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Issue: SPI doesn't work in Release 146

I just updated to Release 146 and it seems the SPI-part is broken. Compilation fails with:

Error: "mbed::NonCopyable<T>::NonCopyable(const mbed::NonCopyable<T> &) [with T=mbed::SPI]" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/SPI_DOGS102_Exextras/mbed_22da6e220af6/platform/NonCopyable.h', '157'); return false;">/extras/mbed_22da6e220af6/platform/NonCopyable.h:157</a>) is inaccessible in "extras/mbed_22da6e220af6/drivers/SPI.h", Line: 76, Col: 22

If I revert back to Release 145 it works just fine. Target is the TG-LPC11U35-501.

1 comment:

04 Aug 2017

Ok, I got it working, I tried to pass the SPI as a parameter (that worked fine until release 145), if I access it directly it works fine.