Fork to see if I can get working

Dependencies:   BufferedSerial OneWire WinbondSPIFlash libxDot-dev-mbed5-deprecated

Fork of xDotBridge_update_test20180823 by Matt Briggs

--- a/xDotBridge/	Wed Feb 22 15:39:40 2017 -0700
+++ b/xDotBridge/	Mon Feb 27 08:06:36 2017 -0700
@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@
 ### Add additional RXs to pair group:
 1.  To add an additional RX.  Pair it using the exact same process as adding a TX
-utilizing the above instructions.
+utilizing the above instructions _i.e. pair the unit whichh will eventually become a
+RX as if was a TX_.
 2.  When pairing as a TX is complete; Convert the paired TX to a paired RX by switching the DIP
 switch to RX mode.  This RX will now receive any TX alerts which are in range an in pair group.
@@ -114,23 +115,44 @@
 * Future idea maybe a RX with WAN enabled acts as a repeater to conduit.
 # Nonvolatile Memory Map
-## Radio Parameters
-TBD.  Most of this should be stored automatically by dot-firmware.  WIll try to figure out where in overall
-memory map.  Reserved dot NVM 0x0000 -> 0x0FFF
+## Stored by dot firmware
+ * 64-bit EUI
+ * Network ID
+ * DLC
+ * ULC
+ * Enc keys
+## Protocol Parameters
+= Dot Relative Addr | Size (in Bytes) | Name =
+= 0x1000 | 2 Bytes | Protocol Flag           =
+= 0x1002 | 2 Bytes | Protocol Rev            =
+= 0x1004 | 2 Bytes | Logical Address Serial  =
+= 0x1006 | 4 Bytes | Last Message SeqNum     =
+Space used is 10 bytes
 ## IO Baseboard Parameters
 = Dot Relative Addr | Size (in Bytes) | Name =
-= 0x1000 | 2 Bytes | Baseboard Flag          =
+= 0x2000 | 2 Bytes | Baseboard Flag          =
+= 0x2002 | 2 Bytes | Baseboard Rev           =
-= 0x1002 | 2 Bytes | Baseboard Rev           =
+= 0x2004 | 2 Bytes | Baseboard Serial        =
-= 0x1004 | 2 Bytes | Baseboard Serial        =
+= 0x2006 | 2 Bytes | Baseboard Configuration =
-= 0x1004 | 2 Bytes | Baseboard Configuration =
+= 0x2010 | 8 Bytes | PortEx0 64 bit ROM Addr =
+= 0x2018 | 8 Bytes | PortEx1 64 bit ROM Addr =
-= 0x1010 | 4 Bytes | PortEx0 64 bit ROM Addr =
-= 0x1014 | 4 Bytes | PortEx1 64 bit ROM Addr =
+Space used is 32 bytes