The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.

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This is the mbed 2 library. If you'd like to learn about Mbed OS please see the mbed-os docs.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TARGET_LPC11U68/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/LPC11U6x.h	Thu Nov 08 11:45:42 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@
+ * @file     LPC11U6x.h
+ *
+ * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-M0PLUS Peripheral Access Layer Header File for
+ *           LPC11U6x from .
+ *
+ * @version  V0.4
+ * @date     22. October 2013
+ *
+ * @note     Generated with SVDConv V2.81a 
+ *           from CMSIS SVD File 'LPC11U6x.svd' Version 0.4,
+ *
+ *                                                                                      modified by Keil
+ *******************************************************************************************************/
+/** @addtogroup (null)
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @addtogroup LPC11U6x
+  * @{
+  */
+#ifndef LPC11U6X_H
+#define LPC11U6X_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* -------------------------  Interrupt Number Definition  ------------------------ */
+typedef enum {
+/* -----------------  Cortex-M0PLUS Processor Exceptions Numbers  ----------------- */
+  Reset_IRQn                    = -15,              /*!<   1  Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset                 */
+  NonMaskableInt_IRQn           = -14,              /*!<   2  Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted           */
+  HardFault_IRQn                = -13,              /*!<   3  Hard Fault, all classes of Fault                                 */
+  SVCall_IRQn                   =  -5,              /*!<  11  System Service Call via SVC instruction                          */
+  PendSV_IRQn                   =  -2,              /*!<  14  Pendable request for system service                              */
+  SysTick_IRQn                  =  -1,              /*!<  15  System Tick Timer                                                */
+/* ---------------------  LPC11U6x Specific Interrupt Numbers  -------------------- */
+  PIN_INT0_IRQn                 =   0,              /*!<   0  PIN_INT0                                                         */
+  PIN_INT1_IRQn                 =   1,              /*!<   1  PIN_INT1                                                         */
+  PIN_INT2_IRQn                 =   2,              /*!<   2  PIN_INT2                                                         */
+  PIN_INT3_IRQn                 =   3,              /*!<   3  PIN_INT3                                                         */
+  PIN_INT4_IRQn                 =   4,              /*!<   4  PIN_INT4                                                         */
+  PIN_INT5_IRQn                 =   5,              /*!<   5  PIN_INT5                                                         */
+  PIN_INT6_IRQn                 =   6,              /*!<   6  PIN_INT6                                                         */
+  PIN_INT7_IRQn                 =   7,              /*!<   7  PIN_INT7                                                         */
+  GINT0_IRQn                    =   8,              /*!<   8  GINT0                                                            */
+  GINT1_IRQn                    =   9,              /*!<   9  GINT1                                                            */
+  I2C1_IRQn                     =  10,              /*!<  10  I2C1                                                             */
+  USART1_4_IRQn                 =  11,              /*!<  11  USART1_4                                                         */
+  USART2_3_IRQn                 =  12,              /*!<  12  USART2_3                                                         */
+  SCT0_1_IRQn                   =  13,              /*!<  13  SCT0_1                                                           */
+  SSP1_IRQn                     =  14,              /*!<  14  SSP1                                                             */
+  I2C0_IRQn                     =  15,              /*!<  15  I2C0                                                             */
+  CT16B0_IRQn                   =  16,              /*!<  16  CT16B0                                                           */
+  CT16B1_IRQn                   =  17,              /*!<  17  CT16B1                                                           */
+  CT32B0_IRQn                   =  18,              /*!<  18  CT32B0                                                           */
+  CT32B1_IRQn                   =  19,              /*!<  19  CT32B1                                                           */
+  SSP0_IRQn                     =  20,              /*!<  20  SSP0                                                             */
+  USART0_IRQn                   =  21,              /*!<  21  USART0                                                           */
+  USB_IRQn                      =  22,              /*!<  22  USB                                                              */
+  USB_FIQ_IRQn                  =  23,              /*!<  23  USB_FIQ                                                          */
+  ADC_A_IRQn                    =  24,              /*!<  24  ADC_A                                                            */
+  RTC_IRQn                      =  25,              /*!<  25  RTC                                                              */
+  BOD_WDT_IRQn                  =  26,              /*!<  26  BOD_WDT                                                          */
+  FLASH_IRQn                    =  27,              /*!<  27  FLASH                                                            */
+  DMA_IRQn                      =  28,              /*!<  28  DMA                                                              */
+  ADC_B_IRQn                    =  29,              /*!<  29  ADC_B                                                            */
+  USBWAKEUP_IRQn                =  30               /*!<  30  USBWAKEUP                                                        */
+} IRQn_Type;
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_of_CMSIS
+  * @{
+  */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================      Processor and Core Peripheral Section     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ----------------Configuration of the Cortex-M0PLUS Processor and Core Peripherals---------------- */
+#define __CM0PLUS_REV                 0x0000        /*!< Cortex-M0PLUS Core Revision                                           */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT                  0            /*!< MPU present or not                                                    */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS               2            /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels                               */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig         0            /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used                          */
+#define __VTOR_PRESENT                 1            /*!< Set to 1 if CPU supports Vector Table Offset Register                 */
+/** @} */ /* End of group Configuration_of_CMSIS */
+#include "core_cm0plus.h"                           /*!< Cortex-M0PLUS processor and core peripherals                          */
+#include "system_LPC11U6x.h"                        /*!< LPC11U6x System                                                       */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================       Device Specific Peripheral Section       ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_Registers
+  * @{
+  */
+/* -------------------  Start of section using anonymous unions  ------------------ */
+#if defined(__CC_ARM)
+  #pragma push
+  #pragma anon_unions
+#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
+  #pragma language=extended
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+  /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__TMS470__)
+/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__TASKING__)
+  #pragma warning 586
+  #warning Not supported compiler type
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                      I2C0                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief I2C-bus controller (I2C0)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< I2C0 Structure                                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  CONSET;                            /*!< I2C Control Set Register. When a one is written to a bit of
+                                                         this register, the corresponding bit in the I2C control register
+                                                          is set. Writing a zero has no effect on the corresponding bit
+                                                          in the I2C control register.                                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  STAT;                              /*!< I2C Status Register. During I2C operation, this register provides
+                                                         detailed status codes that allow software to determine the next
+                                                          action needed.                                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  DAT;                               /*!< I2C Data Register. During master or slave transmit mode, data
+                                                         to be transmitted is written to this register. During master
+                                                          or slave receive mode, data that has been received may be read
+                                                          from this register.                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  ADR0;                              /*!< I2C Slave Address Register 0. Contains the 7-bit slave address
+                                                         for operation of the I2C interface in slave mode, and is not
+                                                          used in master mode. The least significant bit determines whether
+                                                          a slave responds to the General Call address.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  SCLH;                              /*!< SCH Duty Cycle Register High Half Word. Determines the high
+                                                         time of the I2C clock.                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  SCLL;                              /*!< SCL Duty Cycle Register Low Half Word. Determines the low time
+                                                         of the I2C clock. I2nSCLL and I2nSCLH together determine the
+                                                          clock frequency generated by an I2C master and certain times
+                                                          used in slave mode.                                                  */
+  __O  uint32_t  CONCLR;                            /*!< I2C Control Clear Register. When a one is written to a bit of
+                                                         this register, the corresponding bit in the I2C control register
+                                                          is cleared. Writing a zero has no effect on the corresponding
+                                                          bit in the I2C control register.                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  MMCTRL;                            /*!< Monitor mode control register.                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  ADR1;                              /*!< I2C Slave Address Register. Contains the 7-bit slave address
+                                                         for operation of the I2C interface in slave mode, and is not
+                                                          used in master mode. The least significant bit determines whether
+                                                          a slave responds to the General Call address.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  ADR2;                              /*!< I2C Slave Address Register. Contains the 7-bit slave address
+                                                         for operation of the I2C interface in slave mode, and is not
+                                                          used in master mode. The least significant bit determines whether
+                                                          a slave responds to the General Call address.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  ADR3;                              /*!< I2C Slave Address Register. Contains the 7-bit slave address
+                                                         for operation of the I2C interface in slave mode, and is not
+                                                          used in master mode. The least significant bit determines whether
+                                                          a slave responds to the General Call address.                        */
+  __I  uint32_t  DATA_BUFFER;                       /*!< Data buffer register. The contents of the 8 MSBs of the I2DAT
+                                                         shift register will be transferred to the DATA_BUFFER automatically
+                                                          after every nine bits (8 bits of data plus ACK or NACK) has
+                                                          been received on the bus.                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  MASK0;                             /*!< I2C Slave address mask register. This mask register is associated
+                                                         with I2ADR0 to determine an address match. The mask register
+                                                          has no effect when comparing to the General Call address (0000000).  */
+  __IO uint32_t  MASK1;                             /*!< I2C Slave address mask register. This mask register is associated
+                                                         with I2ADR0 to determine an address match. The mask register
+                                                          has no effect when comparing to the General Call address (0000000).  */
+  __IO uint32_t  MASK2;                             /*!< I2C Slave address mask register. This mask register is associated
+                                                         with I2ADR0 to determine an address match. The mask register
+                                                          has no effect when comparing to the General Call address (0000000).  */
+  __IO uint32_t  MASK3;                             /*!< I2C Slave address mask register. This mask register is associated
+                                                         with I2ADR0 to determine an address match. The mask register
+                                                          has no effect when comparing to the General Call address (0000000).  */
+} LPC_I2C0_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                      WWDT                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT) (WWDT)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< WWDT Structure                                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  MOD;                               /*!< Watchdog mode register. This register contains the basic mode
+                                                         and status of the Watchdog Timer.                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  TC;                                /*!< Watchdog timer constant register. This 24-bit register determines
+                                                         the time-out value.                                                   */
+  __O  uint32_t  FEED;                              /*!< Watchdog feed sequence register. Writing 0xAA followed by 0x55
+                                                         to this register reloads the Watchdog timer with the value contained
+                                                          in WDTC.                                                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  TV;                                /*!< Watchdog timer value register. This 24-bit register reads out
+                                                         the current value of the Watchdog timer.                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  CLKSEL;                            /*!< Watchdog clock select register.                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  WARNINT;                           /*!< Watchdog Warning Interrupt compare value.                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  WINDOW;                            /*!< Watchdog Window compare value.                                        */
+} LPC_WWDT_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                     USART0                     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief USART0 (USART0)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< USART0 Structure                                                      */
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  DLL;                             /*!< Divisor Latch LSB. Least significant byte of the baud rate divisor
+                                                         value. The full divisor is used to generate a baud rate from
+                                                          the fractional rate divider. (DLAB=1)                                */
+    __O  uint32_t  THR;                             /*!< Transmit Holding Register. The next character to be transmitted
+                                                         is written here. (DLAB=0)                                             */
+    __I  uint32_t  RBR;                             /*!< Receiver Buffer Register. Contains the next received character
+                                                         to be read. (DLAB=0)                                                  */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  IER;                             /*!< Interrupt Enable Register. Contains individual interrupt enable
+                                                         bits for the 7 potential USART interrupts. (DLAB=0)                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  DLM;                             /*!< Divisor Latch MSB. Most significant byte of the baud rate divisor
+                                                         value. The full divisor is used to generate a baud rate from
+                                                          the fractional rate divider. (DLAB=1)                                */
+  };
+  union {
+    __O  uint32_t  FCR;                             /*!< FIFO Control Register. Controls USART FIFO usage and modes.           */
+    __I  uint32_t  IIR;                             /*!< Interrupt ID Register. Identifies which interrupt(s) are pending.     */
+  };
+  __IO uint32_t  LCR;                               /*!< Line Control Register. Contains controls for frame formatting
+                                                         and break generation.                                                 */
+  __IO uint32_t  MCR;                               /*!< Modem Control Register.                                               */
+  __I  uint32_t  LSR;                               /*!< Line Status Register. Contains flags for transmit and receive
+                                                         status, including line errors.                                        */
+  __I  uint32_t  MSR;                               /*!< Modem Status Register.                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  SCR;                               /*!< Scratch Pad Register. Eight-bit temporary storage for software.       */
+  __IO uint32_t  ACR;                               /*!< Auto-baud Control Register. Contains controls for the auto-baud
+                                                         feature.                                                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  ICR;                               /*!< IrDA Control Register. Enables and configures the IrDA (remote
+                                                         control) mode.                                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  FDR;                               /*!< Fractional Divider Register. Generates a clock input for the
+                                                         baud rate divider.                                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  OSR;                               /*!< Oversampling Register. Controls the degree of oversampling during
+                                                         each bit time.                                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  TER;                               /*!< Transmit Enable Register. Turns off USART transmitter for use
+                                                         with software flow control.                                           */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[3];
+  __IO uint32_t  HDEN;                              /*!< Half duplex enable register.                                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1;
+  __IO uint32_t  SCICTRL;                           /*!< Smart Card Interface Control register. Enables and configures
+                                                         the Smart Card Interface feature.                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  RS485CTRL;                         /*!< RS-485/EIA-485 Control. Contains controls to configure various
+                                                         aspects of RS-485/EIA-485 modes.                                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  RS485ADRMATCH;                     /*!< RS-485/EIA-485 address match. Contains the address match value
+                                                         for RS-485/EIA-485 mode.                                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  RS485DLY;                          /*!< RS-485/EIA-485 direction control delay.                               */
+  __IO uint32_t  SYNCCTRL;                          /*!< Synchronous mode control register.                                    */
+} LPC_USART0_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                     CT16B0                     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief 16-bit counter/timers CT16B0 (CT16B0)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< CT16B0 Structure                                                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  IR;                                /*!< Interrupt Register. The IR can be written to clear interrupts.
+                                                         The IR can be read to identify which of eight possible interrupt
+                                                          sources are pending.                                                 */
+  __IO uint32_t  TCR;                               /*!< Timer Control Register. The TCR is used to control the Timer
+                                                         Counter functions. The Timer Counter can be disabled or reset
+                                                          through the TCR.                                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  TC;                                /*!< Timer Counter. The 16-bit TC is incremented every PR+1 cycles
+                                                         of PCLK. The TC is controlled through the TCR.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  PR;                                /*!< Prescale Register. When the Prescale Counter (below) is equal
+                                                         to this value, the next clock increments the TC and clears the
+                                                          PC.                                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  PC;                                /*!< Prescale Counter. The 16-bit PC is a counter which is incremented
+                                                         to the value stored in PR. When the value in PR is reached,
+                                                          the TC is incremented and the PC is cleared. The PC is observable
+                                                          and controllable through the bus interface.                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  MCR;                               /*!< Match Control Register. The MCR is used to control if an interrupt
+                                                         is generated and if the TC is reset when a Match occurs.              */
+  __IO uint32_t  MR0;                               /*!< Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the
+                                                         TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every
+                                                          time MR0 matches the TC.                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  MR1;                               /*!< Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the
+                                                         TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every
+                                                          time MR0 matches the TC.                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  MR2;                               /*!< Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the
+                                                         TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every
+                                                          time MR0 matches the TC.                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  MR3;                               /*!< Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the
+                                                         TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every
+                                                          time MR0 matches the TC.                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  CCR;                               /*!< Capture Control Register. The CCR controls which edges of the
+                                                         capture inputs are used to load the Capture Registers and whether
+                                                          or not an interrupt is generated when a capture takes place.         */
+  __I  uint32_t  CR0;                               /*!< Capture Register. CR is loaded with the value of TC when there
+                                                         is an event on the CAP input.                                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  CR1;                               /*!< Capture Register. CR is loaded with the value of TC when there
+                                                         is an event on the CAP input.                                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  CR2;                               /*!< Capture Register. CR is loaded with the value of TC when there
+                                                         is an event on the CAP input.                                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0;
+  __IO uint32_t  EMR;                               /*!< External Match Register. The EMR controls the match function
+                                                         and the external match pins CT16B0_MAT[1:0] and CT16B1_MAT[1:0].      */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[12];
+  __IO uint32_t  CTCR;                              /*!< Count Control Register. The CTCR selects between Timer and Counter
+                                                         mode, and in Counter mode selects the signal and edge(s) for
+                                                          counting.                                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  PWMC;                              /*!< PWM Control Register. The PWMCON enables PWM mode for the external
+                                                         match pins CT16B0_MAT[1:0] and CT16B1_MAT[1:0].                       */
+} LPC_CT16B0_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                     CT32B0                     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief 32-bit counter/timers CT32B0 (CT32B0)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< CT32B0 Structure                                                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  IR;                                /*!< Interrupt Register. The IR can be written to clear interrupts.
+                                                         The IR can be read to identify which of eight possible interrupt
+                                                          sources are pending.                                                 */
+  __IO uint32_t  TCR;                               /*!< Timer Control Register. The TCR is used to control the Timer
+                                                         Counter functions. The Timer Counter can be disabled or reset
+                                                          through the TCR.                                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  TC;                                /*!< Timer Counter. The 32-bit TC is incremented every PR+1 cycles
+                                                         of PCLK. The TC is controlled through the TCR.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  PR;                                /*!< Prescale Register. When the Prescale Counter (below) is equal
+                                                         to this value, the next clock increments the TC and clears the
+                                                          PC.                                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  PC;                                /*!< Prescale Counter. The 32-bit PC is a counter which is incremented
+                                                         to the value stored in PR. When the value in PR is reached,
+                                                          the TC is incremented and the PC is cleared. The PC is observable
+                                                          and controllable through the bus interface.                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  MCR;                               /*!< Match Control Register. The MCR is used to control if an interrupt
+                                                         is generated and if the TC is reset when a Match occurs.              */
+  __IO uint32_t  MR0;                               /*!< Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the
+                                                         TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every
+                                                          time MR0 matches the TC.                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  MR1;                               /*!< Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the
+                                                         TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every
+                                                          time MR0 matches the TC.                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  MR2;                               /*!< Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the
+                                                         TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every
+                                                          time MR0 matches the TC.                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  MR3;                               /*!< Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the
+                                                         TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every
+                                                          time MR0 matches the TC.                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  CCR;                               /*!< Capture Control Register. The CCR controls which edges of the
+                                                         capture inputs are used to load the Capture Registers and whether
+                                                          or not an interrupt is generated when a capture takes place.         */
+  __I  uint32_t  CR0;                               /*!< Capture Register. CR is loaded with the value of TC when there
+                                                         is an event on the CAP input.                                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  CR1;                               /*!< Capture Register. CR is loaded with the value of TC when there
+                                                         is an event on the CAP input.                                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  CR2;                               /*!< Capture Register. CR is loaded with the value of TC when there
+                                                         is an event on the CAP input.                                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0;
+  __IO uint32_t  EMR;                               /*!< External Match Register. The EMR controls the match function
+                                                         and the external match pins CT32Bn_MAT[3:0].                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[12];
+  __IO uint32_t  CTCR;                              /*!< Count Control Register. The CTCR selects between Timer and Counter
+                                                         mode, and in Counter mode selects the signal and edge(s) for
+                                                          counting.                                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  PWMC;                              /*!< PWM Control Register. The PWMCON enables PWM mode for the external
+                                                         match pins CT32Bn_MAT[3:0].                                           */
+} LPC_CT32B0_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                       ADC                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Product name title=Kylin UM Chapter title=Kylin12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Modification date=5/13/2013 Major revision=0 Minor revision=1  (ADC)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< ADC Structure                                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTRL;                              /*!< A/D Control Register. Contains the clock divide value, enable
+                                                         bits for each sequence and the A/D power-down bit.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0;
+  __IO uint32_t  SEQA_CTRL;                         /*!< A/D Conversion Sequence-A control Register: Controls triggering
+                                                         and channel selection for conversion sequence-A. Also specifies
+                                                          interrupt mode for sequence-A.                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  SEQB_CTRL;                         /*!< A/D Conversion Sequence-B Control Register: Controls triggering
+                                                         and channel selection for conversion sequence-B. Also specifies
+                                                          interrupt mode for sequence-B.                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  SEQA_GDAT;                         /*!< A/D Sequence-A Global Data Register. This register contains
+                                                         the result of the most recent A/D conversion performed under
+                                                          sequence-A                                                           */
+  __IO uint32_t  SEQB_GDAT;                         /*!< A/D Sequence-B Global Data Register. This register contains
+                                                         the result of the most recent A/D conversion performed under
+                                                          sequence-B                                                           */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[2];
+  __I  uint32_t  DAT[12];                           /*!< A/D Channel 0 Data Register. This register contains the result
+                                                         of the most recent conversion completed on channel 0.                 */
+  __IO uint32_t  THR0_LOW;                          /*!< A/D Low Compare Threshold Register 0 : Contains the lower threshold
+                                                         level for automatic threshold comparison for any channels linked
+                                                          to threshold pair 0.                                                 */
+  __IO uint32_t  THR1_LOW;                          /*!< A/D Low Compare Threshold Register 1: Contains the lower threshold
+                                                         level for automatic threshold comparison for any channels linked
+                                                          to threshold pair 1.                                                 */
+  __IO uint32_t  THR0_HIGH;                         /*!< A/D High Compare Threshold Register 0: Contains the upper threshold
+                                                         level for automatic threshold comparison for any channels linked
+                                                          to threshold pair 0.                                                 */
+  __IO uint32_t  THR1_HIGH;                         /*!< A/D High Compare Threshold Register 1: Contains the upper threshold
+                                                         level for automatic threshold comparison for any channels linked
+                                                          to threshold pair 1.                                                 */
+  __I  uint32_t  CHAN_THRSEL;                       /*!< A/D Channel-Threshold Select Register. Specifies which set of
+                                                         threshold compare registers are to be used for each channel           */
+  __IO uint32_t  INTEN;                             /*!< A/D Interrupt Enable Register. This register contains enable
+                                                         bits that enable the sequence-A, sequence-B, threshold compare
+                                                          and data overrun interrupts to be generated.                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  FLAGS;                             /*!< A/D Flags Register. Contains the four interrupt request flags
+                                                         and the individual component overrun and threshold-compare flags.
+                                                          (The overrun bits replicate information stored in the result
+                                                          registers).                                                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  TRM;                               /*!< ADC trim register.                                                    */
+} LPC_ADC_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                       RTC                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Real-Time Clock (RTC) (RTC)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< RTC Structure                                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTRL;                              /*!< RTC control register                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  MATCH;                             /*!< RTC match register                                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  COUNT;                             /*!< RTC counter register                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  WAKE;                              /*!< RTC high-resolution/wake-up timer control register                    */
+} LPC_RTC_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                   DMATRIGMUX                   ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Product name title=Kylin UM Chapter title=KylinDMA controller Modification date=5/13/2013 Major revision=0 Minor revision=1  (DMATRIGMUX)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< DMATRIGMUX Structure                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  DMA_ITRIG_PINMUX[16];              /*!< Trigger input select register for DMA channel 0.                      */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                       PMU                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Product name title=Kylin UM Chapter title=KylinPower Management Unit (PMU) Modification date=5/13/2013 Major revision=0 Minor revision=1  (PMU)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< PMU Structure                                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  PCON;                              /*!< Power control register                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  GPREG0;                            /*!< General purpose register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  GPREG1;                            /*!< General purpose register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  GPREG2;                            /*!< General purpose register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  GPREG3;                            /*!< General purpose register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  DPDCTRL;                           /*!< Deep power down control register                                      */
+} LPC_PMU_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                    FLASHCTRL                   ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Flash controller  (FLASHCTRL)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< FLASHCTRL Structure                                                   */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[4];
+  __IO uint32_t  FLASHCFG;                          /*!< Flash configuration register                                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[3];
+  __IO uint32_t  FMSSTART;                          /*!< Signature start address register                                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  FMSSTOP;                           /*!< Signature stop-address register                                       */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED2;
+  __I  uint32_t  FMSW0;                             /*!< Signature Word                                                        */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                      SSP0                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief SSP/SPI  (SSP0)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< SSP0 Structure                                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  CR0;                               /*!< Control Register 0. Selects the serial clock rate, bus type,
+                                                         and data size.                                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  CR1;                               /*!< Control Register 1. Selects master/slave and other modes.             */
+  __IO uint32_t  DR;                                /*!< Data Register. Writes fill the transmit FIFO, and reads empty
+                                                         the receive FIFO.                                                     */
+  __I  uint32_t  SR;                                /*!< Status Register                                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  CPSR;                              /*!< Clock Prescale Register                                               */
+  __IO uint32_t  IMSC;                              /*!< Interrupt Mask Set and Clear Register                                 */
+  __I  uint32_t  RIS;                               /*!< Raw Interrupt Status Register                                         */
+  __I  uint32_t  MIS;                               /*!< Masked Interrupt Status Register                                      */
+  __O  uint32_t  ICR;                               /*!< SSPICR Interrupt Clear Register                                       */
+} LPC_SSP0_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                      IOCON                     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Product name title=Kylin UM Chapter title=KylinI/O control (IOCON) Modification date=5/13/2013 Major revision=0 Minor revision=1  (IOCON)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< IOCON Structure                                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_0;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_1;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_2;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_3;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_4;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_5;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_6;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_7;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_8;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_9;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_10;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_11;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_12;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_13;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_14;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_15;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_16;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_17;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_18;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_19;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_20;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_21;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_22;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO0_23;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO0                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_0;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_1;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_2;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_3;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_4;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_5;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_6;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_7;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_8;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_9;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_10;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_11;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_12;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_13;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_14;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_15;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_16;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_17;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_18;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_19;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_20;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_21;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_22;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_23;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_24;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_25;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_26;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_27;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_28;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_29;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_30;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO1_31;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO1                                       */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[4];
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_0;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_1;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1;
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_2;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_3;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_4;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_5;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_6;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_7;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_8;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_9;                            /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_10;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_11;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_12;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_13;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_14;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_15;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_16;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_17;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_18;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_19;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_20;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_21;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_22;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  PIO2_23;                           /*!< I/O configuration for port PIO2                                       */
+} LPC_IOCON_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                     SYSCON                     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Product name title=Kylin UM Chapter title=KylinSystem configuration (SYSCON) Modification date=5/13/2013 Major revision=0 Minor revision=1  (SYSCON)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< SYSCON Structure                                                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSMEMREMAP;                       /*!< System memory remap                                                   */
+  __IO uint32_t  PRESETCTRL;                        /*!< Peripheral reset control                                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSPLLCTRL;                        /*!< System PLL control                                                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  SYSPLLSTAT;                        /*!< System PLL status                                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  USBPLLCTRL;                        /*!< USB PLL control                                                       */
+  __I  uint32_t  USBPLLSTAT;                        /*!< USB PLL status                                                        */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0;
+  __IO uint32_t  RTCOSCCTRL;                        /*!< RTC oscillator 32 kHz output control                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSOSCCTRL;                        /*!< System oscillator control                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  WDTOSCCTRL;                        /*!< Watchdog oscillator control                                           */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[2];
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSRSTSTAT;                        /*!< System reset status register                                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED2[3];
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSPLLCLKSEL;                      /*!< System PLL clock source select                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSPLLCLKUEN;                      /*!< System PLL clock source update enable                                 */
+  __IO uint32_t  USBPLLCLKSEL;                      /*!< USB PLL clock source select                                           */
+  __IO uint32_t  USBPLLCLKUEN;                      /*!< USB PLL clock source update enable                                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED3[8];
+  __IO uint32_t  MAINCLKSEL;                        /*!< Main clock source select                                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  MAINCLKUEN;                        /*!< Main clock source update enable                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSAHBCLKDIV;                      /*!< System clock divider                                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED4;
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSAHBCLKCTRL;                     /*!< System clock control                                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5[4];
+  __IO uint32_t  SSP0CLKDIV;                        /*!< SSP0 clock divider                                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  USART0CLKDIV;                      /*!< USART0 clock divider                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  SSP1CLKDIV;                        /*!< SSP1 clock divider                                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  FRGCLKDIV;                         /*!< Clock divider for the common fractional baud rate generator
+                                                         of USART1 to USART4                                                   */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6[7];
+  __IO uint32_t  USBCLKSEL;                         /*!< USB clock source select                                               */
+  __IO uint32_t  USBCLKUEN;                         /*!< USB clock source update enable                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  USBCLKDIV;                         /*!< USB clock source divider                                              */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7[5];
+  __IO uint32_t  CLKOUTSEL;                         /*!< CLKOUT clock source select                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  CLKOUTUEN;                         /*!< CLKOUT clock source update enable                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  CLKOUTDIV;                         /*!< CLKOUT clock divider                                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED8;
+  __IO uint32_t  UARTFRGDIV;                        /*!< USART fractional generator divider value                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  UARTFRGMULT;                       /*!< USART fractional generator multiplier value                           */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED9;
+  __IO uint32_t  EXTTRACECMD;                       /*!< External trace buffer command register                                */
+  __I  uint32_t  PIOPORCAP0;                        /*!< POR captured PIO status 0                                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  PIOPORCAP1;                        /*!< POR captured PIO status 1                                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  PIOPORCAP2;                        /*!< POR captured PIO status 1                                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED10[10];
+  __IO uint32_t  IOCONCLKDIV6;                      /*!< Peripheral clock 6 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch
+                                                         filter                                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  IOCONCLKDIV5;                      /*!< Peripheral clock 5 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch
+                                                         filter                                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  IOCONCLKDIV4;                      /*!< Peripheral clock 4 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch
+                                                         filter                                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  IOCONCLKDIV3;                      /*!< Peripheral clock 3 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch
+                                                         filter                                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  IOCONCLKDIV2;                      /*!< Peripheral clock 2 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch
+                                                         filter                                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  IOCONCLKDIV1;                      /*!< Peripheral clock 1 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch
+                                                         filter                                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  IOCONCLKDIV0;                      /*!< Peripheral clock 0 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch
+                                                         filter                                                                */
+  __IO uint32_t  BODCTRL;                           /*!< Brown-Out Detect                                                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  SYSTCKCAL;                         /*!< System tick counter calibration                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  AHBMATRIXPRIO;                     /*!< AHB matrix priority configuration                                     */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED11[5];
+  __IO uint32_t  IRQLATENCY;                        /*!< IRQ delay. Allows trade-off between interrupt latency and determinism. */
+  __IO uint32_t  NMISRC;                            /*!< NMI Source Control                                                    */
+  union {
+  __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL[8];
+    struct {
+    __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL0;                        /*!< GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0                                  */
+    __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL1;                        /*!< GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0                                  */
+    __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL2;                        /*!< GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0                                  */
+    __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL3;                        /*!< GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0                                  */
+    __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL4;                        /*!< GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0                                  */
+    __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL5;                        /*!< GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0                                  */
+    __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL6;                        /*!< GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0                                  */
+    __IO uint32_t  PINTSEL7;                        /*!< GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0                                  */
+    };
+  };
+  __IO uint32_t  USBCLKCTRL;                        /*!< USB clock control                                                     */
+  __I  uint32_t  USBCLKST;                          /*!< USB clock status                                                      */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED12[25];
+  __IO uint32_t  STARTERP0;                         /*!< Start logic 0 interrupt wake-up enable register 0                     */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED13[3];
+  __IO uint32_t  STARTERP1;                         /*!< Start logic 1 interrupt wake-up enable register 1                     */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED14[6];
+  __IO uint32_t  PDSLEEPCFG;                        /*!< Power-down states in deep-sleep mode                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  PDAWAKECFG;                        /*!< Power-down states for wake-up from deep-sleep                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  PDRUNCFG;                          /*!< Power configuration register                                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED15[110];
+  __I  uint32_t  DEVICE_ID;                         /*!< Device ID                                                             */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                     USART4                     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief USART4  (USART4)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< USART4 Structure                                                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG;                               /*!< USART Configuration register. Basic USART configuration settings
+                                                         that typically are not changed during operation.                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTL;                               /*!< USART Control register. USART control settings that are more
+                                                         likely to change during operation.                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  STAT;                              /*!< USART Status register. The complete status value can be read
+                                                         here. Writing ones clears some bits in the register. Some bits
+                                                          can be cleared by writing a 1 to them.                               */
+  __IO uint32_t  INTENSET;                          /*!< Interrupt Enable read and Set register. Contains an individual
+                                                         interrupt enable bit for each potential USART interrupt. A complete
+                                                          value may be read from this register. Writing a 1 to any implemented
+                                                          bit position causes that bit to be set.                              */
+  __O  uint32_t  INTENCLR;                          /*!< Interrupt Enable Clear register. Allows clearing any combination
+                                                         of bits in the INTENSET register. Writing a 1 to any implemented
+                                                          bit position causes the corresponding bit to be cleared.             */
+  __I  uint32_t  RXDAT;                             /*!< Receiver Data register. Contains the last character received.         */
+  __I  uint32_t  RXDATSTAT;                         /*!< Receiver Data with Status register. Combines the last character
+                                                         received with the current USART receive status. Allows DMA or
+                                                          software to recover incoming data and status together.               */
+  __IO uint32_t  TXDAT;                             /*!< Transmit Data register. Data to be transmitted is written here.       */
+  __IO uint32_t  BRG;                               /*!< Baud Rate Generator register. 16-bit integer baud rate divisor
+                                                         value.                                                                */
+  __I  uint32_t  INTSTAT;                           /*!< Interrupt status register. Reflects interrupts that are currently
+                                                         enabled.                                                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  OSR;                               /*!< Oversample selection register for asynchronous communication.         */
+  __IO uint32_t  ADDR;                              /*!< Address register for automatic address matching.                      */
+} LPC_USART4_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                      GINT0                     ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief GPIO group interrupt 0 (GINT0)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< GINT0 Structure                                                       */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTRL;                              /*!< GPIO grouped interrupt control register                               */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[7];
+  __IO uint32_t  PORT_POL[3];                       /*!< GPIO grouped interrupt port 0 polarity register                       */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[5];
+  __IO uint32_t  PORT_ENA[3];                       /*!< GPIO grouped interrupt port enable register                           */
+} LPC_GINT0_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                       USB                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief USB device controller (USB)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< USB Structure                                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  DEVCMDSTAT;                        /*!< USB Device Command/Status register                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  INFO;                              /*!< USB Info register                                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  EPLISTSTART;                       /*!< USB EP Command/Status List start address                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  DATABUFSTART;                      /*!< USB Data buffer start address                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  LPM;                               /*!< Link Power Management register                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  EPSKIP;                            /*!< USB Endpoint skip                                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  EPINUSE;                           /*!< USB Endpoint Buffer in use                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  EPBUFCFG;                          /*!< USB Endpoint Buffer Configuration register                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  INTSTAT;                           /*!< USB interrupt status register                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  INTEN;                             /*!< USB interrupt enable register                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  INTSETSTAT;                        /*!< USB set interrupt status register                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  INTROUTING;                        /*!< USB interrupt routing register                                        */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0;
+  __I  uint32_t  EPTOGGLE;                          /*!< USB Endpoint toggle register                                          */
+} LPC_USB_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                       CRC                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) engine (CRC)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< CRC Structure                                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  MODE;                              /*!< CRC mode register                                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  SEED;                              /*!< CRC seed register                                                     */
+  union {
+    __O  uint32_t  WR_DATA;                         /*!< CRC data register                                                     */
+    __I  uint32_t  SUM;                             /*!< CRC checksum register                                                 */
+  };
+} LPC_CRC_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                       DMA                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Product name title=Kylin UM Chapter title=KylinDMA controller Modification date=5/13/2013 Major revision=0 Minor revision=1  (DMA)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< DMA Structure                                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTRL;                              /*!< DMA control.                                                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  INTSTAT;                           /*!< Interrupt status.                                                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  SRAMBASE;                          /*!< SRAM address of the channel configuration table.                      */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[5];
+  __IO uint32_t  ENABLESET0;                        /*!< Channel Enable read and Set for all DMA channels.                     */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1;
+  __O  uint32_t  ENABLECLR0;                        /*!< Channel Enable Clear for all DMA channels.                            */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED2;
+  __I  uint32_t  ACTIVE0;                           /*!< Channel Active status for all DMA channels.                           */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED3;
+  __I  uint32_t  BUSY0;                             /*!< Channel Busy status for all DMA channels.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED4;
+  __IO uint32_t  ERRINT0;                           /*!< Error Interrupt status for all DMA channels.                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5;
+  __IO uint32_t  INTENSET0;                         /*!< Interrupt Enable read and Set for all DMA channels.                   */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6;
+  __O  uint32_t  INTENCLR0;                         /*!< Interrupt Enable Clear for all DMA channels.                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7;
+  __IO uint32_t  INTA0;                             /*!< Interrupt A status for all DMA channels.                              */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED8;
+  __IO uint32_t  INTB0;                             /*!< Interrupt B status for all DMA channels.                              */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED9;
+  __O  uint32_t  SETVALID0;                         /*!< Set ValidPending control bits for all DMA channels.                   */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED10;
+  __O  uint32_t  SETTRIG0;                          /*!< Set Trigger control bits for all DMA channels.                        */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED11;
+  __O  uint32_t  ABORT0;                            /*!< Channel Abort control for all DMA channels.                           */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED12[225];
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG0;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT0;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG0;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED13;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG1;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT1;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG1;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED14;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG2;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT2;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG2;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED15;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG3;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT3;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG3;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED16;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG4;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT4;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG4;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED17;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG5;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT5;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG5;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED18;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG6;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT6;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG6;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED19;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG7;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT7;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG7;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED20;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG8;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT8;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG8;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED21;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG9;                              /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT9;                          /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG9;                          /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED22;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG10;                             /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT10;                         /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG10;                         /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED23;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG11;                             /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT11;                         /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG11;                         /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED24;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG12;                             /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT12;                         /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG12;                         /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED25;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG13;                             /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT13;                         /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG13;                         /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED26;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG14;                             /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT14;                         /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG14;                         /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED27;
+  __IO uint32_t  CFG15;                             /*!< Configuration register for DMA channel 0.                             */
+  __I  uint32_t  CTLSTAT15;                         /*!< Control and status register for DMA channel 0.                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  XFERCFG15;                         /*!< Transfer configuration register for DMA channel 0.                    */
+} LPC_DMA_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                      SCT0                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Product name title=Kylin UM Chapter title=KylinState Configurable Timers (SCT0/1) Modification date=5/14/2013 Major revision=0 Minor revision=1  (SCT0)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< SCT0 Structure                                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  CONFIG;                            /*!< SCT configuration register                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  CTRL;                              /*!< SCT control register                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  LIMIT;                             /*!< SCT limit register                                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  HALT;                              /*!< SCT halt condition register                                           */
+  __IO uint32_t  STOP;                              /*!< SCT stop condition register                                           */
+  __IO uint32_t  START;                             /*!< SCT start condition register                                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[10];
+  __IO uint32_t  COUNT;                             /*!< SCT counter register                                                  */
+  __IO uint32_t  STATE;                             /*!< SCT state register                                                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  INPUT;                             /*!< SCT input register                                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  REGMODE;                           /*!< SCT match/capture registers mode register                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUTPUT;                            /*!< SCT output register                                                   */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUTPUTDIRCTRL;                     /*!< SCT output counter direction control register                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  RES;                               /*!< SCT conflict resolution register                                      */
+  __IO uint32_t  DMAREQ0;                           /*!< SCT DMA request 0 register                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  DMAREQ1;                           /*!< SCT DMA request 1 register                                            */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[35];
+  __IO uint32_t  EVEN;                              /*!< SCT event enable register                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  EVFLAG;                            /*!< SCT event flag register                                               */
+  __IO uint32_t  CONEN;                             /*!< SCT conflict enable register                                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  CONFLAG;                           /*!< SCT conflict flag register                                            */
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  CAP0;                            /*!< SCT capture register of capture channel 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCH0;                          /*!< SCT match value register of match channels 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to
+                                                         REGMODE4 = 0                                                          */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  CAP1;                            /*!< SCT capture register of capture channel 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCH1;                          /*!< SCT match value register of match channels 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to
+                                                         REGMODE4 = 0                                                          */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCH2;                          /*!< SCT match value register of match channels 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to
+                                                         REGMODE4 = 0                                                          */
+    __IO uint32_t  CAP2;                            /*!< SCT capture register of capture channel 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  CAP3;                            /*!< SCT capture register of capture channel 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCH3;                          /*!< SCT match value register of match channels 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to
+                                                         REGMODE4 = 0                                                          */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  CAP4;                            /*!< SCT capture register of capture channel 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCH4;                          /*!< SCT match value register of match channels 0 to 4; REGMOD0 to
+                                                         REGMODE4 = 0                                                          */
+  };
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED2[59];
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  CAPCTRL0;                        /*!< SCT capture control register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 1 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCHREL0;                       /*!< SCT match reload value register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 0                                                                   */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCHREL1;                       /*!< SCT match reload value register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 0                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  CAPCTRL1;                        /*!< SCT capture control register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 1 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCHREL2;                       /*!< SCT match reload value register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 0                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  CAPCTRL2;                        /*!< SCT capture control register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 1 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  CAPCTRL3;                        /*!< SCT capture control register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 1 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCHREL3;                       /*!< SCT match reload value register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 0                                                                   */
+  };
+  union {
+    __IO uint32_t  CAPCTRL4;                        /*!< SCT capture control register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 1 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 1                                                                   */
+    __IO uint32_t  MATCHREL4;                       /*!< SCT match reload value register 0 to 4; REGMOD0 = 0 to REGMODE4
+                                                         = 0                                                                   */
+  };
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED3[59];
+  __IO uint32_t  EV0_STATE;                         /*!< SCT event state register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV0_CTRL;                          /*!< SCT event control register 0                                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV1_STATE;                         /*!< SCT event state register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV1_CTRL;                          /*!< SCT event control register 0                                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV2_STATE;                         /*!< SCT event state register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV2_CTRL;                          /*!< SCT event control register 0                                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV3_STATE;                         /*!< SCT event state register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV3_CTRL;                          /*!< SCT event control register 0                                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV4_STATE;                         /*!< SCT event state register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV4_CTRL;                          /*!< SCT event control register 0                                          */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV5_STATE;                         /*!< SCT event state register 0                                            */
+  __IO uint32_t  EV5_CTRL;                          /*!< SCT event control register 0                                          */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED4[116];
+  __IO uint32_t  OUT0_SET;                          /*!< SCT output 0 set register                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUT0_CLR;                          /*!< SCT output 0 clear register                                           */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUT1_SET;                          /*!< SCT output 0 set register                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUT1_CLR;                          /*!< SCT output 0 clear register                                           */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUT2_SET;                          /*!< SCT output 0 set register                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUT2_CLR;                          /*!< SCT output 0 clear register                                           */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUT3_SET;                          /*!< SCT output 0 set register                                             */
+  __IO uint32_t  OUT3_CLR;                          /*!< SCT output 0 clear register                                           */
+} LPC_SCT0_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                    GPIO_PORT                   ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief General Purpose I/O (GPIO)  (GPIO_PORT)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< GPIO_PORT Structure                                                   */
+  __IO uint8_t   B[88];                             /*!< Byte pin registers                                                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[42];
+  __IO uint32_t  W[88];                             /*!< Word pin registers                                                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[1896];
+  __IO uint32_t  DIR[3];                            /*!< Port Direction registers                                              */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED2[29];
+  __IO uint32_t  MASK[3];                           /*!< Port Mask register                                                    */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED3[29];
+  __IO uint32_t  PIN[3];                            /*!< Port pin register                                                     */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED4[29];
+  __IO uint32_t  MPIN[3];                           /*!< Masked port register                                                  */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5[29];
+  __IO uint32_t  SET[3];                            /*!< Write: Set port register Read: port output bits                       */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6[29];
+  __O  uint32_t  CLR[3];                            /*!< Clear port                                                            */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7[29];
+  __O  uint32_t  NOT[3];                            /*!< Toggle port                                                           */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================                      PINT                      ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+  * @brief Pin interruptand pattern match (PINT)  (PINT)
+  */
+typedef struct {                                    /*!< PINT Structure                                                        */
+  __IO uint32_t  ISEL;                              /*!< Pin Interrupt Mode register                                           */
+  __IO uint32_t  IENR;                              /*!< Pin interrupt level or rising edge interrupt enable register          */
+  __O  uint32_t  SIENR;                             /*!< Pin interrupt level or rising edge interrupt set register             */
+  __O  uint32_t  CIENR;                             /*!< Pin interrupt level (rising edge interrupt) clear register            */
+  __IO uint32_t  IENF;                              /*!< Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt enable
+                                                         register                                                              */
+  __O  uint32_t  SIENF;                             /*!< Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt set register     */
+  __O  uint32_t  CIENF;                             /*!< Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt clear register   */
+  __IO uint32_t  RISE;                              /*!< Pin interrupt rising edge register                                    */
+  __IO uint32_t  FALL;                              /*!< Pin interrupt falling edge register                                   */
+  __IO uint32_t  IST;                               /*!< Pin interrupt status register                                         */
+  __IO uint32_t  PMCTRL;                            /*!< Pattern match interrupt control register                              */
+  __IO uint32_t  PMSRC;                             /*!< Pattern match interrupt bit-slice source register                     */
+  __IO uint32_t  PMCFG;                             /*!< Pattern match interrupt bit slice configuration register              */
+} LPC_PINT_Type;
+/* --------------------  End of section using anonymous unions  ------------------- */
+#if defined(__CC_ARM)
+  #pragma pop
+#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
+  /* leave anonymous unions enabled */
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+  /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__TMS470__)
+  /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__TASKING__)
+  #pragma warning restore
+  #warning Not supported compiler type
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================              Peripheral memory map             ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+#define LPC_I2C0_BASE                   0x40000000UL
+#define LPC_WWDT_BASE                   0x40004000UL
+#define LPC_USART0_BASE                 0x40008000UL
+#define LPC_CT16B0_BASE                 0x4000C000UL
+#define LPC_CT16B1_BASE                 0x40010000UL
+#define LPC_CT32B0_BASE                 0x40014000UL
+#define LPC_CT32B1_BASE                 0x40018000UL
+#define LPC_ADC_BASE                    0x4001C000UL
+#define LPC_I2C1_BASE                   0x40020000UL
+#define LPC_RTC_BASE                    0x40024000UL
+#define LPC_DMATRIGMUX_BASE             0x40028000UL
+#define LPC_PMU_BASE                    0x40038000UL
+#define LPC_FLASHCTRL_BASE              0x4003C000UL
+#define LPC_SSP0_BASE                   0x40040000UL
+#define LPC_IOCON_BASE                  0x40044000UL
+#define LPC_SYSCON_BASE                 0x40048000UL
+#define LPC_USART4_BASE                 0x4004C000UL
+#define LPC_SSP1_BASE                   0x40058000UL
+#define LPC_GINT0_BASE                  0x4005C000UL
+#define LPC_GINT1_BASE                  0x40060000UL
+#define LPC_USART1_BASE                 0x4006C000UL
+#define LPC_USART2_BASE                 0x40070000UL
+#define LPC_USART3_BASE                 0x40074000UL
+#define LPC_USB_BASE                    0x40080000UL
+#define LPC_CRC_BASE                    0x50000000UL
+#define LPC_DMA_BASE                    0x50004000UL
+#define LPC_SCT0_BASE                   0x5000C000UL
+#define LPC_SCT1_BASE                   0x5000E000UL
+#define LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE              0xA0000000UL
+#define LPC_PINT_BASE                   0xA0004000UL
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================             Peripheral declaration             ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+#define LPC_I2C0                        ((LPC_I2C0_Type           *) LPC_I2C0_BASE)
+#define LPC_WWDT                        ((LPC_WWDT_Type           *) LPC_WWDT_BASE)
+#define LPC_USART0                      ((LPC_USART0_Type         *) LPC_USART0_BASE)
+#define LPC_CT16B0                      ((LPC_CT16B0_Type         *) LPC_CT16B0_BASE)
+#define LPC_CT16B1                      ((LPC_CT16B0_Type         *) LPC_CT16B1_BASE)
+#define LPC_CT32B0                      ((LPC_CT32B0_Type         *) LPC_CT32B0_BASE)
+#define LPC_CT32B1                      ((LPC_CT32B0_Type         *) LPC_CT32B1_BASE)
+#define LPC_ADC                         ((LPC_ADC_Type            *) LPC_ADC_BASE)
+#define LPC_I2C1                        ((LPC_I2C0_Type           *) LPC_I2C1_BASE)
+#define LPC_RTC                         ((LPC_RTC_Type            *) LPC_RTC_BASE)
+#define LPC_DMATRIGMUX                  ((LPC_DMATRIGMUX_Type     *) LPC_DMATRIGMUX_BASE)
+#define LPC_PMU                         ((LPC_PMU_Type            *) LPC_PMU_BASE)
+#define LPC_FLASHCTRL                   ((LPC_FLASHCTRL_Type      *) LPC_FLASHCTRL_BASE)
+#define LPC_SSP0                        ((LPC_SSP0_Type           *) LPC_SSP0_BASE)
+#define LPC_IOCON                       ((LPC_IOCON_Type          *) LPC_IOCON_BASE)
+#define LPC_SYSCON                      ((LPC_SYSCON_Type         *) LPC_SYSCON_BASE)
+#define LPC_USART4                      ((LPC_USART4_Type         *) LPC_USART4_BASE)
+#define LPC_SSP1                        ((LPC_SSP0_Type           *) LPC_SSP1_BASE)
+#define LPC_GINT0                       ((LPC_GINT0_Type          *) LPC_GINT0_BASE)
+#define LPC_GINT1                       ((LPC_GINT0_Type          *) LPC_GINT1_BASE)
+#define LPC_USART1                      ((LPC_USART4_Type         *) LPC_USART1_BASE)
+#define LPC_USART2                      ((LPC_USART4_Type         *) LPC_USART2_BASE)
+#define LPC_USART3                      ((LPC_USART4_Type         *) LPC_USART3_BASE)
+#define LPC_USB                         ((LPC_USB_Type            *) LPC_USB_BASE)
+#define LPC_CRC                         ((LPC_CRC_Type            *) LPC_CRC_BASE)
+#define LPC_DMA                         ((LPC_DMA_Type            *) LPC_DMA_BASE)
+#define LPC_SCT0                        ((LPC_SCT0_Type           *) LPC_SCT0_BASE)
+#define LPC_SCT1                        ((LPC_SCT0_Type           *) LPC_SCT1_BASE)
+#define LPC_GPIO_PORT                   ((LPC_GPIO_PORT_Type      *) LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE)
+#define LPC_PINT                        ((LPC_PINT_Type           *) LPC_PINT_BASE)
+/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_Registers */
+/** @} */ /* End of group LPC11U6x */
+/** @} */ /* End of group (null) */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif  /* LPC11U6x_H */