIT_0X4C =   ( 0 << 3 ),         /*!<  I2C Address 0x4C ( DOUT_A1 = LOW )                */
        EXT_STAT_1_I2C_AD0_BIT_0X6C =   ( 1 << 3 )          /*!<  I2C Address 0x6C ( DOUT_A1 = HIGH )               */
    } MC3635_ext_stat_1_i2c_ad0_bit_t;

      *             The device status register reports various conditions of the device data, clock and sniff
      *             circuitry.
    /* Bit 0 : OVR_DATA.  */
    typedef enum {
        EXT_STAT_2_OVR_DATA_MASK                    =   ( 1 << 0 ),         /*!<  OVR_DATA Mask                                                                 */
        EXT_STAT_2_OVR_DATA_SAMPLE_OVERWRITTEN      =   ( 1 << 0 ),         /*!<  Previous acceleration sample was not read by host and has been overwritten    */
        EXT_STAT_2_OVR_DATA_SAMPLE_NOT_OVERWRITTEN  =   ( 0 << 0 )          /*!<  Previous acceleration sample has not been overwritten before read by host     */
    } MC3635_ext_stat_2_ovr_data_t;

    /* Bit 1 : PD_CLK_STAT.  */
    typedef enum {
        EXT_STAT_2_PD_CLK_STAT_MASK                 =   ( 1 << 1 ),         /*!<  PD_CLK_STAT Mask                                                              */
        EXT_STAT_2_PD_CLK_STAT_CLOCKS_ENABLED       =   ( 0 << 1 ),         /*!<  Clocks are enabled                                                            */
        EXT_STAT_2_PD_CLK_STAT_CLOCKS_DISABLED      =   ( 1 << 1 )          /*!<  Clocks are disabled                                                           */
    } MC3635_ext_stat_2_pd_clk_stat_t;

    /* Bit 5 : OTP_BUSY.  */
    typedef enum {
        EXT_STAT_2_OTP_BUSY_MASK                    =   ( 1 << 5 ),         /*!<  OTP_BUSY Mask                                                                 */
        EXT_STAT_2_OTP_BUSY_OTP_POWER_DOWN          =   ( 0 << 5 ),         /*!<  OTP_VDD supply is not enabled, OTP is powered down                            */
        EXT_STAT_2_OTP_BUSY_OTP_POWERED             =   ( 1 << 5 )          /*!<  OTP_VDD supply is enabled, OTP is powered                                     */
    } MC3635_ext_stat_2_otp_busy_t;

    /* Bit 6 : SNIFF_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        EXT_STAT_2_SNIFF_EN_MASK                    =   ( 1 << 6 ),         /*!<  SNIFF_EN Mask                                                                 */
        EXT_STAT_2_SNIFF_EN_DISABLED                =   ( 0 << 6 ),         /*!<  SNIFF mode is not active                                                      */
        EXT_STAT_2_SNIFF_EN_ENABLED                 =   ( 1 << 6 )          /*!<  SNIFF mode is active                                                          */
    } MC3635_ext_stat_2_sniff_en_t;

    /* Bit 7 : SNIFF_DETECT.  */
    typedef enum {
        EXT_STAT_2_SNIFF_DETECT_MASK                =   ( 1 << 7 ),         /*!<  SNIFF_DETECT Mask                                                             */
        EXT_STAT_2_SNIFF_DETECT_NOT_EVENT           =   ( 0 << 7 ),         /*!<  No sniff event detected                                                       */
        EXT_STAT_2_SNIFF_DETECT_EVENT               =   ( 1 << 7 )          /*!<  Sniff event detected, move to CWAKE mode                                      */
    } MC3635_ext_stat_2_sniff_detect_t;

      * @brief   STATUS REGISTER 1
      *             This register reports the operational mode of the device. Note that the lower 3-bits, the
      *             MODE[2:0] field, do not immediately change once a command is written to the MODE register,
      *             but may take up to 3 transitions of the heartbeat clock.
    /* Bits 2:0 : MODE.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_1_MODE_MASK                      =   ( 0b111 << 0 ),       /*!<  MODE Mask                                                                       */
        STATUS_1_MODE_SLEEP                     =   ( 0b000 << 0 ),       /*!<  Lowest power mode, regulators on, no clock activity, partial chip power-down    */
        STATUS_1_MODE_STANDBY                   =   ( 0b001 << 0 ),       /*!<  Low power mode, no sampling, clocks active                                      */
        STATUS_1_MODE_SNIFF                     =   ( 0b010 << 0 ),       /*!<  Sniff activity detection mode, sniff enabled, sniff sampling, no FIFO operations, automatically transition to CWAKE mode upon activity detection     */
        STATUS_1_MODE_CWAKE                     =   ( 0b101 << 0 ),       /*!<  Continuous wake. Active XYZ sampling. Sniff circuitry not active                */
        STATUS_1_MODE_SWAKE                     =   ( 0b110 << 0 ),       /*!<  Use Sniff logic, main XYZ pipeline and optional FIFO at the same time; highest power consumption                                                     */
        STATUS_1_MODE_TRIG                      =   ( 0b111 << 0 )        /*!<  Trigger mode, 1 to 254 samples or continuous, return to sleep upon completion                                                                        */
    } MC3635_status_1_mode_t;

    /* Bit 3 : NEW_DATA.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_1_NEW_DATA_MASK                  =   ( 1 << 3 ),         /*!<  NEW_DATA Mask                                                                     */
        STATUS_1_NEW_DATA_FALSE                 =   ( 0 << 3 ),         /*!<  No new sample data has arrived since last read                                    */
        STATUS_1_NEW_DATA_TRUE                  =   ( 1 << 3 )          /*!<  New sample data has arrived and has been written to FIFO/registers. This bit is always enabled and valid, regardless of the settings of any interrupt enable bits     */
    } MC3635_status_1_new_data_t;

    /* Bit 4 : FIFO_EMPTY.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_1_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK                =   ( 1 << 4 ),         /*!<  FIFO_EMPTY Mask                                                                     */
        STATUS_1_FIFO_EMPTY_FALSE               =   ( 0 << 4 ),         /*!<  FIFO has one or more samples in storage (level)                                     */
        STATUS_1_FIFO_EMPTY_TRUE                =   ( 1 << 4 )          /*!<  FIFO is empty (level) (default). This bit is set to 1 immediately after device power-up or device reset   */
    } MC3635_status_1_fifo_empty_t;

    /* Bit 5 : FIFO_FULL.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_1_FIFO_FULL_MASK                 =   ( 1 << 5 ),         /*!<  FIFO_FULL Mask                                                                      */
        STATUS_1_FIFO_FULL_FALSE                =   ( 0 << 5 ),         /*!<  FIFO has space or 1 or more samples (up to 32) (level)                              */
        STATUS_1_FIFO_FULL_TRUE                 =   ( 1 << 5 )          /*!<  FIFO is full, all 32 samples are used (level)                                       */
    } MC3635_status_1_fifo_full_t;

    /* Bit 6 : FIFO_THRESH.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_1_FIFO_THRESH_MASK               =   ( 1 << 6 ),         /*!<  FIFO_THRESH Mask                                                                    */
        STATUS_1_FIFO_THRESH_LESS               =   ( 0 << 6 ),         /*!<  Amount of data in FIFO is less than the threshold (level)                           */
        STATUS_1_FIFO_THRESH_EQUAL_GREATER      =   ( 1 << 6 )          /*!<  Amount of data in FIFO is equal to or greater than the threshold (level)            */
    } MC3635_status_1_fifo_thresh_t;

    /* Bit 7 : INT_PEND.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_1_INT_PEND_MASK                  =   ( 1 << 7 ),         /*!<  INT_PEND Mask                                                                      */
        STATUS_1_INT_PEND_FALSE                 =   ( 0 << 7 ),         /*!<  No interrupt flags are pending in register 0x09 (level)                            */
        STATUS_1_INT_PEND_TRUE                  =   ( 1 << 7 )          /*!<  One or more interrupt flags are pending in register 0x09 (logical OR) (level)      */
    } MC3635_status_1_int_pend_t;

      * @brief   STATUS REGISTER 2
      *             This register reports the state of the interrupts ('0' means not pending; '1' means pending). A
      *             bit in this register will only be set if the corresponding interrupt enable is set to '1' in (0x17)
      *             Interrupt Control Register.
    /* Bit 2 : INT_WAKE.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_2_INT_WAKE_MASK                  =   ( 1 << 2 ),         /*!<  INT_WAKE Mask                                                                     */
        STATUS_2_INT_WAKE_FALSE                 =   ( 0 << 2 ),         /*!<  INT_WAKE not triggered                                                            */
        STATUS_2_INT_WAKE_TRUE                  =   ( 1 << 2 )          /*!<  INT_WAKE triggered                                                                */
    } MC3635_status_2_int_wake_t;

    /* Bit 3 : INT_ACQ.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_2_INT_ACQ_MASK                   =   ( 1 << 3 ),         /*!<  INT_ACQ Mask                                                                      */
        STATUS_2_INT_ACQ_FALSE                  =   ( 0 << 3 ),         /*!<  INT_ACQ not triggered                                                             */
        STATUS_2_INT_ACQ_TRUE                   =   ( 1 << 3 )          /*!<  INT_ACQ triggered                                                                 */
    } MC3635_status_2_int_acq_t;

    /* Bit 4 : INT_FIFO_EMPTY.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK            =   ( 1 << 4 ),         /*!<  INT_FIFO_EMPTY Mask                                                               */
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_EMPTY_FALSE           =   ( 0 << 4 ),         /*!<  INT_FIFO_EMPTY not triggered                                                      */
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_EMPTY_TRUE            =   ( 1 << 4 )          /*!<  INT_FIFO_EMPTY triggered                                                          */
    } MC3635_status_2_int_fifo_empty_t;

    /* Bit 5 : INT_FIFO_FULL.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_FULL_MASK             =   ( 1 << 5 ),         /*!<  INT_FIFO_FULL Mask                                                                */
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_FULL_FALSE            =   ( 0 << 5 ),         /*!<  INT_FIFO_FULL not triggered                                                       */
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_FULL_TRUE             =   ( 1 << 5 )          /*!<  INT_FIFO_FULL triggered                                                           */
    } MC3635_status_2_int_fifo_full_t;

    /* Bit 6 : INT_FIFO_THRESH.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_THRESH_MASK           =   ( 1 << 6 ),         /*!<  INT_FIFO_THRESH Mask                                                              */
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_THRESH_FALSE          =   ( 0 << 6 ),         /*!<  INT_FIFO_THRESH not triggered                                                     */
        STATUS_2_INT_FIFO_THRESH_TRUE           =   ( 1 << 6 )          /*!<  INT_FIFO_THRESH triggered                                                         */
    } MC3635_status_2_int_fifo_thresh_t;

    /* Bit 7 : INT_SWAKE.  */
    typedef enum {
        STATUS_2_INT_SWAKE_MASK                 =   ( 1 << 7 ),         /*!<  INT_SWAKE Mask                                                                    */
        STATUS_2_INT_SWAKE_FALSE                =   ( 0 << 7 ),         /*!<  INT_SWAKE not triggered                                                           */
        STATUS_2_INT_SWAKE_TRUE                 =   ( 1 << 7 )          /*!<  INT_SWAKE triggered                                                               */
    } MC3635_status_2_int_swake_t;

      * @brief   FEATURE REGISTER 1
      *             This register is used to select the interface mode as well as the operation style of the FIFO and
      *             interrupt in SWAKE mode.
    /* Bit 3 : FREEZE.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_1_FREEZE_MASK                   =   ( 1 << 3 ),         /*!<  FREEZE Mask                                                                                                   */
        FREG_1_FREEZE_FIFO_STANDARD_MODE     =   ( 0 << 3 ),         /*!<  FIFO operates in standard mode, does not stop capturing data in SWAKE interrupt (default)                     */
        FREG_1_FREEZE_FIFO_STOP_SWAKE        =   ( 1 << 3 )          /*!<  FIFO stops capturing on SWAKE interrupt, software can examine the conditions which generated the SWAKE event  */
    } MC3635_freg_1_freeze_t;

    /* Bit 4 : INTSC_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_1_INTSC_EN_MASK                 =   ( 1 << 4 ),         /*!<  INTSC_EN Mask                                                                                                                                                                                         */
        FREG_1_INTSC_EN_DISABLED             =   ( 0 << 4 ),         /*!<  Do not re-arm SNIFF block following a SWAKE event (requires the SNIFF block to be reset by exiting SWAKE mode). (default)                                                                             */
        FREG_1_INTSC_EN_ENABLED              =   ( 1 << 4 )          /*!<  Clearing the SWAKE interrupt clears and rearms the SNIFF block for subsequent detections (device may stay in SWAKE mode and continuing processing subsequent SWAKE events once interrupt is cleared)  */
    } MC3635_freg_1_intsc_en_t;

    /* Bit 5 : SPI3_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_1_SPI3_EN_MASK                  =   ( 1 << 5 ),         /*!<  SPI3_EN Mask                                                                          */
        FREG_1_SPI3_EN_DISABLED              =   ( 0 << 5 ),         /*!<  SPI interface is 4-wire                                                               */
        FREG_1_SPI3_EN_ENABLED               =   ( 1 << 5 )          /*!<  SPI interface is 3-wire (DOUT_A1 is the bidirectional pin)                            */
    } MC3635_freg_1_spi3_en_t;

    /* Bit 6 : I2C_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_1_I2C_EN_MASK                   =   ( 1 << 6 ),         /*!<  I2C_EN Mask                                                                           */
        FREG_1_I2C_EN_DISABLED               =   ( 0 << 6 ),         /*!<  Device interface is still defined as it was at power-up but no data will appear in XOUT, YOUT and ZOUT registers if both this bit and SPI_EN are set to 0 (default).  */
        FREG_1_I2C_EN_ENABLED                =   ( 1 << 6 )          /*!<  Disables any SPI communications                                                       */
    } MC3635_freg_1_i2c_en_t;

    /* Bit 7 : SPI_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_1_SPI_EN_MASK                   =   ( 1 << 7 ),         /*!<  SPI_EN Mask                                                                           */
        FREG_1_SPI_EN_DISABLED               =   ( 0 << 7 ),         /*!<  Device interface is still defined as it was at power-up but no data will appear in XOUT, YOUT and ZOUT registers if both this bit and I2C_EN are set to 0 (default).  */
        FREG_1_SPI_EN_ENABLED                =   ( 1 << 7 )          /*!<  Disables any I2C communications                                                       */
    } MC3635_freg_1_spi_en_t;

      * @brief   FEATURE REGISTER 2
      *             This register allows selection of various features for the FIFO, external trigger input, method of interrupt clearing and burst address wrapping.
    /* Bit 0 : WRAPA.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_2_WRAPA_MASK                    =   ( 1 << 0 ),         /*!<  WRAPA Mask                                                                                                    */
        FREG_2_WRAPA_ADDRESS_0X07            =   ( 0 << 0 ),         /*!<  Burst read cycle address wrap address is 0x07, counter automatically returns to 0x02. (default)               */
        FREG_2_WRAPA_ADDRESS_0X09            =   ( 1 << 0 )          /*!<  Burst read cycle address wrap address is 0x09, counter automatically returns to 0x02. This setting allows for status registers 0x08 and 0x09 to be included in the burst read  */
    } MC3635_freg_2_wrapa_t;

    /* Bit 1 : FIFO_BURST.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_2_FIFO_BURST_MASK               =   ( 1 << 1 ),         /*!<  FIFO_BURST Mask                                                                                               */
        FREG_2_FIFO_BURST_DISABLED           =   ( 0 << 1 ),         /*!<  FIFO burst read cycles are 6-bytes in length, 0x02 to 0x07 per read cycle transaction (default)               */
        FREG_2_FIFO_BURST_ENABLED            =   ( 1 << 1 )          /*!<  FIFO burst read cycle can be any number of 6-byte reads, up to 32 x 6 bytes (i.e. the entire FIFO contents can be read). */
    } MC3635_freg_2_fifo_burst_t;

    /* Bit 2 : SPI_STAT_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_2_SPI_STAT_EN_MASK              =   ( 1 << 2 ),         /*!<  SPI_STAT_EN Mask                                                                                               */
        FREG_2_SPI_STAT_EN_SPI_FLAGS_DISABLED=   ( 0 << 2 ),         /*!<  No SPI status flags are shifted out (default)                                                                  */
        FREG_2_SPI_STAT_EN_SPI_FLAGS_ENABLED =   ( 1 << 2 )          /*!<  SPI status flags are shifted out on the first byte of all 4-wire SPI transactions (SPI 3-wire and I2C modes are not supported, so no effect will be seen in those modes).*/
    } MC3635_freg_2_spi_stat_en_t;

    /* Bit 3 : FIFO_STAT_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_2_FIFO_STAT_EN_MASK              =   ( 1 << 3 ),         /*!<  FIFO_STAT_EN Mask                                                                                                */
        FREG_2_FIFO_STAT_EN_DISABLED          =   ( 0 << 3 ),         /*!<  FIFO status feature is disabled, Z channel FIFO data is not overwritten with FIFO status information. (default)  */
        FREG_2_FIFO_STAT_EN_ENABLED           =   ( 1 << 3 )          /*!<  FIFO status feature is enabled. When the resolution is less than 14-bits, the top 4-bits of 16-bit Z channel FIFO data are replaced with FIFO status information */
    } MC3635_freg_2_fifo_stat_en_t;

    /* Bit 4 : I2CINT_WRCLRE.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_2_I2CINT_WRCLRE_MASK             =   ( 1 << 4 ),         /*!<  I2CINT_WRCLRE Mask                                                                                                */
        FREG_2_I2CINT_WRCLRE_DISABLED         =   ( 0 << 4 ),         /*!<  In I2C mode, interrupts are cleared when reading register 0x09 (default)                                          */
        FREG_2_I2CINT_WRCLRE_ENABLED          =   ( 1 << 4 )          /*!<  if I2C_EN is '1', then interrupts are cleared when writing to register 0x09. Otherwise I2C reads to register 0x09 will still clear pending interrupts */
    } MC3635_freg_2_i2cint_wrclre_t;

    /* Bit 5 : FIFO_STREAM.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_2_FIFO_STREAM_MASK               =   ( 1 << 5 ),         /*!<  FIFO_STREAM Mask                                                                                                   */
        FREG_2_FIFO_STREAM_DISABLED           =   ( 0 << 5 ),         /*!<  FIFO steam mode is disabled, FIFO stops accepting new data when FULL (default)                                     */
        FREG_2_FIFO_STREAM_ENABLED            =   ( 1 << 5 )          /*!<  FIFO stream mode is enabled, FIFO discards oldest samples once new data arrives                                    */
    } MC3635_freg_2_fifo_stream_t;

    /* Bit 6 : EXT_TRIG_POL.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_2_EXT_TRIG_POL_MASK              =   ( 1 << 6 ),         /*!<  EXT_TRIG_POL Mask                                                                                                   */
        FREG_2_EXT_TRIG_POL_NEGATIVE_EDGE     =   ( 0 << 6 ),         /*!<  Trigger polarity is negative edge triggered (default)                                                               */
        FREG_2_EXT_TRIG_POL_POSITIVE_EDGE     =   ( 1 << 6 )          /*!<  Trigger polarity is positive edge triggered                                                                         */
    } MC3635_freg_2_ext_trig_pol_t;

    /* Bit 7 : EXT_TRIG_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        FREG_2_EXT_TRIG_EN_MASK              =   ( 1 << 7 ),         /*!<  EXT_TRIG_EN Mask                                                                                                    */
        FREG_2_EXT_TRIG_EN_DISABLED          =   ( 0 << 7 ),         /*!<  External trigger mode is not enabled (default)                                                                      */
        FREG_2_EXT_TRIG_EN_ENABLED           =   ( 1 << 7 )          /*!<  External trigger mode is enabled, use INTN pin as the external trigger input.                                       */
    } MC3635_freg_2_ext_trig_en_t;

      *             Software must write a fixed value to this register immediately after power-up or reset. This register will not typically read-back the value which was written.
    /* Bits 7:0 : INIT_1.  */
    typedef enum {
        INIT_1_INIT_1_FIXED_VALUE  =   0x42              /*!<  INIT_1 fix value                                                                                                   */
    } MC3635_init_1_init_1_t;

      * @brief   MODE CONTROL REGISTER
      *             This register is the primary control register for the accelerometer. The operational mode of the device, X/Y/Z axis enables, and the TRIG one-shot
      *             mode can be written through this register. The mode transitions controlled by this register may take up to 3 transitions of the heartbeat clock.
      *             Depending on the operation, the lower 3-bits (MCTRL[2:0]) may be automatically set or cleared by hardware if auto-triggered events are executed.
      *             In general, when software sets an operational mode using the MCTRL [2:0] bits, there might be a delay time of 2 to 10 mSec before the operational mode
      *             is reflected by the MODE[2:0] bits in Status Register 1.
    /* Bits 2:0 : MCTRL.  */
    typedef enum {
        MODE_C_MCTRL_MASK                 =   ( 0b111 << 0 ),     /*!<  MCTRL Mask                                                                                                    */
        MODE_C_MCTRL_SLEEP                =   ( 0b000 << 0 ),     /*!<  Lowest power mode, regulators on, no clock activity, partial chip power-down                                  */
        MODE_C_MCTRL_STANDBY              =   ( 0b001 << 0 ),     /*!<  Low power mode, no sampling, clocks active                                                                    */
        MODE_C_MCTRL_SNIFF                =   ( 0b010 << 0 ),     /*!<  Sniff activity detection mode, sniff enabled, no sampling, no FIFO operations, automatically transition to CWAKE mode upon activity detection  */
        MODE_C_MCTRL_CWAKE                =   ( 0b101 << 0 ),     /*!<  Continuous wake. Active XYZ sampling. Sniff circuitry not active                                              */
        MODE_C_MCTRL_SWAKE                =   ( 0b110 << 0 ),     /*!<  Use Sniff logic, main XYZ pipeline and optional FIFO at the same time; highest power consumption              */
        MODE_C_MCTRL_TRIG                 =   ( 0b111 << 0 )      /*!<  Trigger mode, 1 to 254 samples or continuous, return to sleep upon completion                                 */
    } MC3635_mode_c_mctrl_t;

    /* Bit 4 : X_AXIS_PD.  */
    typedef enum {
        MODE_C_X_AXIS_PD_MASK             =   ( 1 << 4 ),         /*!<  X_AXIS_PD Mask                                                                                                */
        MODE_C_X_AXIS_PD_ENABLED          =   ( 0 << 4 ),         /*!<  X-axis is enabled                                                                                             */
        MODE_C_X_AXIS_PD_DISABLED         =   ( 1 << 4 )          /*!<  X-axis is disabled                                                                                            */
    } MC3635_mode_c_x_axis_pd_t;

    /* Bit 5 : Y_AXIS_PD.  */
    typedef enum {
        MODE_C_Y_AXIS_PD_MASK             =   ( 1 << 5 ),         /*!<  Y_AXIS_PD Mask                                                                                                */
        MODE_C_Y_AXIS_PD_ENABLED          =   ( 0 << 5 ),         /*!<  Y-axis is enabled                                                                                             */
        MODE_C_Y_AXIS_PD_DISABLED         =   ( 1 << 5 )          /*!<  Y-axis is disabled                                                                                            */
    } MC3635_mode_c_y_axis_pd_t;

    /* Bit 6 : Z_AXIS_PD.  */
    typedef enum {
        MODE_C_Z_AXIS_PD_MASK             =   ( 1 << 6 ),         /*!<  Z_AXIS_PD Mask                                                                                                */
        MODE_C_Z_AXIS_PD_ENABLED          =   ( 0 << 6 ),         /*!<  Z-axis is enabled                                                                                             */
        MODE_C_Z_AXIS_PD_DISABLED         =   ( 1 << 6 )          /*!<  Z-axis is disabled                                                                                            */
    } MC3635_mode_c_z_axis_pd_t;

    /* Bit 7 : TRIG_CMD.  */
    typedef enum {
        MODE_C_TRIG_CMD_MASK              =   ( 1 << 7 ),         /*!<  TRIG_CMD Mask                                                                                                 */
        MODE_C_TRIG_CMD_DISABLED          =   ( 0 << 7 ),
        MODE_C_TRIG_CMD_ENABLED           =   ( 1 << 7 )
    } MC3635_mode_c_trig_cmd_t;

      * @brief   RATE REGISTER 1
      *             This register configures the sample rates for wake modes. The rates also depend upon the value in register 0x1C.
      *             The device has several power modes which can be adjusted to achieve a desired power consumption at a certain ODR.
      *             The trade-off for lower power is either higher noise or lower ODR.
    /* Bits 3:0 : RR.  */
    typedef enum {
        RATE_1_RR_MASK                     =   ( 0b1111 << 0 ),    /*!<  RR Mask                                                                                                    */
        RATE_1_RR_0X05                     =   ( 0x05 << 0 ),      /*!<  RR value: 0x05                                                                                             */
        RATE_1_RR_0X06                     =   ( 0x06 << 0 ),      /*!<  RR value: 0x06                                                                                             */
        RATE_1_RR_0X07                     =   ( 0x07 << 0 ),      /*!<  RR value: 0x07                                                                                             */
        RATE_1_RR_0X08                     =   ( 0x08 << 0 ),      /*!<  RR value: 0x08                                                                                             */
        RATE_1_RR_0X09                     =   ( 0x09 << 0 ),      /*!<  RR value: 0x09                                                                                             */
        RATE_1_RR_0X0A                     =   ( 0x0A << 0 ),      /*!<  RR value: 0x0A                                                                                             */
        RATE_1_RR_0X0B                     =   ( 0x0B << 0 ),      /*!<  RR value: 0x0B                                                                                             */
        RATE_1_RR_0X0C                     =   ( 0x0C << 0 ),      /*!<  RR value: 0x0C                                                                                             */
        RATE_1_RR_0X0F                     =   ( 0x0F << 0 )       /*!<  RR value: 0x0F                                                                                             */
    } MC3635_rate_1_rr_t;

      *             This register selects the sample rate for SNIFF mode and the clock rate for STANDBY mode.
    /* Bits 3:0 : SNIFF_SR.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_MASK                       =   ( 0b1111 << 0 ),      /*!<  SNIFF_SR Mask                                                                                             */
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_0                          =   ( 0b0000 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_1                          =   ( 0b0001 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_2                          =   ( 0b0010 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_3                          =   ( 0b0011 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_4                          =   ( 0b0100 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_5                          =   ( 0b0101 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_6                          =   ( 0b0110 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_7                          =   ( 0b0111 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_8                          =   ( 0b1000 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_9                          =   ( 0b1001 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_10                         =   ( 0b1010 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_11                         =   ( 0b1011 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_12                         =   ( 0b1100 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_13                         =   ( 0b1101 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_14                         =   ( 0b1110 << 0 ),
        SNIFF_C_SNIFF_SR_15                         =   ( 0b1111 << 0 )
    } MC3635_sniff_c_sniff_sr_t;

    /* Bits 7:5 : STB_RATE.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_MASK                       =   ( 0b111 << 5 ),       /*!<  STB_RATE Mask                                                                                             */
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_0                          =   ( 0b000 << 5 ),
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_1                          =   ( 0b001 << 5 ),
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_2                          =   ( 0b010 << 5 ),
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_3                          =   ( 0b011 << 5 ),
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_4                          =   ( 0b100 << 5 ),
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_5                          =   ( 0b101 << 5 ),
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_6                          =   ( 0b110 << 5 ),
        SNIFF_C_STB_RATE_7                          =   ( 0b111 << 5 )
    } MC3635_sniff_c_stb_rate_t;

      *             This register sets the threshold values used by the SNIFF logic for activity detection. For each axis,
      *             a delta count is generated and compared to the threshold. When the delta count is greater than the threshold,
      *             a SNIFF wakeup event occurs. There is a unique sniff threshold for each axis, and an optional 'false detection count'
      *             which requires multiple sniff detection events to occur before a wakeup condition is declared. These features are set by
      *             six shadow registers accessed by register 0x13[5:0] and register 0x14 bits [2:0].
    /* Bits 5:0 : SNIFF_TH.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFFTH_C_SNIFF_TH_MASK                       =   ( 0b111111 << 0 )     /*!<  SNIFF_TH Mask                                                                                             */
    } MC3635_sniffth_c_sniff_th_t;

    /* Bits 6 : SNIFF_AND_OR.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFFTH_C_SNIFF_AND_OR_MASK                   =   ( 1 << 6 ),           /*!<  SNIFF_AND_OR Mask                                                                                                                         */
        SNIFFTH_C_SNIFF_AND_OR_OR_ENABLED             =   ( 0 << 6 ),           /*!<  OR - SNIFF wakeup/interrupt is triggered when any of the active channels have met detection threshold and count requirements (default)    */
        SNIFFTH_C_SNIFF_AND_OR_AND_ENABLED            =   ( 1 << 6 )            /*!<  AND - SNIFF wakeup/interrupt is triggered when all active channels have met detection threshold and count requirements                    */
    } MC3635_sniffth_c_sniff_and_or_t;

    /* Bits 7 : SNIFF_MODE.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFFTH_C_SNIFF_MODE_MASK                     =   ( 1 << 7 ),           /*!<  SNIFF_MODE Mask                                                                                                                                                                                                   */
        SNIFFTH_C_SNIFF_MODE_C2P_ENABLED              =   ( 0 << 7 ),           /*!<  C2P Mode (Current to Previous): The delta count between current and previous samples is a moving window. The SNIFF logic uses the current sample and the immediate previous sample to compute a delta (default)   */
        SNIFFTH_C_SNIFF_MODE_C2B_ENABLED              =   ( 1 << 7 )            /*!<  C2B Mode (Current to Baseline): The delta count is generated from subtracting the current sample from the first sample stored when entering SNIFF mode                                                            */
    } MC3635_sniffth_c_sniff_mode_t;

      *             This register selects which of the six shadow registers is being accessed in register 0x13, and controls settings of the SNIFF hardware.
    /* Bits 2:0 : SNIFF_THADR.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_MASK                      =   ( 0b111 << 0 ),     /*!<  SNIFF_THADR Mask                                                                                          */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_NONE                      =   ( 0b000 << 0 ),     /*!<  None                                                                                                      */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_SNIFF_THRESHOLD_X_AXIS    =   ( 0b001 << 0 ),     /*!<  SNIFF Threshold, X-axis                                                                                   */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_SNIFF_THRESHOLD_Y_AXIS    =   ( 0b010 << 0 ),     /*!<  SNIFF Threshold, X-axis                                                                                   */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_SNIFF_THRESHOLD_Z_AXIS    =   ( 0b011 << 0 ),     /*!<  SNIFF Threshold, X-axis                                                                                   */
        //SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_NONE                      =   ( 0b100 << 0 ),     /*!<  None                                                                                                      */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_SNIFF_DETECTION_X_AXIS    =   ( 0b101 << 0 ),     /*!<  SNIFF Detection Count, X-axis                                                                             */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_SNIFF_DETECTION_Y_AXIS    =   ( 0b110 << 0 ),     /*!<  SNIFF Detection Count, X-axis                                                                             */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_THADR_SNIFF_DETECTION_Z_AXIS    =   ( 0b111 << 0 )      /*!<  SNIFF Detection Count, X-axis                                                                             */
    } MC3635_sniffcf_c_sniff_thadr_t;

    /* Bits 3 : SNIFF_CNTEN.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_CNTEN_MASK                      =   ( 1 << 3 ),         /*!<  SNIFF_CNTEN Mask                                                                                          */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_CNTEN_DISABLED                  =   ( 0 << 3 ),         /*!<  Do not use SNIFF detection counters. (default)                                                            */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_CNTEN_ENABLED                   =   ( 1 << 3 )          /*!<  Enable SNIFF detection counts, required for valid SNIFF wakeup                                            */
    } MC3635_sniffcf_c_sniff_cnten_t;

    /* Bits 6:4 : SNIFF_MUX.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_MUX_MASK                        =   ( 0b111 << 4 ),     /*!<  SNIFF_MUX Mask                                                                                            */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_MUX_DELTA_5_0                   =   ( 0b000 << 4 ),     /*!<  DELTA[5:0]                                                                                                */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_MUX_DELTA_6_1                   =   ( 0b001 << 4 ),     /*!<  DELTA[6:1]                                                                                                */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_MUX_DELTA_7_2                   =   ( 0b010 << 4 ),     /*!<  DELTA[7:2]                                                                                                */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_MUX_DELTA_8_3                   =   ( 0b011 << 4 ),     /*!<  DELTA[8:3]                                                                                                */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_MUX_DELTA_9_4                   =   ( 0b100 << 4 ),     /*!<  DELTA[9:4]                                                                                                */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_MUX_DELTA_10_5                  =   ( 0b101 << 4 )      /*!<  DELTA[10:5]                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_sniffcf_c_sniff_mux_t;

    /* Bits 7 : SNIFF_RESET.  */
    typedef enum {
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_RESET_MASK                      =   ( 1 << 7 ),         /*!<  SNIFF_RESET Mask                                                                                          */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_RESET_NOT_APPLIED               =   ( 0 << 7 ),         /*!<  SNIFF block reset is not applied (default).                                                               */
        SNIFFCF_C_SNIFF_RESET_APPLIED                   =   ( 1 << 7 )          /*!<  SNIFF block reset is applied                                                                              */
    } MC3635_sniffcf_c_sniff_reset_t;

      *             The RANGE register sets the resolution and range options for the accelerometer. All numbers are sign-extended, 2's complement format.
      *             All results are reported in registers 0x02 to 0x07. When the FIFO is enabled, only 6 to 12-bit resolutions are supported due to the
      *             12-bit width of the FIFO.
    /* Bits 2:0 : RES.  */
    typedef enum {
        RANGE_C_RES_MASK                              =   ( 0b111 << 0 ),       /*!<  RES Mask                                                                                                  */
        RANGE_C_RES_6_BITS                            =   ( 0b000 << 0 ),       /*!<  6 bits                                                                                                    */
        RANGE_C_RES_7_BITS                            =   ( 0b001 << 0 ),       /*!<  7 bits                                                                                                    */
        RANGE_C_RES_8_BITS                            =   ( 0b010 << 0 ),       /*!<  8 bits                                                                                                    */
        RANGE_C_RES_10_BITS                           =   ( 0b011 << 0 ),       /*!<  10 bits                                                                                                   */
        RANGE_C_RES_12_BITS                           =   ( 0b100 << 0 ),       /*!<  12 bits                                                                                                   */
        RANGE_C_RES_14_BITS                           =   ( 0b101 << 0 )        /*!<  14 bits (only 12-bits if FIFO enabled)                                                                    */
    } MC3635_range_c_res_t;

    /* Bits 6:4 : RANGE.  */
    typedef enum {
        RANGE_C_RANGE_MASK                            =   ( 0b111 << 4 ),       /*!<  RANGE Mask                                                                                                */
        RANGE_C_RANGE_2G                              =   ( 0b000 << 4 ),       /*!<  ±2g                                                                                                       */
        RANGE_C_RANGE_4G                              =   ( 0b001 << 4 ),       /*!<  ±4g                                                                                                       */
        RANGE_C_RANGE_8G                              =   ( 0b010 << 4 ),       /*!<  ±8g                                                                                                       */
        RANGE_C_RANGE_16G                             =   ( 0b011 << 4 ),       /*!<  ±16g                                                                                                      */
        RANGE_C_RANGE_12G                             =   ( 0b100 << 4 )        /*!<  ±12g                                                                                                      */
    } MC3635_range_c_range_t;

      * @brief   FIFO CONTROL REGISTER
      *             This register selects the FIFO threshold level, operation mode, FIFO reset and enable. With the exception of FIFO_RESET,
      *             the FIFO_EN bit must be '1' for any FIFO interrupts, thresholds, or modes to be enabled. The FIFO flags in register 0x08 will
      *             continue to report FIFO defaults even if the FIFO_EN is '0'.
    /* Bits 4:0 : FIFO_TH.  */
    typedef enum {
        FIFO_C_FIFO_TH_MASK                           =   ( 0b11111 << 0 )      /*!<  The FIFO threshold level selects the number of samples in the FIFO for different FIFO events. The threshold value may be 1 to 31 (00001 to 11111)        */
    } MC3635_fifo_c_fifo_th_t;

    /* Bit 5 : FIFO_MODE.  */
    typedef enum {
        FIFO_C_FIFO_MODE_MASK                         =   ( 1 << 5 ),           /*!<  FIFO_MODE Mask                                                                                                                                                                */
        FIFO_C_FIFO_MODE_NORMAL                       =   ( 0 << 5 ),           /*!<  Normal operation, the FIFO continues to accept new sample data as long as there is space remaining (default)                                                                  */
        FIFO_C_FIFO_MODE_WATERMARK                    =   ( 1 << 5 )            /*!<  Watermark, once the amount of samples in the FIFO reaches or exceeds the threshold level, the FIFO stops accepting new sample data. Any additional sample data is 'dropped'   */
    } MC3635_fifo_c_fifo_mode_t;

    /* Bit 6 : FIFO_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        FIFO_C_FIFO_EN_MASK                           =   ( 1 << 6 ),           /*!<  FIFO_EN Mask                                                                                          */
        FIFO_C_FIFO_EN_DISABLED                       =   ( 0 << 6 ),           /*!<  No FIFO operation, sample data written directly to output registers                                   */
        FIFO_C_FIFO_EN_ENABLED                        =   ( 1 << 6 )            /*!<  FIFO enabled, all sample data written to FIFO write port if there is room. The FIFO write clock is controlled by this enable, resulting in higher dynamic power   */
    } MC3635_fifo_c_fifo_en_t;

    /* Bit 7 : FIFO_RESET.  */
    typedef enum {
        FIFO_C_FIFO_RESET_MASK                        =   ( 1 << 7 ),           /*!<  FIFO_RESET Mask                                                                                       */
        FIFO_C_FIFO_RESET_DISABLED                    =   ( 0 << 7 ),           /*!<  FIFO reset is disabled, normal operation (default)                                                    */
        FIFO_C_FIFO_RESET_ENABLED                     =   ( 1 << 7 )            /*!<  FIFO read and write pointers are cleared, FIFO contents returned to 0                                 */
    } MC3635_fifo_c_fifo_reset_t;

    /* Bit 0 : IPP.  */
    typedef enum {
        INTR_C_IPP_MASK                               =   ( 1 << 0 ),           /*!<  IPP Mask                                                                                              */
        INTR_C_IPP_OPEN_DRAIN_MODE                    =   ( 0 << 0 ),           /*!<  INTN pin is configured for open-drain mode (external pull-up to VDDIO required) (default)             */
        INTR_C_IPP_PUSH_PULL_MODE                     =   ( 1 << 0 )            /*!<  INTN pin is configured for active drive or 'push-pull' mode. Drive level is to VDDIO                  */
    } MC3635_intr_c_ipp_t;

    /* Bit 1 : IAH.  */
    typedef enum {
        INTR_C_IAH_MASK                               =   ( 1 << 1 ),           /*!<  IAH Mask                                                                                              */
        INTR_C_IAH_ACTIVE_LOW                         =   ( 0 << 1 ),           /*!<  Interrupt request is active low (default).                                                            */
        INTR_C_IAH_ACTIVE_HIGH                        =   ( 1 << 1 )            /*!<  Interrupt request is active high                                                                      */
    } MC3635_intr_c_iah_t;

    /* Bit 2 : INT_WAKE.  */
    typedef enum {
        INTR_C_INT_WAKE_MASK                          =   ( 1 << 2 ),           /*!<  INT_WAKE Mask                                                                                                     */
        INTR_C_INT_WAKE_DISABLED                      =   ( 0 << 2 ),           /*!<  No interrupt is generated when SNIFF activity is detected and the device auto-transitions to CWAKE mode (default) */
        INTR_C_INT_WAKE_ENABLED                       =   ( 1 << 2 )            /*!<  Generate an interrupt when activity is detected in SNIFF mode and the device auto-transitions to CWAKE mode.      */
    } MC3635_intr_c_int_wake_t;

    /* Bit 3 : INT_ACQ.  */
    typedef enum {
        INTR_C_INT_ACQ_MASK                           =   ( 1 << 3 ),           /*!<  INT_ACQ Mask                                                                                                      */
        INTR_C_INT_ACQ_DISABLED                       =   ( 0 << 3 ),           /*!<  No interrupt generated when new sample data is acquired (default)                                                 */
        INTR_C_INT_ACQ_ENABLED                        =   ( 1 << 3 )            /*!<  Generate an interrupt when new sample data is acquired (applies to new data written to output registers or FIFO). This enable is paired with the NEW_DATA flag in register 0x08   */
    } MC3635_intr_c_int_acq_t;

    /* Bit 4 : INT_FIFO_EMPTY.  */
    typedef enum {
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK                    =   ( 1 << 4 ),           /*!<  INT_FIFO_EMPTY Mask                                                                                               */
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_EMPTY_DISABLED                =   ( 0 << 4 ),           /*!<  No interrupt is generated when the FIFO is empty or completely drained of sample data (default)                   */
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_EMPTY_ENABLED                 =   ( 1 << 4 )            /*!<  Generate an interrupt when the FIFO is empty. This interrupt is paired with the FIFO_EMPTY flag in register 0x08. Note that this interrupt is independent of the FIFO threshold level, and will only activate when the FIFO sample count has reached a value of 0   */
    } MC3635_intr_c_int_fifo_empty_t;

    /* Bit 5 : INT_FIFO_FULL.  */
    typedef enum {
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_FULL_MASK                     =   ( 1 << 5 ),           /*!<  INT_FIFO_FULL Mask                                                                                                */
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_FULL_DISABLED                 =   ( 0 << 5 ),           /*!<  No interrupt is generated when the FIFO is empty or completely filled of sample data (default)                    */
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_FULL_ENABLED                  =   ( 1 << 5 )            /*!<  Generate an interrupt when the FIFO is full. This interrupt is paired with the FIFO_FULL flag in register 0x08. Note that this interrupt is independent of the FIFO threshold level, and will only activate when the FIFO sample count has reached a value of 32  */
    } MC3635_intr_c_int_fifo_full_t;

    /* Bit 6 : INT_FIFO_THRESH.  */
    typedef enum {
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_THRESH_MASK                   =   ( 1 << 6 ),           /*!<  INT_FIFO_THRESH Mask                                                                                              */
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_THRESH_DISABLED               =   ( 0 << 6 ),           /*!<  No interrupt is generated when the FIFO threshold level is reached (default)                                      */
        INTR_C_INT_FIFO_THRESH_ENABLED                =   ( 1 << 6 )            /*!<  Generate an interrupt when the FIFO threshold level is reached                                                    */
    } MC3635_intr_c_int_fifo_thresh_t;

    /* Bit 7 : INT_SWAKE.  */
    typedef enum {
        INTR_C_INT_SWAKE_MASK                         =   ( 1 << 7 ),           /*!<  INT_SWAKE Mask                                                                                                    */
        INTR_C_INT_SWAKE_DISABLED                     =   ( 0 << 7 ),           /*!<  No interrupt generated when SNIFF activity is detected (default)                                                  */
        INTR_C_INT_SWAKE_ENABLED                      =   ( 1 << 7 )            /*!<  Generate an interrupt when SNIFF activity is detected                                                             */
    } MC3635_intr_c_int_fifo_swake_t;

      *             Software must write a fixed value to this register immediately after power-up or reset
    /* Bits 7:0 : INIT_3.  */
    typedef enum {
        INIT_3_INT_3_FIXED_VALUE                     =   0                      /*!<  INIT_3 fixed value                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_init_3_int_3t;

      *             This register selects the power setting for CWAKE, SWAKE and SNIFF modes.
    /* Bits 2:0 : CSPM.  */
    typedef enum {
        PMCR_CSPM_MASK                                =   ( 0b111 << 0 ),       /*!<  CSPM Mask                                                                                                     */
        PMCR_CSPM_LOW_POWER_MODE                      =   ( 0b000 << 0 ),       /*!<  Low Power Mode (nominal noise levels) (default)                                                               */
        PMCR_CSPM_ULTRA_LOW_POWER_MODE                =   ( 0b011 << 0 ),       /*!<  Ultra-Low Power Mode (highest noise levels)                                                                   */
        PMCR_CSPM_PRECISION_MODE                      =   ( 0b100 << 0 )        /*!<  Precision Mode (lowest noise levels)                                                                          */
    } MC3635_pmcr_cspm_t;

    /* Bits 6:4 : SPM.  */
    typedef enum {
        PMCR_SPM_MASK                                 =   ( 0b111 << 4 ),       /*!<  SPM Mask                                                                                                      */
        PMCR_SPM_LOW_POWER_MODE                       =   ( 0b000 << 4 ),       /*!<  Low Power Mode (nominal noise levels) (default)                                                               */
        PMCR_SPM_ULTRA_LOW_POWER_MODE                 =   ( 0b011 << 4 ),       /*!<  Ultra-Low Power Mode (highest noise levels)                                                                   */
        PMCR_SPM_PRECISION_MODE                       =   ( 0b100 << 4 )        /*!<  Precision Mode (lowest noise levels)                                                                          */
    } MC3635_pmcr_spm_t;

    /* Bit 7 : SPI_HS_EN.  */
    typedef enum {
        PMCR_SPI_HS_EN_MASK                           =   ( 1 << 7 ),           /*!<  SPI_HS_EN Mask                                                                                                */
        PMCR_SPI_HS_EN_DISABLED                       =   ( 0 << 7 ),           /*!<  This bit will always return a '0' when read. Software must keep track of the state of this bit                */
        PMCR_SPI_HS_EN_ENABLED                        =   ( 1 << 7 )            /*!<  SPI High-Speed Enable                                                                                         */
    } MC3635_pmcr_spi_hs_en_t;

      * @brief   DRIVE MOTION X REGISTER
      *             This register controls the test mode which moves the sensor in the X axis direction and initializes specific hardware bits.
    /* Bit 2 : DPX.  */
    typedef enum {
        DMX_DPX_MASK                                  =   ( 1 << 2 ),           /*!<  DPX Mask                                                                                              */
        DMX_DPX_DISABLED                              =   ( 0 << 2 ),           /*!<  Disabled (default)                                                                                    */
        DMX_DPX_ENABLED                               =   ( 1 << 2 )            /*!<  Move the sensor in X Positive direction                                                               */
    } MC3635_dmx_dpx_t;

    /* Bit 3 : DNX.  */
    typedef enum {
        DMX_DNX_MASK                                  =   ( 1 << 3 ),           /*!<  DNX Mask                                                                                              */
        DMX_DNX_DISABLED                              =   ( 0 << 3 ),           /*!<  Disabled (default)                                                                                    */
        DMX_DNX_ENABLED                               =   ( 1 << 3 )            /*!<  Move the sensor in X Negative direction                                                               */
    } MC3635_dmx_dpnx_t;

      * @brief   DRIVE MOTION Y REGISTER
      *             This register controls the test mode which moves the sensor in the Y axis direction and initializes specific hardware bits.
    /* Bit 2 : DPY.  */
    typedef enum {
        DMY_DPX_MASK                                  =   ( 1 << 2 ),           /*!<  DPY Mask                                                                                              */
        DMY_DPX_DISABLED                              =   ( 0 << 2 ),           /*!<  Disabled (default)                                                                                    */
        DMY_DPX_ENABLED                               =   ( 1 << 2 )            /*!<  Move the sensor in Y Positive direction                                                               */
    } MC3635_dmy_dpy_t;

    /* Bit 3 : DNY.  */
    typedef enum {
        DMY_DNY_MASK                                  =   ( 1 << 3 ),           /*!<  DNY Mask                                                                                              */
        DMY_DNY_DISABLED                              =   ( 0 << 3 ),           /*!<  Disabled (default)                                                                                    */
        DMY_DNY_ENABLED                               =   ( 1 << 3 )            /*!<  Move the sensor in Y Negative direction                                                               */
    } MC3635_dmy_dpny_t;

      * @brief   DRIVE MOTION Z REGISTER
      *             This register controls the test mode which moves the sensor in the Z axis direction.
    /* Bit 2 : DPZ.  */
    typedef enum {
        DMZ_DPZ_MASK                                  =   ( 1 << 2 ),           /*!<  DPZ Mask                                                                                              */
        DMZ_DPZ_DISABLED                              =   ( 0 << 2 ),           /*!<  Disabled (default)                                                                                    */
        DMZ_DPZ_ENABLED                               =   ( 1 << 2 )            /*!<  Move the sensor in Z Positive direction                                                               */
    } MC3635_dmz_dpz_t;

    /* Bit 3 : DNZ.  */
    typedef enum {
        DMZ_DNZ_MASK                                  =   ( 1 << 3 ),           /*!<  DNZ Mask                                                                                              */
        DMZ_DNZ_DISABLED                              =   ( 0 << 3 ),           /*!<  Disabled (default)                                                                                    */
        DMZ_DNZ_ENABLED                               =   ( 1 << 3 )            /*!<  Move the sensor in Z Negative direction                                                               */
    } MC3635_dmz_dpnz_t;

      * @brief   RESET REGISTER
      *             This register can be used to reset the device. Anytime there is a reset to the device, a POR event, or a
      *             power cycle the SPI 3-wire configuration will reset to 4-wire mode.
    /* Bit 6 : RESET.  */
    typedef enum {
        RESET_RESET_MASK                                =   ( 1 << 6 ),           /*!<  RESET Mask                                                                                            */
        RESET_RESET_NORMAL_OPERATION                    =   ( 0 << 6 ),           /*!<  Normal operation (default)                                                                            */
        RESET_RESET_FORCE_POWER_ON_RESET                =   ( 1 << 6 )            /*!<  Force a power-on-reset (POR) sequence                                                                 */
    } MC3635_reset_reset_t;

    /* Bit 7 : RELOAD.  */
    typedef enum {
        RESET_RELOAD_MASK                               =   ( 1 << 7 ),           /*!<  RELOAD Mask                                                                                           */
        RESET_RELOAD_NORMAL_OPERATION                   =   ( 0 << 7 ),           /*!<  Normal operation (default)                                                                            */
        RESET_RELOAD_RELOAD_REGISTER_FROM_OTP           =   ( 1 << 7 )            /*!<  Reloads the registers from OTP                                                                        */
    } MC3635_reset_reload_t;

      *             Software must write a fixed value to this register immediately after power-up or reset
    /* Bits 7:0 : INIT_2.  */
    typedef enum {
        INIT_2_INT_2_FIXED_VALUE                      =   0                      /*!<  INIT_2 fixed value                                                                                       */
    } MC3635_init_2_int_2_t;

      *             This register selects the number of samples to be taken after the one-shot trigger is started
    /* Bits 7:0 : TRIGC.  */
    typedef enum {
        TRIGC_MASK                                    =   0xFF                   /*!<  TRIGC Mask                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_trigc_t;

      * @brief   X-AXIS OFFSET REGISTERS
      *             This register contains a signed 2's complement 15-bit value applied as an offset adjustment to the output
      *             of the acceleration values, prior to being sent to the OUT_EX registers. The Power-On-Reset value for each
      *             chip is unique and is set as part of factory calibration. If necessary, this value can be overwritten by software.
    /* Bits 7:0 : XOFFL.  */
    typedef enum {
        XOFFL_MASK                                    =   0xFF                   /*!<  XOFFL Mask                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_x_axis_offset_xoffl_t;

    /* Bits 7:0 : XOFFH.  */
    typedef enum {
        XOFFH_MASK                                    =   ( 0b01111111 << 0 )    /*!<  XOFFH Mask                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_x_axis_offset_xoffh_t;

      * @brief   Y-AXIS OFFSET REGISTERS
      *             This register contains a signed 2's complement 15-bit value applied as an offset adjustment to the output
      *             of the acceleration values, prior to being sent to the OUT_EX registers. The Power-On-Reset value for each
      *             chip is unique and is set as part of factory calibration. If necessary, this value can be overwritten by software.
    /* Bits 7:0 : YOFFL.  */
    typedef enum {
        YOFFL_MASK                                    =   0xFF                   /*!<  YOFFL Mask                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_y_axis_offset_yoffl_t;

    /* Bits 7:0 : YOFFH.  */
    typedef enum {
        YOFFH_MASK                                    =   ( 0b01111111 << 0 )    /*!<  YOFFH Mask                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_y_axis_offset_yoffh_t;

      * @brief   Z-AXIS OFFSET REGISTERS
      *             This register contains a signed 2's complement 15-bit value applied as an offset adjustment to the output
      *             of the acceleration values, prior to being sent to the OUT_EX registers. The Power-On-Reset value for each
      *             chip is unique and is set as part of factory calibration. If necessary, this value can be overwritten by software.
    /* Bits 7:0 : ZOFFL.  */
    typedef enum {
        ZOFFL_MASL                                    =   0xFF                   /*!<  ZOFFL Mask                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_z_axis_offset_zoffl_t;

    /* Bits 7:0 : ZOFFH.  */
    typedef enum {
        ZOFFH_MASK                                    =   ( 0b01111111 << 0 )    /*!<  ZOFFH Mask                                                                                               */
    } MC3635_z_axis_offset_zoffh_t;

      * @brief   X-AXIS GAIN REGISTERS
      *             The gain value is an unsigned 9-bit number.
    /* Bits 7:0 : GAIN LSB.  */
    typedef enum {
        XGAINL_GAIN_MASK                                =   0xFF                   /*!<  XGAINL GAIN Mask                                                                                         */
    } MC3635_x_axis_xgainl_t;

    /* Bits 7:0 : GAIN HSB.  */
    typedef enum {
        XGAINH_GAIN_MASK                                =   ( 1 << 7 )             /*!<  XGAINH GAIN Mask                                                                                         */
    } MC3635_x_axis_xgainh_t;

      * @brief   Y-AXIS GAIN REGISTERS
      *             The gain value is an unsigned 9-bit number.
    /* Bits 7:0 : GAIN LSB.  */
    typedef enum {
        YGAINL_GAIN_MASK                                =   0xFF                   /*!<  YGAINL GAIN Mask                                                                                         */
    } MC3635_y_axis_ygainl_t;

    /* Bits 7:0 : GAIN HSB.  */
    typedef enum {
        YGAINH_GAIN_MASK                                =   ( 1 << 7 )             /*!<  YGAINH GAIN Mask                                                                                         */
    } MC3635_y_axis_ygainh_t;

      * @brief   Z-AXIS GAIN REGISTERS
      *             The gain value is an unsigned 9-bit number.
    /* Bits 7:0 : GAIN LSB.  */
    typedef enum {
        ZGAINL_GAIN_MASK                                =   0xFF                   /*!<  ZGAINL GAIN Mask                                                                                         */
    } MC3635_z_axis_zgainl_t;

    /* Bits 7:0 : GAIN HSB.  */
    typedef enum {
        ZGAINH_GAIN_MASK                                =   ( 1 << 7 )             /*!<  ZGAINH GAIN Mask                                                                                         */
    } MC3635_z_axis_zgainh_t;

      * @brief   POWER MODE FOR SNIFF, CWAKE and SWAKE
    typedef enum {
        ULTRA_LOW_POWER_MODE    =   0b011,               /*!<  MODE: ULTRA-LOW POWER MODE                            */
        LOW_POWER_MODE          =   0b000,               /*!<  MODE: LOW POWER MODE                                  */
        PRECISION               =   0b100                /*!<  MODE: PRECISION                                       */
    } MC3635_power_mode_t;

    typedef enum {
        ODR_0   =   0b0000,             /*!<  ODR: 0b0000                           */
        ODR_1   =   0b0001,             /*!<  ODR: 0b0001                           */
        ODR_2   =   0b0010,             /*!<  ODR: 0b0010                           */
        ODR_3   =   0b0011,             /*!<  ODR: 0b0011                           */
        ODR_4   =   0b0100,             /*!<  ODR: 0b0100                           */
        ODR_5   =   0b0101,             /*!<  ODR: 0b0101                           */
        ODR_6   =   0b0110,             /*!<  ODR: 0b0110                           */
        ODR_7   =   0b0111,             /*!<  ODR: 0b0111                           */
        ODR_8   =   0b1000,             /*!<  ODR: 0b1000                           */
        ODR_9   =   0b1001,             /*!<  ODR: 0b1001                           */
        ODR_10  =   0b1010,             /*!<  ODR: 0b1010                           */
        ODR_11  =   0b1011,             /*!<  ODR: 0b1011                           */
        ODR_12  =   0b1100,             /*!<  ODR: 0b1100                           */
        ODR_13  =   0b1101,             /*!<  ODR: 0b1101                           */
        ODR_14  =   0b1110,             /*!<  ODR: 0b1110                           */
        ODR_15  =   0b1111              /*!<  ODR: 0b1111                           */
    } MC3635_sample_rate_t;

      * @brief   AXIS
    typedef enum {
        X_AXIS  =   0,             /*!<  X-Axis chosen                    */
        Y_AXIS  =   1,             /*!<  Y-Axis chosen                    */
        Z_AXIS  =   2              /*!<  Z-Axis chosen                    */
    } MC3635_axis_t;

#ifndef MC3635_VECTOR_STRUCT_H
#define MC3635_VECTOR_STRUCT_H
    typedef struct {
        int16_t  XAxis_mg;                      /*!<  X Axis raw data in mg                                                   */
        int16_t  YAxis_mg;                      /*!<  Y Axis raw data in mg                                                   */
        int16_t  ZAxis_mg;                      /*!<  Z Axis raw data in mg                                                   */

        uint8_t  scratch;                       /*!<  Any value can be written and read-back                                  */
        uint8_t  ext_stat_2;                    /*!<  It contains the value for the Extended Status Register 2                */
        uint8_t  status_1;                      /*!<  It contains the value for the Status Register 1                         */
        uint8_t  status_2;                      /*!<  It contains the value for the Status Register 2                         */
        uint8_t  FeatureRegister1;              /*!<  It contains the value for the Feature Register 1                        */
        uint8_t  FeatureRegister2;              /*!<  It contains the value for the Feature Register 2                        */

        MC3635_range_c_res_t    resolution;     /*!<  It contains the accelerometer resolution                                */
        MC3635_range_c_range_t  range;          /*!<  It contains the accelerometer range                                     */

        uint16_t XGAIN;                         /*!<  It contains the value for X-Axis gain                                   */
        uint16_t YGAIN;                         /*!<  It contains the value for Y-Axis gain                                   */
        uint16_t ZGAIN;                         /*!<  It contains the value for Z-Axis gain                                   */

        int16_t XOffset;                        /*!<  It contains the value for X-Axis offset                                 */
        int16_t YOffset;                        /*!<  It contains the value for Y-Axis offset                                 */
        int16_t ZOffset;                        /*!<  It contains the value for Z-Axis offset                                 */
    } MC3635_data_t;

      * @brief   INTERNAL CONSTANTS
    typedef enum {
        MC3635_SUCCESS     =       0,
        MC3635_FAILURE     =       1,
        I2C_SUCCESS        =       1
    } MC3635_status_t;

    /** Create an MC3635 object connected to the specified SPI pins.
      * @param sda     I2C data pin
      * @param scl     I2C clock pin
      * @param addr    I2C slave address
      * @param freq    I2C frequency in Hz.
    MC3635 ( PinName sda, PinName scl, uint32_t addr, uint32_t freq );

    /** Delete MC3635 object.

    /** It starts an initialization sequence.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_InitializationSequence        ( void                                                                                                                );

    /** It writes into the scratch pad register.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_WriteScratchpadRegister       ( MC3635_data_t myScratchpadRegister                                                                                  );

    /** It reads the scratch pad register.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ReadScratchpadRegister        ( MC3635_data_t* myScratchpadRegister                                                                                 );

    /** It performs a software reset.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetSoftwareReset              ( void                                                                                                                );

    /** It performs a reload.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetReload                     ( void                                                                                                                );

    /** It reads the Extended Status Register 2.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ReadExtendedStatusRegister2   ( MC3635_data_t* myExt_stat_2                                                                                         );

    /** It reads X, Y and Z raw data output.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ReadRawData                   ( MC3635_data_t* myRawData                                                                                            );

    /** It reads the Status Register 1.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ReadStatusRegister1           ( MC3635_data_t* myStatus_1                                                                                           );

    /** It reads the Status Register 2.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ReadStatusRegister2           ( MC3635_data_t* myStatus_2                                                                                           );

    /** It reads the Feature Register 1.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ReadFeatureRegister1          ( MC3635_data_t* myFeatureRegister1                                                                                   );

    /** It reads the Feature Register 2.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ReadFeatureRegister2          ( MC3635_data_t* myFeatureRegister2                                                                                   );

    /** It enables/disables X/Y/Z Axis.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_EnableAxis                    ( MC3635_mode_c_x_axis_pd_t myXAxis, MC3635_mode_c_y_axis_pd_t myYAxis, MC3635_mode_c_z_axis_pd_t myZAxis             );
    /** It sets the clock rate for STANDBY mode.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetStandbyClockRate           ( MC3635_sniff_c_stb_rate_t myStandbyCloclRate                                                                        );

    /** It sets the accelerometer resolution.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetResolution                 ( MC3635_range_c_res_t myResolution                                                                                   );

    /** It reads the accelerometer resolution.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_GetResolution                 ( MC3635_data_t* myResolution                                                                                         );

    /** It sets the accelerometer range.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetRange                      ( MC3635_range_c_range_t myRange                                                                                      );

    /** It reads the accelerometer range.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_GetRange                      ( MC3635_data_t* myRange                                                                                              );

    /** It sets the FIFO behavior.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetFIFO                       ( uint8_t myNumberOfSamples, MC3635_fifo_c_fifo_mode_t myFIFO_Mode                                                    );

    /** It enables/disables the FIFO.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_EnableFIFO                    ( MC3635_fifo_c_fifo_en_t myFIFO_Enable                                                                               );

    /** It resets the FIFO pointers.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ResetFIFO                     ( void                                                                                                                );

    /** It configures the interrupt pin mode and level control.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_Conf_INTN                     ( MC3635_intr_c_ipp_t myINTN_ModeControl, MC3635_intr_c_iah_t myINTN_LevelControl                                     );

    /** It activates the interrupts on INTN pin.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_Set_INTN                      ( MC3635_intr_c_int_wake_t myINT_WakeMode, MC3635_intr_c_int_acq_t myINT_ACQMode,
                                                            MC3635_intr_c_int_fifo_empty_t myINT_FIFO_EmptyMode, MC3635_intr_c_int_fifo_full_t myINT_FIFO_FullMode,
                                                            MC3635_intr_c_int_fifo_thresh_t myINT_FIFO_ThreshMode, MC3635_intr_c_int_fifo_swake_t myINT_SwakeMode               );
    /** It sets the device mode, power mode and the ODR.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetMode                       ( MC3635_mode_c_mctrl_t myMode, MC3635_power_mode_t myPowerMode, MC3635_sample_rate_t myODR                           );

    /** It configures the parameters for the SNIFF mode.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ConfSniffMode                 ( MC3635_sniffcf_c_sniff_thadr_t mySniffADR, uint8_t mySniffThreshold,
                                                            MC3635_sniffth_c_sniff_and_or_t mySniffLogicalMode, MC3635_sniffth_c_sniff_mode_t mySniffDeltaCount,
                                                            MC3635_sniffcf_c_sniff_cnten_t mySniffEnableDetectionCount, MC3635_sniffcf_c_sniff_mux_t mySniffMux                 );
    /** It is a manual reset for the Sniff block.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_ManualSniffReset              ( MC3635_sniffcf_c_sniff_reset_t mySniffResetBit                                                                      );
    /** It sets the TRIGGER mode.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetTriggerMode                ( MC3635_mode_c_trig_cmd_t myTriggerEnable, uint8_t myTriggerSamples, MC3635_sniff_c_stb_rate_t mySTANDBY_ClockRate   );

    /** It sets the device into the STANDBY mode.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetStandbyMode                ( void                                                                                                                );

    /** It sets the device into the SLEEP mode.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_SetSleepMode                  ( void                                                                                                                );

    /** It gets the gain for a certain axis.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_GetGain                       ( MC3635_axis_t myChosenAxis, MC3635_data_t* myGain                                                                   );

    /** It gets the offset for a certain axis.
    MC3635_status_t  MC3635_GetOffset                     ( MC3635_axis_t myChosenAxis, MC3635_data_t* myOffset                                                                 );

    I2C         _i2c;
    uint32_t    _MC3635_Addr;
