The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.

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mbed 2

This is the mbed 2 library. If you'd like to learn about Mbed OS please see the mbed-os docs.

--- a/TARGET_ARCH_PRO/core_cm4.h	Thu Nov 23 11:44:04 2017 +0000
+++ b/TARGET_ARCH_PRO/core_cm4.h	Wed Jan 17 16:13:02 2018 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  * @file     core_cm4.h
  * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M4 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
- * @version  V5.0.2
- * @date     13. February 2017
+ * @version  V5.0.3
+ * @date     09. August 2017
  * Copyright (c) 2009-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
@@ -60,11 +60,13 @@
-/*  CMSIS CM4 definitions */
-#define __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN  ( 5U)                                  /*!< [31:16] CMSIS HAL main version */
-#define __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB   ( 0U)                                  /*!< [15:0]  CMSIS HAL sub version */
+#include "cmsis_version.h"
+/* CMSIS CM4 definitions */
+#define __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN  (__CM_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN)              /*!< \deprecated [31:16] CMSIS HAL main version */
+#define __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB   (__CM_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB)               /*!< \deprecated [15:0]  CMSIS HAL sub version */
 #define __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION       ((__CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN << 16U) | \
-                                    __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB           )  /*!< CMSIS HAL version number */
+                                    __CM4_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB           )  /*!< \deprecated CMSIS HAL version number */
 #define __CORTEX_M                (4U)                                   /*!< Cortex-M Core */
@@ -1227,6 +1229,8 @@
   __IOM uint32_t RASR_A3;                /*!< Offset: 0x028 (R/W)  MPU Alias 3 Region Attribute and Size Register */
 } MPU_Type;
+#define MPU_TYPE_RALIASES                  4U
 /* MPU Type Register Definitions */
 #define MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Pos               16U                                            /*!< MPU TYPE: IREGION Position */
 #define MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Msk               (0xFFUL << MPU_TYPE_IREGION_Pos)               /*!< MPU TYPE: IREGION Mask */
@@ -1935,6 +1939,14 @@
 /*@} end of CMSIS_Core_NVICFunctions */
+/* ##########################  MPU functions  #################################### */
+#if defined (__MPU_PRESENT) && (__MPU_PRESENT == 1U)
+#include "mpu_armv7.h"
 /* ##########################  FPU functions  #################################### */