The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.

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mbed 2

This is the mbed 2 library. If you'd like to learn about Mbed OS please see the mbed-os docs.



File content as of revision 6:3fd6a337c7cc:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2008 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 

#ifndef MBED_RPC_H
#define MBED_RPC_H

/* Section rpc
 *  Helpers for rpc handling.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Base.h"

namespace mbed {

/* Function parse_arg
 *  Parses and returns a value from a string.
 * Variable
 *  arg - The string to pase
 *  next - If not NULL a pointer to after the last 
 *    character parsed is written here
template<typename T> T parse_arg(const char *arg, const char **next);

/* signed integer types */

template<> inline char parse_arg<char>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    if(next != NULL) *next = arg+1;
    return *arg;

template<> inline short int parse_arg<short int>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtol(arg, const_cast<char**>(next), 10);

template<> inline long int parse_arg<long int>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtol(arg, const_cast<char**>(next), 10);

template<> inline int parse_arg<int>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtol(arg, const_cast<char**>(next), 10);

template<> inline long long parse_arg<long long>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtoll(arg, const_cast<char**>(next), 10);

/* unsigned integer types */

template<> inline unsigned char parse_arg<unsigned char>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    if(next != NULL) *next = arg+1;
    return *arg;

template<> inline unsigned short int parse_arg<unsigned short int>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtoul(arg, const_cast<char**>(next), 10);

template<> inline unsigned long int parse_arg<unsigned long int>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtoul(arg, const_cast<char**>(next), 10);

template<> inline unsigned int parse_arg<unsigned int>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtoul(arg, const_cast<char**>(next), 10);

template<> inline unsigned long long parse_arg<unsigned long long>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtoull(arg, const_cast<char**>(next), 10);

/* floating types */

template<> inline float parse_arg<float>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
#if !defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) || __ARMCC_VERSION >= 410000
    return strtof(arg,const_cast<char**>(next));
#elif __ARMCC_VERSION >= 310000
    /* bug in header means no using declaration for strtof */
    return std::strtof(arg,const_cast<char**>(next));    
    /* strtof not supported */
    return strtod(arg,const_cast<char**>(next));

template<> inline double parse_arg<double>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtod(arg,const_cast<char**>(next));

template<> inline long double parse_arg<long double>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return strtod(arg,const_cast<char**>(next));

/* string */

template<> inline char *parse_arg<char*>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    const char *ptr = arg;
    while(*ptr >= '!' && *ptr != ',') {
    int len = ptr-arg;
    char *p;
    if(len==0) {
        p = NULL;
    } else {
        p = new char[len+1];
        memcpy(p, arg, len);
        p[len] = 0;
    if(next != NULL) {
        *next = ptr;
    return p;

template<> inline const char *parse_arg<const char*>(const char *arg, const char **next) {
    return parse_arg<char*>(arg,next);

/* Function write_result
 *  Writes a value in to a result string in an appropriate manner
 * Variable
 *  val - The value to write
 *  result - A pointer to the array to write the value into
template<typename T> void write_result(T val, char *result);

/* signed integer types */

template<> inline void write_result<char>(char val, char *result) {
    result[0] = val;
    result[1] = '\0';

template<> inline void write_result<short int>(short int val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%hi", val); 

template<> inline void write_result<int>(int val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%i", val); 

template<> inline void write_result<long int>(long int val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%li", val); 

template<> inline void write_result<long long int>(long long int val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%lli", val); 

/* unsigned integer types */

template<> inline void write_result<unsigned char>(unsigned char val, char *result) {
    result[0] = val;
    result[1] = '\0';

template<> inline void write_result<unsigned short int>(unsigned short int val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%hu", val); 

template<> inline void write_result<unsigned int>(unsigned int val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%u", val); 

template<> inline void write_result<unsigned long int>(unsigned long int val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%lu", val); 

template<> inline void write_result<unsigned long long int>(unsigned long long int val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%llu", val); 

/* floating types */

template<> inline void write_result<float>(float val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%g", val); 

template<> inline void write_result<double>(double val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%g", val); 

template<> inline void write_result<long double>(long double val, char *result) {
    sprintf(result, "%Lg", val); 

/* string */

template<> inline void write_result<char*>(char *val, char *result) {
    if(val==NULL) {
        result[0] = 0;
    } else {
        strcpy(result, val);

template<> inline void write_result<const char*>(const char *val, char *result) {
    if(val==NULL) {
        result[0] = 0;
    } else {
        strcpy(result, val);

inline const char *next_arg(const char* next) {
    if(*next == ',' || *next == ' ') next++;
    return next;

/* Function rpc_method_caller
template<class T, void (T::*member)(const char *,char *)> 
void rpc_method_caller(Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result) {

/* Function rpc_method_caller
template<class T, void (T::*member)()> 
void rpc_method_caller(Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result) { 
    if(result != NULL) {
    	result[0] = '\0';

/* Function rpc_method_caller
template<class T, typename A1, void (T::*member)(A1)> 
void rpc_method_caller(Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result) {

    const char *next = arguments;
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(next),NULL);

    if(result != NULL) {
        result[0] = '\0';

/* Function rpc_method_caller
template<class T, typename A1, typename A2, void (T::*member)(A1,A2)> 
void rpc_method_caller(Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result) {

    const char *next = arguments;
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A2 arg2 = parse_arg<A2>(next_arg(next),NULL);

    if(result != NULL) {
        result[0] = '\0';

/* Function rpc_method_caller
template<typename R, class T, R (T::*member)()> 
void rpc_method_caller(Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result) { 
    R res = (static_cast<T*>(this_ptr)->*member)();
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

/* Function rpc_method_caller
template<typename R, class T, typename A1, R (T::*member)(A1)> 
void rpc_method_caller(Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result) {

    const char *next = arguments;
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(next),NULL);

    R res = (static_cast<T*>(this_ptr)->*member)(arg1);
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

/* Function rpc_method_caller
template<typename R, class T, typename A1, typename A2, R (T::*member)(A1,A2)> 
void rpc_method_caller(Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result) {

    const char *next = arguments;
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A2 arg2 = parse_arg<A2>(next_arg(next),NULL);

    R res = (static_cast<T*>(this_ptr)->*member)(arg1,arg2);
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

/* Function rpc_method_caller
template<typename R, class T, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, R (T::*member)(A1,A2,A3)> 
void rpc_method_caller(Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result) {

    const char *next = arguments;
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A2 arg2 = parse_arg<A2>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A3 arg3 = parse_arg<A3>(next_arg(next),NULL);

    R res = (static_cast<T*>(this_ptr)->*member)(arg1,arg2,arg3);
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

/* Function rpc_function caller
template<typename R, R (*func)()>
void rpc_function_caller(const char *arguments, char *result) {
    R res = (*func)();
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

/* Function rpc_function caller
template<typename R, typename A1, R (*func)(A1)>
void rpc_function_caller(const char *arguments, char *result) {
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(arguments),NULL);
    R res = (*func)(arg1);
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

/* Function rpc_function caller
template<typename R, typename A1, typename A2, R (*func)(A1,A2)>
void rpc_function_caller(const char *arguments, char *result) {

    const char *next = arguments;
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A2 arg2 = parse_arg<A2>(next_arg(next),NULL);

    R res = (*func)(arg1,arg2);
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

/* Function rpc_function caller
template<typename R, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, R (*func)(A1,A2,A3)>
void rpc_function_caller(const char *arguments, char *result) {

    const char *next = arguments;
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A2 arg2 = parse_arg<A2>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A3 arg3 = parse_arg<A3>(next_arg(next),NULL);

    R res = (*func)(arg1,arg2,arg3);
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

/* Function rpc_function caller
template<typename R, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4, R (*func)(A1,A2,A3,A4)>
void rpc_function_caller(const char *arguments, char *result) {

    const char *next = arguments;
    A1 arg1 = parse_arg<A1>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A2 arg2 = parse_arg<A2>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A3 arg3 = parse_arg<A3>(next_arg(next),&next);
    A4 arg4 = parse_arg<A4>(next_arg(next),NULL);

    R res = (*func)(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
    if(result != NULL) {
        write_result<R>(res, result);

struct rpc_method { 
    const char *name;
    typedef void (*caller_t)(Base*, const char*, char*);
    typedef const struct rpc_method *(*super_t)(Base*);
    union {
        caller_t caller;
        super_t super;

template<class C>
const struct rpc_method *rpc_super(Base *this_ptr) {
    return static_cast<C*>(this_ptr)->C::get_rpc_methods();

#define RPC_METHOD_SUPER(C) { NULL, (rpc_method::caller_t)(rpc_method::super_t)rpc_super<C> }

/* Function rpc
 *  Parse a string describing a call and then do it
 * Variables
 *  call - A pointer to a string describing the call, which has
 *    the form /object/method arg ... argn. Arguments are
 *    delimited by space characters, and the string is terminated
 *    by a null character.
 *  result - A pointer to an array to write the result into.
bool rpc(const char *buf, char *result = 0);

} /* namespace mbed */
