Laser Sensing Display for UI interfaces in the real world

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of skinGames_forktest by Alvaro Cassinelli

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API Documentation at this revision

Thu Apr 17 08:04:14 2014 +0000
Commit message:
publishing for sharing with Ken Iwasaki

Changed in this revision

Scene.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
WrapperFunctions.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
WrapperFunctions.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r e0dd2d1d07c1 -r 199042980678 Scene.h
--- a/Scene.h	Sun Mar 30 08:58:59 2014 +0000
+++ b/Scene.h	Thu Apr 17 08:04:14 2014 +0000
@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@
     // have a clear separation between sensing parameters "tweaking" (like mirror delays, setting methods and variables) and the more pure graphical BaseObject  
     Box3d enclosingBox; // this will be filled when rendering the object or when explicitly computing the enclosing box
+    // FUTURE WORK: 
+    // - OBJECTS should have their own transformation matrix, and methods (inherited from a base class?) to modify it or recreate it. This way we will 
+    // avoid transforming the object 3d points independently, which will create problems because approximations. Eventually, these objects will have 
+    // behaviours that will affect this transformation matrix (as a function of time). When rendering an object, the object original 3d points will be first modified by 
+    // the object's own RT, THEN by the global modelview. This is exactly like in an openGL program...
 // ==============================================================================================================================================
diff -r e0dd2d1d07c1 -r 199042980678 WrapperFunctions.cpp
--- a/WrapperFunctions.cpp	Sun Mar 30 08:58:59 2014 +0000
+++ b/WrapperFunctions.cpp	Thu Apr 17 08:04:14 2014 +0000
@@ -168,10 +168,10 @@
 // I will implement both, because even the first option can be useful (to create more complex scenes by rotating already created objects for instance - but it will be trickier to understand though)
 // (1) applying a transformation on the 3d points (NOTE: we could also apply transformations on the projected points! this is however a work for the "viewport").
-// NOTE: I am not going to create new transform methods (rotation and translations), but instead use the lsr stack. So, I assume the user has set RT to what she wants. Then, we will
+// NOTE: I may later create specific transform methods (rotation and translations), but in general we can use the lsr stack. So, I assume the user has set RT to what she wants. Then, we will
 // just apply RT to the object or whole scene. This method can be used to RESIZE the object (in particular when it is centered).
 //(a) Objects:
-void trasformObject(int _id)   // use maps in the future!!!
+void transformObject(int _id)   // use maps in the future!!!
     BaseObject* ptr_object=NULL;
     for (int i=0; i<scene.totalObjects(); i++) if ((scene.objectArray[i]->ID())==_id) ptr_object=scene.objectArray[i];
@@ -195,6 +195,49 @@
     // lsr.renderScene(&scene);
+// Some elementary transformations (again, note that this if applied too much will make the object eventually deform - it would be much better to do the 
+// rotation/translation actions as part of a program IN the mbed, instead of sending commands:
+void translateObject(int _id, int xx, int yy, int zz) {
+    lsr.pushPoseMatrix();
+    lsr.setIdentityPose(); // we could use a wrapper, but I won't for the time being.
+    lsr.flipY(); // there is a pb here...
+    //lsr.flipX();
+    lsr.translate(xx,yy,zz);
+    transformObject(_id);
+    lsr.popPoseMatrix();
+void rotateObjectX(int _id, float alpha) {
+    lsr.pushPoseMatrix();
+    lsr.setIdentityPose(); // we could use a wrapper, but I won't for the time being.
+    lsr.flipY();
+    //lsr.flipX();
+    lsr.rotateX(alpha);
+    transformObject(_id);
+    lsr.popPoseMatrix();
+    }
+void rotateObjectY(int _id, float alpha){
+     lsr.pushPoseMatrix();
+    lsr.setIdentityPose(); // we could use a wrapper, but I won't for the time being.
+    lsr.flipY();
+    //lsr.flipX();
+    lsr.rotateY(alpha);
+    transformObject(_id);
+    lsr.popPoseMatrix();
+    }
+void rotateObjectZ(int _id, float alpha) { lsr.pushPoseMatrix();
+    lsr.setIdentityPose(); // we could use a wrapper, but I won't for the time being.
+    lsr.flipY();
+    //lsr.flipX();
+    lsr.rotateZ(alpha);
+    transformObject(_id);
+    lsr.popPoseMatrix();
+    }
+// =======================================================================================================
 //(2) Apply current RT transformation and render but KEEPING the original values of the 3d points:
 //(a) Objects:
 void drawObject(int _id)   // use maps in the future!!!
diff -r e0dd2d1d07c1 -r 199042980678 WrapperFunctions.h
--- a/WrapperFunctions.h	Sun Mar 30 08:58:59 2014 +0000
+++ b/WrapperFunctions.h	Thu Apr 17 08:04:14 2014 +0000
@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@
 // =================================   OTHER auxiliary GLOBAL SCENE/OBJECT TRANSFORMATIONS ==========================================
 void trasformObject(int _id) ;
+void translateObject(int _id, int xx, int yy, int zz=0);
+void rotateObjectX(int _id, float alpha);
+void rotateObjectY(int _id, float alpha);
+void rotateObjectZ(int _id, float alpha);
 void transformObject(BaseObject* ptr_object) ;
 void transformScene();
 void changeColorScene(unsigned char _color);
diff -r e0dd2d1d07c1 -r 199042980678 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Mar 30 08:58:59 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Apr 17 08:04:14 2014 +0000
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 // this is a hack for the time being:
 int objectID;
-int xx, yy; // initial position of object
+int xx, yy; // initial position of object or displacement
 bool firstTimeDisplay=true;
 // ==============================================================================================================
@@ -626,11 +626,6 @@
             indexStringData = 0;
-       else if (command1=="initialPosition") { // this is for setting the POSITION of the object to be created:
-           xx=auxDataBuffer[0]; yy=auxDataBuffer[1];
-           auxDataBuffer_index=0;
-       }
     else if (command1 == "mbedReset" ) mbed_reset();
@@ -674,7 +669,7 @@
-// ===================  CREATION and DESTRUCTION of objects =========================================================
+// ===================  CREATION and DESTRUCTION of objects =====================================================
     else if (command1 == "clearScene") {
@@ -682,6 +677,22 @@
     else if (command1 =="deleteObject") { // second address is object identifier (a string that will be converted
+       else if (command1=="initialPosition") { // this is for setting the POSITION of the object to be created (or displacement):
+           xx=auxDataBuffer[0]; yy=auxDataBuffer[1];
+           auxDataBuffer_index=0;
+       }
+// ===================  TRANSFORMATION OF OBJECT POINTS =========================================================
+// NOTE: this may in the end destroy the object rigidity because approximations... but without an RT per object, this is the only way to 
+// modify object pose independently of the whole scene...
+else if (command1 =="moveObject") {
+       translateObject(objectID,  xx,  yy, 0);
+    }
+// ==============================================================================================================
     // Produce a grid of points. The projection is ORTHOGRAPHIC. Also, POSE is reset to identity (i.e., the sent points should have
     // been translated previously - this may be optional, we could first send the pose, then the points...)
@@ -1046,11 +1057,21 @@
+       else if (incomingByte == '[') {
+        command1 =="deleteObject";
+        interpretCommand();
+       }
+       else if (incomingByte == '}') {
+        command1 =="moveObject";
+       interpretCommand();; // xx, yy contains already the necessary displacement
+    }
        else if (incomingByte == '~') { // this is for setting the POSITION of the object to be created: