Fork to see if I can get working

Dependencies:   BufferedSerial OneWire WinbondSPIFlash libxDot-dev-mbed5-deprecated

Fork of xDotBridge_update_test20180823 by Matt Briggs


Matt Briggs

File content as of revision 44:ece6330e9b57:

 * Library for LoRa Peer to Peer Brute Force Protocol


#include <inttypes.h>
#include <vector>
#include "../config.h"
#include "mDot.h"

// TODO make base class to allow different protocols to be used with easy
// TODO define how multiple RX would pair with a single TX
// TODO wrap radio commands for error checking

// TODO change to const
static uint8_t pair_network_address[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 };
static uint8_t pair_network_session_key[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 };
static uint8_t pair_data_session_key[] =    { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 };

 *  @class PeerBruteCommProtocol
 *  @brief This class implements a peer-to-peer (P2P) brute force protocol.
 *  @details The protocol consists of at a minimum one transmitter (TX) and one
 *  receiver (RX) which communicate via the 900MHz LoRa modulation.  The concept
 *  is that the RX is cycling on and off thus only listening for a small period
 *  of time.  Since we are not relying on a common time-base or other
 *  synchronization mechanism the TX simply transmits for a duration long enough
 *  guarantee that the RX will have at least one receive window during that time
 *  period.  Hence the name brute since the TX is just transmitting plenty for
 *  the RX to hear it.
 *  The following should be implemented outside of the class:
 *  - Power settings?
 *  - What to do with the msgs which are received
 *  - When to send messages
 *  - When to sleep

class CommProtocolPeerBrute
    * @brief CommProtocolPeerBrute constructor
    * @details Just initialized internal variables does not configure devices.
    * Should call init before other functions are called.
    * On Entry:
    * On Exit:
    * Internal variables are set to a known state but further initialization is required
    * @return

     * @brief Initialize radio for chosen mode of operation (i.e. RX or TX)
     * @return Returns the result of all the commands
    CmdResult init();

     * @brief Sets weather this object is configured as a TX or RX
     * @param isTx if true then configured as transmitter if false then configured as receiver.
    void setTx(bool isTx);

     * @brief Returns weather this object is configured as a TX or RX
     * @return Returns true if TX
    bool isTx();

     * @brief Returns weather this object is configured as a TX or RX
     * @return Returns true if RX
    bool isRx() {return !isTx();}

     * @brief This will clear the security pairs and channel info for pair
     * @details This will clear both the value in RAM as well as the value stored in EEPROM for security and
     * clarity purposes.  If RX this command will automatically trigger the generation of new security keys and
     * pair specific parameters.
     * @return Returns status of all commands completed
    CmdResult clearPair();

    // TX focused
     * @brief Transmit the msg attached
     * @details TODO figure out what information is wrapped by the LoRaWAN stuff implemented by
     * Multitech Systems
     * @param msg A STL vector of uint8_t
     * @return Returns status of all commands completed
    CmdResult send (const std::vector<uint8_t> &msg);

     * @brief This function sends a request to pair with a RX.  If successful a pair accept message is received.
     * @return Returns status of all commands completed
    CmdResult sendPairReq();

    // RX focused
     * @brief This function enables the RX hardware of a radio.  Note the listen time is defined internally by the protocol
     * @param msgPending This boolean is return by reference.  If true then during the listen window a msg was received.
     * @return Returns status of all commands completed
    CmdResult listen (bool &msgPending);

     * @brief Returns the last message received via listening
     * @param msg This STL vector of uint8_t is returned by reference with msg contents.
     * @return Returns status of all commands completed
    CmdResult recv (std::vector<uint8_t> &msg);

     * @brief This fucntion enables the radio to listen for pair requests.
     * @param waitTime The maximum time which radio waits for pair requests
     * TODO determine if it is important to know who is paired
     * @return If pair message received then cmdSucess is returned otherwise timeout is returned.
    CmdResult waitForPairing(float waitTime);

     * @brief Send a pair accept message.  This message contains all the information for TX to properly send
     * msgs to RX in P2P mode.
     * @return Returns status of all commands completed
    CmdResult sendPairAccepted();

    // xDot Peer to Peer Specific
     * Convenience function to get the internal downlink count from radio
     * @return Number of downlink msgs
    uint32_t getDLC();

     * Convenience function to get the internal uplink count from radio
     * @return Number of uplink msgs
    uint32_t getULC();

    mDot *dot;
    uint8_t mNetworkAddr[4];
    uint8_t mNetwork_session_key[16];
    uint8_t mData_session_key[16];
    bool mIsTx;

    * @brief Reads baseboard information from non-volatile memory (NVM)
    * @details This data is read from the xDot's internal EEPROM.  This
    * method is called from init().  The following
    * is stored:
    * 1.  Peer Brute Storage code word
    * 2.  8-bit protocol version
    * 3.  16-bit Baseboard serial number
    * 4.  4 Byte network address
    * 5.  16 Byte network session key
    * 6.  16 Byte data session key
    * 7.  4 Byte DLC
    * 8.  4 Byte ULC
    * TODO add memory map information
    * @return CmdResult
    CmdResult readInfoFromNVM();

    * @brief Stores baseboard information to non-volatile memory (NVM)
    * @details This method is called during special configuration events like first time boot or factory reset.
    * TODO add memory map information
    * @return CmdResult
    CmdResult writeInfoToNVM();

     * Resets both uplink and downlink counters to zero.  Useful for when pairing.
     * @return
    CmdResult resetCounters();

     * Generates new encryption keys for radio
     * @return
    CmdResult genEncypKeys();
